Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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the SOcc Beginner action. Fox ju mped out ear ly in the first moto an d left the other 16 rid ers in th e dust. Ras m ussen was ab le to p ick up th e pace later on and came back to steal the win on the last lap . In the second mot a, Rasmussen decided not to work so hard an d too k it with a wire-to-wire victory. In the Old Pharts division, Steve Laninovich pro ved fastes t off the line in bo th motos, but had to se ttle for second on the day as Chris Sw ift mana ged to find a quicker line to the checkered in both races. Ryan Beat contin ued to dominate the Pee Wee action on track two. Beat commanded both his Pee Wee classes, then won hea t one of the junior Cycle (0-8) class. In the seco nd mo to, Beat d ropped hi s Kawasaki on the thir d lap whil e lead ing. After recove ring. he manage d to pass his way back up to second, which earned him overall honors for the day. Dustin Nelson again cha mpioned all three classes he entered. scoring a clean sweep in the 125cc Intermediate, 16-21 Open. an d .25Occ in termediat e classes. . (Above) Charlie Venegas (left) had a good night at Costa Mesa Speedway, sc oring his first double mai n event win of the season. (Bel ow ) Corne ll Canter (67) leads Rusty Whip ple (31), J im Stentz (32) and Terry MacRae during a 30+ Novi ce moto at Starwest Supercross Park. Results P/W FIT: 1. JoIm" Mann (ya m ); 2. Kyle Sum me" (Yam ); 3. Ai mee 'onel (Ya m) ; 4. A.). M ont<1nez (VoI ; S. Chris Ko lb m) ,(Y am ). P/W STK (0-8); 1. Ryan Beat (Yam); 2. Jonathan Rcw.(Y<1m); 3. A.}; 4. Cas Swift (Yam); 5. Phillip Bruscella (Yam). P/W SEM·MOD (0-8): 1. Bea t (Yam) ; 2. Cas Sw ift (Ya m) ; 3. C h ris C au d illo (V4lm); 4. JON IN" Rcse (Ya m) ; S. b e Wra y (Yam). JR Cr'CLE: 1. Richard Lloyd (K.Jw ). JR CYClE STK (().8l: 1. Ryan Beat (Ka w ); 2. Ronan Summers (K.iw ); 3 . Andrew Wage m.m (Ka w ); 4. Jona than Rose (KAw ); 5. Ch rill Ca udillo (lY w). JR CYCLE STK BEG: 1. 8 rt.1on ThomolSo n (Ka w); 2. Steven R088 (Kaw); 3. Juan & 'Vil ia (Ka w); 4. lac Wray (Ka w) ; 5. Cas Swi ft (K.Jw). JR CYQ.e STK (9-11): 1. Emitt Kling (Kaw); 2. Du SIl-f\ Wat' !IOn (K.w);3. JI$US ~11.t5 ( ); 4 . An thony BI"U5C'eIIa (Kaw ); 5. Dustin Good (K.lw). 80 STK (9-11) : 1. Se a n Ha m bl in (Yam); 2. Jl)hn H op ktn s (K.t w); 3. BlUy Laninovich ~ w); 4. Emitt KUng (Kaw); 5. Ousten W ilbKJrl (Suz). 80 MOD (9-11): 1. Corey M.Kombt.'T (Suz ); 2. Sean Peer (Yam) . 80 BEC : 1. Ti m RasmUllM!f1 (Ka w ); 2. M icha el Fo-: (Suz); 3. J.I. Bonanno (Yam ); 4. Jon MeyeB (Kaw); S. Jenn ifer Nelson (Suz). S/ M INI : 1. Andy Hinrington (Kaw); 2. ScottConley (Kaw); 3. Sean Hamblin (Y;un ); 4. JlrlOot;tiIl (Suz); 5. J~ Tarantino (Yam ). 80 NOV STK : 1. Co lby RolIym ond (S uz) ; 2. Ben Hun ld nll (Y.un). 125 INT: 1. Dean Van Riper (K.I w); 2. Da vid Hu ghe9 (Ka w ). 125 PRO: I. Justi n McMwrich (Hon). 250 BEG: 1. Peter J enkins (Hon); 2. Nathan ~ (Hon); 3. Ryan Banford (Hon ). 250 NOV: 1. Pic1ft' LaQuen'e (Hon ) 2. Jon Levey (Hon) ; 3. Pete Ro1el(Suz); 4. Dam y Monroy. (Su2). 250 INT: 1. Steve Cox (Hon). 25. BEC: 1. Czerwinski (Yam) 2. Rob Morel (Yam) ; 3Dus tin Nort hrip (Kaw); 4. Jeff Greene (Ka w ); 5. Mike Ralph s CHon). 25+ NO V; 1. Jonat han Levey (Hon); 2. Paul Wright; 3. And y Ky"" (Hon). 30+ BE 1. T.e. Brinegar (H on); 2. Bob Palacios (Yam); 3. G: Ron Bates (H on ); 4. Mike Jacbon (Yam) ; 5. Jim M.1 ters (Kaw ). s 30+ NOV: 1. M.u e Keec h (Suz); 2. Jim Stentz (H on ); 3. Greg CoJl (H on ); 4. TI'TT)' Ma cRae (Suz); S. Jon Nixon (Kaw) . 30+ EX 1. BobbyCole (Suzl. : 40+ NOV: 1. Ji~ Beck(; 2. Ken Madsdan ( ). Venegas twice victorioUs at Costa Mesa Speedway By M. Sober COSTA MESA, CA, MAY 13 Current Wo rld in door Ice Raci n g Cha m p ion Charli e Venegas took victo ries in b o th th e Scratch and Handica p ma in s at Costa Mesa Speedway while bac k-ya rd a ge Support-clas s rider Randy Skinner took the win in that class . Dir k Ga rdner and Doug Lynch tea med up for the Miss ion Yamaha American Speedway Sidecar main even t win. All Five o f the Scratch m a in p a rtici p an ts were slow to stage for the night's richest race, eKcept for Venegas who pushed off first an d initi a ll y li n ed u p on h is Ro ck N j av a / Motion Pro/BOW &: Associa tes/ Rich Doc Racing/D&:F Engin eering /Nj K/ Adva nce Sus pensio n-supported Jaw a in the Jan e two starting position, only to back out again once the othe r fou r had settled in. Drawing the pole was josh Larsen. In sta ll th ree w as Rob ert Pfetzin g, while Ga ry Hicks held down four and Mike Faria sat on the far outside. Venegas didn't stall around when the sta rting tap es were tri ggered. He wa s first off th e line and drove for the first tum with Larsen just inches be hi nd h im. Ven eg as and Larsen came together jus t as th ey passed th e apex between turns one an d two. Venegas came out ahead in the encounter, findin g a good line and a healthy bit of tra ct ion , leaving Lar sen to bobbl e and scra mble just to maintain second pla ce a!'ead of Faria, who stayed on a wide line an d ap propriated third place ahead of Pfetzing. Venegas was fas t and s moo th. s tead il y pulling away as Larsen and Faria battled a few bike len gths behind. Larsen drifted slightly wide in tum four of the thi rd lap, a llowi ng Faria to close the gap and pressure him for seco nd place . But it wa sn't to be, as Larsen held on an d took th e brid esma id 's spot ahead of Fa ria. Pfetzing was fourth and Hicks fifth. ' Before the Hand icap main could stage, there had to be a dr aw ing to determ ine which two of the six riders who qualified for the main off the 4(}.ya rd line wo uld be moving back to join Fari.> on the SO. Hicks and Larsen were the less fortu nat e, while Venegas. Shawn McConnell, Brent Werner an d Pfetzin g stayed put on the 40. And y Northrup com p leted the field on the 30. Venegas took advantage of a rolling start tha t propelled him around Northrup an d into the lead just as the group headed down the back straight for the first time. Northrup held seco nd place, se tting up shop on the blue groo ve for six laps before. Werner finally unseated him . Werner made up some ground on Ven egas. but ran out of lap s and had to settle for seco nd p lace as Venegas took th e che cke re d fla g for the se cond tim e, pro ving tha t Friday the 13th doesn't necessa rily bod e poor luck. Results SCRATOi: 1. Cha rlie Veneg.u U<1w) ; 2. Joah Larsen (W" 3. t'S); M ike Fo1Iri,a U.w); 4. Robert Pfetzing (Wl"S 5. C"y H lcb (We). ); HOCP: 1. Cha rlie' Venego1ls; 2. Brenl Wemt"l' Uaw); 3. Cary Hkb; 4. Robert Pfetzing; 5. Mike Faria. SUP: I. Rand y SIcinnt'!' Uaw ); 2. Brian Po1I pp.t lard O (Wes) ; 3. Ronnir Kemp (W es); 4. BiD Gren'I (Wes); 5. Mikr Reed (Wt'S). SUP B: I. Mike Boy~ U.w ). SDCAR: I. Dirk Gardner/ Doug Lynch; 2. John Molthersonl Dal e Ltoede r. Dubin puts away Barona MX By Homer Enbanks RAMONA, CA, MAY7 jason Dubin managed to hold off a persis tent jus tin Blow er in th e I2Scc Begi nne r class and score the overall win a t Baron a Oa ks Racew ay. Blow er got off the line quickl y an d hdd the lead fo r m ost of bo th mot os, bu t Dub in bl ew pas t in the fast section to win both of them . Micha el Fox and Tim Rasmussen pr ovided 80 EX: 1. lin Doe.ta l (Suz); 2. Andy H a rri ng ton (Ka w) ; 3. Josh T.rantino (Ya m); 4. Scott Conley (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. Jaso n Dubin (Suz); 2. Justin Blower (Kaw); 3. Jason Coleman (Suz) ; 4. Tim Eu lins (ya m); 5. Kevi n Royal (Hon). 125 (U -15): L Ma nn y Arias (Yo1I m ); 2. Jason Colema n (Suz ); 3. Justi n Blowt'l' (!Caw ); 4. Tim Elkins (Yam) ; 5. Jason Abbo tt (Yam) . 125 NOV ST K: I. Willion Nichols (5 uz ); 2. M. n ny Mi., (yillm); 3. J acob Elson (Suz) ; 4. D.wid Hunldns (H on ); 5. Sha wn Ireland (Suz). . 125 NOV MOD: 1. JOKhWllli.lonu (H on) ; 2. Dami.l n Pa te l'XJ(l (JC.a w);3. J.!lOn Abbott (Yo1Im). 125 JNT: 1. Dusti n Nelson (Kaw ); 2. Tun Bea tty (yam); 3. Josh Ta ra ntino (yam); 4. Shawn Ellis (Suz). 125 ( 16--21) I. Du sti n Nelson (Xa w) ; 2. [os h Willia nu (Hon ); : 3. Da mia n Pate1'son (Ka w ); 4. SNwn Ellis (Suz). 250 NOV: 1. D.nit'l Nicho ls (Suz). 250 tNT: 1. Dustin Nelson (Kaw ). O LD PHARIS: I. Chris Swift ( ); 2. Stev e Lan ino vich (Ron); 3. De l 0chl'1~ (Ya m); 4. [).avid Chunn (Yam ); 5. Matt Ne lson (Yill m). Pamintuan grabs Starwest Motocross victory By Davis A. Procida MORENO V ALLEY, CA, MAY7 Round seven of the eight-round Starwest Summer Ope n ing Series saw a large tur no ut of wo me n, and stru tting her stu ff in winning style was none other tha n Jamie Pamintuan. Wh en the smoke cleared , the' American Suz uki support rider was first to the checkered in both Women's class motos. In the first moto. Valerie Monroe rocketed out of the gate an d led th e pack into tum one, but it was Pamintuan ra iling the outsid e line w ho took the lead coming ou t of the comer. wit h Bonnie Warch. Ta mi Rice. Jasm ine Reid and Michelle Bancro ft all in pu rsu it. Mon roe was keep ing Pam int ua n w ithi n s triking ra nge as t hey fin ishe d th e first lap, w hil e Rice was putting the hea t to Warch for t hi rd a n d p u shi ng h a rd ab oard h er Vamer/ AXO/ Shoei-backed RMI25 . But Warc h was riding sma rt and defending the good line. Up front. Monroe m ad e a clean pass on Pamintuan in the triple. only to miss a gear in the com er, allowing the Suzuki rider back int o the lead . Pamintu an took th e ha lfw ay flag, w ith Monroe charging ha rd an d ma king up gro und quickl y - until she oversho t the finish-line tableto p, lan ded hard, a nd went ca reen ing off th e course . Pamintua n took the w hite flag a couple of laps later, but all eyes we re on Monr oe as she had closed to Warch's rea r fende r and was looking for a way around the seasoned rider. Wa rth again protected the good ins id e line, but with one come r remaining. Monroe went up on the berm an d proceeded to double th e next se t of jum ps where Warth elected to take the safe way and single the obstacle. TIle en d result wa s Pamintuan with the moto win and Monroe reclaim· Ing second. warch, Rice and Reid rounded out the top five. When the gate fell for mota two. it was Pamintuan coming from the outs ide line on the gate to sweep throu gh the tu m in the lead . Monroe was in second, only to have Rice cut underneath her and ta ke it away. As the riders came around for the first lap. Rice looped ou t her RM on the grandstand do uble. Picking herself back up and remounting in last, she immediately got back up to race speed but had a long way to go to catch the pack. On the white-flag lap, Bancroft went down in a slick comer and was passed. by both Reid and Rice befo re getting restarted . Mon roe closed in, bu t not enough to cha llenge Pamintuan for th e w in. Wa rch finished a dis tan t third, while Rice ch arged back up to finis h fourth ah ead of Reid . When the results were posted . the final sco res re flected th e seco nd-mota fin ish with Parnin tua n sco ring the overall win followed by Monroe, warch, Rice and Reid. Results P/ W STK:1. Daniel Taft (K'fM) ; 2. Calc Wallace (Yam) ; 3.J.R. Williams (Yam ). P /W MOO: 1. Ricky Oli ver (Yam). 60 (6-8 ): 1. Dan iel T.ft (Ka w ); 2. Ca lc Wa ll.Kr (Ka w); 3. j usti n LaVo....(Kaw);4. Joshua Brown (; 5. RickyOliver (JC.a w). 60 (9-11): 1. Chris Rogers (Kaw); 2. Ja!iOn Ci.Jrletta (Yam ); 3Nrl Wells (JC.a w ); 4. Danny Bird (Kaw). 80 «(}.U ): 1. Ch ris Rogers (Suz ); 2. John Hopkins (K.1w) ; 30Iri5 P.nek (Ya m); 4. J~ Cid rlt.>tta (Suz). 80 (14- 16): 1. Danny Carbon (K.1w); 2. John Thomp!lOn (ya m). MO (12 -16) BEG: 1. Cory Will iams (Yam) ; 2. Chad Sch mi d t (}(aw ); 3. Sha wn Scott (Suz ); 4. Jeff l...eon.J.rd (Kaw); 5. David Cannon (Ya m ). WMN: 1. Jamie Pamintwn (Suz ); 2. Valrie Monroe (Yam); '" Bonnie Watch (Suz); 4. Tami Rice (Suz); 5. Jasm iJ'Ko Reid (Yam ). 125 BEG: l. Cory Gibbons (Yam); 2. Bill Con way (H on); 3. Jeff Hewitt (Hon); 4. Joel Nelson (Ya m); S. Roy Pa ntoeha (Ya m). 125 NOV: 1. Peee Roles (Suz); 2. BNn Brown (Suz); 3. Greg Cadd ings (Suzl; 4_Neil Alonzo (H on ); 5. Adam Pierce (Kaw). 250 BEG: 1. Peter Jen k.ins (Hon); 2. MoI Parsons (Yam ); 3. « KI"f\ Woott.." (lCaw ). 250 NOV : 1. Pete Roles (Suz); 2. Pterre L.Qul"11'e (Hon); 3 . Tony FelhaU5 (Hon); 4. M.1rIas6t' Christian (Yam); 5. Kelly Patton (Hon ). 250 1Nf: 1. Jo1Imie u.mpbell (Hon ); 2. Larry C ross (Ya m). 25..- BEG; 1. Rob Morel (yo1Im); 2. Da ve CzerwiJulk..i (Yam) ; 3. Jeff G~ (Ka w); 4. jeff Fi5h (Suz); S. Mike Ralph5 (Hon). 25+ NOV: I. And y Kyle r (Hon) ; 2. Greg Gidd ings (Su t); 3. Yun Z uidt-'m.\, 4. Cy Z uidema (Ya m) . 25...INT: 1. Skip Godinez (Suz) . 30+ BEG: I. T.e. Bri neg ar (H on); 2. Bob Pa lacios (Yam); 3. Mike [acksc n (Yam) ; 4. Ron Bales (Hon); 5. Johnny lacbon (Kaw). 30 ... NOV : 1. Ma rc Ka och (Suz); 2. Co rne ll Canter (Kaw ); • 3. Jon Niwn (K.\w); 4. Terry MacRae (Suz); 5. Jim Stentz (Hon). 40+ NO V: 1. Kenneth H odgdon (Yam). Key doubles at Lodi ST By Mindyz Mac LODl CA, MAY14 , Mark Key stole the show in both the Open A c1ass and the Pro class during the Stockton M.e.prom oted short track held at Lodi Cycle Bowl's fast quarter-mile oval. In the Open A cla ss it was Steve Mayfield w ho stole the holesh ot off the starting line, but it on ly took Key one lap to di sp lace Mayfield as th e leader. jam ie Aguila r and Dan McDonnell too k u p p osition r igh t beh in d Mayfield and beg an to put the pressure on him . Mayfield held off the pair of riders until the four th lap when McDonnell got by to take over the second position . Mean while up front , Key was ho lding onto his lead while Mayfield was try ing to hold off Agu i1.l , who was trying to work a wheel inside r of May fields' bike. As th e race neared the end , Bobby McDowell a nd johnny Murphree, wh o had been running in fifth an'! sixth, both mo ve up as th e bikes ca me d own th e front straigh t for the final1.lp . McDow ell mad e his move and took over thi rd by pa ssin g Aguilar a nd Mayfi eld. Murphree came up sho rt in his pass ing a ttemp t as he . ran out of straighta way and instead crashed off of Agu ilar's rear whee J and into the tu rn one ha y baies. Key went on to take th e win, with McDonnell finishing seco nd and McDowell taking the third spot. In the Pro ma in event, it wa s Key grab bing the holeshot this time then giving up the lead to Agu ilar, only to take it back on the fourth lap . Agu ilar stayed on the gas and was being chased by Rob Damron. just as it looked as if Damron would move int o second. he went high off the groove, ena bling McDowell and Lonnie Pauly to get by an d take over the third and fourth spots. Again . McD owell tried to m ove up a nd cha llen ge Key but w ould on ly ma ke it to seco nd, pa ssing Aguila r in the p rocess. Key took th e w in, McDow ell was second an d Agu ilar held off Paul y to take third. Results r /w / SIX: l.J.R. A lvt'molZ (yo1Im ); 2. Corey Eaton (Yam ). r /w STK A lB: I. N ic kol es M oorr (Ya m) ; 2. Scott Mey e r (Yam) . . • P /W MOD A lB I C: 1. Stew a rt Barber Jr. (Y"m); 2. Sco ll Mt'yff (Yam) . 60 B/ C: 1 Daniel Jenkins (Ka w) ; 2. JenN BIis (Kaw); 3. C1u.d Ros. (Koa w). SO C: 1. Tony Meiring (lCaw);2. Ryan Wharton (Suz ) 3. Robert Piertr (!Caw ). 80 B: 1. Dusty Mendon (lCaw) .

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