Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The Suzuki 125/ 250cc Pro-Motocross "It was really slippery up there, . Hu ghes said. " If anyone wasn 't sliding it was a miracle." Hughes quickly recovered and held the throttle open on the do wnhill, succes sfully passing Fisher for the lead with li ttle mo re than two laps to go. "Those (SplitFire) g uys were re ally pushing each other. They knew th e track really well," Fisher said. "When 1 tried to step it up, 1 couldn't find the right lines to stay ahead of them." Dobb would catch and pass Fisher as the whi te flag came out, setting up a onela p showdown fo r th e overall wi n . Hughes maintained a little more than a two-second advan tage, but then stalled in Rattlesnake Gulch, allowing Dobb to close in on him. Hughes quickly restarted and wa s able to negotiat e the last few tums to the checkere d flag for the win with Dobb right behind him. Fisher finishe d third with Chamberlain and Gonzal es rounding out the top five in the moto and overall. Hughes was satisified with his come-from-behind perform ance. "I feel good. The competition wasn't as stacked as it is at a National, bu t a win is a win," Hughes said. "I got some good training (for Budds Creek) in today." Dobb, too, was hap py with the way the moto wen t. "I tried to pass (Hug hes), but 1wasn 't going to do anything dirty because you really have nothing to lose here," Dobb said. "I don 't th ink anybo dy could 've stayed with us today." • a Carl s b ad Race way Carls b ad. Ca li fornia Re sults: May 14-15. 1994 SO UN D OF TH UNDER: J. Creg Zitterkopf (K1M); 2. Mike Young (A TK); 3 . Sha un Kales (Hbg); 4. Terry Fowler (Hbg); 5. Dave Co upe (H us); 6. Crai g Canoy (A DB); 7. Gordon Wa rd (ATK); 8. Ray Crumb (Ha n); 9. Kenny Olsen (Hbg); 10. John Campbell (Han). PRO: 1. Ryan H ughes (K.1w); 2. James Dobb (K.1w); 3. Mike Fish er (Ka w); 4. Mike Chamberlain (Hon); 5. Phi l La w ren ce (Suz) ; 6. Pedro Gonzales (K.1 ); 7. Derek w Na tv ig (K.lw); 8. Ton y Ama radio (Kaw); 9. Todd Aowes (H a n); 10. Corey Keeney (K.1w). VET PRO: 1. Marty Smi th (Ka w); 2. Rex Staten (Kaw); 3. Rob Webber (Ha n); 4. Jeff Surwall (Han) ; 5. Vincent DeLu ca (Ho n). 80 BEG: 1. Brian Morg an (Ka w) ; 2. Sammy Filippone (Ya m) ; 3. Kirk Chand ler (Han ); 4. C ody Shie lar (Kaw) ; 5. Jorge San che z (Suz) . 80 JR: 1. Frank Dato (5uz); 2. Brandon Morgan (Kaw ). 125 BEC : 1. Chris Johnson (Suz ); 2. Reed Bowman (Han); 3. Mall Sm ith (Kaw); 4. C rai g Rood (K.1w); 5. Sha wn Tuo hey (Yam) . 125 JR: I. Bryan Co x (Ho n); 2. Davi d Jenkins (Suz) ; 3. Colin Eberl y (Ho n); 4. John Nelso n (Yam ); 5. Josh Wainer (Ho n). 125 INT : 1. Ty Kad y (5uz); 2. Dustin Nelson (K.1w); 3. Fred Willert (5uz); 4. Kurt Rood (Kaw ); 5. Stev e Butler (Yam ). 250 BEG: 1. Chris Wt.'edon (Kaw); 2. Mike C rumb (Hon); 3. Jeff Lusdale (Hon); 4. Duane Webster (Han); 5. Mart Parsons (Yam ). 2SO JR: 1. Chris Alvarado (Hon); 2. Jim Hawkins (Yarn); 3 . Steve Stone Jr. (Yam); 4. Rog Oren (Yam); 5. er Coli n Eberl y (Hon). 150 I NT: 1. Scott Sea s e (Su z); 2. Du sti n N el son (Kaw); 3 . Jason Field.' (Suz); 4. Willie Miller (Hon); 5. Ty Kady(Suz). 500 BEC: 1. Bob Bra n dum (Ka w ); 2. Eric Dahl (Hon); 3. Dan Campbell (H on); 4. David Lever (Hon); 5. Bob Sw ien (K.1w). 500 )R: I. Nick Costello (Ya m); 2. Rod ney Landry (H an); 3. Eric Carr (K.1w); 4. Jo hn Too key (Han) . 25-29 BEG : 1. Axe l Mn ich (Ka w) ; 2. Charle s Moorman (yarn ); 3. David Gilbertson (Yam ); 4. leff Eary (Yam); 5. Mart Lang (Kaw) . 2S-29 IR: I. Ken Mallow (Kaw ); 2. Riel: Price (Suz); 3. Jeff Seife rt (Suz) ; 4. John Thomas (Yam); 5. Scort H ack (Yam). 25·29 INT: 1. Ia n Fitzgibbon (Ka w) ; 2. Ia n Roc (Ya m ); 3. G iova n ni Sjj'inan (Ya m) ; 4. Jim Hawkins (Yam); 5. Taylor Ma ree (K.1w). 30+ BEG : I . Kevin Crowther (H an); 2. Jerry Sechler (K.1w ); 3. Creg Roder (Han); 4. Toby Ta ki (Han); 5. John Was hburn (5uz). 30+ JR: 1. Jeff Gray (H on); 2. Ma r k Da v enport (Ya m); 3. Edmond Moore (Yam); 4. Mar k Bicl:ley (K.1w); 5. Bill Reimer (Yam). 30. INT: I. Eric Smi th (Hon); 2. Ty Swartz (H on); 3. Joe Bond (Ho n); 4. Ken Erb (Kaw); 5. Rob Wil shir e (Ha n) . 35+ lR: 1. Bill Mela ns on (Suz); 2. Don Vi_~gil i o (Yam ); 3. Michael Ronk (Suz); 4. Kirk Chapman (Ka w ); 5. Randy Les ter (Kaw). 35+ I NT: 1. Joseph Gonzalez (Mai); 2. Ron Ru ff (KTM); 3. Jeff Mason (Kaw); 4. Rob Wilshire (Han); 5. Ted Kukla (Yarn). WMN JR: 1. Beck y Ku kla (Kaw); 2. Jodi H oll ow (Suz); 3. Lydia Couch (K.1w). W MN EX: 1. Bonni e Waren (Suz); 2. Debb ie Mathews (Kaw). BM BR k I. Ron Siebe (Yarn); 2. Eric Smith (Hon). 4-STRK AM: I . Michael Protzman (Hon); 2. Kevin Knox (Hon); 3. Danna Brag (Hus); 4. Creg Hull (Hon); 5. Scort Rayvon (Hon). tionals SOUT lUlC H --."-... $27 000 • • ~ ' .. pert Purse • Trophiesontingency • Awards '" MIA S A N C T IO N E D • ·U K I DIRTt;!Mt SHIRTS For more Inform ati on. pleas e call: (413) 569-6801 or (413) 569-6835 or (413) 569-9055 AESTR ICTIONS ; No fires. loud music , fire works. drugs or alcoholic beverages. If you inten d to party or create a disturbance. ple as e stay at ho me. for we conduct a family spo rting event. Any violato rs will be asked to leave . NO REFUNDS GIVEN. HI. ,J1 ~., ADVANCESALEDISCOUNTCOUPON... onWeekendIicketsonly!Al participating SuzuJd Dealersin Vermont Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and SPALDING. _'E:w 0I661UiE PIGGI\ Inll'1ll.tialwl Airport lU:Ho21 ·~ 111 i2 SCOTT~S."" · DISTRICT 22 Moroney's 813-817 Union Avenue Newbu~12550 (914) 5400 RESTI\ORI\NT ..~ New Hampshire. (Offer gooduntiiJune 20. 1994.) DISTRICT 24 Bettencourt's Honda/Suzuki 31 S. Main Street W. Bri'§%ewater, MA 02379 ( 8) 587- 1701 New En9:and Cycle Center 73 iebert Aoad Hartford. CT 06120 (203) 527.Q822 Suzuki of Weste m Massachu setts 43 W. Stat e SI. RI. 202 Granbr MA 01033 (413 467 -3131 New London Coun~ MlC 1416 Gold Sta r wy Groton. CT 06340 (203) 445-9746 Cycl es 128 107 Bnmball Avenue Beve31' MA 01915 (S08 927-3400 Central Sports Aoute 12 Plainfield. CT 0637 4 (203) 886-2407 HondalS uzuki World 250 Oakland Beach Ave. Warwic k, AI 02889 (401) 738 -0488 Enfield Motor Sport 27 Palomba Dove Enfield. CT 06082 (203) 741-2173 Lowe ll HondalKawasakilS uzuki 170 ~h';1rrrboro Ad. (Rl e. 3A) N. C e rnstord, MA 01863 . (508)251-4440 Parkway C~le 1865 Revere Beach ~ (Ate 16) Everett. MA 021 9 (617) 389-6999 %c1e World . Inc. 168-1 AockiA9ham Road Londonde31' N 03053-21 11 (603 437.Q290 Suzuki of Northboro Aoute #9, W. P.O. Box 103 Northboro. MA 01532 (508) 366-8244 Tri-Sports 139 MalO Street Topsham. ME 040 86 (207) 729-3328 Scott Motorsports 362 Flat Aoof Mill Ad. Aoute 10) Swanzey. NH 3446 . (603) 357-9999 Fred~'s Crnle Center bOIl Wareham Suzuki 3095 Cranberry Hwy &~te 28) Wareham. MA 0 (S08) 295 -5392 94 rank in Street aUin~. MA02169 (61 847-0001 ~icMotors 21 Wes t Avenue Pa¥rtucketAI02860 (401) 727.Q510 LJ~~~~~I SS Souvenir yearbook The Official Event Program of the Coors Light Challenge Now. you can read all about the 1 Supercross season: Factory learn line-ups. interview rider numbers. 994 s. the tracks. top 125cc and 250cc stars. 1994 schedules. autograph pages and more! ISA/Mastercard Accepted Retail Price 55.00 ea. (foreign price 56.50 ea). V Everything you'll want to know about the 1994 season is here in this all-color. glossy Supercross Souvenir Y order just call toll free 800-831 -2220. or better yet- Visit your local Motorcycle Dealership and pick-up a copy. 35

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