though t I was over it, but the lack of
training got to me physically as the race
wore on . That is why I fell, I was happy
with third under th e circu mstances,"
said Smets.
When Smets crashed, it was Hansson
who took over se cond . "I go t second
when Smets fell the first time, then I
w e n t down, m yself, in the whoops
before he fell again and handed second
back tome."
Hulsen had been challenging for
fourth early on, but eventually dropped
back to sixth. "I simply got tired . 1 don't
ha ve to ride for so long in a day in Holland and I had underestimated how
much strength I needed to race these
guys. But now I know and can get ready
for the Dutch GP next month."
Another racer highly sa tisfied with
his second race score wa s Siggi Bauer.
Th e Austrian hard-pack specialist had
never ridden in such cond itions before.
"I ha d in tended to p ractice sand rid ing
technique with Ha rry Everts in Belgium
in Febru ary, but it never stopped raining all mon th. I showed (in the Austrian
GP) at Sittend orf that I am as fast as the
four-strokes on hard-pack and that is
where we go nex t in Italy and Slovakia ."
Liles was less ha pp y with his secondmoto performance, as he crashed an d
DNFed. "It was only a small fall, but
(Danny) Theybers was right behind me
a nd co u ld n' t avoid running into m y
bike. I tried to carry on, but the pipe was
off and the power was gone."
Liles' new boss, multi-time World
Champion Georges [o be, did not race;
he is still troubled by the effects of the
tra pped nerve in his left shoulder.
British GP
Hawkstone Park, England
Res ults : May 15, 1994 (Round 4 of 12)
M OTO 1: 1. Jacky Mar tens (H us); 2. Joel Sme ts
(VeT); 3. Carl o Hulsen (lion); 4. Ma.rcus Hansson (Hon);
5. Billy UIes (H on ); 6. Ronny Weustenraed (Hon); 7.
. Johan Boonen (Kaw); 8. Darryl! King (Kaw ); 9. Ieremy
Whatley (H on) ; 10. Gerald Delepine (H on ); 11. Avo
Leek (Kaw); 12. DiUUlY Theybers (H on); 13. P,., . Dir kx
(Han); 14. Chris Jacobs (Hbg); IS. Dirk Geukens (Hon).
M OTO 2: 1. Marte n s; 2. Hanson; 3. Sm ets; 4.
weusreeraed.' 5. Boonen: 6. H ulsen; 7. Geukens; 8.
Delepine; 9. Wha ~ey; 10. Lcojc 11. King; 12. Siggi Bauer
(Kaw); 13. Juri Ru ul (Han); 14. Mirosl av Kucirek (!