Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Five-time World Champion Jordi Tarres
(G-G) was the winner at round four of
the World Championship Trials Series, .
held May 21-22 in Osnabruck, Germany.
Angel Garcia (G-G) .w as second while
Takumi Narita (Bet) rounded out the
top three. Tarres gained some breathing
room over Marc Col omer, fifth in Germany, in the series point standings, and
now has a lo-point lead, 68-58. Former
World Champion T ommi Ahvala is
third wi th 50.
Having the home court advantage, Italian riders dominated the third round of
the World Championship Enduro Series
in Bergamo, Italy, May 21-22. Tullio
Pellegrinelli (Yam) was the 175cc
(250cc) class winner and top overall
sc orer, while Giorgio Grasso (Yam)
ac ed th e 125cc class. Arnoldo Nicoli
(Hus) and Mario Rinaldi (KTM) tied in
points for overall honors in th e 350cc
Four-Stro ke class, while Fabio Farioli ·
(KTM) wo n the 500cc Four-Stroke d ivision. Grasso main tains his points lead in
the 125c c cla ss over Fin land's Silvan
Petteri, wh ile Italia n Giovani Sala ho lds
on to his points advantage over Pellegrinelli in the 250cc d ivision. Rinaldi has
a narrow five-poin t lead over Sw ed e
Peter Jansson, while Finla nd's Kari Tianen ha ngs on to a 10 p o int lea d over
Farioli in the 500cc Four-Stroke class.
John Wincewicz (H-D) was the winner
of round two of the AMA 600cc Nati onal Ch ampionship Dirt Track Series, held .
at Hannegan Speedway in Bellingham,
WA, May 21. Mickey Fay (Rtx) was the
runner-up, followed by Rick Hocking
(Rtx ), Dan Stanley (Rtx ), and Dan
McDonnell (Rtx). Six-time series champions Chris Carr did not compete, and
sits in a tie for the seri es point lead with .
Rodney Smith (Suz) made it two in a
row w h en he won round five of the
AMA National Championship Reliability Enduro Series in Olympia, Washington, May 21-22. Smith overcame a 16second day-one de ficit to w in the
two-day Quali fier b y 20 secon d s .
Rounding out th e top five w ere Ty
D a v i s (Kaw ), Da v i d e Trolli (Ka w ),:
David Kerling (Yam ) a n d Randy
Hawkins (Suz).
Northwest Racing (Hon) topped round
four of the AMA/CCS Middleweight
Team Challenge Series at Laguna Seca
Raceway in Monterey, California, on
May 21. AG V Spo rts Group (Hon) was
the runner-up team followed b y H .I.
Racing 2 (Hon), Team Red Baro n (Hon)
and Toys & T ru cks (Suz).
In the Unlimited Team Ch all en ge at
Laguna Seca Raceway on May 22, Erion
Racin g (Hon) scored the win, while the
Fastline MCM Suzuki (Suz) team finished second. Completi ng the top five
teams were Team Kawasaki Muzzy
(Kaw), Team Labelle (Hon) and Dominator (Suz).
The Virginia Breeze Racing (Yam) team
topped the field at the fou rth round of
th e
WERA /Sun oc o /Per fo rm an ce
Machine National Endura nce Series a t
Summit Poin t Ra ceway in Summ it
Po int, West Virginia, on Ma y 21-22.
Team Suzuki Endurance (Suz) finished
on the same lap as the winningteam to
claim second, while Team Pearls Suzuki (Suz) finished thi rd .
Da vid Rop er (Mat) and Stephen Mathew s (Ma t) traded wins in the 500cc Prem ie r class during round fi ve of the
A HRMA Historic Cup road racing
series at Gra ttan Raceway Park in Belding, Michigan, on May 21-22. Roper took
the class victory in Saturday'S fea ture
while Mathews top ped Sunday's eve nt.
Mathews (Due) also rode to victory in
Battle of the Twins action while Da vid
Knapp (Rtx) scored a d ecisive win in the
Sound of Singles Expert class .
Rick Doughty (Tri) was the he avy hitter
during round five of the AHRMA /Vintag e Iron Nation al Mot ocross Ser ies at
Grattan Racewa y Pa rk in Beld in g,
Michigan, on May 21. Dou ghty topped
the Sportsman Open Tw in Expert class
as well as the Sportsman 500cc Expert
Mike Atkins narrowly d efe at ed Dick
Mann in the Premier Heavyweight class
AHRMA /British Bike Magazine Trials
Series at Grattan Raceway Park in Belding, Michigan, on May 22. Randy Lusk
was the winner in the Premier Light-
AMA makes instant weight
chan efor twins
he AMA made a somewhat stunning annou ncement during its first AMA Road
Race Advisory Committee meeting in Monterey, California, on Monday, May 23
all superbikes, both twin and multi-cylinder, competing in the U'S, Superbike
Series will weigh a minimum of 355 pounds, beginning with the next round of the
series at Road America on June 12.
"We have a responsibility to create a balanced opportunity:' AMA director of professional racing Roy Jans on said. "The twin's rules were established when the only
twins racing w ere BMWs and Moto-Guzzis. We're going to level the playing field . The
advantage that has been enjoyed by the twins is no longer necessary. This will be evaluated throughout the year. Now every mo torcycle that goes on the race track will
weigh the same."
While twin-eylinder motorcycles can still run to their 1000cc limit, the increase in
the minimum weight has increased 20 pounds - up to 355 from the 335-pound lim it
which was instituted at the end of last season. This is the second rule change in regard
to minimum weight in a span of only five months; the twins previously carried a mini"'