Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SR EX: 1. John Franco (Suz); 2..JOlIoC'ph Mft'riII (Han);). Rich c.ea vano (Yam); 4. Jeff Stempel (lion); 5. ltd. F.lltigak (Hon). VlNT: I . Muk Wund.rlin (lUlw); 2. ThorruilS 8enti ...egn.ll ("w); 3. Guy Di I'idro (ICTM) . LT MOL: 1. Dmnis RobiMOn (Hon ); 2.. P~uI WerthrimeT (lion); ). Anthony Cangonf' (Hon); 4. Ben Un.i (Hon); 5. John Whit.akr (Hon). SCHBY: 1. Mike ltJ.usch (Suz); 2.. Toby Lrvinr (K.lw); ). GI'Pgory Goldtu. (YAm); 4. ~ Goklin:g (yAm); S. 0.00 Oi PirtrD (KIw). CLCBY I . Eric FJogg(lim); ~ Duano I:Ieppo (K>w ); 3. John ; Chilvolo (K.1w ); 4. ~n (lion). 2S+ NOV : 1. John M.illgrm (K.w); 2.. JMnrs Bon (~w); 3. Kevin Lucas (lion); 4. Ronnir Rodriguez oc.w); 5. Virant s.!.Im- en.. Of'If'{K.w). 25+: 1. o.nny~ (Han); 2..Thorn... Lequtriqur (lion); 3. JUdy'" e-.. (Hon); .. Jd/ Soompd (Hon~ S. 0."", e."p~1Iy (Y...~ Carey cranksout Perris MX win By Tony Alessi (Above) Keny Terracclimo (155) terro rized the competition In the 125cc Beginner class at the Los Angeles County Raceway motocross. (Below) Billy Joe Mercier (501) aced the Pro class during the GR Super Saturday MX at Perris .Raceway. PERRIS, CA, MAY 7 . Wes Carey was unstoppable in the 125cc Beginner ranks by pos ting a convincing doubl e-moto sweep of the class during GA 's Supe r Saturday MX at Perris Raceway. The openi n g 125cc Beginner moto sa w a three-way battle between Nick N orton, Kyle Baird and Wes Carey develop. By the second lap of the 12-lap moto, Carey moved past both Baird and Norton and took control of the pace . Armed with a brand-new Honda CR12S, Carey opened a lead that wouldn't be challenged and went on to lead all the remaining laps for the molo victory. Norton had a stron g ride for seco nd , fol lowed across the finish line by Kyle Baird , Rob Freedland and Chris Rogers, who was ridin g a n BOcc machine. The seco n d moto s a w Care y pull th e holeshot a nd wav e good-bye. Car ey ou t-distanced early challenger Nick Norton and went on to a convincin g mota and overall win. Norton once aga in wa s sec ond while Freedland , Williams and Baird rounded out the lop five. Billy Joe Mercier is quickly gaining a reputation as a racin' machine . Mercier, who has been racing Friday nigh ts, Satu rd ays and ·Sund ays nea rly fou r t imes p er wee k a boa rd h is Wiseco/ Motul-backed Yamahas - went to work in the Pro class and came aw ay with first place cash fo r the d ay. Mercier w on bo th mot os in fro nt of Terry Fow ler, Steve Andrich, Go rdon Ward and Ray Hensley. Results 50 BEG: 1. Contn-ru (lion); 2.. Steve- MUMd; 3. Cok ~ (Below ) Jason Omanson's (91) 2·3 mot o scores captured th e ove rall win In the 250cc Beginner class at th e CMCJSunsta r Sprockets Spri ng Classic Nati onals held at LACR. 60 BEG: 1. Mike Airui (1C.Iw) 2.. Brilldm urson (1C.I w); 3. ; M.itt MeDlniel (K.w); 4. Erick.St.Inton (KiIIw) ; 5. Jdf ~ (Y~m). 80 BEG: I. Cory Williams (yillm); 2.. Mall urpenrer (K.iw); 3. OW Reg... (Suz). 12S BEG: 1. We. u~ (lion); 2.. Nd Norton (Suz); 3. Rob Freedt.nd (Suzl ; 4. KyifO &ird (Su.r.) S. John S.ndns (Suz) . ; 125 PRO: I. Steve Andrich (Suz); 2.. RayHt'f\51ey (Hon). 2SOBEC: 1. Scotty unon (Suz) ; 2..G.\ry Ti&ut' (Hon); 3. John Jump (Hon); 4. Tom SUr.nford (Hon) ; 5. Jrffrey Paul (Suz ). 2SONOV: 1. David McCown (Hon); 2..Bm: Milan (Ya m). 2SOlNT : I. Casey Lytlr CH ); 2.. Garth MiLJn (lU w); 3. Stev. on Cox (Hon). 2SOPRO: 1. Billy Mercier (Yillm) . 500 PRO: I. Terry Fow~Cordon W.rd (Anq. 25+ NOV : 1. Frill k Viii. (Suz); 2. Cillry H.arilld. (Yilm); 3. n Hmry Koko!imski (Hoa); 4. Jeff White (ylUII). 30+ [NT: 1. l.orft\ Pochirowski (Hon); 2.. Willy lUney (Suzl; ). Rand y Skinnt-r (Suz); 4. Mike M.arion(Han). 35+ NOV : 1. I y Larson (HOlt); 2.. Tony P"~ns (V.m); 3. WayneCArt'Y (Yill m); 4. J« k.Phinn;5. MOOI1! (Suz) . 40+ AM: 1. Ven Buwalda (Yam). 40+ MSTR: 1. Rich Einkdt (Hon); 2. Tom Whiw (K.iIw ); 3. J.iId: Rotft\ (Yam ); 4. Tony P~nons (Yam ); 5. Mik Ml.rion (Hon). Terracciano levels LACR Night Motocross By Greg Robertson SR MlNI: 1. M.lrk Wesno&.ke (Suz); 2. Dale Robrrbon (1GIwl; 3. Kenhel Anthony (Ki w): 4. Donnie Barrett (ylIm); S. Eric loec.Il · t.o{yam). 125 NOV A: t . A nthony c.nsone (Hon); 2. John Mallgrm (K. w ); 3. Chris Zbod u ~ (IC,Iw) ; 4. RmuUe Rodripe:z (K.I w) ; S. 1M u nMl (K.iw ). 125 NOV a: I. Min Rausch (Suz); 2. J ohnChlavolo (lUw); 3MlclY el Imgo (Suz); 4. Toby Levine ( Ka w); 5. Eric H.lompaon (Suz) . 250 NOV B: 1. Dan Andmaon (lion); 2.. William DroakoKi - (Han); 3. Joe e..-t (Yam); 4. }.ames Hove (Yun); S. KPlin Luc. (Hon). 12S Mt J. Eric FLogg (Hon); ~ John _ (K>w); 3. R.... Lombonlo (Suz); " Duano I:Ieppo(K>w~ S. OW c"W (Suz~ 250 AM: 1. Eddie HololOO (Kaw); 2. Danny O'K~fe (Hon); 3. Richard Coane (Hon) ; 4. Andrew Signonello (lYw); 5. Dona ld Murphy (Hon). OPFN AM: 1. OoNld Murphy (Hon); 2. Thomas Ltquerique (Han): 3. ROOm Ja rvis (Hon); 4. ROOm Juvrt (Hon); 5. Darren Gton~ny (y am) . SR AM: l. Donald Murphy (Ho n); 2. Robm J..rvi l (Hon) ; 3. Don iWmussen (Hm); 4. J atnel Redl in (Hon); 5. Jor Dill (iYw). S/S R: 1. Bud Fer (ICTM); 2. john Sl nuth (lion); 3. john m.. rmtino (Hoa); 4. Ted Squires (Han); 5. Dmn. ~ Craff ~w}. 125 EX 1. }M1CIlMcDvainr (Hon); Z. Brian Mulry (Han); 3. : Mike Mkheb (Suz~ 150 EX 1. John Liu rine (Hoo); 2. John B.amor (K.Iw); 3. Rich : Cacavano (Yam); 4. Mike Michds (Su.z) . PAlMIiALE. CA, MAY 6 Honda CR12S-mounted Keny Terracciano sp lit molo wins with Shaun Mitchell en route 10 conquering a co mpetitive 125cc Beginner class in the California Racing Oub's Friday night season opener at Los Angeles County Raceway . Vic to r Banuelos, Dustin Cou rtney and Mitchell argued over the lead as the first moto got underway. Terracciano had trou ble on the opening lap and found himself ncar the back of the pack. By the midway po int in the race, it became a two-rider shootout for the lead between Banuelos and Mitchell. Terracciano was slicing through the field, all the way to third place by the white flag. The last lap was a !reefor-all with Mitchell comin g ou t on top over Terracciano and then Banuelos. Noa h Adams ed ged ou t Te rr accia n o a nd Se t h Kee na for th e se con d· m o to hol esho t. Adams immediately came under fire from Terracciano as he sta rte d dogging h im in every turn. Mitchell out-jumped Kenna for third, but Keena then shot past Mitchell at the Kal Ga rd tow er jump. Mitchell retaliated down the back straigh t with a pass .tha t stuck. A fien:e, three-way battle for the lead developed with Terracciano and Mitchell glued to Adams' back fender. Terracciano cleared a dou- ble that Adams didn't, whkh set him up to rail a ro u nd Adams in the foll ow in g turn for the lead. Seconds later, Mitche ll jumped past Adams in to second and set ou t after Terra cciano. Th e final tw o laps saw Terracci ano and Mitchell circulate the sandy track only a few feet apart When the checkers fell, Terracciano held a bike-length advantage for the molo and overa ll win. Mitchell took home a second place trophy for his efforts. Adam's thin:! place finish in molo two edged out Banuelos's 3-6 score for thin:!overall. Results P/W 8-2: 1. Jdl Alesi (Yam ); 2..Tammy Me D&rUd (Yam); 3. J.) . Noone (11J) 4. Aron Tomou (Yillm) 5. Chrmophft' Jancich ; ; (Y...~ P/W 8--1 1. Mike Alessi (yillm); 2.. Ryan Roy bal (yam); 3. : Tram S...1s (Yam) ; 4. Brett Mounbin (Yam ); S. Ch.uif'I ~ (Y.un). P/W A: 1. Sf'.mCoDirr(Yam); 2..Chris Nihan (Y.m). 60 BEG: 1. BlAke Margheim( ~w ); 2. 8r.wkoy .~ (Kaw); 3. JohnatNn I\kwtn.1n (Kolw); 4. R.Jd N.lUma (Xaw) ; S. 6I'I.'tt Mountilin(1C.Iw) . 60 (o.s): 1. Seen Collif"l' (K.w); 2..Q\ris N ihan (K.lw). 60 (9-11): 1. Bl.lke Mitehrll (; 2.. I.R.. Tf'fT)' ~w); 3. J my Cru... (1C.Iw) . 80 BEG:1. Justin Merill mbko(yillm); 2..BLtle MitcheD(K.Iw); 3. Shillne Mitch ell (lUIw); 4. Chu S mi th (!Caw) ; 5. R.yan Ho lder (yam). 80 (1-11): 1. J.R Terry (Suz); 2..)01"1HilntOll (yillm). 80 (12·13): 1. M ich~l Young (Suzl; 2.. Ito POlla (Yillm); 3. RidIard Sazaml (Suz); 4. Joe Mc.ondou (lUw). 80 (14-16): I. Crorge u Mont. (Suz) . 125 BEG : 1. Kl!! ny Ter reccian c (Hon); 2. Shillun Mit chdl (Kaw ); 3. Noah Adams (Suz); 4. Vl.ct r & nueJos (Suz); 5. Dustin u Courtnon (Hon~ VET PRO: 1. Mad: HorIu\ (Yam ). SRBEG:1. L.uT)'Kinch (Hon). Omansonastonishing at LACR By Scott Hoffman PALMDALE,CA. MAYI Consisten t moto finish es put Jason Omanson on the podium in the 250cc Beginn er class during round three of the C MC/Su ns ta r Sp roc ke ts Spring Classic Nationals at Los Angeles County Raceway. In the first molO, it was Dustin Dalley lead ing the fiel d in to th e firs t turn followed b y Omanson and Scott Pemberton. fn the opening parts of t h e fir st lap, Pemberton made a n unscheduled de tour off the track that let Cory Hudson , Darren Rivers, Trigger Gumm and TBone Carley by. Up front, Dalley and Omanson were obli vious to the action behind them as they waged a war of their own. The two riders wen t at it for most of the race un til Omanson fell back after going off the track. Gumm mounted a charge to the front, bu t it was sho rt lived . Gumm then flew pas t both Hudson and Rivers with ease, but a cras h put him back 10 the fifth spot. Gumm charged back from his crash to finish in the fourth spot, while Rivers made a move to take over the third spot from Hudson on the fourth lap and made it stick. At the finish, the order remained the same; Dalley had the win followed by Omanson and Rivers. In the second molo it was Omanson with the early lead, with Dalley and Pemberton trailing. Pemberton moved out front quickly, while Daley and Pemberton duked it out for second . The du o swapped positions back and forth for two laps until Pemberton made a pass stick. Pemberton kept up his momentum and chased after the leader, Omanson. With one lap 10go, Pemberton was breathing down Omanson's neck. But before Omanson could react, he wen t off the track. With Om anson 's m isfortune, bo th Pem be rton a nd a fastmoving Gumm moved past. In the end, Pemberton took the second mo to win with Gumm and Omanson following . Omanson still managed 10 take the overall win with 2-3 mo to finishes. In oth er race action, Jacob Poole scored the win in th e Pee Wee Beginner cla ss, topping Chris Tocco and Jerry Chri sty. 4 Results P/W BEG : 1. Jacob Pool (Yillm) ; 2. C h rt. Tocco; 3. Jerry Qu;sty (yom); ' .)ftry Noon m Q~); s. ........ [)ub;n (Yom). P/W JR: 1. Se.n Collrr-(Yam); 2.. JoeyChristy (Yam);). Richy Hrrnmr (Y~m); 4. Troy TIlliemin' (Y~m). . ). P/W MOO: 1. San Col lier (Yillm);:2..Jory 0u1sty evillm 60 (0.8): 1. JoshlY Gnn' ( ~w); 2..Vincent»ds {K.awl; 3.

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