Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Europeans including Torsten Haliman. Dave Biekers, Joel Robert, and Roger DeCoster; also Americans like Eddie Mulder and Gary Conrad. cing. 45 minutes by Bruce Includes sidehack ra Brown Fil s, from KWB Marketing Group. m and struggled to complete the formidable transcontinental " raid", See all the highlights from the ground and the helicopler cameras in this toughest race of all. 60 minutes. From Powersports Video. . shows you how to do comprehensive service and tuning on Kayaba and Showa cartridge forks. Applicable to dirt and street bikes. Includes bonus 10-page manual. 95 minutes fromForwardMotion Video. (#31 ) 2-S!rokil engine Design & Tuning ('143) 1967 Hopetown 250cc Motocross ('110B)1992 Blackwater 100 250cc Hopetown action from 1967, also includes 60minutes from Motovideo. . Dirt Rider magazine's Eric GOIT demonstrates "powder pufr women's event. 25 minules by. how to use TSR computer programs to design Bruce Brown Fil s, from KWB Marketing Group. m (#11OC) 1993 Blackwater 100 cylinder porting, combustion chambers and This special extended-length Blackwater video pipes. learn how to use porting tools an a (' 178) Wanna Race? d (#144 1968 Baja 1000 ) ercrossings, and lathe to machine engine parts. Includes bonus Doug Polen, Jamie James, Scott Russell, brings you allthe mud bogs, riv The 2n running ofthe now legendaryBajarace. difficult mountainous terrain on the infamous 30-page manual. 120 minutes from Forward Donald Jacks and other top racers show you d . how to ge off the street and into club road ract Ev hing from VW vans to motorcycles, Ford Blackwater 100. Narrated by Larry Maiero. 77 MotionVideo eryt ing; what you need, what to expect, how to get Broncos to dune buggies are driven by every- minutes from Motovideo. body from Indy 500 winners to movie stars. startedat the amateur level. 60 minutes from JR (#24) The Basics ' l/Motorcycle Maintenance Features PamelliJones, JamesGamer, Malcolm • INSTRucnoNAL & Basic maintenance knowledge specifically for Productions. TECHNICAL ••• Smith, and more. 40 minut s by Bruce Brown e HD motorcyc1es; applicable to most any brand. Films, fromKWB Marketing Group. Includes information on spark plugs, identifying • DRAG RACING ('11) RickJohnson - Pro of a Champion file parts, charging systems, the drive chain and priBy John Bradley Entertainment. 78 minutes all mary chain adjustment, bleeding your brakes (#124) The Awesome Factor (#145) 1970 Ascot 100Lap IT This documentary capture the essence of pros J.C. Agajanian's 10th annual 100-lap classic aboutyour favorite "Bad Boy." From Motovideo. and more. 60minutes from Video Manuals. held at Ascot and covered by more than 13 camfessional Harley-Davidson drag racing through eras. Made by Bruce Brown while filming "On ('13)Riding Motocross - GloverStyle! the AMRA Series. See the people who live & (' 25) The H-D EvolutionMotor Any Sunday: Features Mert lawwill, Skip Six-time National MX Champ takes you to his Complete disassembly, service, repair and breathe racing, and the machines that take them Vanleeuwen, and Dallas Baker. 30 minutes secret tracks and shows you how to masterthe assembly ofthe HaMey Evamotor. Includesinfo to the edge. 60 minutesproduced by Panacom, from KWB Markeling Group. art. 60minutes fro mMotovideo. on little-known tricks of the trade and special from Progressive Design. tools necessary for doing the job right. 60min(#15) Mike Hallwood · Champion (#17) How ToBuya Motorcycle ('126) Drag BikeExtravaganza utes from Video Manuals. Follow Hallwood's outstanding career from win- What tolook for to make sure you buy the used , Everything you ever wanted to know about ning 3 ITs in 19 at the age of 21, through 9 motorcyc1e that is right lor you. 30 minutesfrom (#26) HoD TransmissionRepair 61 motorcycle drag racing with commentary by Pro o World Championship victories in the 60's with Molovideo. Complete teardown, repair, service and assem- Stock Nati nal Champion Dave Schultz. 60minMV Agusta & Honda, to his amazing return to bly information onrebuilding Harley-Davidson 5- utesfromPowersports Video racing in the late 70's on Ducati, Yamaha & ('18)"Showtime" Jeremy McGrath speed transmissions. 60 minutes from Video ica's supercross sensation, Jeremy Manuals. • MOVIES Suzukimachines. 60 min. from DukeVideo USA U's Amer McGrath, in his all-new whirlwind video. Highlights Jeremy's record-breaking '93season (#1 6) Kenny Roberts - Champion ('138) Easy Rider (#100) Rick John son's "Motovatlon" This video traces Kenny Roberts outstanding and gives you the inside scoop on Jeremy at Rick Johnson shows you how to approach the This is the classic youth film of the 1960's which s racing career from the American dirt trackstohis practice and play in Southem California. Ifyou're sport 01 MX his way, from mental preparation to reflected the attitude and longings of an entire d d n c- a big Jeremy McGrath fan, Y U have to own physical training and riding technique. 70 min- generation. Two motorcyclists (PeterFonda an O 'll debut an eventual domi ation of GP road ra Dennis Hopper) embark on a ccast-to-coast ing in Europe. Kenny discusses the high & low this up close and personal documentary. 90 minutes from Motovideo. odyssey in search of the real America. 94 minpoint of his GP career and talks about his new utes fromMotovideo. s utes from Progressive Design. life running a GP team. 69 minutes from Duke ('101) Mental Edge (#21)Fundamentals of Off-Road Riding VideoUSA.- Race Tech's Paul Thede exp lainswhy and how ('139)The Wild One Dick Burteson covers suspension set-up and fun(#42) Classic Racer experience damental riding technique. 42 minutes from DB to condition your mind to become a faster off- What's Johnny rebelling against? "What have road and motocross rider by 'learning how to you got: he sneers as an angry young Marton Join Team Obsolete's Dave Roper as they pro- Sports. learn: 23 minutesfrom Race Tech. vide a rider's-eye view of racing their 1962 Brando scorches the screen in this powerful '50s cult classic. 79 minutes from Progressive Matchless G50 during the '92 Manx Grand Prix (#22) Advanced Techniques of (#1 08) A Twist of the Wrist around the Isle of Ma IT circuit. 30 minutes Off-Road Riding n - Design. from Duke VideoUSA Dick Burleson explains advanced motorcycle The definitive road riding & racing instructional set-up and riding techniques forchalle ing ter- video by Ketth Code of the Calffomia Superbike (#140) On Any Sunday ng Schoo Th video translates the book into 14 l. is (#8)CasITol Historyof Motorcycle Racing rain and obstacles. 26minutes from DBSports. sections to make you visualize withcrystal-elear Bruce Brown's classic 1971 film which covers This 3·tape!volume collector's set traces the understanding the art of pavement technique. virtually every form of motorcycle competition defnitive history of motorcycle racing Irom its (123) Practical TireChanging i from the AMA's GrandNational Tour to earliest roots in Europe totoday; Volume 1: How Dick Burleson shows how to make short work of 107 minutes from Motovideo. Motocross; Desert Racing to Ice Racing; the It All Began & the IT; Volume 2: Birth of the changing oft-road motorcycle tires, both with ISDT to the Widowmaker Hillclimb; the Grand Prix & The Japanese Arrival; Volume 3: tubes and the popular bibmousseinsert. 23 min- ('135)Street Smarts The advanced course in urbenstreet ridingsur Bomneville Salt Flats to the 8sinore Grand PrixThe Other Champions & Pressure, Money and utes from DBSpo rts. vival. This 55·minute videois full of tipsand tac- 90 mi utes from KWB Marketing Group. n the Need 1 Win; total 192 minutes from Duke 0 tics gathered from riders who ha had milli ns ve o . Video USA. ('27) this Is Motorcycle Trials of miles experience, and fromexpert road racers (#1 81) Heavy Duty: 90 Years wi H·D Toptrials riders Steve Colley and Sammy Miller who show you safety techniques you can apply An all-around loo at the H·D mystique, from the k explain an demonstra the artoftrialsriding, d te • ENDURO 90th anniversary celebration inMilwauk eeto from basicprinciplesto winning techniques. This toyour street riding. From Slreet Smarts Video. Sturgisan Daytona; a look at the various big d video also covers the development of trials bikes (#77) 1989 International 6-Day Enduro twin designs, a tour ofthe Milwaukee factory, The 64th Annual ISDE from Walidurn, West and the sport over the last 40years, 60minutes ('177) The Ride! The streets are dangerous! If you don't know custombuilt HaMeys and racing, toooo.Hartey from Duke Video USA Germany. 60minutes from PowersportsVideo. what you're up agains you're in trouble. "The drag racing, dirttrackand road racing, including t, Ridel" shows you how to besa on the street. some spectacular crashes. 70minutes from fer ('30) Cartridge Fork service & Tuning (#95)Paris ToDakar 1989 DukeVideo USA For 21 days, 241 bikes, cars and trucks raced Dirt Rider MagaZine's tech editor Eric GorT 40 minutes from JRProductions. • •• ••• ••• r------------------ -- - - --- - ~----------------------- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IIrder Form (Piease fillout completely) Name Address _ Cily State _ _ Zip _ Phone (_ _ ) :... . o c:!m Card' L 0 _ Order Date _ _ Signature Exp. Date - Send C heck or M oney Order payableto: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS P.O. Box498, Long Beach,CA 908010{)498 (Allow U weeksdelivery) Prices subject tochange · please use current or blank der All ofthese VHS tapes are availablefreeofshipping and handling charges, fromCYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS M l to:CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS ai P.O. Box498, Long Beach, CA 9OBOHl498 orcail (310) 427-7433 during business hourS Please rush the following tapes: Oty. Description Amount _ ' 8 Castrol History of MIC Racing @BO.OO _ 1/9 U.S RR Grand Prix'sa e 33.95 . _ ' 10'90 AMA Heritage Homecoming @39.95__ _ '11RickJohnson Profile@39.95 _ '12Dirt DevIls @33.95 _ '13 MX Glover Style e 29.95 _ '15 M Hailwood - Champion e 34.95 ike _ ' 16Kenny Roberts · Champion @34.95 _ ' 17 How To Buy aMoton:ycle @24.95 _'1 8"Showtime" Je remy McGrath @ 34.95 _ _ _ #19 Bany Sheena - Champion @ 29.95 _ _ Oty. Description Amount _ ' 20 GoldenMountain @32.95 _'21 Fundamenlals ofOIR Riding @38.95 _ _ _'22 Adv.Techniques of OIR Riding @33.95__ _ '23 Practical TireChangin @23.95 g _ #24 The Basics 'lIM CMaintenance @89.95 _ #25 H-D Evolution M @89.95 otor _#26HoD TransmissionRepair @89.95 _ '27 This isMofon:ycle Trials @32.95 _ '30 CartridgeFork SelVicelTunin @35.95 _ _ g _ ' 31 2-stk Engine Desig & Tuning @45.95 _ _ n _ ' 41Bi eExperience @34.9 k 5 _ '42C lassic Racer Experience @29.9 5 _'43 IT Tribute @34.95 _ ' 45C'93USSpeedwayNan C'SI1ip @ 29.95_ _ _ ' 51Scott P arker - Champion @39.95 _'SSA '91MX des Nations@34.95 _166 MX Crash & BumII @29.95 _,66A Crash & Bum 111 @29.95 _'76Rainey's Ysar - Inside Story@34.95 _ ' 77 '89 Int'I6-Day Enduro @ 34.95 _ 17 8A'89 Bike GP Compila @39.95 tion _ ' 78B'90 GP Review @43.95 _ 17 '91GP Review@43.95 8C _ 1780 '92GP R eview @49.95 _ I7B E'93GP Review @44.95 _,BOD'93Japanese RR Grand Prix @33.95 _ _ _'81A'90 Laguna SecaUSGP @33.95 --':" 81B'91Laguna SecaUSGP e 33.95 ' _ '8 10 '93 Laguna SecaUSGP @33.95 _ #820 '93 Spanish RR Grand Prix @ 33.95 _ 'B3D'931taJian RR Grand Prix @33.95 _ _ _ '840 '9 Gennan RR Grand Prix @33.95 _ _ 3 Oty. Description Amount _ ' 860 '93 European (Spain) RR GP e 33.95 _ _ _ ' 870 '93 Dutch RR Grand Prix @33.95 _,sao '93 Spanish (Jarama RRGP @33.9 _ _ ) 5 _ 1900 '93British RR Grand Prix e 33.95 _1920 '93 CzechRR Grand Prix '@ 33.95 _ '930 '93 Austrian RR Grand Prix It 33.95 _ #94C'92 Isle ofMan e 42.95 _#940 '93 Is of Man T.T. @42.95 le _ 19 '89Paris·Dakar @34.95 5 _ ' 960'93Australian RR Grand Prix @33.95 _ _ _ '980'93Maiaysian RRGrand Prix @33.95 _ _ _'100 Motovation by Rick Johnson @29.95 _ _ _ ' 101Mental Edge @41. 5 9 _'102A Spdwy Ice World C'ships '91 @ 29.95_ _ _'103A Kevin Sdlwantz Wor.· Champ. @ 29.95__ _'106A 50 Years of Daytona @22.95 _'108 ATwist oftheWrist @43.95 _I11OB '92 Blackwater 100 @38.95 _'11OC '93 Blackwater 100 @34.95 _ ' 115 Rendezvous a1 the Ring @44.95 _ ' 116Racing In toHistory @44.95 _ ' 117"Sturgis 1990" 50th Ann. @ 44.95 _ ' 124 The Awesome Factor @22.95 _ ' 126 Drag BikeExtravaganza @34.95 _ ' 130 It'saTriumph @49.95 _ ' 135 Street Smarts @34.95 _ ' 137'91Dayiona 200 @ 39.95 _ ' 137A'92 Daytona 200 @ 39.95 _ ' 138 Easy Rider @37.95 _ ' 139 The Wild One @37.95 _ '140 OnArrj Sunday @44.9 5 _'1 41 '67 Hare & Hound C'S It 34.95 hip __ Amount Oty. Description _'142 '67 Hopetown 500MX@34.95 _'143 '67 Hopetown 250MX e 34.95 _ ' 144 '68 Baja 1000 @34.95 _ ' 145 70 Asoot 101l-l.ap T.T. @34.95 _ #147A Bonzaj Blackwater@ 34.95 _'148 '91 500USGPMX e 29.95 _'l 5OC '93 SouthwickIGainesvilie MX It 33.95_ _ _'151 C'93 SacramentolMt. Morris MX @33.95 __ _ ' 154C '93 UnadillalBuchanan MX @33.95 _ _ _'l56C '93 Glen HelenlTroy M @33.95 X _ ' l 57C'93 M ilivilleJWashougai MX @33.95 _ _ _ m 8C '93 DelmonVBinghamton MX @33.95 _ _ _'162 '90 AMANat'l MX Season Rev. @34.9 5_ _ _ ' 1628 '91 AMA Nal1MX Review @42.95 _ ' l62C '92 AMA Nal'1 MX RevIew @ 34.95 _#176Crash Im pact @33.95 _ , m TheRidel @24.95 _ ' 178W anna Race? @29.95 _,179ABike W @29.95 aro _'l BO'1 and Proud of III @ 39.95 _'1 81Heavy Duly: 90 YeaIS w D @32.95 _ _ lH_ '325Throttlefor theGold @ 39.95 _ ' 325A FflQht tothe FIIlish@ 39.95 _ ' 325B Airtime-Thrills of Supercross @ 34.95 _ _ _ ' 410'90 W 51 BSeason Review @34.95 _ _ orld Subtotal CA R~idents add 71/4% SalesTax '4% LA County add 81 Sales Tax (Outside the lXlIltinental Untted States add $10.00 pertape additional shipping costs) U.s. Shipping & HandlingFree TotaI _ _ --------- -- - - - - - ------ ---------- - ----------------- -------------- ----------- -~

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