Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I' - [·E E T ::.;.. . . ., .:.: :''1 V NS :. . 7 . ' ' . . ... IT Scrambles KMSA Midstates Dirt Racers Association Westmoreland, KS Apt 24 B ySteve Cruse I I I I I ~ Tr.nis9moer 250 SlmCzuse Clint t.IdlooaId JeffHoom ~Ridwdl Did Stanley Scott IUint OPEN ~:a Todd . Boblves lOt Brett Braddy B Sa ' : ill l Scott ine Mike Ftye Did SI.inIey lO+ SleYeCruse )OOn F ikt Ge::t.5Iover Tom in! EX 8let Braddy Brian F1ed Marl< ROOinson )asmY ;&; DASH Rlx !bI Hon mt Rlx Hoo Yam Hoo Yam !SA Hoo Tri Rlx Hon Hoo CASH 8letBraddy I I I M otocross Midwest Racing Association Milan Cycle City Milan, MI Apt 24 B yMarilyn Post ~= X.W K.1w Han Suz X.W ~EX Randy Doviak Ridlanl W atson Jr Olris I.owdI Ian 0.1lamm I25INT K.1w Yam 5uz 5uz Suz 5uz Suz 5uz 5uz 5uz 5uz 5uz Suz x.w !bI !bI !bI !bI K.1w 5uz K.1w 5uz 5uz ~ Scott Gressman ~ !bI !bI Rd>ert Patdtin 125 EX e "::I'l ~ Oovid Horvalh ..... " 11") Hoo 5uz 5uz ~=' lSO/OPEN BEG !bI Hoo Rar.Ja1I Rudd SleYe Anr. Hon Hoo !bI Scott PaldUn N Hoo Dorin GiIIospie !bI !bI Hon ~/=INT ca ~ 56 5uz 5uz 5uz em bW1Olllj" ~~ I lenyKamVa ~J.eBedlr ic~ 5uz K.1w X.W Hon 5uz Hon Hoo Hoo K.1w ~F...,ru I 5uz Hoo Han. mt mt VINT SIm ConIini.21OPEN ~0wdItr 6D Tumbiom Kevin AJarvis J r ttman Hon Hon TtF M.ut.Coam SPtF ..... )oMV P /F 50 Olris 8amxI J ThomJs ustin !.lura Butzin 5uz AnIlllII~ Cmy . ~= Yam K.1w !bI mt !bI 8SA !bI Y am Brian fled )oMFiU 25Il/0PENEX Brod J:zle WiD Bi500p ,;", leIunOn OPEN M.ut.g,,,,,,,, :rc Mid1aeI t.iusgm', BrianFoed Brian Allen SIrveD Sdtwtnk V£rC(D-2) DanAllen Hoo OmonDwt Damn johnson Hoo Hon lOt SlmWdun.m Mike Banahan Oovid Dains lO+ Eric Hansen ~BisOOp Dan Bauer - 0YdCooper • Paul DiPasquaIt Jeff Boyer RandyWeekley EX TerryGil1i1and . V -Oovis IlruaKorbeIik OovidH.>worth Oovidlef!ely Hoo mt X.W ArK mt ArK mt !bI CZ Donald 8Iankenshi mt mt l lSNOV N'd SiLudi Me Kuhlman mt Hoo ~~ CZ Mattllulier ~nIgrove ~~ QudCutier Rd>ert PatdUn Denver N'1ChoIs 125 EX jim Post 25Il/0PENBEG flll\ r.tiddIy 25Il B Ja« Moe Mike Bond ~~ Hoo 5uz ~U>ePer I SIma.BrettRuh/ WadeGny Major t.Iowkins Sbn8nIzguIIs Ed I'u:her !li/XL 5uz 1 X.W I i I I Hoo Hoo 5uz 5uz X.W X.W !bI Hon X.W I I I X.W 5uz Hoo Hoo 5uz Hoo Yam 5uz I I I I I Technicians Wanted High volume. modem dealership located in San Antonio , Texas lOO kin ~ for qualified technicians . Authorized dealer for onda. Suzuki, Kawasaki, Yamaha and Polaris. Favorable living conditions and competitive pat with benefit s make this a career op portuni~ . ontact Tom. ext. 140 or fax resume to (210) 96-2466. Mall resume to Alamo Cycle·P lex. 11900 I·H 10 West. San Antonio . Texas 78230. (210) 696·2000. 1X. (218-21) Sr. Research & Development Tech. Bombardier Inc.. a billion dollar Canadian company employing 34.000 people worldwide. has exceptional opportunities within their Sea·Dooert WIIlSiow ~'lm 5uz (218-20) 5uz Hoo 125B Hoo lmd . luI. Call Gary . (818) 980-3715. CA. Rut, y 0wIesH.> wa Yam Experienced Harley Counterman (818) 887-4887. CA. ! 5uz 5uz lOOtC IlillYod. 5uz mt !bI X.W l:U!tI 5uz 5uz 5uz Is looking tor good qualfoed help in all departments of our growing and expanding business. We have gre at opportunities lor the seriou s mind ed that wants to ~row with us. Please call between 8:00 & 9:00a.m. or appointment. (305) 754-2649 ask for PM . Dirk or Ace . FL (317-20) (818) 887-4887. CA. Hoo Y am Yam !bI X.W i X.W PatOuJerdy SIlane 0'C0rin0r Olris Findley 8reoI Ucoolr 5uz 5uz 1 Suz Hoo Hoo 5uz ! v.-DeIedda 125 YlHA Suz RyanReidw1 Suz Suz Yam ::nT~ K.1w !bI !bI fun T~ AeIch Dan Poatz I I M ikeWulett M llOlanoo .l Hoo !bI Dennis MINI (U·I3) I ! Suz ;m~ !bI X.W f ~ lll\ MECHANICIPARTS PERSON. H·D BMW McCoy. 41. Green Bay. Wisconsin 54303. (414) 4945256. WI. (246-TFN) Y am 5uz 5uz R f O' onneU j C I YlHC )effSt. Pierre J Lee ason M.1ttGronowicz CaseyBa.... Kaw lim ~ lui: Ask for Shaun. (909) 988-8988. CA. (217·TFN) i i J Iltyillll V£rB Hon I us I Harley-Davidson of Miami , I Y am IdfCOOk Hon Hon mt 5uz 5uz Entry level position available10develop new producls for the ITlOtort:yele ATV. watert:ralt,and snowmob~e . Industries. Mechanical baCk~und needed with welding and fabricating skills. il resume 10 1230 : LaLoma Cin:le. Anaheim. CA 92B06. (201·TFN) Wanted: High Performance People I Sales. service and parts. "watercran experience use- ~rw.L:h 5uz X.W !bI 5uz I JeffCOOk ~an O'CoonrIJ arttid 'IhP 0lrisO'N:JS' 8SA Hoo K.1w Hon 250/OPEN INT K.1w Yam !bI K.1w !bI X.W 5uz !~. Suz i;ikII1Ubktr ~1'mM Bob King l5+A Brian IIaibgam Hon X.W Matt~ 8SWMN Hon T/F Mike Romine SP/F )oMV ..... P/F lmie~ 110-125 jR(I2 5) ·1 Carrie !.lBIaoc 5uz Ted Anglakis lOtA MikeFoanl Ilo\'id Minard n 25Il/0PENNOV K.1w K.1b~ Deirow ! w.. I I !bI Hon Hon Hon Drag Racing AMRA Southern SwingNationals W R arner obins Dragway Warner R obins, GA Aptll-23 MiktBowen !bI K.1w Y am Y am K.1w )ooSuman t:"'~ 5uz X.W 25Il/0PENBEG 5uz 125BEC Mon M ontgomely Hoo X.w X.W = = ~= Yam Yam Y am Y am !liSNOV Amanda MastilI !liSEX )00Suman X.W X.W !bI Jim Post OwIes Klein Salurday ~~ J Palmer asOn J Gombert ason Kei1h H.>wkins I25C Hoo Hoo Y am Joe o.hlol Corv8eam Yam Kaw Y am X.W SleYeBe.w I25INr Todd Mouser Ri:lworth 5uz UrlScha:!d [yiePoiIer UdCUSIard )emnv Iobris !liSSFG Tonylleall Milert ""'" Tom Ricl:brod. Bob Adcrnw> 5uz 2S+ flll\AImroIh flll\!idvrelcr Oove MiIJOI\;' Bob~gh Joe Thomp5on Jim~ 5uz GlwUns 25Il0PEN1NT jotKinel JossOihoa Jon Byrd Travis Montgomery 125 NOV ~~g Hon X.W !bI MonO-Coir MidlaeI Broderidc Wadlow r;sr;2 Cornelius Imlvan td-.II Howud Torey V£rB Jeff johnson 250 OPEN NOV )oMMiIJ

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