Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 25

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pull th e hol eshot, with Da vid Fay in second. Kline tried to ge t away, bu t Fay kept the leash tight fo r three la ps. Fay s ta lk ed Kline a n d watched his lines . Then, on the fourth lap , Fay forced Kline ou t of his usual line th roug h the whoops and made the pass. In the meantime, Klin e tr ied to pick u p th e p ace th ro ug h the whoops. but crashed instead . Fay appeared to have the win eas ily in hand, b ut mid way through the moto, he missed the exit to a tum. Kline was not close enough to gain from Fay's mistake, however, and Fay took his Albuquerque Ya maha-spo nso red YZ to the firstmot owin. Mota two saw Kline aga in nail the holeshot, this time with 250c c Interm ediate ri d er Lu ke (Above) Gaylon Dickson Jr. (930) and Mike Bias (777) dice atlhe Riverbend MX. Dickson won the 125 and 250cc A classes on Sunday . (Below) Mike Faria (center) opened up Lake Perris Speedway's 1994 season by shulling down the competition In the Scratch main event. Fennewald in seco nd, a nd Fay stuc k in th ird . Kline managed to open up a big lead while Fay was fighting to get past Fennewald. On the third lap, Fay man aged to grab seco nd and se t out after the lead er, Kline, who had ope ne d up a four-second lead . On the last lap , Fay had closed to wi thin five ya rds of Kline, but ran ou t of time to make the pa ss. Kline took his Ho nda to th e moto win and the ove ra ll victory . Behind the Pros, the 250cc Intermediate class was w o n by th e Suzu ki -mounted Fen ne wa ld . How ever, a war took place behind him betw een Josh Ystesu nd and Pat Williams for second. In the first moto, the two ran nose to tail for most of the moto w ith Ystes und coming out on top . Moto two saw the d uo trade po sitions for a few laps before Ystesund once again came out on top to take second overall . The Vetera n class wa s a d ogfight be tween John Shelly and Martin Montano. In the end, it was Shelly bea ting out Mon tan o for the overa ll win . Results so STK: 1. Chester()ru;n (1q); 2. M.rtr. Gr~dy (Yam ); 3.1t'remy Farlory (Yilm); 4. Vincen t Reynolds (Yam); 5. Mitche ll M.artint'z (Yilm). 50 MOD: 1.).acDb Roach (Yam) . 60 BEG: 1. Ky~ RNCh (Kaw) ; 2. Ton y M lII' nez (Kaw) . ti 80 BEG; 1. ).trod Nygren (Suz); 2. CNd I"ino (; 3. Ch ris Schm.1.ltz(K. w); 4. Ryan Oark (Yam). 80 JR: 1. 8 .8. Carter (Yam) . 125 BEG: 1. Scott 8t'a,Wr (Y.un); 2. Da vid HathcDclr. (Suz ); 3Mike Amo&devilm);4. Bobby "kCinninl (K. w). 125 Jil 1. [errert Guillory (Ha n) ; 2. PilUl Hiluck (Hon); 3. Nicholas Man (lion); 4. }clf Mon toya (yam); S. J..-rrr MillJ (Kilw) . 125 PRO:1. Tren t Pobcky ( 250 BEG:1. Milr.eSmith (Kaw); 2. John Seidel (K.a ~..). 250 JR: 1. Nicholas Man: (Hon). 250 INT: 1. l.ulr.e Fennrw.ld (Suz) ; 2. Josh Yslesund (Yilm); 3. Pat Willialf\5 (Hon); 4. Troy I..eswr(Suz.) . 250. PRO: 1. Bob Klint' (Hon); 2. David Fay (Yilm). 500 AM : 1. Eddie Farley (Hon ); 2. Troy JdfeB (Hon). 500 PRO: 1. David Fay (ya m); 2. Trent Pohc ky (K.J.wl. VET: 1. John ShtoUy (yam); 2. Martin Montano (Hon ); 3. Rily A ITIOI (Suz). Faria wins one at Lake Perris Speedway By Elaine Jon es Photo by Jim Tho rn H/ W S/ BK EX: 1. Thom as Wilson (Ya m); 2. Br.d Dunkel (Ya m); 3. [ka n Mizd.1 (Yam ); 4. Gregory Gibson (Hon); S. Glenn CLlI "tiu (KaW). H / W 5/ BK AM; 1. Stev en , . Min or lSu%); 2. Rob Sobottka (Su z ); 3. Frank A. Ma nnarino (Suz); 4. Tom Dynson (5o z); 5. SNwn Nebon (Hon) . H / WSSEX: 1. ~ Wilson (Yam ); 2 Brad Dun kel (Yam ); 3. De-an Mizd.1 (Yam); 4. MiU Murph y CHon); 5. Midwd Ruehle (X.Jw) . H/W 55 AM: 1. 5Nn Goff (lim); 2. Denn is Dl-burh (Hon); 3. Brian S.lulir (Hon) ; 4. Scott Herbst (Hon); 5. Frank JohnnArino lSuz~ H / W 5 /TW EX; 1. Geoff MeDinger (Due ); 2. Stephen L Pol.i.z:zi (Han); J. Scott Rothennel (Duc); 4. Cary Wayne (Han); S. Muk Pangbom (Duc~ H/W S/TW AM: 1. Cregg Fos ter (Hon); 2. Edward Kubuk CHon) 3. Scott Clrey (Due); 4. Seiln Ninneman (Hon ); S. Greg ; Mdd (Duc). M/W GP EX: 1. Grrgory Gibson (Ha n); 2. To m Giurd (Han); 3. Kick 8ft'Ue1'(lion); 4. Brian Okubo (ya m ); 5. Jes M . Fan (Hon~ M /W CP AM: 1. SeanGoff (Hon); 2. Denn is Debuhr (Han); 3Jowph Allen Skrocki (Hon ); ... Scotty Died rich (Hon) S. Steven W~ (Yam ). M /W 5/ BK EX: 1. Gu-gory Gi bson (H an); 2. Tom G ira rd (Han); 3. Todd tbrrington (Han); 4. Rid ~ (Hon ); S. Aod..Tilft(Hon). M/W S/BK AM 1. Sean Goff (Hon); 2. RDb Sobottu (Hon); 3. J01ieph All en Skrocki (Han); 4. Boyd Bruner (H a n); 5. Scott H...... (lion). M/W SS EX: 1. Gregory Giblion (Hon); 2. J;ason BroobNw (Hon); 3. Mike Mwphy (Hon ); 4. Tod d Ha rrington (Hon); 5. Dave RObnO (Kaw). M/ W 55 AM: 1. Sean Go ff (Hon); 2. Dennis Debuhr (Hon); 3. Scott He rbs t (Hon); 4. Rob Sobo nb (Hon ); 5. Boyd Bru ner (Hon) . L/ W GP EX: 1. Bria n Ok u bo (Yam ); 2. Rod ney C. Antrim (yam) ; 3. Ken Kono (Hon ); 4. Chris Foskett (ya m); 5. Ma re Chiodo (Yam). . L /W G P AM: 1. Brian Mc Laug hlin (Yam) 2. Gregg Foster (Hon ); 3. Scan Ninneman (Hon ); 4. Scon Wohl feil (y am); 5. Tracy W. Turner (Ya m). L/W S I BK EX: 1. Patrick D. Ryd er (Kaw ); 2. Brian Con ley (yilm); 3. 0 1115 Foskett (Yam); 4. Ma n: Chiodo (Yam) ; S. M~I Lower (Yilm). L /W S/B)( AM: 1. Shane Simonette (Ya m); 2. Ad.m Popp (y a m); 3. Kev in Ciwroski (Ya m ); 4. T unothy J. Lester (Yam ); S. Tracy W . TW1'lieI'(Yam) . L/W 55 EX: 1. Brian Conley (yam); 2. Da vid Folz (Yam ); 3. Juan Wt'ncrl (Yilm ); 4. D.1 Milner (Ya m) ; S. Milrk R. Dargis n (Yilm). L/W SS AM; 1. Ada m Popp (Yam) ; 2. Tnscy Tumer (Ya m); 3. Ke vin C isaroskl (Yam ); 4. Tt' rry Dahm (Y.lom) ; 5. Kim Kun tae (Yam). L/ W EX: I. Patrick Ryder (Yam); 2. Eric Kems uzia n (Kaw); 3. Scott Rothermel (Due); 4. Stephrn Polizzi (Hon); S. Mikt Pctef'!lOf'l CH on). L/W S /TW AM: I. Gregg Fo&~ (Hon); 2. sPa n N inn t'mil n ( Han ); 3. Greg Field (D u c); 4 . Jam t'S Meekma ( lC.I w) ; S. Gil Diekhoff (Yam ). SPTSMN EX: 1. Billy J. Fehrman (lC.I w); 2. P.trick D. Ryder (K.ilw); 3. Eric A. Kems uzian (Ka w); 04. Gary L Foust (Ya m) ; S. Todd Nordby ( SPTSMN AM: 1. Greg Reid. (Due); 2. AncITewJ. (Yam); 3. Jilmn Ml"t'k ma (; 4. Gil Diekhoff (K.Iw); S. Matthew I(em.. suzian (K.Iw). US lWS/'TS ElO1. Robert Buffington (H-D) . US lWS/'TS Mt 1. Mid>aeI ~ (H-D) ; 2. )ohn , ""'" (HD); 3. DaI'T't'n Connd (H -D). SOLO ElO 1. CUanl (lion); 2. Dm-k Sb"uy< (lion); 3. G~ Gibson (lion); 4. Mich.IeI Ruehle ( ~w); 5. Mike IWm (K. w). SOLO CTO AM : 1. Pa ul CardaJen (y am) ; 2. SIt'Yen Minor (Suz): 3. Richie Rubenzer (Suz ); 4. Glenn Busch (Suz); S. Dante (Hon). SOLDCTU EX:1. Todd IU rrington {Hon);2. CrrgoryGibion (Han); 3. J.uon Broobh.lw (Hen) 4. BriiIn Cmky (Hun) S. Doug. Lou FoIM'iIr (Hon ). SOLO G1U EX: 1. Mike Murphy (Hm); 2. Rick BreUCT (Hun) 3. Tom Gi rilrd (Hon ); 4. Brolrdley , . Zaj ic (Hon ); S. Andrew 8. Tilft snw cro (Hon~ r... cru Sobottu SOLO AM: 1. Paul D. G.n:i.J1en (Yam) ; 2. ~ (Hon); 3. Dennis Debuhr (Hon); 4. JOieph Alkn Skm d d CHon); 5. Stl.-Ven T. Wade (Ya m). SO LO cru AM: 1. Sran Goff (Hon); 2. Srott Herbst (Hon); 3. Shawn Ndson (Hon); 4. Scotty IMdrich (Hon); S. Midw~1 McCay (H on). YAMA HA SECA D CH LLNG E: 1. Tommy McComas (Ya m); 2. Brya n Ellingso n (Yam ). Kline captures Aztec MX By Mike Arnold Jr. AZTEC, NM, APR 24 Bob Kline overcame a first· mo to crash to cla im the 250cc Pro class w in at rou nd two o f th e CMC / Aztec Motocross Track Series. The firs t 250cc combined mo to sa w Kline LAKE PERRIS, CA MAY 5 , Flyin' Mike Faria laid claim to the first Scratch ma in even t at Lake Perri s Speed way in fron t of a good opening-nigh t crowd . Using the USA"Cha mp ionship Scra tch forma t, Faria and Charlie Venegas ended the four rou nd s tied w ith 13 poi n ts each, w hile Jos h Larsen finishe d one po in t back with 12. The fourt h spot saw Bobby Schwartz and Cary Hicks also tied , but ba sed on the finish of the final round, Hicks got the spo t Faria got an awesome ga te aboard his Shoei / Oil2.all/Scott USA/Terrycable-sponso red Jawa . Larsen locked in beh ind h im, w ith Hicks an d Ven egas battlin g fo r third. Ve neg as tried to make the outside line work, whi le Hicks went down low and tight Hicks ' wa y wo rked better, and he took the show spo t. Brad Oxley mad e on e of h is rare ap pe ar· ances at Lake Perris and came from the SO-ya rd line to take over the lead in the Ha ndica p main by the third lap . Larsen , from the 60, was again in the role of bridesma id, finish ing second . Faria was third . In the Support ma in , Jerem y Ad en go t a rou nd Canadian Gary Hessmer by the third lap; it becam e a battl e o f the new Jawas, with Hessmer only aboard his machine for the second time. This time Ad en took the w in, with Hessmer second and Wood rounding out the field in th ird . Dean Steele and Dwayne King took the Sidecar ma in event, p ut tin g their powe rful Honda ou t fron i from the get-go. Results SC RATCH : 1. Mike Filriil OilW) 2. JorohU I'5en (Wes); 3. ; HicIr.s (Wes) ; 4. Charlie Veneg as Oaw ). H OCP: 1. Brad Ox ley (Wes ); 2. Joa h Larsen (Wes); 3. Mike Faria OolW); 4. J~rry BlacIr.OilW); S. Paul Colston (Wes) . SUP: 1. Bob Ma rshall; 2. o.vid Ta ylor Uaw ); 3. Mitch H.1II OilW); 4. MiIr.t' Dwyer (Wt'S). S OC AR: 1. O. Steele / D. King ( Ha n) ; 2. O. Ste p hms / R. Strphrns (K..I ); 3. D. GirdPt'T / D. Lynch (lGIw); 4. M. Piltterw soni A. Han (Yam) . Dickson, Collier swing Riverbend Motocross By David L. Patton Jr. aJOLVII.LE. OH,APR. Jll.MAYI P ro cl ass wi n s by Gaylon Dickson Jr . and Tommy Colli er were the hig hlig h ts of rounds tw o a nd three of the 1994 Budweiser/Warehouse Tire /Sport Cycles Racing Southeastern Ohio Super Series a t Riverb end Raceway . Sa tu rday' s racin g sa w F&S Cycles/J us t North of Dayto na / No Fear and Dr. Cra nkenstein-backed Collier sweep all four Pro motos. Heath Benne tt chased Collier to the finish line in all four motos. Sunday's race w as a Yama ha "YZ Bucks" contingency race, and the big winne r was CayIon Dickson [r., who grab bed the ove rall wins in the 125 a nd 250cc A classes and was second in the super-competitive 25+ class. Dick son ran aw ay w ith the firs t 125cc A mot o as Bennett followed him, while Collier got taken out in another rid er's crash. Collier was the fastest ride r on the tr ack as he moved up after res tarting a t the back of the pack. Up front, Dickson opened up a lead that Bennett couldn't cut into and took the win . Collier had gotten up to third spo t whe n time ran out and was sarisfied with his ridin g. In the the second 125cc A mo to, Dickson got anothe r goo d star t. He a nd Colli er bat tled for the lead most of the moto with Collier making the last mistake. . "I made a mistake and Tommy passed me, but he gave it back to me when he bobb led in the back," said Dickson. Bennett rod e to a third -place finish ahead of Josh DeMu th and William Bagwell, Results Satunl.oy 50 S1X: 1. Mid\.1d Willard (1CTM 2. Ouistopher Robertson ); (yo1 m); 3. TyleT G ru bb (1CTM) 4. Travis P,,'lcElfresh (ya m); S. Brad ; Bartlett (Yilm). 50 MO D; I. Christophc1' Robcrt:;on (Yam); 2. Brad Bart lett (Yam); 3. D.R.Atwood (KTM); 4. Tra vis McElfrn,h (Yam); 5. Ryan Reed y (Yo1 m). 65: 1. Andy Will.lrd (; 2. Willy Browning (JUw); 3. Kyle Ted (Ka w ); 4. Dustin Cottrill (Kilw); 5. Cody KovKh (lCA w). MNI JR: 1. Brian B.trtlett (y ilm); Z. Sh,aun Kueh1ft" (YiIm); 3. Corey Arnol d (tCaw ); 4. Scutt Kuchler (YiIm); 5. Willy Browning (Kaw). MINI SR : 1. Mark Bur kh ilrt (Ha n ); 2. Christop her Berry (Yam) ; 3. J Cravens (y ilm ); -4. Robert Welch (Yam); S. Justin .e. Weber (Kaw). ; SCHBY: I. Mark Burkhart CHon) 2. Josh DeMuth (yam ); 3. Scott McMill in (K.ilw); 4. ChristopheT BerTy (1; 3. Kyle u Tl'd (Kaw ); 4. Willy Browning (Kaw ); S. Ovis Whi tcraft (Kol lw MINI JR: 1. Scott Kuchler (Yam ); 2. David WhIte:nlft (Yam); 3. Eric Saylor (Kilw); 4. Sh.Iun Ku ch ler (Yo1m 5. Jilfad JACUon ); (Y;un~ M INI SR: 1. MiIl k Bu rk h. rt (H on); 2. Christopher Berry (Yam); 3. Jason FrKm (Yam); 4. C ravms (yiIm); S. Justin Weber (Ka w ). SC HBY: 1. Josh DeM uth (Yam) ; 2. Scott McM illin (}-{on 3. ); Mad Burkhart (Hon); 4. OlristopM Berry (!Caw ); s. j.e. CnVIt'nS ,.e. lSuz). 17-204: 1. Troy Swilrtz lKaw ); 2. JUllitin Story (Yam ); 3. Dou g Ainner (Yam); 4. Fred Ellis (; S. Jeff Brown (Suz ). 125 B: 1. Troy Sw artz (Kaw); 2. Scott McMillin (Ka w); 3. Fnc R.-mkin(Yam); 4. Scutt Ga iner (K.lw); S. J..clr.ieWr tker (Yam). 125 C: 1. Matt Aubele (ya m); 2. Ja!JOO &-ffitt (Kaw) ; 3. Teny Collins (Suz); 4. Trilvi. Moen (K.ilw); 5. Billy Hilrt (Yilm). 2SO B: 1. Eric Ro1n1dn (Yam); 2. Tom Hawk (Yam); 3. Davkl Santi (Yam ); 4. Justi n Story (Yam); S. Jackie Wetkr (Ya m). 2SOC: 1. Je ff Brown (Suz); 2. J.uon Stobert (y am ); 3. Mkhael Do uglas (Yam); 4. Kenny Ga mbill (Yam); S. Brilnn on Kilbarger (Yam) . OPEN: I. Jerry Cald wd l (Kaw); 2. Barry Ogan; 3. fn.od Ellis (Kaw) ; 4. Mar k Laughlin (Hon); 5. Brent Wec hb&chn (Kaw). 25+: 1. Joe Evc ne r (Yilm ); 2. Gay lo n Dickson Jr. (Yam) ; 3. Mike Mo rgan (; 4. Den ny Swa rtz (Yam ); 5. Keit h G winn . (Ya m). 30+: 1. M ilr.e Biu (Yam) ; 2. To m Haw k (Yilm ); 3. De nny Swartz (Yam); 4. David Sa nit (y a m); S. Gerty B.mnett (Han). 40+: 1. Larry Evenet' (Yam); 2. Gerry Ik.-nnett (Hon); 3. Boyde Wolfe (Yam ); 4. Lirry Shum.a1r.eT (yilm); S. G reg Meeks (Yam). 125 A: 1. Giyo, Dicbon Jr. (Ya m); 2. Tommy Collier (Suz) ; 3. Heath Benne1t (Yam); 4. Josh DeMulh (Yilm ); 5. Wi1liam BagweD (Yam). 250 A: 1. Ca ylon Dklr.son Jr. (Ya m); 2. Tom my Co llier (Suz); 3. Heath Bennett (Yam) ; 4. }08h DeMuth (Yam); S. MiU Morgan (Ya m).

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