Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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r iders saw it, and Bobby Schwartz, aboard his Jack Jarb oe /Bell Helmets/ CTi/Coh en and H icks Racing/Westec Bodyw orks-sponsored GM held Larsen at bay, takin g the win. Werner rounded out the field with third. Faria co mpla in ed th at th e reason he'd slowed was because he saw a red light. The referee d id ad init to hittin g the red button by accident, an d th ey we nt back and forth trying to decide whether or not the event s hou ld be rerun. Finally, it was decided to let the race sta nd. However, ins tead of the top thr ee finishers being allowed to ru n the Handicap main, per the new USA rules , all four finishers became eligible. Starting practically in the parking lot for the Han dicap main were Larsen an d Faria, but the two quickl y diced throug h the pack. The only rider they coul dn't catch was Eddie Castro, who, from the 4O-yard line, had taken over the lead by the halfw a y p o int. Larsen was r ig h t with him, but Castro took it to the limit, and with his wild style and high line, he co llected all th e marbl es and the crowd's ap preciation. The team of Peter Lewis an d Jamie Macy picked up where they left off last season: winning. The current California Sta te Sp eedway Sidecar Champions won their heat going wire-to-wire, and repeated in th e Sidecar main aboard a very stro ng-running Kawa saki . COl Results SCRATCH: 1. Bobby Schwartz (GM); 2. Josh Larsen (Wes ); 3. Brent Werner craw); 4. M ike Faria Qaw ). HDCP: 1. Eddi e Cas tro (Wes); 2. Josh Larsen (Wes ); 3. Mike Faria Uaw) ; 4. Steve Fu rman Oaw); 5. Bobby Schwartz (GM). SUP: I. Frank Dwyer (Wes); 2. Mike Dwyer (Jaw); 3. David Taylor Oaw) ; 4. Dan Jones cr aw). SDeAR: I. P. Lewi s /). Macy (Kaw ); 2. D. S,eele / O. King (Ho n); 3. O. Ste phe ns / R. Stephens (Ka w); 4. D. Ga rdner/D. Lynch (Kaw ). (Above) Cha nce Darling topped all comers In the 750cc Pro main eve nt at th e Willow Springs Pro-Am Half Mile. (Below) Scratch main winner Bobby Schwartz (left ) leads Gary Hicks (center) and Josh Larsen (right) at the USA/Glen Helen Speedway season opener. WillowS rin J'ro.Am H M alf ile Bostrom, Darling top Pros at Willow Springs By Fred Windum ROSAMOND, CA, MAY 7 ric Bos trom an d Chance Darling took home the lion's share of the winnings at the Willow Spring s ProAm Half Mile at Willow Springs Interna tion al Raceway Saturday night, topping a tough field of National-ranked riders and local heros. One o f th ree " Sid ewi nder" H on da 750s, ridden by Eric Bostrom, led the first 750cc Pro heat with Roger Thompson, George Roeder II and Dave Pelton following. Roeder headed straight for the outside, looking for some deep cushion to use to gain the lead, passing Thompson and falling in behind Bostrom. The .Honda rider held off Roeder 's charge for the w in w ith Thompson th ird and Rueben Malabuarnero passing Pelton for fourth place. Rob Damron, on a Du cati, ran in to tum one ahead of Ben Bostrom , Chance .Darling and Matt Wait in heat two of the 750cc Pros. Darling and Bostrom both passed Damron, who then dropped back with ignition trouble. In the 750cc Pro ma in , Darling showed Roed er and the Bostroms how to st art a race, lead ing th e fir st three laps. Roed er then proceeded to ride a round the ou tside and take the lead awa y, whil e Eric Bostrom grabbed third from brother Ben in their own personal E United Speedway Association opener. Glen Helen OHV Park Glen Helen opener features new format By Elaine Jones Photo by Jim Thorn SAN BERNARDINO, CA, MAY4 T he United Speedway Associa tion's Glen Helen speedway opener, with its w ide-open rules regarding muffler, w heel size, engines and fuel saw an enthusiastic crowd on hand to cheer a large field of Northern and Southern California riders. Every rider that participat ed should ha ve gone home tired because the new USA format affords lots of tra ck time. The top-ten point finishers last year are n ow p art . of a champi onship -styl e scratch forma t that has them competing in four rounds of scratch racing with the top four point-getters earning a slo t in the Scratch main event. On op ening night, Mike Faria, Bobby Schwartz and Josh Larse n each earn ed 14 points and we re set. Charlie Venegas and Bren t Werner we re tied w ith nin e points each. Werner got the nod in the final round w hen Venegas jumped the flagma n's signal, as the starting gate had failed and was not in use. Con tr o vers y came when the flag dr opped for the Scratch main . As they came into turn th ree, Faria saw a red light and pulled up . None of the other Honda battle. Roger Thompson ran fifth. Roeder hit a ru t in turn four and went over the ba rs and onto the track, d islocating his foot which finished him for the evening. With the rid ers lined up in single file, the race resumed wi th Darling regaining th e lead, and Eric and Ben Bostr om falling in behind him . Joined by Thompson a nd Da mron, Ben started rid ing next to Eric, looking for a way into second, w hile Thompson clo sed in. Ben Bostrom then st ole second , leaving his yo u nger b rother to d eal w ith Tho mp son's charge, while Wait passed Damron 's ailing bike for fifth place. Thompson, in the meantime, ha d made his way around Ben Bostrom for the runner-up spot. Da r li n g, on his So u theas t HD/Motorcycle Specialties/White Bros'; Regina-sponsored XR750 pulled off the win trailed by Thom pso n, Ben and Eric Bostrom, and Matt Wait. Four restarts were need ed to get the 600cc Pro ma in eve n t underway. On ce everyone figured out that they couldn 't go 'til the green flag, Jim Rosa laun ched his Tony Hoover/Dove Oil/Rosa Concepts- backed Wood- Rotax into tum one ahead of Ricky Smith, Eric Bostrom, Dan McDonnell and Johnny Murphree. Rosa did n' t hold the lead long, though, as bo th Bostrom and Smith wentby to leave Rosa in third. Fifth-placed Murphree started to nip at McDonnell's wheel, not quite' abl e to get the necessary d rive to make a pass. The lead trio continued to pull awa y, sometimes side by side, before spreading out until there were several bike lengths between them at the ch eckered flag . Bostrom led Smith , Rosa, McDonnell and Murphree in a Wood-Rolax sweep of the top three posi tions. COl Results 100: 1. Shawn Ruggi o (Hon); 2. Frank Nye (H on); 3. John Hl eb o (Ho n); 4. Phil Ca sci o (Hon) ; 5. Isaiah Canales (Hon). 250 SP TSMN: 1. A.J. Hererra (Ya m); 2. Isa iah Canales (Suz); 3. James Rust (Yam): 4. Brett Bemi s (Yam); S. Marvin Moore (Yam) . 500 S PT S MN: 1. Joe y Ch a vis (Ya m) ; 2. Bre nt Fletch er (Yam); 3. Ga ry Davis (Hon) ; 4. Aki ra Ishiha ra (Hon); S. Chris Campos (Ho n). 600 S PTS M N: 1. Sid Payne (Yam )4 2. Steve Johnso n (W·R); 3. Gary Roge rs (W·R); 4. Jeff Brindle (Yam); 5. Brian Maxwell (Hon). VET: 1. Cary Davis (Hon); 2. Wayne Warri ngton (Hon); 3. Jeff Jensen (W·R); 4. Dan Wall er (Han); 5. Rick Cresse (Tri). MORN V1NT: 1. Mickey Kirby (Tri); 2. Gary Dav is (Tri); 3. Roger Thompson (H·O); 3. Dave Pelton (Yam); 5. Mickey Alwla (Tri). . DlNO: 1. Eddie Dodge (Ind); 2. Andy Dodge (Ind) . 883: I. Ceorgegoeder IT (H-D); 2. Ma lt Wai t (H·O); 3. Donny Odom (H· O); 4. Rick H utchins (H·O); 5. Paul Bergs trom (H-O). 600 PRO: I. Eric Bostro m (W· R); 2. Ricky Smith (WR); 3. Jim Ro sa (W · R); 4. Da n McDon nell (Rtx); 5. Johnny Murphree (W· R), ,SO PRO: 1. C ha nce Da rli n g (H -O); 2. Roger Thompson (H· D); 3. Ben Bostrom (H·D) ; 4. Eric Bostrom (Ho n); S. Malt Wa it (H·O) . . Eddie Mulder Inaugural IT By Donn Maeda ROSAMOND, CA, MAY6 en Bostrom cel ebrated h is 20th birthday in style by sweep ing the 600cc Pro and Harley-Davidson 883 classes a t the Ed d ie Mulder Inaugural IT, held at Willow Springs International Racew ay. A good -sized field of racers . showed up to battle at the International Speedway Promotions -p romoted event, and though the event ran far behind schedule, a good time was had by a ll who raced on the t ric ky, e ight-turn course. B

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