Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Above) Afte r finishing fourth In the first moto on the Emee track In France , Donny Schmit came back to win the second mo to. (Right) Trampas Parker posted ~ moto finishes for fourth overall . (Bel ow rig ht) Stefan Everts (2) failed to finish the first moto after tangling with Tallon Vohland, which effectively droppad the Belgian from first to third In the 250cc series point standings. American Donny Schmit mo ved in to a menacing second in the standings, eigh t off the pace, with another r u naway moto win and second on the d ay. The French GP was a nightmare for the en tire Kawasaki squad. Watched for the firs t time this year by Japanese rac e bo ss Pete Tsutsumi, their big three of Stefan Everts, Rob Herring and [ocke Karlsson were all elimi nated on the opening lap of race one, and even Everts' face- saving third in race two saw him beaten from behind by arch-rival Albertyn. Trampas Parker was fourth overall behind Frenchman Yves Demaria to move into sixth in the standings, but his hopes of the actual title appear slim as he was passed by all of the top three in the table after holeshotting race two. Tallon Vohland stayed put in the standings, holding onto his eighth after 7-15 mota finishes. Everts' championship lead,-built up so painstakingly over three CPs after his zero score in Spain, lasted just half a lap . Trying to move up from a lo w e r lead erboard position, the Belgian went for a pass on Tallon Vohland. According to the Kawasaki team the American blatantly knocked th eir man off, but the always-honest Vohland told a d ifferent tale. "I heard they are saying that. All I can remember from the first lap was feeling someone touch my rear wheel. I gues s that must have been Everts." However the damage occurred, Everts was out and the bike in a sorry s ta te, needing a radiator, the exha us t pipe and man y other parts replaced. Much of the damage may well ha ve been caused when teammate Joakim Karlsson landed on the bike . "I had just gone ' r ou nd the outside of Fanton. I came over the jum p an d couldn't avoid running stra igh t into Stefan's bike. I had to quit, too - the fron t d isc was ben t by the impact." Already at the first comer , Herring had gone down in a heap and been run into by several other riders. Fanton was to be Kawasaki's best man at the finish in 13th. Up front the race was enthralling, but devoid of many passing moves on th e single-grooved track. Albertyn led all th e wa y, sha d owed by Demaria. The defending cha mp ion was alw ays in control and never let the home hero close into a serious challenging position. He even escaped at 20 minutes, only to be pulled backin the last two laps for an exciting finish before the massive, enthusias tic crowd which stood all day in ankle-deep mud follow ing heavy pre-race rainfaIL Great Britain's Kurt Nicoll was third throughout. '1 was never going to catch those two in front, and I was pullin g away from Donny (Sch m it), so I just rode a nice, easy pace for 15 points." It was his best ride back from injury. Schmit was an equally lonely fourth, clearly content to keep what he had on this track. Parker had raced seventh for most of the race, but his late pressure paid dividends as mistakes by Paul Malin and [oakin Eliasson helped him to ad vance to fifth . Vohland shadowed hi s fello w American for half the race; but lost him late on and could only ad vanc e at th e expense of Malin when the Brit sta lled on the last lap . It was Nicoll's tum to hi t the groun d first in race two as Everts slewed across the track in front of him. "I do n't know wha t he was up to. He looked complete- Iy out of control to me . I never had a chance." The Belg ian had already veered to the left before go ing righ t to take out Nicoll halfway d own th e s trai gh t, but his refusal to close the throttle saw him exit the first tum fourth. All of the bi g guns were up fr on t with Parker ta king the hol eshot, to be joined in a five-man battle inv olving Schmit, Everts, Demaria and Albertyn. Schmi t ma de the decisi ve early move to de mote Parker and run away with the moto. Even though Everts would also pass the KTM man fairly soon, he could neither follo w Schmit nor draw away from his followe rs. The r ac e ca m e to life a t halfw a y when Albertyn, still fifth, crashed at the back of the track and came around 200 yards down. The fall seemed to p u t ren ewed fire into Albertyn's belly and he charged back to flash past Demaria and Parker in the space of a lap , then follow that up with the sw eetest pass of all- on Everts! Nicoll, riding furiously after his start- err-, France Results: May 8, 1994 (round 5 of 15) MOTO 1: 1. Greg AIbenyn (Suz) ; 2. Yves Demario (Han); 3. Kurt N"u:oII (Han); 4. Donny Sdunit (Yam) ; S. Trampas Pa rker (KTM) ; 6. Joakim Eliasson (Yam); 7. Tallo n Vo hland (Han); 8. Ma m icq Bervoets (Suz); 9. Frederic SolleIe F...(Kaw) ; 14. Pa ul Cooper (Han); 15. jerome Ild val (Han). MOTO 2: 1. Schm it 2. Albertyn; 3. Stefa n Everts (Kaw); 4. Parker; 5. Demaria; 6. Joha nsson (Yam); 7. Malin; 8. Andrea Bartolini (Yam); 9. Fanton; 10. De Wit; 11. Joakim Karlsson (Kaw); 12. Bervoets; 13. BoUey; 14. llcthys; 15. Vohland. O/A: I. G reg Alberlyn (Suz) ; 2. Donny Schmit (Yam); 3. Yves Demaria (H a n); 4. Tra mpa s Pa rk e r (KTM); 5. Ste lan Everts (Kaw); 6. Kurt Niroll (Ho n); 7. Pa ul Malin (Yam); 8. Mami cq Bervcets (5uz); 9. Werner 0. Wi' (Suz); 10. Peter Johansson (Yam). WORLD CH AMPIONSH IP 250 cc MX SER I ES STANDINGS (After 5 0115 GP .) : 1. A1bertyn (144); 2. Sc h mi t (136); 3 . Evert. ( 130 ); 4. De ma ria (106 ); 5 . Ilervoets (85); 6. Par ker (79); 7. Niro ll (74); 8. Vohla nd (67); 9 . Rob Herring (60); 10. 0. Wi' (57); 11. Bartolini (56); 12. Soll ey (39); 13. Fanton (38); 14. Karlsson (36); IS. Malin (29); 16. l'uzar (26); 17. Johansson (26); 18. Peter Iven (23) ; 19. Ton Van Grinsven (15 ); 20. C ollin Dugmcre (13); 21. Eliasson (12); 22. Bernd Eckenbach (9); 23. Miska Aaltonen (9); 24. Dietmar Lacher (8); 25. jesper Jorgensen (7); 26. Ilethys (6); 27. Cooper (6); 28. Willie Van Wessel (5); 29. Jalm y Scevenels (S); 30. Max Gazzarata (3); 31. Selva! (I ). rete'

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