Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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250 0Pm; I .....y M.nnoy (Han); 2. /onlAn)onl.on (](.owt 3. Ray Burgns (Kaw) 4. Sh.r.wn Martin (yam); 5. Rickey Player (y .. m). OPm/SOO; 1.)aoon WUliams (](.owt 2. . .y J (yom); 3. Dan Md:inl (Soz) . 125 D: 1. Colin Oakley (yam ); 2. Tim Cochroln (Han); 3. R.ndy Griffin (Han). 125 C: 1. rat Colr"lOn ( ; 2. Micha el Goldstein (Hon); 3. Travis GoJdstml (Hon). 125 B: 1. Miller (Suz) ; 2. Man Walker (Suz.). 125 (12-15): 1. Tr. vis Goldstein (Hon); 2. Harri!Ion (K.1w); 3. A.un:ln M.uon (Hon). 250 0 (0-1): 1. Jim Copeland (Kaw); 2. Rich MUlllIman (IC,Iw); 3. Brad Armstrong (KAw). 250 0 (0.2): 1. Brent NkhoI., (lCaw); 2..Cliff Raney (Hon) 3. Tun Dunn (Yam). 250 C; 1. Micha el Golds tein (Hon); 2.. Man uel Del Ca mpo (Kaw) ; 3. Du ke Loppnow (K.1 w). 250 B: Rick Alves (Yam); 2.. Gus Mu eller (Hon); 3. Craig Lane (](a w). OrEN 0: 1. Justin Pettyjohn (Yam); 2.. Dale Fineg an (Hon); J . Mike Ikynold, (Kaw). 500 C: 1. Tra vis Mar ks (ATK); 2. John Mdthews (Hon ); J . Don Carver (Kaw ). 500 B: 1. Robert Scott (Hon); 2. Quinn Cody (Kaw); 3. Tim PiIS(An<). 25.: 1. Julian H.1yward (Suz) ; 2. Mike Denton (AlX); 3. John Gira rd (Kaw). 4-STRK: 1. Don Franklin (AlX); 2. Russ Cracknell (Hus); 3. Tim Pilg (ATK). VET Q; 1. Tun Dunn (Yam); 2. Chuck Reynold . (K.\w); 3. l.anceKirk (Hon). VET B: 1. Darin Layton (Yam); 2. Gus Mueller (lion); 3. Craig Lane (K.\w) . SR C: 1. Kdth Jones (Kaw); 2. TnT)' Evana (KTM); 3. Vance Buckreus (Suz). SR B: 1. O ui. Knowlton (K.\w); 2. JimWescom (y a m). S /5R: 1. Ron o.wson (Suz); 2. Richard Fanning (Kaw); 3. Bob KoeovUIta (Han). WM N : 1. Kat hy Kni ghl (Suz l; 2. Tr~ Cushing (K.Iw); 3. Susa n A.ndnw (Yam). SR PRO: 1. David Rogen(Hon); 2.Stev~Cameron(Yam). VET PRO: 1. Don Fran klin (An::); 2. Joun Da uth (Hen); 3. BreIt: CroN(Kaw). AU PRO: 1. Kdth Mlyes (lion); 2. Brdt C:roea (Juw); 3. Don Franklin (ATK). Green gasses it at Sunrise MX By Scott Hoffman ADELANTO, CA. APR. 24 Durin g the second ro u nd of CM C's sunstar Sp roc kets Sp ring Classic Nationals , Kawasakimounted Tony Green rode an impressive pair of motos to top the field of 12SccJuniors at Sunrise Valley Raceway. In the first moto, Glen Branson led the pack an d managed to keep the field at bay for the remainder of the race. At this po int, the race was .for th e runner-up spo t wi th Wesll y V~ughn, Chu ck Parker and Green jockeying for position. Green made the first move by dropping Park er back one spo t; Parker went down on the following lap, d roppin g fu rthe r back. Vau ghn and Gree n w er e left to d ice for th e second spo t, whil e Jason Abbot and Leo Tidwell made their way through the field to challenge Pete Roles for fourth. Tidwe ll made his way past Roles d uring the third lap, but in the end it was Abbot who slingsh ot his way past both riders to secure the fourth spo t at the finish. Va ughn and Green were in a heated, barba nging d uel when the p ressu re became too intense and Vaughn slid ou t. Vaughn managed to get going quickly, bu t had to relinquish the second spot to Green. At the finish, Branson had p ulled out a sizable lead to tak e the wi n with Green and Vaughn following. In the second rnoto, Parker led early on followed by Green and Vaughn. Green made quick work of Parker 10 take over the top spo t d uring the opening lap. Eric Helma was also on the gas in the seco n d race, bang in g his way p a st Va u gh n a nd Parker to ta ke over second and m ak e a m o ve tow ard Gree n fo r the lea d . Vaughn and Parker would eventually fall back to finish fourth and eleven th, respectively. Tidwell also started way back and had to maneuver his Honda through the field; he would eventually find himself in the runner-up spot. First- mote winner Branson was left scrapping in the back for position. Up front. Green had a comfortable lead until a mistake on his part allow ed Helma to close the gap an d challenge for the lead. Helma briefly took over the lead, then crashed . Tidwell and Eric Anderson w e re th e re the capitalize on Helma 's misfortune. At the finish of this chao tic race, it was Green with the win and the overall victory followed by Tidwell and Anderson. Results P/W BEG: 1. Jeff Chri.'ity (Yam) ; 2. Daren Jackson (ya m); J . Gilbt.>rt Pin edo (Yam); 4. Jacob Poo le (yam). P/ W MOD: I . Joey Ch risty (Yam) . 60 (().8): 1. ]oey Christy (Kaw ); 2. Vincent Rhoads (Kaw). 60 (9-11): 1. Oy1.l Lord (Kaw); 2. Emitl Kling (Kaw ); 3. Kyle n Mace (Kaw). 80 BEG: I. John Gr anl und (yam); 2. Jason Clark (Kaw ); 3. Monty MerrilMow (}(aw) ; 4. Jeff Peavler (yam); S. ]u stin Robinson (Kaw). 80 (7-11): 1. Sean Hamblin (yam); 2. Bryan ,.uamiJlo (l(aw);J. Justin ~ (Suz) ; 4. Rou Garcia (Yam); S. Justin Vaughn ( 80 (12· 16): 1. Jim my Va ris (Suzl; 2. Ji ri OO!ltal (Suz); 3. Michad Young (Suz) ; 4. Bryan McGuarcn; S. lto POlICII (Yam). 115 BEG; 1. Richard Kingham (Kaw ); 2. Mia Gibso n (Hen); 3. Ja!lOn Du bin (Suz) ; 4. Ja!M)n Fon5e'Cil (Suz); S. Ja!lOn ColPlft.lln ISuzI. 115 JR: 1. Tony Gfft"n (Kaw); 2. ~ Braman (Suz); 3. Leo Tid well (Hon ); 4. Westly Vaughn (l(.aw ); S. R.Andy Std'as (SU%). 125 INT: 1. Travis Preton (Yam ); 2. Dustin Nelson (lCaw); 3. Scali Johnaon (5 I.1z ); 4. Mat 8.Jteman (Ya m) ; S. o.vid Hughes (](.ow~ 115 PRO: 1. ~ }ohnson (Kaw ); 2. Bader M.1nneh (Suz); 3. GrrgSchnlell (Suz),;4. Omin Hoek (Suz); s. Damon ~p (Yam). 250 BEC: 1. Jason 0rnaN0n (yam); 2. ImUrI Girton (Yam); 3. Trign Humm (Han); 4. Rodgno LtoitneT (Su z); 5. Mike Tucm (Yun~ 250 JR: 1. Anthony Ha dsa ll (}ion); 2. 8nd Schultz (Suz); 3. IMnny Woodard (KiIw); 4. john KnTer (Yam); S. WeIJtly Va ughn (lCaw) . 250 INT: 1. Dustin Nrison (Xaw); 2. Trav is Pre5ton (Yam); 3. Turtle Wikoff (Yam); 4. Eric Wright (Suz ); S. Mit Battman (y am). 250 PRO: 1. Caxy Johnson (Kaw); 2. Billy Mnrit'r (Yam); J. Jimmy uvord (Suz ). SOO AM : 1. UrI Cu.ilty (Hon); 2. Ed mond G ~ (Hun). lTI1i AM: 1. Da vid Lynch (Hen); 2. Ma rk. Stro up (y am) ; 3. Sco t! Hoffman (Ya m ); 4. Glm Weid man (5uz) ; 5. John Keefe r (Yun~ U1li MS1lt; 1. Ron Gilbert (yam); 2. Joe Merrian (lCaw). VET BEG; 1. Jim o.niels (t::.w); 2. Rodger Leitner (Suz); 3. M.J.rk Pielda (Xaw); 4. Jerry Vaughn (Suz);5. J.T. Ranis (Suz). VET JR: 1. Miu Carr (Hon) ; 2. Greg Muzio (Yam) ; 3. Bill MeLo""", (Suz ); " B.-.d Sloan(Han); 5. "'" Gam. (Hool. VET INT : 1. [Rvid Lynch (Han); 2. Eric Brins-r (Yam); 3. Glenn Wddman (Sw.) ; 4. Mark Stroup (y am) . VET PRQ 1. BrW1 Vargus (Kaw ); 2. Bader Manneh (Suz) . or AM: 1. Rich H.uwen(Honl; 2. Jim White (y am) . OT MSTR: 1. Carl Cazaty (Hon); 2. Greg Hunbe r (Ho n); 3. Cary Doggett (Hon). Ledbetter tops Mosier Valley Motocross By A. Phee EULESS, rx. APRIL 17 Yamaha rider Jus tin Ledbetter topped 22 12Scc No vice rid ers wi th consistent mote finis hes to take the overall victory in the 12SccNovice class at Mosier Valley Motocross Parle during round two of the GNC Texas Series. The first moto of the 12Scc Novice class got und er w a y w it h Chris Cad ieux leading the charge into tum one followed closely by Carter Schneider, Jus tin Ledbetter and Tad Tiesen . By t h e e nd of la p o n e, Schne ider had gotten around Cadieux to take the lead as Cadieux went down in the back section and would finish an eventual ninth in the mota. This moved Ledbette r up to second . Jason Morr is had moved up from a sixth-place sta rt to take th ird , and David Loll fo llow ed Morris throu gh to tak e fourth. Tiesen wo uld fad e to an even tual seventh place . At the end of mot o one the top four po sitions w ould rema in the same, w ith Schneider taking the win followed by ledbetter, Morris, and Lott. In moto two, Cad ie ux w as determined to make up for his crash in mot o one and led from gate to flag without a se rio us challenge. Th e ma jority of the action would ta ke place in the race for third an d fourth. Led bette r sta rted second and fin ish ed secon d . Morris sta rte d ' in third place wit h Sc hn eider run n in g fo u r th, until Schneider got a d rive thr ou gh the whoo p section and took over third pl ace. Ben Gary was moving up throug h the pack a n d in to fourth until he was slamm ed into the d irt in the heavily whooped out starting-line tum on lap thr ee . Th is allowed Morris to move back in to fourth. With two laps to go, Schneider began to reel in Ledbetter, only to crash in the whoop sectio n and finish ninth. Morris moved back into third place , while Loll was stea dil y moving his way up through the pack to secu re fourth position. At the finish, Ca d ieux took a n easy w in, followed by Led better, Morris , and Loll. ledbetter's 2-2 perfo rma nce secured the class win . In 12Scc Expert action, Roy Sche llenberger continued his d om inating performance and topped both mo tes, w ith initial pressure from Dennis Hawthorne who went on to finis h second in both motos. Results SO: 1. Jonathan Kerr (Yam); 2. Ryan King (Yam); 3. Brandon Thompoon (Yomt • . joNlhan ........ (Yomt5.C.T.!>oIlinS (Sozt • . s,...,ky Newlin (Soz) . 80 OPEN : 1. Tr;r,vi5ElIio1t (K.w); 2..Johnn y Manry (Yam); 3. Ban;y Otu (Suz); 4. Ryan Wa1lacl'. (K.lw); 5. BHu Boynton (Kaw ). 125 BEG: 1. Michael G1e.uon (Han); 2. Tun Philpot (Yam); 3. Gary Cortwn (lion); 4. Corey Jotut.on (S.Lz); 5. Cra ig Martinez Jr. (Kaw). 125 NOV: 1. Juatin Ledbl"lleT(Yam); 2. Ju on Morris (l(.aw ); 3. Chria Ca d ieux (Su,z ); 4. Carter Schneider (Hon); 5. Ted Tiesm (Han). 125 [NT: 1. Ericlr. Vallrjo (Xaw); 2. Mike Raymer (}(aw); 3. Sprint HAynes (Ya m); 4. Kevin Gravell (Kaw ); S. De.lCOn 'am" (Kaw) . 125 EX: 1. Roy Schellenberger (Kaw); 2. Dennis H.1wthome (Kawl ; 3. Jeff Schwirtz (Hen); 4. Mati Fril (Hon); S. Brad Woolsey (Kaw ). 125 O PEN : 1. Erick Valkio (Kaw) ; 2. JallOn Eckhoff (Ka w) ; J. Chris Cadiewr. (Suz); 4. J Smith (Hon); 5. Krvin Gravell (K,aw) . df 250 BE 1. Robert Zbranek (Kaw) ; 2. OtriB Stitham (Kaw ); 3. G; Michae l Spain (Kaw); 4. ChrisAorie (Suz); S. Paul CaIT (Yam) . 250 NO V: I. John Sheffield (y ..m); 2. Justin Ledbelter (Yam); J. RickeyPlayer (y am ); 4. Jack Kelly (X,aw) 5. Ty Howud (Kaw) . ; 2SD INT : 1. Sp rin l H.1ynes (Yam) ; 2. Miu Boliver (Kaw); J . Er ick Vallejo (Ka w); 4. Mike 8.lllaUe (yam) ; 5. Sha wn Martin (Yam). 250 EX; I. Roy Sch<~ (](.ow); 2. Donnb " ' _ (Kaw); 3. Jdf Schwirlz (Hon); 4. Brad W oo lsey (~w); 5. Joe Deny... (Yam). SAN BERNARDINO, CA APR. 10 , Round two of the American H is to ric Racing Motorcycle Associa tion's SoCal MX Series was held this weekend at the Glen Helen Regional OHV Park; Honda rid er John Grise turned in a few good rides a nd went home wi th a pair of trophies for his efforts. Grise won the 250c c Intermediate class, which was plagued with an un usual numbe r of DNFs in the 15-rider field. Despite the mix-up over much of the running order, Ronald Harrison was consistent with a pair of third-place finishes and earned the runner-up spot over Dennis Angezza; Eric Harrison made it a Honda sweep of the top four spo ts. Grise also trophied in the 30+ Intermediates, but th is time it was fo r th ird place. Maico mounted Greg Blazek roosted the competition in both motes, takin g the wi n over Lou is Harker and Grise. The SOOcc Novice class saw Steve FIS cross h the line in second place bo th times out, but he still earned the ove rall win . Firs t-moto winner Dant e Sorrenti was second on the day with a 1-3; Vaughn Grant finished third. Brock Suter piloted his Can-Am to a sweep of the 12Scc Expert division. David Fisher and John Lundgren rounded out the top three . Fisher was also runner-up in the SOOcc Expert class, but the winner there was Mark Brooks, wh o was piloting a Yamaha YZ360. Craig Iavelli pushed his Husk y to third after swapping moto placings with Fisher. There was a three-way tie for the 40+ intermediate victo ry, which we nt to Bob Spicer and his 1970 CZ; his second -mot e win gave him the nod ov er Maico rid ers Ch arlie Beck and Rich Smith. Resul ts 125 NOV : 1. Steve Sage ly (Suz) ; 2. Rex White (C-A). 125 1m: 1. Zach HaJoroff; 2. BillClem (Hon) ; 3. Brian Davis (Han); 4. Ronald H..rrison (Hon); 5. Ron Renz ulli (Han). 125 EX: 1. Brock Suter (C·A); 2. David Fisher (Hon); 3. John Lundgren (Bul); 4. Norm Bigt'low (Hon); S. How ard Rantz {Hen). 250 NOV: 1. Rex White (Han); 2. Brian Duane (Mai); 3. Joe l.orenzn1 (Osa); 4. verne E1mo~ (CM); S. ne winchen (Ric). 250 INT: 1. ' ohn Grise (I'Ion); 2. Ronald Harrison (Hen); 3. lknnis Au grzza (Hon); 4. Eric H.uTl!lO (Hon); S. Steve Lcpee n ICZ). 250 EX: 1. John Greenway (Han); 2. Willie Surratt (C-A); 3. ; David FISher (lC,aw) 4. Craig uvelli (Husl; 5. iun Henry (Pen). 500 NOV: 1. Steve Fish (CZ) ; 2. O.. nte SolTerlti (Mai); 3. Vaughn Gr..nt (CZ) ; ....Joe Carmello « (2). SOO INI': 1. Greg 8laz.t'k (Mai); 2. Louis Harker (CZ); 3. Chuck M

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