Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Hateley (Tri); 3. Tom Rapp (BuI);4. Do ug Gran. (AJS); 5. Chris Carter (Ma l); 6. Ru ss Powell (Pe n) ; 7. Chuck Mina1 (B5A); 8. Ron Pomeroy (BuI). 125 NOV: 1. Jason Ezell (Pen) ; 2. Rex White (C·A ); 3John Gulliford (Ric); 4. Joel Hanson (Yam ); S. Art White (H us ); 6. Mike Folena (Ric). 125 !NT: 1. Brian Shives (Hon); 2. Bryan Davis (lion); 3. Tony McF.rIand (Hon); 4. Ronald Harrison (lion); S. Jerry Benson (Hon); 6. Bill Hemy; 7. Dirk Murphy (Yam); 8. Tony l.ukaszowsId; 9. Steve Sagely (5=). 125EX: 1. David Fisher (Hon); 2. Rory Muscatell (lion); 3. Norm Bigelow (Hon); 4. Scott Davis (lion); John Lundg= (BuI). 250 NOV: 1. Rex Whi te (lion); 2. joe McCoy (Hus); 3. Brian Duane (M. i); 4. Ray Weber (Hon); 5. Jason Smith; 6. Don Beese (C-A ); 7. John Gulliford (Ric); 8. Maury Adams (Tri); 9. Mike Folena (Hon); 10. Norman Phillips (Hus). 250 !NT: 1. Brian Shives (Hon); 2. John Grise (Hon); 3. Ronald Harrison (lion); 4. Ken Gerard (lion); S. Jeff Shives (Hon); 6. Bill Henry; 7. Rodger Cook (Ric) ; 8. Allen McKay (Hus); 9. Randy Brad es ku (H o n ); 10. Eugene Bcere (Mon). 250 EX: 1. John Greenway (Hon); 2. Dallas Nyblod (Y.m); 3. Doug Gr.n. (AJS); 4. Ron Pomeroy (Bul ); 5. Rick Lu ndgren (Hus); 6. Pe te r Urfer (Ho n); 7. Jesse Buckley (y.m); 8. Do ug Benson (Ho n); 9. John Shi ves (Hon). 500 NOV : 1. Jaso n Ezell (pen); 2. John Figas (H on); 3. Joe McCoy (Hus); 4. Dante Sorrenti (Mai) ; 5. Jason Phillips (Mal) ; 6. Rob Jackson; 7. [ames Howard (BuI); 8. Howard Johnston (BSA ); 9. V.ughn Gra n. (CZ) ; 10. Tom Maddock (Hus). 500 INT DIV A: 1. Dirk Murphy (Hus); 2. George Golling (Mai ); 3. Jeff Shiv es (Yam); 4. Bill Clem (KTM); 5. Terry Reps'ad (Y. m); 6. louis Harker (CZ); 7. Rich Dominguez; 8. Keith Ly nas (BuI); 9. Rick Russell (BuI); 10. P.uI Punseca. 500 INT DIY B: 1. Mike Brami~ 2. Rod Lake (Hon); 3. Randy Pew (Bul); 4. Bill Ripley (BuI); 5. Uoyd Boland (CZ) ; 6. Ken Corpe (Tri): 7. Doug Gardener (Mai) ; 8. Rich Smi th (Mai) ; 9. ADen McKay (Hus); 10. Pete Biddy (BuI). 500 EX: 1. Tun Nash (H us) : 2. P.t Brown (Bul); 3. Rick Lundgren (Hus); 4. Kevin Krugh (Hus): 5. Allen We nze l (Cho) ; 6. Buck Murphy (M.i); 7. Randy Batse ll (Y.m ); 8. Jo hn Sh ives (CZ) ; 9. '28; 10. Bill McCIIn.on (BSA). O PEN TWIN NOV : 1. Jim McEuin (Ric~ O PEN TW IN !NT: 1. Myron Lapka (Tri); 2. Terry Prall (Tri);3. Rodney HennInger (Ric). OPEN TWIN £le: 1. Rick Doughty (Ric); 2. Sco tt Dun!,lIv ey (Che); 3 . Steve Mon g er (e he); 4. John Lundg= (Ric): 5. Ron Dotson (Tri ); 6. Mike Tripp (Ric); 7. Jack Ausmus (B5A). WOMEN N OV: I. Ch risty Einbod e n (Hon); 2. Debbie Poole (CZ) ; 3. Joanna Canaparo (CZ) . WOMEN !NT: 1. Ginger Hilgenberg (BuI); 2. N'1dd Parry (Ric). . +30 NOV: 1. John Gigas (H on); 2 Dan te Sorrenti (Mai); 3. Jo h n Lee (Ossa); 4. Joe Ta mask a (Rok): 5. Dennis Moo re (M.i); 6. Rob Jackso n (CZ) ; 7. Do n Beese (C- A); 8. James He ward (Bul); 9. Tom Maddock (Hus). . 30 !NT DIY A; 1. George Golling (Ma l); 2. Louis Harker (CZ); 3. Terry Reps tad (Y. m ); 4. Marc Audiffred (Mal); 5. Pete Biddy (H on): 6. Bobby Mclain (H us); 7. Keith Lynas (Ossa); 8. Cris Sena (pen); 9. Marvin Dav is (Hon); 10. Jim Buckin gham (CZ) . • 30 INT DIY B: I. Mike Bramit; 2. Jell N. ff (pen); 3. Rod Lake (Ho n) ; 4. Ken Corpe (Tri) ; 5. Ro bert Borg (CZ); 6. Myron Lap ka (Tri); 7. Richa rd Yamane (B5A); 8. Lanny J.y (CZ) ; 9. Bryan Davis (Hon); 10. Mar k Sumner (BSA). • 30 EX: I. Buck Murphy (Mai); 2. John G ree nw.y (Hon); 3. P.t Brown (Bul); 4. Dall as Ny blod (y. m); 5. Kevi n Krugh (Hus); 6. Randy Batsell (ya m); 7. Rick Lu n dgren (H us); 8. Dav id Dot so n (Ka w ); 9. Jesse Buckley (Yam); 10. Norm Bigelow (Ho n). +40 NO V: I. John C ulfi ford (Mon ); 2. Ray Weber (Hon); 3. Howard Johnston (BSA); 4. Go rd o n Ed wa rds (Che); 5. John Phillips (Rok); 6. Mike Folena (H on); 7. Debbie Poole (CZ) . +40 !NT: I. Ton y Lukazewski (Mai ); 2. Ken Gerard (Hon); 3. Peter Crullen den (BSA ); 4. Rich Do minguez (CZ); 5. Rich Smi th (Mai); 6. Barry Brown (Bul); 7. Uoyd Boland (CZ); 8. Euge ne Boere (Mon); 9. C u rl Lange (Hon); 10. Rodney Henning er (Hus). +40 EX: 1. To m Rap p (BuI): 2. Rory Musca tell (H on); 3. Ch ris Carte r (Ma il ; 4. Doug G ran t (AJS); S. Lee Shepherd (H us ); 6. Robert Poole (BSA); 7. Russ Powell (pen); 8. Mike Menesini (CZ); 9. Melvin Tremain (BSA). • 50 NOV: 1. Fred Royce (Ric); 2. O ld Ed Mea ger (BuI). • 50 INT: 1. Rod Bra se l (Bul); 2. Jilek Monger (VanTec h); 3. Fred Ca meron (pen); 4. Dennis Tooman (Hus); 5. Ed Hausmann (Mai); 6. Robert New (CZ); 7. AI Sal divar (Yam); 8. Ken Mareak (CZ); 9. Robert Hurs t (H us); 10. Bill Morando. .50 EX: 1. Jim McClinton (CCM); 2. Bill McClinton (BSA); 3. Ron Dotson (KTM); 4. W. yne Sumner (B5A); 5. Jo hn Geer (BSA); 6. Ch uck Minert (BSA); 7. Erni e Stair (BSA) ; 8. D.vid Ezell. . +60 NOV : I. Jim Cameron (BSA); 2. Melvin Shapiro (Ossa). +60 INT : 1. Bill Verbiscio (Yam); 2. Hank Cos io (Tri); 3. Geo rge uysslals (CZ). PREM LTWT INT: I. Mike G reen (BSA); 2. Kenny Sykes (Gre). PREM LTWT 11 NOV : 1. Da ve Duane (AJS); 2. John Gulliford (Ossa); 3. Maury Adams (Tri). PREM LTWT II !NT: 1. Keith Lynas (Ossa); 2. Mike Green (BSA); 3. Fred Mor k (B5A). PREM LTWT II EX: 1. Robert Poole (B5A); 2. John Lefevre (Hus). PREM 500 NO V: 1. Phil Radford (BSA ); 2. John Koch (BSA). PREM 500 !NT: I. John Huegel (Ind) . PREM SOO EX: 1. Matt Hi lge nberg (Ric) ; 2. Dick ' Mann (Mon) ; 3. Allen Wenze l (Vel). PREM 500 II NOV: I. Ph il Rad ford (BSA); 2. Fred Royce (Ric); 3. Ed Reed y (Tri): 4. Mike Lightfoot (Ric). PREM 500 11 INT : I. Bill Ripley (Bul); 2. JD Bramlet (BSA); 3. John Frost (Tri); 4. Dave Walden (Tri); S. Mark s. Rolre. PREM 500 II EX: I. M ik e Atkins (Ric ); 2. Jo h n Lefevre (Hus); 3. David Dewhurst (Ric); 4. John Gee r (BSA): 5. Tun Henry (Cho). PREM OPEN TWIN NOV : 1. Ga ry Bish op (B5A). PREM OPEN TWIN !NT: 1. Stephen Heaney. (B5A); 2. Norm Sh ields (TriBSA ); 3. Marsh Runyon (H-D): 4. Gerald Rot

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