Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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right into him. That was another 10 seconds, but this time 1 couldn't catch up again." "I just got through those three guys that ended up taking Scott out:' said Andrews. "I might even have clipped one. Either way, Plessinger got together with one of those guys and that' s what d id him in. It gave me breathing room right when the tra il o pened up . Nobody was ahead of m e, so 1 ra n as fast as I could and fi nally got away from him." '1 just wanted to follow Fred all day: ' said Plessinger. "I felt like 1 was picking better lin es than him until the las t lap. Then, after 1 went down, 1 lost my concen tration . I guess 1 kne w that it would be too hard to catch him after tha t." "I think that Scott (Plessinger) and Fred (Andrews) only ride as fast as the y have to when Summers or Smith aren't here:' observed Norton. "I think Fred was trying to conserve some energy and Scott was jus t going fast enough to keep me behind him. They were playing a strategy g ame out there; it obviously worked for them." For cross-country newcomer Tom Carson , the Brownsville GNCC was another learning experience. The former pro motocrosser from Ohio w as in the early battle for the lead but a series Of mishaps knocked him off the pace. "Let's see, 1 ran out of gas before my first stop, ran into someone on one of the uphills and endoed, got my foot stuck in ., the rear wheel and smacked up against every tree in th is fores t: ' said Carson aft er struggling to 10th ov erall. "I hope this is jus t my dues-pa ying time because 1 hit enough trees for everyo ne ou t there . Ma yb e 1 will have it more together for the next one." a Brownsville City Park Brownsvill e, Pennsylvania Results: April 24, 1994 (Rou nd 4 0112 O /A : 1. Fred And re ws (Yam ); 2. Scott Plessinger (KTM); 3. Thomas N orton (Kaw ); 4. Do ug Blackwell (K.lw); S. Terry Cunningham (Yam); 6. Stev e McSwain (Hon); 7. Gene Onail (Kaw); 8. Scott Phelps (Yam); 9. Tim She p hard (Ya m) ; 10. To m Ca rson (Hon); 11. Daryl Con ner (Yam ); 12. Dwain Miller (Suz); 13. Du ane Spro use (Kaw); 14. Ed Lojak (Yam); IS. Mar k Hyde (Suz) ; 16. Jeff Murgel (Yam); 17. Gary Roach (KTM ); 18 . Rick Kresic (Yam); 19. Barry Hawk Jr. (Suz ); 20. David Santi (Yam). PRO : 0 / A. Fred And rews (Yam); 1. Scott Plessinger (KTM); 2. Th omas Norton (Kaw); 3. Doug Blackwell (Kaw ); 4. Terry Cunningham (Yam); S. Steve McSwain (Hon). OPEN Ie 1. Sha wn BreU(KTM) ; 2. Carl Ennis (Yam); 3. Richa rd Bryan (KTM ); 4. Andy Kendle (KTM); 5. Michael Matoszki a (KTM). 200 Ie I. Daryl Conner (Yam); 2. Jeff Lauth (Kaw); 3. Curtis Bard onner (Yam); 4. Ryan Ca mpbell (Ya m); 5. Kelvin Hull (Yam). 2.50 Ie I. Gene O'Nail (Kaw); 2. Scott Phelps (Yam); 3 . Tun Shepard (Yam); 4. Dwain Miller (Suz); S. Duane Sprouse (](a w) . 4-STRK Ie 1. Barry Hawk (Suz); 2. Rodney Judson (Hon); 3. Shawn Busch (Hon); 4. Daryl Gaitan (Hon ); 5. Oon 80hn (KTM ). VET Ie I. Edward Lojak (Yam); 2. Mark Hyde (Suz ); 3. Jeff MurgeI (Yam); 4. Richard Kresic (Yam); 5. Callie Ward (Yam ). SR A: 1. Terry Mealer (Yam); 2. Paul Michels (ATK); 3. Mickey Doman (KTM) ; 4. Alan Brutto (Kaw); 5. Joseph MONA. Lojak(Yam~ S1SR Ie I. Harry Greenlee (Yam); 2. William Farmer (Hon); 3. lJonaId Harless (Yam ); 4. Dave Coombs (Yam); 5.lJonald Rice (KTM) . OPEN B: I. Trent Banol otti (Yam); 2. Elmar Kruza (KTM); 3. Jam es Ott (yam) ; 4. Brian Sovak (Han); S. Adam Fennel (KTM ). 200 B: I. Jim Jarrett (Yam); 2. Rob Thompson (Kaw); 3. Ronald Johnoon (Kaw); 4. John Bennett (Yam); 5. Paul Chaney (KDX) . 2.50B: 1. Todd Davis (Kaw); 2. Darius Lattea (Yam); 3. John Shaffer (Yam); 4. James Rod gers (Yam); 5. Tony Taraborrelli (Yam) . 4-STRK B: I. James Tretinik (5uz ); 2. Mark Martin (Hon); 3. Tim othy Harmon (Ha n); 4. James Bow ery (Ha n); S. Tho mas Evans (Hon ). VET B: 1. Donald Bigley (Yam); 2. Steve Cook (Yam); 3. Gregory Rzeplinslci (Yam); 4. Adam Bunting (Kaw); 5. Troy Schlereth(Hon). S R B: 1. Louis Deannan (Ya ~); 2. Richard Ray (Yam); 3. Frank Erbe (Yam); 4. DaVId Dehner (Yam); 5. Robert Brend le (Suz) . 1251200 C: 1. William Boardwine (Kaw); 2. Matthew Bennett (Kaw); :l. Jeremy Berwanger (Yam); 4. Richard Wilson (Kaw);5.Richard Wagner (Kaw). 150/0 PEN C: 1. Daniel Kendra (Yam) ; 2. Kev ta ' Wright (Suz); 3. Dave Ash (Suz) ; 4. Mark Blankenship (KTM) ; 5. Douglas Kendra (Yam). Upcoming Rounds: Round 5 • Sharpsburg, Maryland, May B R.ound 6 • Boyers. Pennsylvania, May 22 Get X -tra Performa nce and X -tra Value from 0.1.0'5 Ne w Gold Premium X-Ring Series. Try it and Feel the difference of the Lo west Friction and Hig her Strength! • Lowest fricti on achieved by an oil reservo ir formed by a spec ial 'X' shaped Q -Rlng. • TIg hter sealing - long er life • I 7% Strong er tensile strength LNst.mount of ft1etlon of . ny O-Ring . (D.I.O plllen!) ·R-.2S..lIng '?itmI ~m. Troy Corser. F~t By j e rr eccr . I st N~,ce : U .S. Su perblke Series ee Pomo na M oto Li be rty H o nd a . I st Mace: M id d l ewei ght 'teem Ch alle n ge at r'orncne