Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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:::'·1" - - - - - -- - -• • •••J - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - by his first-place finish in both 125 and 2500c B classes. Cla rk will join the A riders soon. In the Wo men 's class, Kim Pravda had a n epic ba t tle w it h Mollie Burke in the sec o n d moto. The two racers tried to fit their machines into the same comer simultaneously, after swapping positions back and forth . The resulting tangle left Burke stranded with a broken motorcycle, while Pravda too k the top trophy. Yamaha VZ80 rider Tanji Williams soldi ered to the finish line for second overa ll. Results (2290) (Above) Billy Cox (112) led Robert McWhorter (436) and James Frazier (898) at Birch Creek MX Park. (2237) Shawn Morga topped the Open A and 125cc A classes at Moriarty Motocross Raceway. 60 A; 1. Steven Bennett ( ); 2. Kevin Johnson (Ka w ); 3. Stt-venGuinn (1(.Iw) . 00 B: 1. Austin C inn (lGIw); 2. Kyle Roach (Kaw); 3. Eddil! M. rtinez (lYw). WMN: 1. Kirn Pn,vda (Kaw); 2. Mollie Burke ()(a w ); 3. TUlji W illiams (y am). S/ MINl 1. JU5tin Buclr.eIew (Yam); 2. Cia Tedesco (Kaw); Johman (Yam). 80 A; 1. Isa iah lohman (yam); 2. Gia T~ ( ); 3. Ivan Trdesco (Xaw ). 80 8: 1. Randall Williams (Yam); 2. Matt Mc~tt (Suz); 3. John Chavez (Yam) . 80 C (0- 1): 1. Man Earls (Yam); 2. Danny M.1d000l1do (Hon); 3. Sean Lynch (Suz). RO C (0-2): 1. Myles Colligan (yam); 2. ClYd Pino(J(aw); 3. Tunmy Travis (Kat:V). 125 A: 1. Shawn Morga (Kaw); 2. Ada m Land (Suz) ; 3. Chris Dmnison (Hon); 125 8: I. Ryan Cla rk (Suz) ; 2. lsaiah Johnson (Yam ); 3. Keith Johnson (Yam). 125 C: 1. Ierret Guilbry (Ho n); 2. Matt Ede al (Hon) ; 3. Jon Stewart (Hen). . 125CC: 1. N lcholal Marx (Hon); 2. Andrew Cancko (K.l w); 3. Scott 8easIey (y am ). 2SO A: 1. Mark Traveny (Yam); 2. Scott Obenchain (Ka w); 3. Be.r Hensley (Suz) . 2SO B: 1. Ryan Clark (Sw; ); 2. Keith Johnson (Yam); 3. Scott Edeal (Hon). 250C: 1. Shayne Kendall (Hon); 2. Ryan Knoche (KIw ; 3. Jon Stew art (Kaw) . 2SO CC: 1. Nicholas MolD: (Han); 2. Wes RoI.n (Yam) 3. Tun ; hit. OrEN A: 1. Sh.lwn Morga (Kaw); 2. Adam Land (Suz); 3. . Sron ClbmdIain (Kaw). OPEN B: 1. Ryan a.rk (Sw: ); 2. ~th Johnson (Yam ); 3. Scott Edea l (}ion); OPEN C: 1. Levi Jason Smith (Su.z); 2. Shaynr ICenchll (Han); 3. (Yam). 30+ A:. 1. Bear Hensley (Suz); 2. Scott Edm (Hon); 3. Tracy Rines (X.Jw); 3- Cox walks away with Birch Creek Motocross opener By Jay and Sharon Hauser lock on the first round of the Intermed iate class at MCR until the last lap when his bike just quit. This gave Bryan Muscavitch the first-mote win; he then earned the second-moto victory on his own to secure the overall triumph. Results PREM L/W I: 1. J Astleford craw). ohn PREM H /W [J 250 Ii: 1. Jay Wilsorl (AJS); 2.Eric Kr ",ft (Man). PREMH/ W n SOO A: 1. Hugh Weaver (Bul ). PREM H/W 0 500 a 1. OMie) Seher (Due). SPTSMN 125 A: 1. Mike Boggia (lion); 2. C. Darin EmswUer (Han); 3. J,ay Kinder CHon) ... Mitch McDonoikt (Hon); S. Oouglu ; Wmtzrll (Han~ SJPTS MN 125 B: 1. Bry.l n MUSOiIvird\ (Hon); 2. John Ziska (Ho n) ; 3 . Suguki (Ho n) ; 4. Th o mas France (lUlw) ; 5. Howa rd 8ft\nett (Hon). SP"J9, L"l l2SC: 1. Stephen ~ (Su.z). SPISMN 250 A: 1. Tunothy Weaver (BuI) ; 2. Rick Huc:bon (Hon); 3. DougJ.. Wentze U (Hon); .c. Jad N"dIoIson (lion); S. fun Quolk (Han). SYrSMN 250 R: 1. Todd H~ton (JoUi); 2. Charles Emery (Yam); 3. WilIu.m Naulrod (Hon ); 4.. WillWn Sa~1l (Suz); S. c.n. K.cili (Han). SPTSMN 2SO C: 1. Daniel Coley Jr . (Oss); 2. Jason Eull (K'TM ): 3. D.vid ughl (Bul): • . SUnIcy Coop« (Han): s . """" Brookha rt (C-A). SPTSMN 500 A: 1. Timothy Wen", (Bul) ; 2. Cary Sgffer (CZ) ; 3. Benny Durrough (Mai); ... DougLu Wentze ll (K.w); S. Rick Dou gh ty (1&) . . SPTSMN SOO B: 1. Gary DiPietro (K'fM); 2. Eddie Lambert (Suz); 3. Randy Pew (Bul); 4. Les Mohler (Hus ); S. James Kostival (CZ) . SPTSMN 500 C: 1. David Jarvis (Ka w); 2. Jason EuU (KlM); 3. Dennis Moore (Mai) ; 4. Willia m SekuUch (Mai); 5. TIm Hew ett (Sou). SPTSMN OPEN TW A: 1. Rid: Doughty (Ric). SPTSMNOPEN nv B: 1. Dennis Blevins (rri). 30+ A: 1. Rick Hudson (Hon) ; 2. Benn Durrough (toUi); 3. y Gary Staffer (el); 4. Dou glas Wen tze U(Hod); S. Ja y Kinder (Hod) . 30... B: 1. Paul Sa molrin (Yam); 2. Lester Craga n (Yam ); 3. Richard Baulch (Pen) ; 4. Tho mas France (Kaw); S. James Smith (C· A) . 30+ C: 1. Daniel Coley Jr. (Oss) ; 2. Tlmothy O'Rour~ (Man); 3. Hal Jarvis Jr. (Hus); 4. Dennis Moore (Mai ); 5. Kevin Brookhart (C· A) . 40+ A: 1. Hugh Weav ei' (Bul). 40+ B: 1. Gary DiP\etro (KTM); 2. O\arles Emery (el); 3. Ray Weir (CZ) ; 4. lW\dy P~ (Bul); 5. Danie l Seher(Hus ). 40+ C: 1. John J~ (Pen). 50+ A: 1. o.vid EuU (K'TM);2. Jeny Cas1o< (Hod ). 50+ B: 1. William Morando (Hus ); 2. Greg Hami lton (MaO; 3. Ilemml Kohler (Sou~ SO+ C: 1. William Sekullch (Hod). Morga motors at MoriartyMX By Christopher E. John son MORIARTY, NM, APR. 17 Shawn Morga claimed the Open A and 125cc A overall trophies at the New Mexico Competition Club's first 1994 event in Moriarty, New Mexico. Because of a lack of 500cc entries, the Open classes are no w run-what-ya-brung con tests by skill level. The change left the few big-bore rid ers suckin g the dust of the 1255 and 2505. In the first Open A moto, Sco tt O be nc ha in led t he KXl 25-mounted Morga un til he rod e around the outside of Obenchain to take first. Obenchain lost touch with Morga after valiantly riding his looping-out KX250 more than 50 yards past the infield double jump and then ghosting it. In the second moto, Morga got away earl y for the win , whi le Obenchain held off Adam Land on a Suzuki RMl25 for secOnd place. In the 2500c A class YZ rid er Mark Traversy mot ored away to firs t in both matos, while Obenchain had his hands full with 37-year-Qld Bear Hensl ey, winner of the 30+ A class. Obenchain and Hensley sw apped fmishes to take second an d third overall, respectively. Morga wa s s till the top Expert on 125s , though he had to defend himse lf against Adam Land and Honda rider Chris Dennison en rout e to w inning both motos. Tr aver sy got a g rea t start in the second moto, but coul d n't keep the earl y ad vantage over Morga. Mini rid ers justin Buckelew, Isaiah jo hnson, and Gio Tedesco p ut on a trem end ous show in the Supermini class. Buckelew used his North County Yamaha and cons istent whoops skill to overcome Tedesco early in each Supe rmini moto for the overall win, while Johnson kept third to himself. Ryan Clark, one of last year's hot mini pilots, is now doing well on full-si.zed bikes, as shown Results 50: 1. DeanDay (Yam); 2. TylerShwnate (Yam); 3..febGaskill (yam); " . William Jone (Yam);S . David Mitchell (y am). 65: 1. IsN Wood ( ); 2. Man hew 8oyeY' (K.w); 3. Br'WI O u nhAns (ICaw): .. . John AJeunder ( Ka w); S. Cha..e ShUlnoIte ( ). 85 (7-11): 1. Andrews Williams (Kaw); 2.lsha Wood (Suz); 3. John Aleunder (; 4. Cory GholMlf\ (Kaw); 5. Blak.e ~ (Yam~ as (12. 15): 1. JOlOhua Wood (Yam); 2. MicNel Ford ( ); 3. . Brandon Strick1and.; ... )l·tf Day (Yam ); 5 . Tra vis Wf'St (Ka w ). S/MIN1: 1. Keith Weeks (Kaw); 2. Ben Thompsoa (Kaw ). U /L: 1. Myles Scar ano (Sw;); 2. Randy Wom ack (Suz) ; 3. Cha p Har kra d er (Suz) ; ... Da n D.iley (Hon); 5. Tod d Morga n (Han). 125 A: 1. Billy Cox (yam); 2. Chad New lon (Suz) ; 3. Rob McWh o rter (Hon ); 4. Mike Ealttwood ( ; 5. Ian Fortune (Hon). 125 B: I. Lee Williams ()(.aw); 2. Sid ney Willia ms (Ka w); 3. Robb ie Flynt (Hon ); 4. Chris Anstead (Yam); 5. Davis Cra wford (Suz) . 125 C: 1. Myles Scarano (Suz ); 2. Travil Sharpe (Suz); 3. Chad Holt (Yam); 4. Q\ap Harkrad er (Suz); S. Dan Dailey (Hon) . 250 A: 1. Bill y Cox (Yam ); 2. Rob McW ho rte r (H on); 3. Mike Eas twood (Kaw); 4. Scott Shipley (Suz) ; S. James Fraizer (Hon ). 250 B: L Chris Amstead (Yam ); 2. Mark Tinn in (Ho n); 3. Steven Eagler (Ka w ); 4. David FIorencr (X.1w); 5. Chris Mackey (Yam). 2SO C, 1. Todd ""'Po (Han): 2. o...lin Floyd (Suz~ 3. Kevin Rothrock (Hon). ~ OPEN AM; 1. Dennia Pri (K.w); 2.. ~ Rothrock (Han); 3. Tom (Han); 4. James ScNubach (Hon); 5. Rob Hmdron(Hon). 25+ A: 1. Scott Shipley (Suz ); 2. Vann Ci bson (Hon) ; 3. Ricky Joyw (ICIM); 4. John Ry~ (Hen); 5. TIInnUe Bowman (Han). 30+ A:. 1. Scott Shipley (Suz); 2. Vann CIb!lon (Han); 3. Son ~ MitelteU ()dw); 4. Donnie FMter (Hon) ; 5. Dwight Fr.iur (IC.ow~ Lu""""'g (Han). eo- B: 1. Kenny Williatnl (Yam); 2. Randy Nimrod SIrw Basin ~w). hold the third spot for the mot o. Shiple y ma de one final attempt to get past Eastwood on an inside line, but Eas twood sh ut him down and held on to fourth pla ce. Cox al so roo st ed away with a two-moto sw ee p in th e 125cc A class aboard h is Mark IV/ FMF/AXO/Pro-Action Suspension /Denyro Design/Boyesen/Scott-backed Yamahas. Chad Newton took his Suzuki RMl25 to the runnerup spot in the 125cc A division via a 4-2 score, while McWhorter piloted his Handas to second in the 2500c A behind Cox, and third overall in the 125cc A, respecti vely. DANVILLE. VA , APR. 17 Over 275 ride rs show ed up at the opening round of the 1994 racing season a t Birch Cr eek Mot orsports Park with Billy Cox taking the top honors in both the 125 and 2500c A classes . Cox was able to time the gate perfectly at the sta rt of the first 250cc A rnoto, da sh ing the rest of the pack's hopes for a moto win. Although Cox was gone, there was plenty of racing actio n with a three-way battle for the runner-up spot. Local favorite Mike Eastwood had just returned to racing, after an injury ha d sidelined him for ove r three months, but was determined not to let th e layoff slow him down. Eastwood led Jam ie Fraizer, Robert McWhorter and Brandon Chi diy in a fre igh t tra in throughout the entire moto with li t tle mo re th an a b ike's le n g t h between himse lf, Fraizer and McWhorter. By the halfway point, Chidiy began to fall off the pace and was feeling the presure from Scott Shipley as the Senior class hotsh oe worked his way up into the top five. With Eastwood and Fraizer's battle sta rting ·to tum ph yscial , McWhorter, content to sit back and see what the outcome of th e battle for second was going to brin g, tailed close in third till the last lap . As the trio worked their way to the finish , Eastw ood was still holding of f Fraize r when th ey e nte red th e fina l turn. just 10 fee t away from th e checkered flag , the two riders collided and went do w n. Th is was the break McWhorter had bee n wa ting for, and it came jus t in time - he crept around the two downed riders and into the second spot. Eastwood was able to hold off Fraizer for third while Shipley scored a solid fifth. Mota two was again a Cox runaway, with Cox leading fro m sta rt to fmis h without even so much as a spot of d irt on his front number plate. With Cox again gone, th e battle was for seco nd through fifth, an d McWhorter was sittin g in the catbird seal. McWh orter pulled second off the gate and rod e a strong mota as he fought off pa ss attempts by Virgina' s number o ne A-class rid er Ian Fortune . Ea rly in th e moto, Fortune put hi s CR into th e th ird spo t and ne ve r reli n q u is hed th e pos ition, even th ough he was rece iving pressure from the riders in fourth and fifth . With the top two spots na iled down by the halfway point, it wa s now up to Fortune to hold off the incredible battle tha t had been going on between Eastwood and Shi pley througho ut the moto. Shipley'S relentless a tta cks on Eastwood brought the two riders to wi thi n stri king d istance of Fortue, but time ran out on the pa ir; Fortune was able to 40+: 1. Ken Jordm (Hon ). 25+ 8: 1. Lee WillWns (uw); 2. Bobby Lee (K.tIw ); 3. Philip $.Iwer (Hon) ; 4. John H.iinline (K.lw). 35+: 1. Mark Smith (Sw; ); 2. Ken Ferrell (Hon); 3 . George Calys (Yam); 4. CharlesCa rlcoo (Su.z); 5. Ronnie Ray~ (Han). 30+ B: 1. Ouis Brewer (Yam); 2. Dt:nnis PrilWn.n (K.l w ); 3. ftrilip Sarver (Han); 4. Tam M.nloot h (Hon); S. Btua' Hutchins (IC.ow~ Chandler champions Sawmill Enduro By F.H. Leghorn NAVARRO, CA, APR. 17 Some da ys it is bett er to be lucky than good, but josh Chandler was both on his way to winning the Sawmill Enduro, held on Louisiana Pacific property near the Northern Califo rnia coast. The end uro started with an easy-to-maintain schedule 'to the first check, located at 3.4 miles. From the re, the combination of a 24 mph average and tight tr ails made competitors la te to check two , at 1ll miles, and the first tiebreaker, check three, at 15.2 miles. Fastest through thi s first test was Dav e Booth, who dropped three points at check two and went 5:34 at check three. Booth wa s close ly followed by Marty Wald en and Matthew Wallace. Cha nd ler, riding a Cycle Gear-prepared Kaw asaki KLX250, had his da y get off to a rocky sta rt, d rop ping four points at check tw o and going 6:06 at check three. A long reset put everybody ba ck on time, and th e next test of the day occurred between ch ecks fo ur and f ive. Booth re linq uis he d h is early lead when he dropped six points at check five, compa red to the five points of Walden and Wallace. Ch and le r, Wood and Shoemaker all dropped six points, as we ll, and faced the tough task of trying to make up three points in the second loop. With only 15 miles to go, and just a short 24 mph section coming u p, the overall w in appeared to be between Walden and Wallace, with Booth an outs ide shot based on his superior tiebreaker scores. Observation check eight at the end of the 24 mph section had the the back part of their mi nute, a nd an easy 18 mph ave rage l ed riders to chec k nine two miles later. The club had hoped to catch riders, in failing to realize that check eight was an observation check with no free miles after it, and ha ve t hem r idi n g h ot in w hat th e y m ista kenl y bel iev ed to be free territ or y . The leader s all noted this test of paying attention to the check fla gs, but failed to note tha t .3 of a mile had inadvertently been omitted from the trail prior to check eight. As a resul t, Booth, Walden, WalIa~e, Wood and Shoemaker all confidently rod e into check nine, believ ing them selves to be on time, and burned the check. Only Chandler reset his mileage at check eight and, as a result, zeroed check nine. This mental lapse by the other contenders gave Chandl er the two points he needed to move into a tie

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