Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, PRE-ENTRY FORM SAN J OSE AMA.TEIJR SIJPERCROSS Sure, it's a little soft for super aggressiv e ridi ng, but I think this is more a reflection on the E/XCs (which have identical settings) than the R/XCs. The suspension is p redictable even when pushed hard, re fusing to deflect o r kick. If forced to make a compla int, I'd say the front end is a little harsh under highspeed compression. While hard trails brought out the best traits in the KTMs, they also exposed what is arguably the wors t. The gearing is far too tall on bo th the 400 and the 620, and the resulting gaps in gear ratios be co me glaringl y appa rent o n ro ugh trails. The engineers at KTM aren't stupid; they kn ow the gearing is too tall. They chose the sprockets in order to satisfy the emissions requi rements. If you buy a new R/ XC, take my ad vice and pick up a one-tooth smaller coun tersha ft sprocket while you 're still at the dealer or better yet, replace both the front and rear chainwheels wit h th ose fro m an E/XC. You won 't regret it off-road, and I'm sure the bikes will ha ve p lenty of top speed left for street use. (Stock, the 400 flirts with the century mark, while the 620 easily surpasses it). Attention to detail on the KTMs is first rate . Both machines feature a comfortable lay-out, with the thick, comfortable (read: firm) seat topping the package . Fuel range is lengthy with the stock three-gallon fuel tank, yet the cell is narrow enough that yo u won't know it's there. The levers are too large for those with small hands, but we like the cool "b uzzer hom," unobtrusive tum signals and sano stand. Ever had to fix a flat on a dual-sport ride? With the centerstand, you 'll almost look forward to the task (okay, oka y, I did sa y, "alm ost"). On the negative side , the stock mirrors are bogus, though we know KTM has their hands tied in this department. On tight, rocky trails, the mirrors will whack you in the side of the head and catch on trailside vege tation. Swap them for smaller afterm arket units if you go off-roading.·Finally, in my humble op inion the R/XCs are the best-looking dual-sport bikes avail able. Th e sleek, white pl astic - high-lighted with purp le and ye llow accents - is downright trick. With the sun sinking behin d the distant mountains on the first day of our ride, we hop ped off our final fire road and on to the pavement - a tw isty road d o wn the hill in to the Anza Borrego Desert State Park. As we checked in to o ur ho tel in Borrego Sp rings, I found myself reflecting on the day. Scot had taken us on an awesome ride, one that included everything from scenic mountain fire roads, to desert sand washes, to canyon trails straight out of the Peruvian Incas Rally. It wasn't until I had showered off and was sitting down to eat that I realized I was actually looking fo rward to making the same trip the n ex t day - in reverse: So if you find yourself suffering fro m m o to rcycl e bum-out, here's my prescription: take a day or two and go on a dual-sport ride . If you're an experienced motorcyclist, it will remind you of why you started riding in the first place, and if you' re not well, I can' t think of a bett er way to introduce yourself to the sport. Oh, and I doubt if your medical insurance will cover it, but if you can afford the price ($5698 for the 400, or $100 more for the 620) take a KTM R/XC and call me in the mornin g. If you're not cured after tha t, your case is terminal. ~ While Cycle News believes theforegoing test reliable, it is the opinion of the reviewers only and should not be reliedupon in determining the performance or safety of tire tiehicleis). The reader should make his or her DUm investigation ENTRY INFO (No Refunds) A DMISSION Mail- In Pre-Ent ry - $40 Post Entry (At Registrat ion) - $50 Sunday, J une S, 1994 SPARTAN STADIUM 6/4/94 SATURDAY ONLY SIGN-UP WORLD SPORTS Pre -Ente re d Rid e rs - p ic kup p a c ket at registrat io n. Post Entry - Sig n Up and p ick-up packet s at regist ra t io n; HO URS: 9:00 A M-5:00PM at Race He a d q ua rte rs Amateur Event Onlv Adults . $8.00 Children (10 & Under) $5.00 ROUND 8 AMA D TRICT 36 IS CENTRAl CAliFORNIA SPRING MX SERIES Available event day ONLY ~ RACE HEADQUARTERS SAN JOSE Red Lion 2050 Gatew a y Plac e San Jo se, CA 951 10 ABSOLUTEL NO Y RACE DAY SIGN UP! All Ridersan d Mechanics MUST come to registration at rac e hea dqua rtersl AllMinors(under 18) MUST have pare nt or notarized leg alg uard ian present at registration. ft PRE-ENTRY INFORMATION AlIA A LIMITE D NUMBER OF ENTRIES ARE BEING ACCEP TED ! If there is a problem with your entry you will be contacted. . " III C T I O II£ O SERIES PARTICIPATION IS NOT NECESSARY FOR ENTRY INTO THIS EVENT. - ------------------- fo r-----~------------~- Your Information. Clip and Save T Portion op HONDA & SUZUKI AWARDS CONTINGENCY PROGRAM PAYBACK , 7 PLACES SAN JOSE CLASS STRUCTURE Place o v' in t he c la ss(es) you choose t o ride. __51cc Auto (4·8) Stock __65cc7-11 85cc 7-11 · 85cc 12-13 _ _ 85cc 14-15 125 C Novice 125 BIntermediate __125 A _ ' _125 Youth 12 -15 __Plus 25 _ _S eniors4D-Up __500 Novice "B/C" __250 C Novice __250 B Intermediate __250/500 A _ ,_S eniors 3D-Up _ _Seniors35-Up " EACH PRE-ENTRY MUST BEPOSTMARKED BY MAY 22, 1994 ~ . ~. MA IL·IN ENTRY FEE INCLUDES: AmateurRider Gate Fee. Rider Entry Fee. PLUS anAction pn Pass h an an Eany Entry Pass. (Valid onlywtt Pro Event Ttd

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