Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 03 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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·V ICE : O S· America's weekly motorcyclenewspaper Letters totheeditor:. V olume XXXI Sharon Clayton, Presid ent Michael Klinger, Publisher Editorial Paul Carruthers, Editor Kit Palmer, Associate Editor Donn Maeda, Associate Editor Chris Jonnum, Associate Editor Scott Rousseau, Assistant Editor Graphics and Production Ree Johnson, Production Supervisor Mandy Loo, Production Manager Dennis Greene, LAb. Tec h. Stacey Guest, Graphic Artist Amy Faught, Graphic Artist Administration Judy Klinger, Coordinator Peggy Rivera, Secretary to thePublisher . Advertising Terry Prall, National Accounts Manager MarkThome, Western SalesManager Thomas Genter, Western SalesManager Forrest Hayashi, Wes tern Sales Manager Mark Mitchell, Eastern Accounts Manager Greg Mitchell, Eastern Sales Manager Rick Matheny, Eastern Sales Manager Rhonda Crawford, Western Ad Coordinator Carla Allen, Eastern Ad Coordinator Want Ads KellyBranscome, Watlt Ad Sales Marketing & Promotion Mark Thome, Ma~ger Dealer Sales Toni Kerr, Denier Representative AccountinglData Processing Donna Bryan-Diamond, AIR Coordinator Geneva Repass, Assistatlt Herlane Lewis, Credit Circulation Rheba Smith, Matlager Alma Anguiano, Processing Coordinator Pam Klein Billing Coordinator , Carol Begovic, DealerCoordina tor KimMazenko, Data Etltry Coordinator Service and Support Chris Aitcheson, Headquarters Receptionist . Leonard Herring, Service and Support National Headquarters . 2201 Cherry Ave., Long Beach, CA 90806, P.O.Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 (310)427-7433; (213) 636-8844. FAJ« (31 0)427~5 Eastern Office 418 FirstAve., Tucker, GA, 30084; 8 mailingaddress P.O. Box 805, Tucker, GA 30085-0805. (404)934·7850. FAX (404) 934-3112 Cycle News (USPS141-340) is published weekly except the last two weeks of the calendar year (or $50.00per year by Cycle News.Inc, 2201 CherryAvenue, Long Beach. CA90806. Second class postage paid at Long Beach, CA. Canada Post . International Publications Mail N 15, 5466 #31 says goodbye I have cons ulted three d ifferent doctors, and they all have the same opinion. They sa y that if I ever hit my head again , I may sus tai n dev asta ting head inju ries and never wa ke up . They say that I don't even have to hit my head as hard as I did when I crashed at the Spri ngfield Mile. The last thin g I wa nt to do is qu it racing, but I feel that I had better walk away from it while I s till can . In my cras h, I sus tai ned a bruised brain stem - from which I still ha ve so me double vision - a brain hem orrhage in the frontal lobe, a walnut-sized blood clot above my right ear, an d a compression frac tu re of the seventh cervi cal vertebrae in my neck. Crashing is a part of racing and, considering the circums tances, my risk factor is just too high . So; goo dbye to the motorcycle racing world . I have a lot of good mem ories. envelope. All unsolicited material will be handled with reasonable care, however, Cycle News assumes no res ponsi bility for the safety. loss or dam age to such ma terial. Reprinting in who le or part only by permissio n of the publisher. Adv ertising rates and circula tion inform ation will besen t upon request.SeeS.R.D.5. W~.8 ~dlffTION Printed in U.S.A. Co~yright" CycleNews Inc. 1994. Trademark CycleNew> , registered U.s. Patent Office All rightsreserved. . The article in Cycle News concerning the '84 Six Days event in Tulsa (In the Wind, Issu e #7, Feb ru ary 23) is not accu ra te. 11 a ppea rs th at a Cycle News reporter is quoti ng the Tulsa Trail Riders as well as Hugh Fleming of the AMA . Cycle News has not con tacted the Tul sa Trail Riders Six Days Committee, Board of Directors, club preside n t, clerk of cou rse or event di rect o r. We hoped y our pub lication would b e m o re s u p po r ti ve of th e tremen dous unde rtaking that is involved . in hosting a World Championship even t such as the ISDE. The Board of Directors and Six Days Committee chose not to respo nd to the first ISDE article printed (Day Six, Issue #3, January 26). Th at article co n tai ne d s evera l m isrepresen ted " facts", s tatements biased by your opinion, and commen ts that were only half tru e. Had Cycle News been sincere ly concerned abou t the organizational efforts of the '94 ISDE and the significance of hold ing this event in th e U.S., it wou ld seem th a t someone from your publication wo uld have established direct con tact wi th the host club . Responsib le reportin g should demand thi s co n tact for obtaini ng inform ation regard ing decisions that have been made, and to receive answers to your readers' questions. Your read ers deserve better than you have given them . After several yea rs of prom oting Six Days Qu alifiers and researching other Six Days events, the Tulsa Trail Riders und ers ta nd the o ve rw he lmi ng task and the effort required to host the ISDE. Everyone in the club felt we could count on all segments of the U.S. motorcycle industry to be supportive and helpful in this undertaking. Unfortunately, we have found this not to be the case, and are extremely disappointed to find you r publicati on amo ng the minority gro up of non-supporters. Emig 's okay Thi s letter is in resp onse to Bob Lynch and hi s derogat or y letter towards Jeff Emig (Voices, Issue #7, February 23). The incident between Jeff and Mike laRocco in vo lved mo re th an racin g to say th e least. I watched th e cras h on v id e o repeatedly, and it was clear that laRocco made ill-advised moves and lan ded on top of Jeff - taking them both ou t of contention. On Motow orld, laRocco admittedl y said tha t he "t ried to force it." By no means does laRocco's pa ss attem p t justify Jeff kicking him in re taliation, nor does it you in calling Jeff a di ck. Everyon e loses thei r cool , un fortunately Jeff did so in fron t of 26,000 people. INSIDE o f stories. cartoo ns, ph otos, etc. Such materi al. if published, becomes the exclusive property of Cycle News. Such accepted material is subject 10 revision as is necessaryin the sole discretion of Cycle News. Unsolicited material w hich is not used will be returned if accompanied by a self ad dressed stamped Tulsa response Dati Ingram started the 1993 AMA Grand National Championship Series off on a high note by winning the season-opening Daytona Short Track, but he was seriously injured in a crash at the May 30 rutltling of the Springfield Mile. According to former Team Harley-Davidson f actory rider Kevin Ath erton, Ingram showed up in Michigan recently to throw a leg over atl ice racer, and appeared to be his old self. "He looked a little tentative atfirst, but by the end o the day he f was keeping up with Scotty Parker and me," said Atherton. Apparently", Ingram's decision to retirecame afew days later, after considering the consequmces of a crash. His presence on the track will be missed...Editor. To determi ne the exp iration date your subscri ption, check the four numbers on the fi rst line of your .;add rrss label , The first two digits Indicate thr last issue num ber yo u11 receive and tht' last two ch.;aR.cfers indicate the yeuof the las t issu e. CycleNews welcomes unsolicited editorial material including Rick Fuller Norwic h,NY Dan Ingram Indianapolis, IN POSTMASTER Send addrees changes to Cycle News, P.O. : Box498, Long B~.Ich, CA 90801-0498. Subscription rates: Rates for the United Stares and its posses~ siam. for one year. (SO Issues), $50.00; tw o years (100 issues). 595.00; six months, (25issues), $26.00; trial sub (15issues), $19.00. Canada and Foreign, one year (SO issues), S90 two JXJ; years (loo issues), 5175.00; six months (25 issues), S45.DO; trial sub (15issues), $3lI.IlO. Talk is cheap sir, and I suggest in the future tha t yo u not judge people yo u don 't know personally. I've bee n friends with Jeff for over four years. He is one of the most level-hea ded and down -to-earth people I know . As far as his prob lem s with Jeremy McGrath, th ey go deeper than just racing - bu t that's none of my business o r yo u rs . McG rath s imply chooses to air the dirty laundry in public. Vern Street Presi de nt, Tulsa Trail Ride rs Tu lsa, OK Cycle News stands by the accuracy of it news story fro m the February 23 issue i which AMA Members Activity Directo Hugl' Fteming was quoted. While it is tru that representatives f rom the Tulsa T rai Riders were not quoted in the story, it is als readily apparent that tlotle were quoted. Edi torial colum tls printed itl Cycl e Ne w re flect the opiniotl of the author - such is th case with the January 26 issue that feature Kit Palmer's "Day Six ." Cycle News i committed to covering the ISD E in Tuls with all the fe rvor that a World Champi onship event deserves...Editor. Capta in Mike Tracy The desert racing family has lost one 0 its best friends . The senseless and tragi d eath of Captain Mike Tracy ha s reall hit hom e with me. Being a member 0 the Los Coyotes desert racing club, I ha a lo t of contact with Mik e thr ough ou former club p resid ent Dua ne Hawker, Lt. Ma rshall in Los An ge les County Mike was a fine examp le of a ma n dev ot ed to his famil y, friends and the welfar of the citizens he p rot ect ed on the job Before I started announcing supe rcros races full time, I w as in the d es ert 0 wee kends and our club and Mike's clu we re a close bu nch . Many nights, Mik and Duane wo uld provide many smil and a lot of lau ghs. He was a big part 0 the Adelanto Grand Prix, and the Oeser Vipers were always a grea t club to rae with. Mike will be missed in a lot 0 ways; I kno w that his precious donatio of tim e, h onest y a nd fellows hi p ha ma de the desert a bett er p be. My prayers and though ts go ou t I Mike's family. Mike may be gone, but h is in the big desert in the sky, on his bike ridi ng in a peacefu l venue. For those 0 you who never me t Mike, trust in th fa ct that he was a great ma n and th world was lucky to hav e had him. God speed Mike. Peace be wi th yo u. Judgitlg by the outpouring of emotional let ters we have received, Captain Mike Tracy who was killed itl a robberyattempt in south ern California, must have been a heck of a man...Editor. lfoUrrs to th e l1'di lor 8hould be I'lt'nt to Vo ices, Cycl e News, P.o. Bo x 49 8, long Broach , CA 9 0 8 0 6 ~ 04 9 8 o r f.axed to 310/427-6685. Publi"hed lettetll do no t n ec,",,,,.u il y r.. f1E'r! the pos itio n of Cy cle Ne ws, Inc. Letters fihou ld not exceed 200 words a nd al t leuers art' s ub jf'C to I"diting . Anonymous 1 letters will not be consi de red for pu b ficat ion . All I.. Uel"ll s ho uld contain th e w r itrr' . na me, ~ddres' and da ytim .. ph on e nu mbe r ••• Editor. . Issue #9, March 9,·1994 FEATURES SUPERCROSS McGrath gets back on tra ck wi th Atlan ta win ENDURO Hi nes' exp erience pays off at Qu icksilver Nati onal End uro DAYTONA SCHEDULE Pay atten tion 6 20 DEPARTM ENTS NEW PRODUCTS....•...............................................21 MOTOCROSS Dowd, Windham finally clinch titles at Gatorback MX 22 ON TH EFRON TCOVER CALENDAR INTERVIEW Team Noleen /Sizzler's Larry Ward : EVENTS 28 WANT ADS 33 DAY SiX 47 Team Honda 's Jeremy McG r at h re bounded to win the Atla n ta Supercross . See page 6 for com plete coverage. Inse t photo: Kev in Hines claimed his first Na tional Enduro win in over two years at the snowy Quicksilve r National Enduro. The fu ll story begins on page 12. Photos by Kinney Jon es. 12 14 18 A LOOK BACK : 47

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