Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 02 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RESERVE 1994 YOUR THE COpy YEARBOOK· TODAY! CALL TOLL FREE 800/831-2220 or a fifth straig ht yea r, . Motorcycle Road Racer Illustrated returns wi th its 1994 Yearbook - a complete review of the 1993 motorcycle road racing season. Everything from the Ll.S. National Cha mpionships to the exciting wo rld of Grand Prix road racing, from the colorful personalities to hard- line technical info rma tion on the sta te-of-the-a rt motorcycles. It's all packed into a full-color, pe rfect-bou nd yea rbook. The yearboo k p romi ses to give action ph otography from the world 's top profession al motorcycle racing photographers, facts and figures, and enjoya ble read ing from those in the know to bring back the highlights of the 1993 season. Motorcycle Road Racer Illustrated 's 1994 Yearb ook is sure to give road race fans months of enjoymen t whil e also serving as a reference book to their favo rite spo rt. Available in March 1994, you can be one of the first to receive Motorcycle Road Racer Illustrated 's 1994 Yearbook by orde ring now. F .---------------------------------------------, 1994 MOTORCYCLE ROAD RACER ILLUSTRATED YEARBOOKORDER COUPON Fill in completely and dearly Domestic orders: __copies at $3.95 ea. totaling _ _ Method of payment Foreign orde rs:_ _ 0 Check or Money Or de r enclosed (Sorry. no bill me's) copies at $5.95 ea. totaling _ _ o Name _ Address _ Cred it Ca rd # _ Expiration Date _ Signa tu re _ City Phone # L State __Zip Orde r date Charge my 0 - ' _ Send to: CN Publishing, Motorcycle Road Racer Yearbook, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 Phone Orders: 800/831-2220 • 24-Hour FAX 310/427-6685 CN ~

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