Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 02 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ilber t to p ost th e m o to and overall ins. Osca r Vadlez didn' t win either 80cc lovice moto, but his consistent riding id earn him the overall victory for the ay. Valdez rode to a pa ir of second lace finishes, following George Ham nel in the firs t moto and Levi Reid durng the all-important second m o to. "' he n th e dust set tled, Val d ez too k lome the coveted fi rs t-p lace tro phy v hile Hammel's 1-3 wa s good for second and Reid 's 4-1 left him third in front ;)fDusty Wal ters an d Noa h Ada ms. C\" G Me, - - ..... MUNICIPA L - -.---"- -- STAD I U M --- MOTORCYCLE DAYTONA BEACH Glen Helen Receway San Bernardin o, Californ ia Resul ts: January 23, 1994 (Round 3 of 6) 50 BEG : 1. Rya n PiatlOni (Yam); 2. Patrick Walsh (Yam); 3. Chad Willis (Yam); 4. Phi1Iip Bruscella (Yam); 5. Tyler WiI1i~. (Yam). . 50 STK NOV: 1. Carlos Gonzales (Yam); 2. Andrew Naso n (Ya m): 3. Ju stin Bckenroad (Ya m) ; 4. Patric k Walsh (Yam ); 5. Jeff Aless i (Yam) . SO STX EX: 1. Daniel Taft (KlM): 2. Mike Alessi (y am) . 50 5 /5TK NOV 0-1: 1. Andrew Nason (Ya m); 2. Shay Weav er (Yam): 3. Jos h ua Brown (Ya m ); 4. Ja mes Baker (ya m); 5. G regory Jones (Yam). 50 S/S T K NOV 0 · 2; I. Chris Ca ud illo (Ya m); 2. Brian Thomason (Yam); 3. Kyle Foltz (Yam); 4. Donald Chonar (Yam); 5. Dane Jackson (Yam ). 50 SISTI( EX: 1. Cha d Munn (Ya m); 2. Daniel Taft (Ya m); 3. Mike Ales si (Ya m) ; 4. Ryan Brat (Yam ); 5. Tomm y Cochran (Yam) . 50 M O O NOV: 1. Brody Bolling (Yam); 2. De reck Bollman (Yam); 3. James Baker (Yam ); 4. Je ff Alessi (yam); 5. Dallas Peick (Yam). 50 MOD EX: 1. Cha d Munn (Ya m): 2. T yson Talkington (Yam); 3. Daniel Taft (Yam); 4. Mike Alessi (Yam);S. Tommy Cochran (Yam). 60 BEG : 1. Jesse Moc k (Kaw); 2. Chad Robbin (!Caw); 3. CJ. Tlainger (!Caw); 4. Scott Simon (! (Hon ). SOD PJt.O : 1. Jo n Ne lso n (Han) ; 2. Terry Fowler (Hon); 3. Lance Small (Hon); 4. Willy Mus gra ve (Hon); 5. Rick Ryan (Hon). 25+ AM: 1. Joe Me rri am (Ka w ); 2. Paul W rig ht (Yam); 3. Giovanni Spi nali (Yam); 4. Todd Brou ssa rd. (Suz); S. Ton y Alessi (Yam). 25+ MSTR: I. Kenny Zahrt (Yam) ; 2. Ron Gilbert (Yam); 3. Fitz Cibbon (Kaw/; 4. joe Fernandez (!

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