Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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arm. Ni coll, who had plates placed in his arm, came up short over a double jump during a practice session. He will be ou t of ac tion for at least 12 weeks while he recovers . Dunlop ha s announced that the sli ck racing tires the y will sell this year will be exactly the same sizes, constructions and compounds used by World Champions Dirk Raudies, Tetsuya Harada and Scott Russell. According to Dunlop's Jim Allen, Dunlop will not produce a 250cc GP tire to fit the 5.5D-inch rear wheels found on the 1994 Yamaha TZ250. 'The rear tire we used to win the 1993 World 250cc GP Championship was made for a 5.0 or 5.25 -inch rear wheel and that is the tire we w ill import," Allen said. Road racer Shawn Higbee will ride a Harley-Davidson 883 Sportster for Bartels' Harley-Dav idson in the 1994 AMA National Championship Road Race Series. Higbee fini shed second in the 1993 Harl ey-Dav idson TwinSport Series w hile sp ons ored b y his local deal e r, Harley -Davi dson of Ja mestown, New York . A record 50 en tries ha ve been received by the World Speedway Racing Association for the opening round of the World Cup Ice Speedway Series to be held at the Arco Arena in Sacramento, California , on Ja n u a ry 7-8. Two-time and de fend ing champion Charlie Venegas heads the list of pre-entries. Accord ing to a press r e lea se fro m Harley-Davidson, Wyatt Fuller, the founder and p re sident of Razorback Motorworks, Inc., a ,custom designer of motorcycle parts and accessories in Pompano Beach , Florida, will work as an independent contractor for HarleyDavidson. Fuller's long-term agreement with Harley ca lls for him to design motorcycle ac ce ssories for Har leyDavidson from his Florida headquarters. The traditional opening round of d irt track raci ng at jax Raceway in Jacksonville, Florida, during Cam el Cy cle Week has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict wi th the opening of [ax 's summer -long drag a nd d irt tra ck car rac e program. Volusia Co un ty Sp eedway in Barberv ille, Florida, will be the site of the op en ing round of the series on Saturday, March 5. Factory Connection, the suspension tuning company run by ex-factory m ec hanics Ric k Zie lfe ld er and Mike McAndrew s, has installed a toll-fr ee n umber for their customers. Factory Connection is als o n ow acceptin g resumes for sup port rides for the 1994 racing seas on. For more in forma tion con tact Factory Connection at 800/2217560 or send resumes to 10 Crossroad s Industrial Park, Rochester, NH 03067 Promote r s of th e 1994' AMA Camel Supercross Series w ill offer a special to AMA members which will allow them to attend specia l "Early Entry" activities at no charge. The "Early Entry" activ ities, whi ch give fans an opportunity to see practice and qualifyin g and al so offers special autograph sessions, tak e place at all Camel Supercross even ts with the excep tion of the round at Daytona International Speedway. The "Early Entry" tickets have a face value of $16, but will be provided free to AMA members who come to the registration area at each supercross and present their current membership cards. Team Chafong has signed David Estok to join Randy Renfrow in riding the team 's Honda CBR600s in the 1994 AMA /CCS 600c c Su p er sp o rt Series. Estok won the 1993 Honda CBR600cc Challenge Series and also won the Midd leweight Supersport class in the AMA /CCS Race of Champions at Daytona International Speedway in October. In addition, Team Chafon g has hired tuner Mike Rockwell, th e ma n who prepared the Yamaha TZ250 tha t Colin Edwards II rod e to the 1992 AMA 250cc Grand Prix Ch ampionship, to prepare Estok 's Honda. The AMA recently signed an agreement with The Source International (TSI) that will see the North Ca rolina-based marketing firm begin marketing officially licensed AMA products and services. Beginning this month, the TSI will assist in the de velopment and marketing of products bearing the official AMA logo for sale thr ou gh out the world. In addition, TSI will serve as the sole licensing agent for all prod u cts fea turing the AMA lo g o, and w ill administer all licens e agreem en ts for use of the AMA logo by outsi de interests and will police , the use of the log o. According to the AMA, the agreement also calls for TSI to pursue m ar keting strategies "that will benefit professional motorcycle racing te am s involved in v arious types of AMA competition, such as motocross, dirt track and road racing." TSI has p revi o usly marketed top drivers on the NASCAR Winston Cup Series. Australian road racer Mat Mladin will return to the Austra li a n Su p e rb ike Champions hip after a less-than-successful seaso n of 500cc Grand Prix racing on a factory Cagiva. The 1992 Au st ralian Superbike Champion will ride a factory Kawasaki . Dunlop has announ ced that it h as reached a three- year agreement w ith PACE Sup er Sports to serve as the official tire of the 1994 AMA Camel Sup ercross Series. In ad dition, Du nl op also announced that it will sp onsor the 1994 Team Dual Dogs California Dual Sport Series, which features more than 15 oneand-two-day events in and aro und California. Three-t ime World Cha m p ion Wa yn e Rainey has been named Man of the Year by Spain's d aily sports newspaper EI Mund o d e Portivio . Rainey beat the presid ent of Ba rcelona's football club a nd Michae l Jordan in winning the award. Rainey is also currently leading the voting for Solo Moto's Rider of the Year, an award voted on by the readers of the Spanish motorcycle publication. Banest o, the Spanish bank that backs the company that controls the World Championship Road Race Series, Doma, was taken ove r on December 28 by Banco de Espana, the Ba n k o f Spain. Banco de Espana, however, has said that Dorna is solvent and p rosperous and they will continue to lend the television marketing rights company their support. Kenny Roberts Jr. has been confirmed as the onl y rider on the Kenny Robertsowned Ma rlboro Yamaha 250cc Grand .Prix team for th e 1994 World Championship Road Race Series. The '94 season w ill be Roberts Jt :' s first full season of Grand Prix racing. Ducados, the Spanish tobacco compan y, has confirmed that they will again spon- sor the Ducados Cup Spanish Road Race Series in 1994. With five of 17 days completed in th e Dakar '94 Rally, Cagiva ri ders were dominating the prestigious event as of .Monday, January 3. Spain's Carlos Mas (Cag) held the overall lead w ith a total elapsed special test lime of 15 hours, 52 minutes, 40 seconds. Countryman Jordi Arcaro ns (Cag) was just 27 seconds back in second, with Italian Edi Orioli (Cag) third. Frenchman Jean Wagner (Ca g) a nd Spaniard Paolo Gallardo (Cag) rounded out the top five. The ev en t started in Paris, France, on December 28, and will travel to Daka r, Senegal, before returning to Euro Disney in Paris on January 16. John T a yl o r, fat her of A MA Gran d N a ti o n a l Ch amp io n ship Serie s d irt tracker Ted Taylor, p assed a way in Arb uckle, California, December 31, due to complica tions that developed w he n he underwent knee surgery. Taylor, 49, was a former Expert-elass d irt tr acker. Tay lor was also a former p resid en t of the Fremo nt Motorcycle Club, a n d owned and ope rated a Bultaco Motorcycle dea lership in the early 70s. Legendary trials ace Sammy Miller will take part in a variety of vin tage events during Camel Cycle Week a t Dayton a International Speedway in March. The Brit will present the 1993 British Bike Magazine Trials Series awards a t the AHRMA off-road awards ba nq ue t on March 5 at the Ocala, Florida, Holid ay Inn. Miller will then roa d race d uring AHRMA's Classics Day on Monda y, March 7 at Daytona Iriterna tiona l Speedway, riding a Velocette in th e Pre-1940 class. He will also ride in the opening round of the AHRMA Nationa l Trials Series on March 9 at the Florida Motorsports Co mplex in Ocal a. Miller, who operates a motorcycle museum in Eng land, will also take lime before the trial to discuss motorcycle restoration arid give trials tips. Roger DeCo ster will a lso attend th e AHRMA vin tage festivities at Daytona. The multi-time Worl d Champion will attend the AHRMA/Vintage Iron MX on March 5 at Ocala and will then pr esent the motocross awards at the off-road banquet that nig ht. On Mar ch 7, DeCoster will road race on a Ducati in the Sportsman 350 class during Classics Day at the Speedway. DeCos ter finis hed fourth in the Sportsman 350 class last year in his first-ever road race. The Classic Bike Magazine Dirt Track Series awards will be passed out by Dick Mann. John Surtees will be the featured speaker at the AHRMA Awards Banquet on March 8 at the Deland, Florida, Holiday Inn. The seven-lime World Champion is part of the non-racing BMW Legends Emeritus to be held on Classics Day. Surtees will be reunited with one of his exworks 1956 MV Agustas, now owned by George Barber of Birmingham, Alabama. AHRMA's Sound of Singles and Battl e of Twins Ser ies will include rounds scheduled for March 4 at Roebling Road Raceway in Savannah, Georgia; March 7 at Daytona International Speedway; April 16-17 at Putnam Park, Indiana; May 7-8 Las Vegas, Nevada; May 21-22 Grattan, Michigan; July 9-10 Sears Point, California; Ju ly 16-17 Road Atlanta, Georgia; and July 30 in St. Louis, Missouri. According to AH RMA's Jeff Smith, additional races are in the works . The events will combine AHRMA vintage classes wit h 50S/BOT racing, and the Sears Poin t d ate will be the first west coast edition of the BMW Ba ttle of the Legends. The Southeastern Sportbike Association (SSA) has contracted w ith Road Atlanta to p rovid e corner workers for the AMA National Championship Road Race Series round, and all AMA /CCS rounds, held at the facility in Braselton, Georgia, for 1994. SSA is looking for exp erienced co rner workers or th ose wil lin g to lea rn. For more inform ation contact SSA at 404/ 984-2606. It looks as though New Zeal and er ' Andrew Stroud will take over the number 34 made famous in Gran d Prix racing by Kevin Schwantz. Schwantz will be wearin g number one in this yea r's SOOcc World Ch ampionship Road Race Series, leaving 34 vaca ted . Stro ud finis hed th e 1993 '500cc World Champions hip in 34th pl ace, sco ring h is only points w ith a 15th-p lac e finish in the FIM GP in [ararna, Spain. Th e Mickey Th ompson En tertain me n t Group (MTEG) and Baja Pro m otions have announc ed th e for m ati on of the International MTEG/Baja Promotions Off-Road Points Championship Se ries . The 1994 se ries will consist o f racers using their three best finishes in the sixrace MTEG closed-eourse desert series at Gle n 'H e le n OHV Pa r k in Sa n Bernardino, Californi a; com bined with their thr ee best finishes in the seven-race Golden Crown of Baja Desert Off-Road Series in Baja California, Mexico. The d eadline for Cycle News Want Ads . has been chan ged from Friday at noon to Thursday at 5:00 p.m. (Pacific Time). CORRECTION: The word Ve teran's was omi tted from our In the Wind item regarding the White Bros. Veteran's MX that will be h eld a t Lake Sug artree Motocross Racewa y in Axton, Virginia, on August 27-28. APPOINTED: Parts Onl y, as the Brembo brak es distrib ut or for New England by Brembo impo rter Slat er Bros. For more informatio n contact Parts Onl y at 207/483-2133. • MARRIED: Dirt tra cke r Kris Kise r to Kimb er ly Ison, in Pound, Virginia, on December 11, 1993. APPOINTED: Race Tire Service of Antioch, Ten nessee, as the Eastern U.S. Road Race Distributor for Dunlop road race products, by Dunlop TIre Corporation. Race Tire Service will distribute a full line of road race slicks and the complete line of DOT-app roved supersport and superstock tires. Steve Brubaker, for merly of Cycle Tune in Torrance, Cali fornia , will head up the new distributorship. For more information call 8oo/772-TIRE (orders) or 615/941-1666 (tech information). MOVED: Allredy Canopies, manufacturers of cloth shelters, helmet bags, gear bags, etc., to 711 West 17th Street, Costa Mesa, CA 96267. The phone number is 8oo/BUY-TENT. N AM ED: Moore Stickney Associates, Inc., as the advertising agency of record for Dunlop Tire Corporation's rnotorcy- -::Ii cle tire division. ~ ,.....; STOLEN: One 1988 Honda CRSO and O one 1986 Yamaha TT600 from the Apple Valley, Ca lifornia, home o f former National Sp eed wa y Champion Mik e Faria. Also taken was a gearbag which contained Faria's green and black Bates leathers, Shoo helmet and goggles. If you have any informa tion call 619/%1-7075. - -- - - - - - COntinued on page 43 3