Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• • :CYC~I 1- ' . ". L , '!" ' ~ - " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MOTOCROSS ••• II65AJ t .., IIoIaaou ... . . . ArnefianI Slatton. 8rad:shaw, ... ICliIdrowsfd tmg tome .. 111'1 straqII:goldITllllWb lit USAIn Itle deep sand of Itle ValktnlwaanS, Hc*1d c2wl 60 In:rn MotcMdeo. "*'*" ~:.:; USGP of MX5OOc:tJCIen HIIIn CCl¥el'3ge oIlhe '91 GlenHelIn USG P .. 8a)'Ia. Je" Ward. and fle tip Amencan ltar1 put on • 11'lO:- an a demanding courM . . . , III EurtlIln thlI inalltIl.Rl al "1Series. 60nm.ftom~ ('162) 1990AKA NII1I1XSellOn Amtw RaczIg ~ from .. 1990IUICJl frQ'n II 130UkilCi MXNalionats 1Il'le. AMA cmII.lIO rrWdeB In:m PoMtrIportIVideo. (11628) "11 AlIA NIIn 10 Sedon Rev-. NlIIow the 13 SIDpIon h 1991 AMA NatIOnal MX Series as Wle IGedrowsId e=a Soria< '*"'0 "IlronIe, ~ theUSAJell SIri:In. J. M. Bayte, JerI Waru and lha res! mak 1a l ISOpI. on the tourfor !he S&4le1'CtOll Uk 45 lI'ft.deI,lrom~ (. "..) F1Ight .. ". flniaIl The,... dht 199 Nu. CaneI~ 1 Sorieo _ ... CGon lqlI o-.oa II Amera'llop,... chal!lI III ' 1 _ artan:I hI~. 75l1'WUM In:lrn t.bNideo. JelI_ (1325ll _ . T1wtIIa .. _ ) A I't'rilIw of ~ n:llI'ldofhi 1992NM. c.n.t Supercrosa MfieI I I Jeff SlanlOf\, Oamon _ . GoyCGqler. Jell -- Wn n:l1ht ... go lor . . gob. 60 nWU8I . TOUIIING& ROAD -, G ••• 1 '....... _ _ "01 of e. AUA Motorcycle Heritage M l.ISIlOO' In AuguIl 1990 in Columbus, Oh60 60 minutes from . ~ Iht exalemetf 01 .. oprilg (" 064) 50Y. . d o.,tonI 400,00)entlUiulI descencllld on Daytona lor tha 1991 J50Ih arwWersaty al au Week. See , the "MaIn Slr..I" & Harley scene from lhe blcont year ever. aD minutes produc.d by PInaalm_ PnlQqsaMl Doo9L (I117A)Shrgtl 1D01 :TM()fftcaJ VIdeo Mail Streel me ... race hdl actIOn, ,.. ~ Ids IWld !hi pel Amencanroad to Slurgil. ihcIuding scenes Glp Amera', qt 18 ndln go..-Io t..s 10 _ .nowlI . . . ' 1 il l 993. 8Nce Penhall ElI\a , . . , . nartaII. 70rrftieIlrom RAZ 1 ....)13_ ......... """ RR"""" """ 55"*UeI frtm MokMdeo. (1I7D) om DuIctlRRar.nd Pril 55 miIAel tom MoIcMdeo. (_ ' 13 RRGtInd""" _ 1lnU>',Rcb - . " " " ' _ SPEEDWAY l" IIZAl -' '' W'''' ~ 'I1 The bell riderI on lee Itom til USA M:l the world tIlIII iRTUCICI\ ArizonI tIlIII tl tIC:e b ". Lc.E. W"" 1 13_ _ RRGtInd """ $5nn-lrom McDIieo. • (19)u.s. GtInd """ , . _V_ I"')'" '-""'" .. m 200. a Alee... W.". GMhlf • youcnu;:h OWl" ~ GrnI Prill Honda In KIulII race conditionII&0minulu. Frum ••• ..-. 55rrWUeII tom IIlcDidIo. f:lN I Grand Prtr road l.oov lor ttIe Wottrl ChaqJDnchip ..,... In AmlriCI u StNdr Edde lAwson and Fill Jimlf Fb beallhe bell al lAglN $«:a. Fn:mPowersporta Vdllo. ....mv_ ~ 60_ ••• ••• (Ifl6}Cruh ........ . "TheIbIC VIdlloI" AI new UX cruI'l & tun -~".-.- 10 tnuIIC on 0Wf~ Il'IlIhapI ..,... "'" videocas8efte. Gt8II riJdairtnlInIlor From MDtwideo, 35 rnn-. __ _. 1 16wn P ., _ _'S1_Irom KWll_~ _ Tha 2nd rIImlIIonlII I.CX h8IdIn lhe U.s. '"'- -.. _o.oc:-..... first ri lil 10 lhe U.S. by many 01I'" top EwopeenI inc:Iuding Torraen HUmIn, Dave _ GoIy Cornd. . . . . Iidehact ~_ ~ rrftdeI by Bruce Ilmon..... """ 1"42) 1 1 6 7 _..... _ KWll_"""". 250CcHopelown aclion from 1967, also h::t.J:jea "po.der P'If" women's e-wt. - """". 25 m- ules by Bruce Brown Films, lrom KWB VkieoUSA. ('1 BIb Wan 7U) FatUous VOloo USol. racrlQ and" {~1 993 t1" of ""' TT thisIClioft.pIcked videoIoIows the ~ 01 !hi IIleofManon this fIQh nnftJ altha TT, l1nIurplIssed /3CIt IooCagt plus on-board cam- ('147) Mud W.,.. ..... Ona~_ ... _ .. " . _.. .......... "" tOO C1an ic fe.lUring endIeSI crashes, mud of !tIuMdI • \heMudFillui 80 mIluteI bom bis.asi1Mli &Illl mayhem !toma varietyal motor· sportIllcIuding superbikn, MX, supercrosa, the rrm l memC/fable momenll of mayh em ird.dng Ha. ~ Dirt Tra. tsIe 01 Man. HlIcIimb. Blar:twaler. proUXand rnlQ. 6O mirllleslrom~ lMIo. ~J~~r.'~I=~ KWBMarteli'lgGnql. (' 15) II1kaHdwood - Champton FoIow Haitwood'$ c:Idslar*Ig career Iroolwln- ,;,q."""'_ ('101)'" Twillof lie Wriat t h o _ .... wIIlo by KeiIlCOliIof IIW ~ ~ Sdv:d. nil vidllO trIlWateS III boot • 14 - .......... . your bib twdng the a:Muad CCIJI'Sti'l utbanItnNll ~ sur · vivaL This S5-ninuIe VIdeo Is lui of tipl and lIIdic:s galhllnld !rem tiderI whohaYehadmI- ••• (' 17) 1t89lnlltrNlionII6-Day EndIR the 54th AnnuallSO from Walidum, Wesl E llennio>y. &0 V.... (195)PwtsTo Dakar I 98!I !=or 21 Clava. 241 bikes, cars and lrucks racecI and struggled 10complele Ihe formidable lranscontinltnt -raid" See dlhe higllighlI . InJnl the gnu1lI andtie hebc*W cameras II lhis Ioughe$lI'BCl of .1 . 60 minutes. From $-I Q) Q) :>- o Z lin 01 , . experiM'c:e, aIG homexpert road rtQlf1 whoshow you s.alely IecIv'Mquea you can 10yoLI' I5tree riding. From Street Smarts l V..., 1 "77) Tho_I thestreeb are dangerousl It you don' know what you're ~ ag&i1st, you're 11 trouble. '1'he Ridershows 100how10be&afer onlhlI6lJeeL 40miUea !rem JR Produl::lXN. In7l) W.,q RKe? boug Polen, Jamie Jame Scolt Russell, s, Donald Jacksand other lop racers showroo how10ge( 011 I'll IlrMt an:! i'lio cUI roadr» ng: what yourwd, wha,10exped, how10gee lItW18d ~ !he ~""'1e¥eL SO nu. fnlmJR '*' • DRAG RACING (' l1DAJ 1991 BIIcknI8r 1I1D From 01.... WY l s AmerJ:;a', TOlJ1IMl Race, , .. BIactwa* 100 RevUed.. f« '" seconcl ... It a lOW I.Ioto¥idl!Io lakes pou 10 _ _ ... ~ _ ••TV _ rl ~ --, -1 110)1no 811ckwaler 100 ' TheorlQlRll "1lI8ckwalerTheVideo", 60 m. · of the 1990Wortr Tot9*t Rect; from s ... 107 miIAeltromMoIcMdeo. 1'111)'1bt MalIzInaet Video" FoIDw 'The 0'lIcUn" Jeff MeJiueorich. .. he ('135) SItIeI Smarts • ENDURO o -"''''''--_ ""' _... ~ . . . . ~nkeyouVlSUi1iztdl~ I kill• . 60 minUles of enlert. inment hom ...... from ~ ~ ech'l and IW:M' 10 CCfdbOnyour rnnI 10 beccrne • lasIercII· IDId end rrd:lc:ft:U rw by "IeItnng_ 10 rICirlg howpou CWI ~ CoqlIete (11 1910Ascot tOO Ltp TT 4S) J.C. Agajan ian's 10lll annual l DO-IapcIa&Iic MId at Asco and covered by mor lhan 13 l e cameras. Ma by Bruce Brown while finWlg de (IMC) 1M2a.Ie.oIMMTT P_ =:~s:~"~~~= 1 T PN ThBdit explull wht' "011_ '''' A.- 1"6}....... - ·~ racilg .1 Is besl 69 mOdesIromPower5PQrlS V.... NASCAR, fTlldbogs, monster trudls, Indycara, andpower boata.60 minutelli fromPowersporII VIdeo. duced by Poc. tello Media Group, from tilling world 0' biking enthusiasts. Wayne Cr,n e provides commen lary, music by CreecIence Cleatwater Revival. 75 rnirUes, produaldbr Panaccm, lromProgtessIve Oeaign. USA. n. _ _ ....... _ _ Gioxmo_ 1"76}emn _ oU lrlght lap record, 105 mlnutel 'rom Ou ke (' n SA SlurgtI I991 ) : banceI with Motorcydn ning3 IT . II 1961 allhe . of 21, hrl:u1' 9 World ~ wi:tories in III 50's wiIh IIV AguI&I & Honda. tI hia aonamg reun 10 rQlg in Itle .. .. 7Q'1 on Ducati. YamahaI SuzIj;j rnIdw-. 80 tnrUII tn:m DID VdIIo ••• . &O . 1 '110B) 1992BIIctw.-' 1111 IlOnw'LdIII tronl~ • IIISTRUC11OIW. & TECIIfIICAl. ••• ("1) Rlct JoMlon PnIftt d. a.mpon Bv .tom h:Iey ~ 78 IIirUeI II lIbo!J: yru 1ftorie "Bad eo,."FtomYr*Mdeo.. (":I) _ _ ·GIoworS¥ol SO_ _ lIX 0,.,., ..... ,.. .. '" -=rII n::b n Rws you how10maskr !he Il'l 60n*Ues lnlmIbMdeo. - (117)How To lily ellotoreydt What 10 Qlt tot Ind make .... you~ !hi , useCI motlrqtda I'lIIIatijlt lor ,au. :Il nirUltI .... (1144) 1 . 8Ita 1000 the 2ndrunning c1lhe now leV endary Baja race. Ewrylhi'lg fromVW.,.. 10motwcycIeI. Ford Broncos 10dlI'le buggiea are drivenby everybody Irom Indy 500 winners 10movie Slars. Featumg PamelllJooes, James Ga mef. Malcom Snith. and more. 40minut s byBruce e Brown Fm. from KWB Malil !Wlg Grtl4!. e Fer (MIl' S) years till 10M TThas been ..... matechaIer9I in motorcyde racrg. TT'9t • Whil lqlhng bringllIe Iaslesl race ....., a . hisIo ry-making triple win ancI a Il1nlIng ,.. 1 '7) "SIu

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