Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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v0ICESLetters to the editor INSIDE Rel ive th e past FEATURES TECH Machin ery of the World Superbike Series DIRT TRACK Graham pads points lead a t Indy National Mile 6 SPEEDWAY Ermolenko advances in Sw eden .....10 Sweden wins World Pairs Finals in Denmark ll MOTOCROSS Shea k sta nds o ut at Lore tta Lynn's AMA Amateur /Youth Championships 12 INDUSTRY MSF celebrates 20th anniversary ....28 INTERVIEW Road racer Jimmy Filice 16 .24 DEPARTMENTS NEW PRODUCTS •..•..•.•.•.•..•...._ _ IS,19,27 EVENTS.....................................••....•••••.• .•.•••.•.•.••._..30 CALENDAR RESULTS TEST First ride on the 1994 Yamaha YZ250 MXer 20 _ _ _ WANTADS 41 46 47 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Do the new lig h tning bolt grap h ics on the 1994 Yamaha YZ250Z accura tely reflect the quarter-liter MXer's speed? Tu m to pa ge 16 for our opinion . Photo by Chris Jonn u m . A big th anks to all responsible for the Els in o re Grand Prix and J.N. Roberts s to ri es (A ug us t 18 issue) . The y w e re ve ry well done and renew ed my obsession with "li ving in th e pas t." I rode a H odaka 90 in the 19 69 Elsino re mud bath and got about a mile out befo re s in ki ng u p to the gas ta nk a nd giving up. It just made m e m ore determined to prepare be tter and finish the next race. I still have my firs t bike , that Hoda ka 90. For those o f you who miss th e golde n days of motorcycl ing, please consider vin tage motocross. The re a re m a n y classes for all ages and abilities . You can go as slow as you like, as I d o! And for as little as a few h u nd red dolla rs yo u can find a pre-1975 bike and step back in time at you r own pace. Locally, some Dis trict 37 dese r t cl ubs have a Vin tage class, a nd CRC h as a Vin tage cla ss a t the ir G P s a n d at so me o f the ir motocrosses . AH RMA has Regi on al a nd National vinta ge m otocross series a nd ca n be reached at 715/842-9699 . It 's a great way to relive the pas t. I tried it a few years ago and I'm very glad I d id. Lee Fab ry Monrovia, CA Thanks for the memories America's weekly motorcycle newspap er Volume XXX Sharon G ayton, President Michael Klinger, Publi her s Editoria l Ad ve rt is ing jack Mangus, Assoc Publisher/Edilor iate Kit Palmer, Associate Editor Paul Carru thers, Associate Edi or t Donn Maeda, Associate Editor Chris jonnum, Associate Editor Scott Rousseau, Assistant Editor Edwina Mangus, Calendar Editor Terry Pratt, National Accounts Manager Mark Thome, Western Sales Manager Thomas R. Gonter, Westenl Sales Manager Sieve Cot oski, Western Sales Manager Mark Mitchell. Eastern Accol/nts Manager Greg Mitchell, Eastern SalesManager RickMatheny, Eastern Sales Manager Rhonda Crawford, Western Ad Coordinator Carla Borden Allen, EaMernAd Coordinator G raphics and Prod uction Reejohnson, Production Supervisor Mandy Loo, Production Manager Dennis Greene, Lab. Tech. Marketi ng & Promotion Mark Thome, Manager Stacey Guest, Graphic Artist Amy Faught, Graphic Artist Victoria Vaus, Graphic Artist Dealer Sales Toni Kerr, Dealer Representative Admi nis tration Cir culation judy Klinger, Coordinator Peggy Rivera, Secretary to the Publisher Want Ads Kelly Branscome, Want Ad Sales Accounting/Data Processing Donna Bryan-Diamond, AIR Coordinator Geneva Repass, Assistant Herlane Lewis , Credit Mark Hanson Mira Lorna, CA National Headqu arters Pete Nelso n Port Townsend, WA Eastern Office Cavea t emptor Cycle News (USPS 141-340) is published weekly except thelast twoweeks of thecalendar year for $50.00 per year by Cycle News, Inc 2201 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90806. Second class postage paid at ., Long Beach, CA. Canada Post International Publicalions Mail #546615. POSTMASTER:Send address changes 10 Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach,CA9080Hl498. To determ ine the expira tion dat e of your subscription , check the four num bers on the first line of your address labeL The first twodigits indicate the last issue number you'll receive and the last twocharacters indicate th e yea r of the las t issue. Subscription rates: Rates for the United States and its possessions for one year, (SO issues), $SO.OO; two years(100 issues), $95.00; sixmonths, (25 iss~es), $26.00; trial sub (IS issues), ~19 .00. Canada a,,:d Foreign, one year (SO issues), $90.00; two years (100 ISsues), $175.00; SIX months (25 ISSues), $45.00; trial sub (15 issues), $38.00. CycleNewswelcomes unsolicitededitorial material includingstories, cartoons, phot?", .etc. S~ch ma te~ al, if published, bec omes the exclusive property of Cycle News. Suchaccepted material IS subject to revision as is necessary in the sole discr tion of Cycle News. Unsolicited material which is not used will be e returned if accompanied by a self addressed stamped envelope. All ~nsohCl ted material will be handled with reasonable care, however, Cycle News assumes no responsibility for the safety, loss or damage to such material. Reprintingin whole or partonlyby permLssion of the publisher. Advertising rates and circulation information will be sent upon request. See S.R.D.5. L AUDITED ORCULATION Printed in U.S.A. Copyright" Cycle News, Inc.1993. Trademark Cycle N.... registered U.s. Patenl Office.All right! reserved. -'--'--' ..:- Sure they'll deliver In response to th e letter fr om Claudia Thrift in the August 25 issue reg arding O ' Neal US A: H a v in g wor ked closely with O ' N ea l over the p ast 10 yea rs , I have always found the m to be prom p t on all the promises to support any event I ha d run, be it w ith contingencies or be it wi th manpower. O 'Neal was the first sponsor to lend their support for Arenocross, an indoor MX race in the Ren o area . When starting up a new event in a small town such as Reno , Nevada, a ny help is g rea tly apprecia ted . Dave Westfall was there all the way, not only with product bu t personally len d ing a ha nd with staging and flagging. In th is day and age with comp u ters and fax mach ines, paperwork see ms to pil e u p a t a n a la rming rat e. I am su re, Mrs. Th rift, tha t Dave will rectify a ny misu nders tand in g, as h e h as a lw a ys bee n there for us. Robert Hansen On T rac Events Carson Ci ty, NV Great a r ticle in th e Aug ust 18 issu e Nostalgia: Elsi no re G ra n d Prix b y Mau reen Lee. As Oli ver T w ist s a id, UMore!" 4190 FIrst Ave., T.lJcker, GA, 30084; mailing address P.O. Box80S, Tucker, GA 30085-0805. (404) 934-7850. FAX (404) 934-3112 W/BDA V ..I~ Ray Lasich CCC of Michigan Jackson, MI More! Rheba Smith, Manager Sarah Taylor, BillingCoor dinator Alma Anguiano, Processing Coordinator Debbie Weller, Draier Coordinator ram Klein. Assistant Service and Support Chris Aitcheson, HeadquartersReceptionist Leonard Herring. Servi eandSupport c 2201 Cherry Ave., Long Beach, CA 90806, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801.{)498 (310) 427-7433; (213) 636-8844. FAX (310) 427-6685 4 Thanks for the tw o great nostalgia stories in your August 18 issue. Maureen Lee's story of the famed Elsinore Grand Prix (Everyone was there but Hamlet) brought back grea t old me mories. Re m e m b e r when Hondas were E1sinores? Joe Scalzo 's J.N . story of the greatest desert racer ever, J.N . Roberts, was both interes ti ng and informative. Twen tyth ree consecutive wins and four overall B-to-V vic to ries says it all. J.N. owned the desert. Bac k before stad ium MX and la n d closures, desert raci ng was where it was a t. Families, friends and over 3000 racers go t tog ether for a weekend of fun . But, alas, those days are go ne. Th anks for the memories. than k you to all th e in divi d ua ls and compa nies that helped bring our si x days trai l ride abou t. This even t keeps ge tting better and better ea ch yea r with this yea r be ing no exce p tion. American Honda and the H onda Riders Club w ere present in full force with Paul Sla vik, Ph il Lind em a n, Steve Ellis, Scott Summers, Fred Bramblett, Doug Ja ckson and Mark Mueller. Kawasaki p rovided Greg Quador, Jeff Fredette and Larry Roesel er. And Suzuki was represented by Mark Hyde; Peacock Ltd . by Jim Faiela, To m Knoble and Dave Gardenour; Hayes Diversified Technology by Da le Van-de-ven; DB Sports by Dick Bur leson; Lansing Cycle and End uro Engineering b y Ala n Rand t; Xtre m e Racing by Al Stover; Crone Racing b y Barry Crone; and Dirt Ride r ma gazine by las t but certainly not leas t Ed Hertfelde r, the world's worst tru ck driver. These p eople a lo ng w ith th e many dedica ted CCC membe rs involve d put to g ether a no t he r fi ne Si x D a ys of Michigan. I was just informed o f so meone trying to sell a Ca rroll Resweb er KR a t a Norton rally. Bewa re o f th e frauds. There are no Carroll Reswebe r/Ralph Berndt a u thentic race jobs for sa le. None. AI Kn a pp Harper Woods, MI Berndt owned the Harley-Davidsons that Resueber raced throughout most of his il/ustrious career. Berndt died recently and at the request of his daughters, Knapp arranged for his equipme nt and bik es to be so ld. " Ev ery th ing w as purcha sed by Dal e Walksler (a Harley-Davidson dealer in Mt . Vernall, lllinois, who also operates a mustsee museum)," Knapp said. "He's going to display the bikes with a nice display as a tribute to Resueberand Berndt."...Editor. Six Da ys of Michigan I. The Cycle Con servation'Tfllu b o f" ---J Michigan w ould like to ex tend a hearty Prizes delivered No excuses will be g iven to the " Broke n promises" letter fro m Claudia Thrift. Th e fael is that O'Neal USA for over 23 yea rs has g iven hundreds o f thousands of d ollars in co ntingency prizes in su p po rt of ou r sport and hopefull y for som e po siti ve recogniti on. We believe that 99% of the recipien ts ha ve been very p leas ed a n d excite d wi th their p ri zes . In the unfo r tunate ca s e o f Claudia Thrift' s son a nd his frien d , their awa rds were delivered th is w eek personally by Da ve Westfall, our ride r and p ro m otion co ordina tor. Because of this incid en t, we have mad e so me internal cha nges to hopefull y prevent th is fro m ever happening again. I pe rsonally w ish to th a n k Cla udia for b ringing thi s to our a tte n tio n a nd I offe r our sincere a pology. Dave Rodgers Executive Vice President O'Neal USA Chatsworth, CA Lr tlel'5 to the ed itor s ho uld be IW:n l lo v etc es, Cycle NI!' s, w P.O . Bo x 49 8, Lo nft Bu c h, C A 90806-0 498 o r bud to 310/421-6685. Publi.hd le ll en d o n ot n« " " ril y reflect the pos itio n of Cycle N C!'~ Inc. !..dle n sho uld no t exeeed 200 word s .and ..1I1.Uen ,u ," lIubj m to rditing. Anon ym ous IrUem w il1 nol b e coMide... d for public.ation. All le tlrn sh o uld ·con lain th. writer's .,,,m e addu'" .IDd ••ytime phone nlUll_ _ • Edito r.

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