Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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valleys, making heart -s to pping leapfrogs over rock ca nyons. What, if anything, was he thinking about while doin g so? . "There's this so ng I like called Horse With No Name," he once explained. "1 think it's about dope. I don't know an ything abou t dope , bu t I do li k e the words of that song. That's what I hear when I' m racing." Roberts was a tota l recluse . Ev en a mon g the Vie w fin d ers, he had few close friends. He lived off on the northern rim of Los Angeles, out in an earthquake-rav aged co mmunity w h e re h e could stable his stunt horses. The day of his beating was a quiet one. Police encircle d his house, and as the m oon rose they moved in, touching off the cha otic chai n of sma shing and hitting la ter rep orted this way: • I Values• "My dad's gotta be one of the coolest guys around. I mean he's been tunin' and tweakin' on my bikes using PJ1 oil ever since I started racing. I couldn't ask for a better mechanic...oroil. JJ "My son's hard work and determination have made him the best rider on the circuit today. Together, along with PJ1 products, we've made a great family. I couldn't ask for a better son...oroil. JJ ,-Robbie Reynard Jail Stunt Man Injured in Scuffle M ot ion pict u re st u n t ma n and motorcy cle racer James Nelson Roberts , 31, was in serious condit ion tod ay in Los A nge les Coun ty-USC M edical Center jai l wa rd f ollowing a scuffl e wi lh two police officers , in which he suffered a fractured skull an d broken collarI"me, policesaid. Officers lames R. Ha upp and Gary Pay ne respon ded to a f amil,! disturban ce call at Roberts home at 13459 Gladsto ne S t .• Syl mar. las t nig h t and say Roberts, known as • King of the Desert , · fl ed on his motorcycle. carrying his young son on tl", back. After a brief chase, the officers stop ped Roberts in f ron t of hi s home. Du ri ng th e ens uing scuffle, Pay ne and Haup p suffered bruises and st omach injuries . Tirey were t reated at Pacoima Lutheran Hospital. Amost a year passed. And then. amid rumors that he was crip pled and d isfigu red - h e was neither - J.N. Robe rts kissed off Los An geles and d esert racin g -com p le te ly by m ov in g to an edge of Californ ia's High Sierra where he found truly overwhelming seclus ion - life in a small cabin on top of a 6000 foot mou ntain at the end of a narrow and switchbacking road. He continu es living there today . Apparen tly fully satisfied wi th the comp anionship of a dog and two ca ts , he hardly ever leaves. excep t to fly to a stu nt job in Toron to, Miami, Chicago, whereve r. H e re fu ses to discuss details abou t w ha t b rought on his beating. And he dislikes reminiscing abo ut racing. H is timing, always good. did n't fail Rob erts. Even before he left it. Mojave d esert racing as he kn ew it w as vanish ing into history. Three decades ago , the Mojave was still w id e op en desert - a treacherous a nd d angero us world. As such. it was a leg itimate challenge to a brave and fragile man on the back of a spee d ing mot or cycle - a br ave man like, for exa mple, Roberts. w ho ha d to wear a he lmet and foo tball p ads for protection . Modem sensib ilities - and legislati on - cha nged everyth ing. So in the '90s it is the Mojave itself which is judged frag ile and in need of protection from man and his motorcycles. But for the moment, out there in that vast rolling wilderness, scene of many a forgotten pass and duel , on occas ion you can still hear the exhaust of a ghostly little Husqvama and the enigmatic ind iv id ual who raced lik e the Indians were after him. I:" Welcome to Reynard 's "Filter Fluff and Fold ." Everything's kept in peak operating condition by Robbie's dad , including the filter. Pl l Spray Foam Filter Treatm ent's the ticket! It keeps Robbie's engines breathing clean. Sand, grit, dirt and water don't stand a chance of getting through. Easy to apply! No waste! What more can you ask for? Why won't this little bottle fit? Actually, Dad saves every drop of Pl l Goldfire Pro! It's been used in all Robbie's motorcycles, and he's never experienced an oil related engine failure or DNF. Goldfire Pro doubles the life of piston s and rings, increases horsepower and bu rns clean with no carbon build-up. Dad's spraying the secret chain sauce! Pl l Heavy Duty Black Label Chain Lube makes Robbie's chai ns last twice as long, and protects against rust and corrosion. Now you kn ow the secret, too! Mr~ Reynard' s chemistry clas s ? Not hardly! Pl l Cartridge Fork Tune r Oil has always been in Robbie's forks - he reports a noticeable incre ase in overall traction and handling. Even through the rough stuff, it's helped increase his lap times. Amazing! No breakdown or fade, always a smooth, responsive feel from the forks. No other oils perform as well as PJ1. Period. [[]Ill}] PH:PJH BRANDS. Send $1 and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for stickers and a catalog to 8747 E. Via de Commercio, Scottsdale, AZ85258. PH Customer Service Hotline: 602-991-8002. 29