Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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eMOTOCROSS 125/500ccMX Series:Rounds 9/1 ~ year . My goal now is to finish fourth in the series. Right now I'm sixth." A couple of notable riders wh o didn' t fi n is h in the top 10 o ve r all were Kawa saki 's Robbie Reyn ard and Team Suzuki's Phil Lawrence. " I go t a bad sta rt in th e first moto and finis he d l l th ," said Reyn a rd . "In th e second mot o my bike siezed - the crank." Law rence had a tou gh time sta ying on two w heels th roughout the day. "I cr as hed twice in th e first m o to and eve n tually pulled off," said Lawrence. "Then I crashe d again in th e second moto and finished 13th. It's just a matter of getting used to 125s on fast tracks." Earlier in the year, Law rence finished second in the West ern Regional 125cc Supercross Series and finished sixth in the 250cc Nati onal series. CN ResuIts SOD MOTO 1: 1. M ike LaRocco ( Ka w) ; 2 . Jeff St a n to n (Ho n) ; 3. S tev e Lam son (Hon); 4. }.\50 0 McCo r m ick (Ho n ); 5 . Mike Fish er (Kaw ); 6. Mike Healey (Hon ); 7. Mike Kiedrow ski (Ka w); 8. La nce Smail (Hon); 9. Rich Tay lor (H on) ; 10. Oaf; Boyesen [Kaw) : 11. Rick Ryan (Yam ); 12. Cliff Palmer (KTM); 13. Don ald Up to n (H on ): 14. Ky le Lewi $ (Yam); 15. Scott Mye r s (Kaw); 16. Alle n Dy c k (Ya m) ; 17 . An th on y Amaradio (Kaw); 18. Brian Man ley (Kaw); 19. Ge ne Naurnac (Hon) ; 20. Brian Carroll (Kaw); 21. Kip Sandell (Yam ); 22. Billy Merci er (Han); 23. Bru ce Stratton (He n): On his wa y to ~e 125cc win, Jeff Emig is chased by Ezra Lusk (43), Jeff Pestana (70) and Rya n Hughes (18). Jason McCormick (184) hoieshot the first 500cc moto. Mike LaRocco (5) gav e chase. 18 his hands full with McGrath and Henry brea thing d own his neck. "I was actually all alone until, for some reaso n, I thought I saw the checkered flag and began pullin g off the track:' said Swink. "When I realized my mistake, Jeremy and Doug were right on me." The fight for third through fifth went d own to the w ire an d Swink man aged to h an g o n to th ird , ju s t ahead o f McGrath and Henry. "I fi n a lly g o t a good s ta rt," sa id Swink. "There are so many fast gu ys out there, and since the track is fairl y smooth, it's hard to make up a bunch of time out there." "Yea, there's hardly any bumps out th er e and it's hard to make up tim e:' agreed McGrath. "But I had a littl e trouble over a section of whoops. Getting a good start is the key, today." Ward finish ed a d istant sixth, and D amo n Bradsha w . was seven t h . Bradshaw, like a few oth er rid ers, joined the 125cc cla ss after competing in the recentl y concluded 250cc series. Kawasaki's Mike Craig, who was limping quite heavily after the race, finished eighth. "I twisted my an kle real bad in a ru t," said Craig. "It's the sam e one I broke earlier in the year." Ro u nding out the top 10 w e re Kawasaki Team Green's John Dowd and Team Suzuki's Damon Huffman, who had finis hed thi rd overa ll at the previous two rounds. The sta rt o f the second moto was nearly a mirror image of the first, with Emig ge tt ing aw ay quickest ahead of Lus k, McGrath, Ka w asa ki' s Ry an H ughes, Brad sh a w , Tod d DeHoop, Hu ffman, Jeff Pestana and Henry. Emig and Lusk again left the rest of the pack beh ind as they fought over first and second. Just as they ha d do ne in the first moto, the two riders stayed close together, especially at the halfway poin t wh en Lu s k a p pea re d as th ou gh he might p ull off a pass but he then came aroun d a lap later a few seconds in back of the lead er. "I go t real close to him (Emig) , then I made a mistake in the back sectio n and he got away from me a little bit: ' said Lusk. Lus k wou ld agai n mou nt a se rio us charge late in the race , o nly to, once again, come up short and lose grou nd . "I caugh t bac k up to h im , bu t he must' ve wicked it back up:' said Lusk. "I just tried to pu t as mu ch pr essure on him as I could." While Emig and Lusk were mixing it up out in front, McGrath circulated the track all alone in third . Meanwhil e, Henry had wo rked his wa y into fourth, but ho t on h is tail wer e Hu gh es a nd Huffman. A fe w sec ond s behind Huffman came Swink, Brad sha w, Dowd and Ward. When the white flag came o ut , the finishing order of the first thr ee riders Emig, Lusk and McGrath - was all but set, but the race for, four th, involving Henry, Hughes and Huffma n, wa s far from over. The three riders chased each other in an intense sp rint race to the checke re d flag . Henry held on just ahead of Hughes and Huffman. "I'm di sappoin ted:' said Henr y of his fourth place finish. "I got bad starts today, and on a fast track like this, you have to ride smooth to mak e up time, bu t it's hard to ride smoo th whe n you're behind. But I seemed to d o better when I have to come from behind in po in ts." Sw ink fi nis hed sev enth, w h ile Bradsha w, wh o at one point early in the moto ran as high as fifth, faded back to eighth . "I made some mistakes and lost a lot of lime when I was behind Ryan ear ly in the race," said Bradshaw, whose disappointi ng season cont inues. "I also got a little tired at the end. You have to ride 125s differe nt." It's been over two yea rs since Bradshaw raced a 125. Once ag ai n, Dowd fi nished in the nin th spot, and Ward finished 10th. "I fe ll twice, on the s econd and four th lap:' said Ward . " I caught up good; it was the hardest I've ridden all 24. Terry Hamnes s (I<.lw) ; 25. Sha wn W yn ne (Han); 26. Kevin Yeager (Ha n ); 27. Bre tt Bier ek (Kaw); 28 . Keith [obnson (KTM); 29. Tyle r Humme l (Ho n ); 30. jeff Railey (Hon); 31. Dustin Bloo mfield ( Hon); 32 . Mar k Morris (Yam);:n. Sven Stillmock (Han); 34. Ca rl Ha nsen (Ho n); 35. Tr a vis Hodges (Kaw); 36. Ke n n y Olsen (tlus); 37. Da rrel Ma rren. (Kaw); 38. Scott Steffy (Kaw); 39. ROOy Leach (Han); 40. Do n Biscq;lid (Han). T ime: 35 m in .,.50.92 sec. 500 MOTO 2: 1. la Rocco; 2. Sta n ton; 3. Lamson . -I. Kied rowsk i; 5. Heale y; 6. Fis he r; 7. Smail; 8. Tay lor ; 9. Palmer; 10. Boyese n: 11. Rya n ; 12. McCorm ick ; 13. Lewis ; 14. M ye rs; 15. Stratto n; 16. Am.l radio; 17. Carroll; 18. Dyck: 19. Bisceglia; 20. H odg es ; 2J. johnson; 22Martens; 23. Hamness; 24. Leactc 25. Up ton; 26. Yeager; 27. Hummel; 28 . M o rri s ; 29. Bierek: 30 . Ol se n; 31. Ha nsen. 32. Bloomfield; 33. Merci er : 34 . Stillm oc k; 35. Bailey ; 36. Steffy; 37. MAnley; 38. Naumac; 39. Sandell; 40. Wynne, TIme: 36:33.82 SO Q/A : 1. M ik e laRocc o (Ka w) ; 2. Je ff Stan ton O (H on); 3 . Steve Lam son ( Ha n) ; 4. Mike Kied rows k i (Ka w) ; 5. Mike Healey ( Ha n); 6. Mike Fisher (Kaw); 7. Lance Smail (lion); 8. ja son McConn ick (Han); 9. Rich Tay lor (Han); 10. Dag Boyesen (Ka w) ; 11. Cliff Pal mer (KTM ); 12. Rick Rya n (Ya m); 13. Kyle Lewis (Yam); 14. Scott My ers (Kaw); 15. Ant ho n y Amaradio (Ka w); 16. Allen Dyc k (Ya m); 17. Dona ld Upton (Han); 18. Bruce S t ratton (Hon) : 19. Bri an Ca r ro ll (K aw ); 20. Brian Manl ey (Kaw ). AMA NATIONAL CHAMrlON Slllr SOOcc M X SERIES rOlNT ST AN DINGS (Aft er 1 of 4 ro unds): 1. Mi ke la Rocco (50/ 1 w in); 2.,[eff Sta nto n (44); 3. Stev e La m son (40) ; 4. Mik e Kied rowski (32); 5. (TI E) Mi ke Hea ley /M ike Fis he r (3 1); 7. (T IE) Lance Smai l / J a ~on McC o rm ick (27); 9 . Rich Tayl o r (25); 10. Dag Boy esen (22), 125 MOTO 1: 1. Je ff Erni g (Ya m); 2. Ezra Lusk (Suz) ; 3. Bria n Swink (Su z); 4. Jeremy McGra th (H on); 5. Do ug Henry (Hon); 6. Larr y Ward (Suz) : 7. Damon Bradshaw (Yam); 8. Michael C rai g ( ); 9. John Dowd (I<.lw); 10. Damon H uffman (Suz) ; 11. Robb ie Reynard (K aw): 12 . Doug D ubach (Yam); 13. Jim my Dutton (Yam) ; 14. jeremy Bueh l (Han); IS, Je Dement (Ya m); ff 16, Tim Ferry (Yam ); 17. Todd De lfoop (Hon ); 18, Chad Pederson (Ya m) ; J9 . Tyson Vohland (Ya) ; 20 . Pedro Gonza lez (Ka w); 21. Tony Gra ves (Ya m); 22. Danny Ulve n (Han); 23. Ry an Hu ffm an ( Ka w); 24 . M ic ha e l Brandes (Suz) ; 25. Spu d Wa Iters (Suz); 26. Shawn Mor ga (Ka w ); 27. Brian Roth (Su z); 28. M ike Treadwell (Yam) ; 29. Jason Fren ette (S uz); 30 . Josh Boyk in (Hon); 3J. C ha u n McAl is ter (Suz); 32. Larry Linkogl e ( Han); 33. Tony Sandstrom (Kaw); 34 . Dan Moore (Suz) ; 35. Mike Metzger (Suz); 36. Ty Birdwell (Suz) ; 37. Ryan Hug hes [Kaw] ; 38. Phil Law renee (Suz); 39, Steve Andrich (Suz) ; _ 40. Je ff Pestana (H an). TIme: 36:15.34 125 MOTO 2: 1. Emig; 2. Lu s k; 3. M cG rath; 4. He nry; 5 . Hughes; 6. Da m on H u ffma n; 7 . Sw ink; 8. Bradshaw; 9. Do wd; 10. Wa rd ; 11. DeHoop; 12. Button ; ' 13. Lawrence 14. Dubach; 15. Dement; 16. Pestana; 17. Gonza lez; 18, Buehl ; 19, U lven; 20, Ferry; 21. Pedersen, 22. G raves; 23. Lin kog le; 24. Frenette; 25. Tre ad w ell. 26. Walters; 27. Birdwell: 28 .; 29. Sa ndstrom; 30. McAlister; 31. Andrich ; 32. Ryan H uff man; 33. Morg a; 34. Craig; 3 5 . Re ynard; 36 . Vo h land ; 37. Ro t h ; 38 . Brandes; 39. Metzger; 40. M oore. T ime: 36:24.87 125 O/A: 1. Jp f( Em ig (Yam); 2. Ezra Lusk (Suz); 3. Jeremy McGr ath (Ha n); 4. Do ug He nry (Han); 5. Brian Swink (5 uz); 6. Da mon Brad sha w (Yam); 7. Da m o n Hu ffman (Suz ); 8. Larry Wa rd (Suz) ; 9. Joh n Dowd (Kaw); 10. Jimmy Bu tton (5uz); 11. Rya n Hug hes (Kaw); 12, Doug Dubach (Ya m ); 13, Tnd d Del-loop (He n): 14, Mich ael C raig (Kaw); 15 . Jeff De ment (Yam); 16. jeremy Bue h l (H on ); 17 . Robbi e Re ynard (K a w) ; 18. Phil Lawrence (Su z); 19 . Tim Ferry (Yam) 20. Jeff Pest ana (Hon ), AMA NATIONA L CHAMrlONSHlr \25" MX SERIES POINT STANDINGS (Aft.r 9 of 13 rounds): 1. Jeff Emig (366/4 wins); 2. Do ug Henry (361/2 wi ns); 3, Jeremy McG ra th (334/2 wins); 4, Eri k Kehoe (235); 5, Da mon H u ffm an (229) ; 6 . Ez ra Lu sk (2 24); 7. La rry Ward (220); 8. Brian Swink (198); 9. James Dobb (158); 10. Tim Ferry (145); 11. Rya n Hu gh es (126); 12. Dou g .Du bach (121); 13. Michael C ra ig (100); 14. Jim my Dutton (99); \5. Todd De Hoor (93); 16, Jeff De m ent (82); 17, Sco tt She e k (81) ; 18. (T IE) De n ny Step he nson / Barry Carsten (59); 20, Davey Yeze k (56).