Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 08 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. Resul ts SCRATCH: 1. G ary H icks (Wl"S) 2. Bobby Sch wa rtz (Wes ); 3. ; Scot l Bra nt (Jaw); 4 . Cha rlie v enege s OdW). HANDICAP: 1. Charlie Venega s (Ja w ); 2. Ga ry H icks (Wes); 3. Joh n Aden (Jaw ); 4. Mike Faria (e M ); 5. Mike Mazzacane (GM) . • SUprORT: 1. Jeff H oyt (Wes) ; 2. Pa ul Co ls to n (Wes ); 3. Jere m y Ade n (Ja w);4. Jay Could l]ilW); S. Richard Jones (wee). SIDECA R: 1. Mcintyre /Bowl e r (Yam); 2. Lewis/ MolCY (}(aw ); 3. Stephens/Slep hens (; 4. wrdn eT/Lym::h (Kaw). Graif grabs winat Midway MX By George Hodkin son KELLOGG, M N,JULY 18 Mike Gra if scored the overall win in the Vet A class with 1 ~ 1 moto scores, top p ing two Iow a ' ride rs Dana Hu nt and Rick Munson, whi le also finish ing third overa ll in the 25+ A class at the Midwa y Recr eati on Pa rk mot oc ross. The day also had two d ou ble class wi nners, Kawasaki p ilots Todd Fletcher in 125cc B and 250cc B, and Chris Bense in 250cc A and 17-24 A. In the first Moto of the Vet A class Graif pu t his CRSOO out front followed by Hun t and Jim O lso n. Munson qu ickly p u t hi s Suzuki in to th ird p lace and set after Graif and Hunt. Gra if and Hu nt pu t on a good show as Hu n t would try to sneak by Graif in the corners, bu t the seasoned rider Graif shut the door every time. At the finish it was Graif followed by a very close duo of H un t a nd Mun son with Scott Ruegg a distant fou rth. The second moto w as almos t a repeat of the first, bu t less exciting as the top rid ers finished in the sa me order bu t mo re spa ced out. In 250 A a ct io n Be ns e p rov e d to be th e . fastest rider of class as he storm ed to the fron t of both mo tos. in the first moto Bense was cha sed ea r ly on by a no the r H u nt , Bry a n, a nd Chad Clend enen. By the m idp o int of the race Bense had beg un to build a good lead , but Hunt and Clendenen p u t on a good battl e for ru nner up hon ors as the two rid ers battled w hee l to whee l. At th e fini sh Bens e too k th e win w ith Hun t hold ing off Clen denen a sho rt d istance back. On th e second mo to sta rt Bense was ag ain in th e lead as Hunt and Clend enen we re swa pping for second . Bense was in control, an d it looked like Hunt and Cle nd ene n were abou t to bat tle the whole race when Hu nt went down and pu lled off the track hand ing second over to Clendenen as Ma rty Clark w ork ed h is way up to th ird a t the finish. Th e 250 B class had some exciting racing as well. In the first mo lo Todd Fletcher was out to the ear ly lead aboard his Kawasa ki, but by the com pletion of lap one Jason Vanlan ingham had moved up and was ready to mount a challenge. Fletcher and Van lan ing ha m p ulled a way fro m the pack as Vanlaningham tried numer ous times to ge t b y Flet ch e r bu t wa s unsuccess ful as Fletche r won the mot o fo ll o w ed b y Vanla ning ham and William Tilford . In mo to two Fletcher was followed to the first turn by Tilford and Van lani ngh am in th ird . The Kawa sa ki trio s tayed in tha t ord er to the finish despite many tri es by Va n lanin gham to ge t by Ti lfo rd , but Tilford was able to hold him off the who le race as Fletcher cr uised some d istan ce in front for the win . Results MI C RO M INl:1.BilIy O lso n (Yam); 2. Chris Jo hnson (Ya m ); 3 .J05h Carlse n (Yam); 4. Shane C lar k (ya m ); S. Scu tt Ehle n fcldt (Yam) . . P/ W: 1. Zach Om'y (Kaw ); 2. Jaco b Scho lar (Kaw) ; 3. Craig lambrect (Kaw); 4. Jeremy Riesenberg (Kaw ); S. Kyle Schan tzen (Ka w ). MiNt JR: 1. C ou rtney Sampson (H on) ; 2. Zach Derry (yam); 3. Ry an Sch ultz; 4. Gerri tt Cla rk; 5. Richard [)CU. M INI SR: 1. Michael Kan n (Yam ); 2. G re gory Oswa ld ; 3 . ChAd Noben (Yam); 4. Wa yd Ferris (Ka w) ; S. Jon H or an . YTH: 1. Aa ro n P a p e (Y.lm) ; 2. Sha w n whetege (Yam); 3.5helly Karm (Yam ); 4. C had Sp a rks (Hon); 5. An d y Kote k (Hun). 17-24 A: 1. Chris Sense (Kaw); 2. Jam es Pevc lny (Suz ); 3Mike Lenarz (Yam) . 17-24C : 1. Bill Tilfor d (Kaw); 2. Ma ll Ludescher (Ka w ); 3 . Pe ter Natvig (Suz ); 4. Don ald Oreskovich (Kaw); 5. Ja ke Nicrrcan . 25-+- A : 1. Bryan H u n t (H o n ); 2. Jay Me tdll (Ya m); 3. Mi ke G raif (H on ); 4. Dan a Hunt (Hon); 5. Rick Mu nson (Suz ). 25-+- C : 1. Mi ke Jan o vs ky (H on ); 2. Jerry Sch u lze (Yam) ; 3. C ra.ig Stickfo rt (Hon); 4. Al N ov o tn y (Hon); 5. Robert Han son. VET A: 1. M ike G rail (Hon ); 2. Da na H u nt (H o n); 3. Rick Mun son (Su z); 4. Sco tt Ruegg (Suz ); 5 . Jim O lson (Yam) . VET B: 1. Jeny Sch u lze (Yam ). V ET C : 1. Ma rk Scha; 2. Blake (Yam); 3. Jo n H olm; 4. Jeff Risch (Suz ); 5. Bria n Ker lsbro ten. SR: 1. Je rry Bu m g ard ne r (H o n) ; 2. Pa t Day ; 3 . Allen Sta ige (Yam) ; 4 . Ted Co p lien ; 5. Mar k And erson (Kaw ). 125 A : 1. Jam es r ovo ln y (Suz ); 2. Ja y Merrill (Yam ); 3. Chad Cl en d enen (Hon); 4. Brian O lson (H on ); 5 . Mile Eiklen borg (yam). 125 B: 1. To dd Flet ch er (Ka w) ; 2 . T odd Wa lto n ; 3. Scott Mericle; 4. Ja mes Farendholz (Kaw); 5. Bill Mede k (K.1w ). run Ja son Vanl aningham (22) leads Peter Natvig (44) at Midway MX. 125 C · 1: 1. Ja m i:'lOn Da y; 2. Ma rty Roberts; 3. Steve 8ec hel; 4. Scot t Beche l; 5. Ja mi e Storey. 125 C-2: 1. Sha w n Whela ge (Yam); 2. Chad Sp a rks (Han ); 3 . Da ve Short; 4. Trevo r Ho v lan d; 5 . Andy Ko tek (Hon). 250 A : 1. C hri ! Bense (Kaw); 2. Chad C len d en en (H on); 3. Marty Clark (H on ); 4. ti ria n Olson (Hon); 5. Brent Keeney (Ka w) . 250 6 : 1. Todd Fle tche r (Ka w ); 2. W illiam T ilfonl (Ka w ); 3. Ja:'lO Vanlanin gh am (Kaw); 4. M ichael Le na rz (Ya m ); 5. Sco tt n Meri cle . 250 C · 1: 1. M att Lu descher (Kaw); 2. Prier N a tv ig (Suz ); 3 . Bria n Stic kn ey (Yam) ; 4. G len EiJders; 5. Thoma! Rya n . 250 C·2: 1. M ik e C la rk (Hon); 2. D a nny Thl el g eso 3. Ku rt ; Torbenson; 4. Rick N orum (yam ); 5. Robert Hanson. Open C: 1. Ron G rundhauser (Hon); 2. Craig Sticklo rt (Ho n ); 3. Mi ke Janovsky (H on) ; 4. Mike Wa n na rka ; 5. Greg Kalis (Kaw). Sandell smokes Cheyenne MX By John Clifford CHEYENNE, WY, jULY25 Vickery'slNoleen l AXO's Kip Sande ll won both the 250cc a nd Ope n Pro classes while Dean Lange r accompl ished the same feat in the B class. Earlier, Langer commented on his fond ness of the track and feeling " right for the win". in all but Lange r's last mot o h is sta rts we re smoo th and got him out front early. In the final Open B mot o Langer gated near ly last and s tar ted his charge thro ugh th e pa ck. Eric Dillow battled Lange r for a wh ile be fore Lange r swoop ed by and held on to fou rth for a thi rd overall. Mark Pad illa w as Langer ' s nex t vic tim b u t Duke H uf fma n need ed to sto p La nger fo r the w in. Lange r's hard cha rg in g attac k was finall y too mu ch for H u ffma n re lega ting him to se cond ove ra ll and giving Langer the win . Kip Sandell's second 250cc mot e was his test. Andy Atkins and josh Kellogg, who had a disappointin g crash in the second 12Scc moto, both were d eter m in ed to co n tes t Sande l l. C h a d Wollas ton, Wa yne Ballie t and Keit h Camp bell d iced over fourth thr ou gh sixth while Kellogg coul d n't catch the battle tha t Atkins and Sandell were wagi ng. in the last few laps Sand ell se t up Atkins and ou t corne red him for the win . Dillenburg dominates Antigo Half Mile By Al Su m ner, Jr. ANTIGO WI, jULYl8 , Pro-A m rider joh n Dillenbu rg was the class of the 147 ri d e rs co m peting a t th e a nn ua l Rib Mountain Riders-p rom oted eve nt , as he swe pt the 250cc Ama teu r and 250cc Pro-Am classes. As an encore, Dillenb urg was victor ious in the 1993 W iscon s in State Pr o fes sio na l 250 cc Championsh ip, defeating Curt Knitt and George Istva nek in the last-lap dash to the flag. Other sta te P ro Champ io ns crow ned this w ~e ken d • 1994 Honda 882508: 88 Horsepower, 224 pounds _~:'.e:.. . ., > 1994 Honda 881258: 42 Horsepower, 158 pounds i In racing, there's strength in numbers. Hor epower, weight, lap times. These numbers help separate winners 110m losers. s You'll lind some interesting numbers at the highest level 01World Championship G rand Prix road racing. There, more riders choose Honda in the 125 and 250 GP classes than any other machine by a combined lactor 01 nearly two to one. Why? Look at the numbers. With a power-to-weight ratio 013.7 pounds per horsepower lor the RS1 25R, and 2.6 lor the RS250R, these Hondas have the winning numbers. or Here's some more numbers you should know about. F 1994, there are more than 30 significant Improvements to the RS line. The 250 benefits from a new cylinder and case-reed system, new works-style pistons, redesigned expansion chambers, a new transmission, recalibrated suspension rates, new Brembo brake system, and reconfigured windscreen lor reduced drag. The 125 also features a new cylinder, along with a revised shift mechanism, stronper connecting rods, new ignition and works-style piston, plus a new adjustablelork and a 0.5-inch-wider rear wheel. And each bike comes with a comprehensive spares kit, totaling more than 50 items. There's one morewinning number you should knowabout-the one you call by September 17, 1993, to order your RS: (31 0) 783-3873. IIZ51. Eng ine 1I1l5. .liquid-cool!ld 2-s1rOlce crankcase reed valve V·twin Uquid-cooled 2-i1mke cran kcase reed valve single > ,." msplacement••••• • ••••••••_ 1 49cc Bo reKStroke _ _S4KS4 .5mm rburetor _ _..K elhin PJ38 Short Ca 54 K54. mm 5 KelhinPJ38 sho rt Ignllion System Cl tch . • u Olg ad'J3l1ced CDI ttal DigitaladvanCed COl Ory mU . lliplate Wet.m ultiplate Fuel Capacity .._ 20liters 12 liters f rame Wheelbase Brakes Wheel Price see.. .AJ umln IWIIl-lubll um 1.34 0mm Fron!: 296m dual pist n caU m · o perdouble disc Rllar: 198mm dual-piston caliper sing'" disc Front:3.75-17 RIlar:5.5().17 •••$20.800 • Alummum twin·tube 1,255mm Front 296m dual-piston calipersingle disc m Rear.186mm dual-piston ~liper srngle diSC f ron t2.50-17 Rear: 3.50-17 $S7oo Allordersrequirea50%depasft. Thesemodels are for competitonuse only, and will be i sold onlytoriders licensedas expert by recognized campe liliansanclianlng arganlz,," lions. Thesemotorcycles donat meet federal motor vehiclesa fetyor E slandards. PA 49

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