Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 08 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS G ~ C'I) 0'0'~ ... 00 ~ ...... (f) ~ eo ~ < Don Odom (left) he ld off Shawn McCon nell to wi n at Cos ta Mesa Speed way. Mike Smi th (Hon); 4. Den n ia Manchad t (YAm) ; 5. John Muld er (Hon ). 250 NO V: 1. Bri" n Tow nsen d (Yam ); 2. Ze k.. Oau gh l!Orty w (Suz); 3. Russ Schoo ley (K.a ); 4. Charlie Ral~ (Hon) ; 5. Ma5Of\ Harper (Hon ). INT : 1. Billy A k. rs (Suz); 2. Mike (Ho n); 3. Rand y Denby (Ka w) ; 4. Dee Wood (Ka w ); 5. T.}. Pat el (Hon). EX: 1. O ay Il oensh eU (Suz) ; 2. Jo\!lOI'l Edwards (Hon ); 3. Todd Bates (Kaw ); 4. Joey Pratt (Suz); 5. Jason Artin~r (Suz). 25+: 1. RaY' Burgt"1i5 ( K.1I w) ; 2. RU5I Schoolf'Y (K.1w ); 3. C.}. Mu UinlI(Hon); 4. Otuck Mayne (Kaw ); 5. Rick B"' uingnme (Suz). 30+: 1. C.}. M ullins (Hon) ; 2, Buddy Filch (Kaw); 3. Da vid Waldner (lion); 4. John Kraw czyk (KTM); 5. Mark Child re (JaM). Odorn returns to Costa Mesa Speedway By Scott Rousseau Photo by Bob Jones - - --=-= =-: ~. - .. .:.~ - - - ... ... ~ L.A. SLEEVE CO. ==::- -_ ~. ~ -- GENU IN E R A CING P A R TS High performance race style pistons manufactured from specia l high-silicon alumi-, num alloys. Piston kits supplied with rings. circlips, wrist pin . For leading makes and models. See your dealer. HI-PERFORMANCE PISTONS MX/ATV ...... - LOS ANGELES SLEEVE CO., INC. 8311 Chetle Ave.• Santa Fe Springs. CA 90660 (31 0) 9 ~5 -7578 D~alers call or w rite for your free catalog and decals .... 1t .. PutOfYa.r 'l'raIaIDg Procas lad Sad U. Yoar ..... VIdeo. Wewill select the most spectccular American riders for a Roulette MX R acein lioly and Czechoslavakia in AlYtlust 1994. 48 11I 1iIlOAl 1O lIIIlllIItIOeoaI:f'OI~OI. AD'I'Bl1IlIlG !\lIPOID WlIlQII""",""",JIUlUl)II. Ill. NrtWf1.1 ...,. COSTA MfSA, CA. JULY 30 Don Odom re tu rned to Costa Mesa Speedway for the first time since his near ca reer -ending crash at Lake Perris and scored a runaw ay victory in the Hand icap main event. _. Odom, who had won both his heat and se mi, would come off of the 30 yar d line alone in the main eve n t as both Ga ry Ackroyd and Eddie Castro were sent to the pena lty line for mo ving befo re the tapes went up . At the s ta rt, Od om jumped out to the lead whil e Scott Brant go t an excellent start from the 50 to ba ttle with Shawn McConn ell and Lance King for second place. As th e field s tre tch ed out on th e fo llowing la p ado rn rem ain ed in th e lead foll ow ed b y McConnell, King and Brant . McConnell kept the pressure on a do rn, but co u ld n ' t p ass . Steve Lucero tried to catch the lead gro up by goin g to the di rt on the ou tside, but to no a vail. While Odo m led the field, King a nd Brant tried to work on McConnel1 in tums three and four, as there wasn't eno ugh d irt on the outside to engi· neer a pass in the ultra-tight turns one and two. By the wh ite flag lap it was clear that Od om had the race in the bag , but the next three spots were yet to be d ecided. McConnell used up all of the race track on King a nd Brant in one a nd tw o, effectively locking up second . But com ing out of the last comer, King hooked up and wheelied, hand ing thir d place to Brant. King recovered to salvage fourth ahead of Lucero . " I've bee n gone for a mon th and a half, so this win makes me p retty happ y: Od om said. "O nce the refe ree moved those guys back, it really took the pressure off me to make the start. I knew tha t if I got to the tum ahead of the guys, nobody wo uld pass me. I think I'm back. " In the Scra tch mai n it was Scott Brant who got the sta rt coming ou t of ga te one, but Cha rlie Venegas also star ted well out of gate four and moved up to challe ng e Bran t on the outside going d own tlie back stretch. Venega s lost a little gro und trying the outside in three a nd fou r but hung in down the front stretch before falling to the back of the pack by trying the ou tside once too often. Venegas' mistake allowed Faria and Schwa rtz to mo ve up , bu t they wer e top bus y batt ling each other to mount a serious challen ge on Brant. While Bran t remaincd in front to the chec kered flag, Schwartz p ushed on Faria bu t failed to force a mis take. Faria was second fol1 'CI by Sch wartz and Venegas. 0wc Results SCRATCH : 1. Scott Bra nt Oaw); 2. Mike Faria (GM); 3, Dobby Schwartz (W",,); 4. Cha rlie Veneg as Oaw). H AN DIC AP: 1. Don Odom (Cd n ); 2. Shawn McC on nell (GM); 3. Scott Oaw); 4. Lance King (Wes); 5, Sieve Lucero (Gdn ). SUPI'ORT: 1. Randy Skinner Oa w); 2, Joe Erhard t (Wes); 3. Pa ul Colston (Wn); 4. Mike Reed(We); 5. Tony Gomez Oaw). Brant quick at Glen Helen Speedway By Elaine Jones GLEN HELEN, CA,JULY28 Scott Bra n t wa s ab solutely flawles s all nig ht he rode h is Cohan and long as Hicks/Cire llo/ Arai /Oakley /Up Time /In land Valley Chi roprac tic [awa to victory a t Gle n Helen Speedway's Bruce Penha ll Classic, . The racing format for the classic d iffers from the no rmal Wednesda y night racing in tha t each of the 16 rid er s rotate gate pos ition an d rider draw making it possible for each ride r to compet e again st the oth er at least once during five round s of racin g. Points a re used to determine th e four ri ders w ho will make up the ma in ev ent. Going in to the main e vent Bra nt had scored. the maximum 15 poi nts , having won all of the heats in which he compe ted . Closest to him were National Champion Chris Manchester and Mike Fa ria with 13 po ints each. Gary Hicks had ed ged Cha rlie Venegas by one point to earn his way into the ma in. Brant started on the out side wit h H ick s on the pole a n d Faria a n d Man chest er in be twee n. Brant had been using the outside all night and the main was no dif ferenl He got the ga te and rocketed of the line into the first tum and the lead. Hicks, Manchest er a nd Faria we re simp ly left to fight for seco nd place, as Brant was simply gone. An elated Brant took his victory lap , and with flag in hand, salu ted the crowd with a wheelie. Kenn y Mcin tyre a nd Jeff Bowles came awa y with yet anoth er win in the Sidecar main event. Res ults CLASSIC: 1. 50011Brant Oa wa); 2. Chris Manchcs tt. Oaw ); 3. T Gary H icks (G M); 4. Mike Faria (Grvt). SOCAR: 1. Mci nty re/ Bow les (Yam); 2.l.ewis/Macy (Kaw); 3. Steele /King (Hon ); 4. Partain/ Stephens (Kaw). Venegas victorious at Lake Perris Speedway By Elaine Jones LAKE PERRIS.CA. JUtY29 Cha rlie Venegas sho wed the folks at Lake Perris . Speedway why he is ca lled "Th e Edge" as he ca me from th e 40 ya rd line on the Ora nge County S u z uki/Troy Lee Desig ns /Rock N Java / Shoei / Motu l/Willie Costa Trucking [awa, passed "Too TaU" Don Odom, and never relinquished the lead of the Han dicap main event. He wa s u nder p len ty o f p ress u re as Mike Mazzacane was on h is rear wheel for three laps before Gary Hicks p ushed by to ta ke over the second slot. Mazzacane held on to third unti l the white flag when John Aden cam e up with a trick move tha t got both him and Mike Faria by. This gave Aden third and Faria the fou rth. Scott Brant tried to repe at his Scratch main win from Glen Helen the night before but Gary Hicks on th e Cohan and Hicks Racing /Sisco Roofing /Cirello/STP Weslake rained on Bran t's pa rade with an ins ide line that p ut him ahead of Brant, w ho likes to go h igh. Bobby Schwartz thought it was such a good idea tha t he followed su it and took ov er secon d . Brant hung on for . third with Venega s a very close fou rth. Ken McInty re a nd Jeff Bowles co nti n ued the ir w inn in g ways from th e nig ht before as they wen t wire to wire in the Sideca r main. Jeff Hoy t picked up his second Suppo rt ma in win at Lake Perris.

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