Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eIN,TH EWIND e B California ns Bill y Ha mill a nd Greg Hancock both ad vanced to the World Cham pionship Speedway Final by finishing in second and third place, respectively, at the semi-final round at Lonigo, C") Italy, July 24. Hamill finished the regu 0'1 ' lar series of races tied for the win with 0'1 th ree-ti m e World Champ ion H a ns rl Niels en, but Hamill lost a run-off race. Fellow Californians Ron nie Co rey and Sa m Erm olen ko will com pete in the final semi-final in Sweden on August 6. The World Champi on ship Fina l will take place in Germ any on August 29. Belgian Jacky Ma rtens (Hus) tallied 2-2I mo to finishes to earn the overall win a t round nine of the 12-rou nd Wo rld Ch a mp io ns h ip 500cc MX Series in Na mu r, Be lg ium , Au gus t 1. Swede Jorgen Nilsson (Hon) was the run ner up , w hile fellow co untrym an Marcus Han sson (Hon ) ro unded ou t the to p th ree . Marte n s mov ed back into th e series points lead in h is continuing seesaw battle w ith Nilsson . Martens now has 353 points to Nilsson's 343. Steve H at ch (Suz) sco red the overall win at the Pikes Peak National Enduro a t Woodland Park, Co lorado, August 1. Ha tch edged Ke lb y Pep per (KTM) by o ne poi nt, a n d se ri es po in ts lead er Rand y Ha wkins (Suz ), Ke vin H ines (Hus) and Jeff Russell (KTM) roun ded ou t the top five. The event was the sixth round of the nine-round AMA National Championship End uro Series a nd Haw kins ha s a seven-poin t lead o ver Hatch, 135-128. Russell is third wi th 126 and Hines and Pe p per a re tie d fo r fourth with 111 points each. Scoll Everett (Tri) top ped the 540cc class a nd Har ry Sch re ib e r (H -D ) was the w in ne r in the 800cc class a t the AMA National Champ ionship Hillclimb Series round held at the White Rose M.e. clubg ro u nds in Jefferso n, Pennsy lva ni a, August 1. Alan Hoskins (Hon ) was seco n d in th e 540cc cla ss wi t h Paul Pinson nau lt (Hon ) finishing thir d . Lou Gerencer Sr. (H-D) and Lou Gerencer Jr. (H -D) fi nished second an d third, respectively in the 800cc class, Gerencer Sr. s uffered serious injuries w hen he crashe d w hile cres ting the hill on his runner-up ride. He was admi tted to the hospita l and placed in an intensive care unit with a broken left hand, an d a broken righ t wrist an d arm. Gerencer was expected to be released from the hospi tal at the end of the week. Cards and letters can be sent to Gerence r at 30723 Rt. 6, u.s, 20 Wes t, Elkhart, IN 46514. Two -Brothers Racing (Hon) won their third race in a row and fourth of the seaso n in th e AMA /CCS EBC Brakes Endurance Cha llenge Series at Brainerd In tern atio nal Raceway, Ju ly 31. Th e te am o f Tomm y Ly nc h and Ni ck Parker,Werner behind bars ou r-time Grand Nati onal Champ ion Scott Parker and his tun er Bill Werner gave, the inma tes of Lima Correctional Institution in Ohio something to cheer about on Saturday, June 26. Although Parker d idn 't w in tha t night's Lima Ha lf Mile round of the AMA Grand National Cha mp ionship Series, he and Wern er did win the ad miration of the staff and the inma te stud ents by taking the time to give a three-hour seminar at the prison . Ins tru ctor Joseph Wahrer said, "Lima Correcti onal In stitution is the only Ohio prison tha t offers a vocation al motorcycle techn ology course. We all really learned a lot from Harley-Davidso n's Sco tty Parker and Bill Werner. They made us the winners and we will never forget their visit - ever!" F lenat sc h topped Dutch ma n Raci n g (Yam) by 15.175 seconds in th e th reehou r race . Th ird p la ce went to Fastlin e/MCM Suzuki (Suz) , In th e GTU port ion of the even t, Mot o Liberty /Nankai II (Suz) too k th e wi n over FastIinelMC M Suz u ki II (Suz) and AGV Sport Gro u p (Hon), The Swed ish round of the '250cc World Cha mpionship MX Series in Nykop ing, Swe den, A ug us t 1 was cance led. Rain d renched the area and exposed rocks on the track's surface, p romp ting competitors G reg Albertyn, Donny Sch mit and Stefan Everts to p rotest the running of th e event. They sa id they would have boyco tted it if it had been ru n . BMW introduces sin lee linder model B 2 MW w ill o fficia lly in tr oduce a sing le-cylind er on/ o ff-ro ad bike at the 55th International Mo tor Show in Frankfurt, Germ an y, September 9. The F6SO is the first single-eylinder model offered by BMW in some 30 years - the last being the R27. _ ' The F650 wa s dev eloped in close cooperati on wi th two "syste msuppliers," the It a li an moto rc ycl e man ufact u re r Ap rili a, a n d Aust rian en g ine manufacturer Bombardier-Rotax. The motorcycle is assembled in Aprilia's production plant in Noale and powered by a four-valve, liquid -eooled Rota x powerplant. The engine, which BMW says develops 48 horsepower, is housed in a single-loop frame constructed of sq uare steel tub ing. A 34 horsepower model will also be p rod uced in accordance with the new European driver's license regulations that limit horsepower output of vehicles tha t novice riders may operate. . A single, centra lly mounted shock hand les the rear suspension, and a conven tional fork is used up front. For the first time in the company's 70:year history, the rear wheel is chain d riven, rather than by BMW's usua l sha ft. Both front and rear wheels are equipped with disc brakes. , The F650 is not what you would call a "light" motorcycle, wi th a claim ed "road trim" weight of 417 pounds. Don' t look for the F6SO to be imported to the U.S., at least not soon. It is currently slated for the Eu ropean market only. BMW is also expected to reveal at the show the R1100GS, the company's "adventu re -tourer " model, powered by the "n ew genera tion " Boxer tw in moto r tha t was introduced earlier this yea r in the RllOORS. The Rll OOGS is scheduled to arrive in the U.S. in the sp ring of 1994. The AMA has na me d the riders wh o w ill represent the U.S. onthe World Trophy and Junior World tea ms for the O ctobe r 11-16 Intern ation a l Six Da y End u ro (ISDE) in Assen, Ho lland. The Trophy team will consis t of Fred Ho ess, four-time Na tional Enduro Cha mpi on Rand y Haw k in s, n ew ly crowned .National Reliabili ty Endu ro Ch ampion Rodney Smith, Ste ve Hatch, Ty Davis and David Rhodes. Hoess an d Hawkins will compe te in the 125cc class; Smith and Hat ch in the 250cc class; Dav is in the SOOcc class, and David Rhodes in the 350cc Four-Stroke class. Pat Gallahan, Ch ris Smith, Scott McLa u gh li n and Josh Wh itaker make up the U.S. Junior World team . Garrahan will compete in th e 125cc class, w hile the o the r th ree will compete in the 250cc class. Twenty-se ven riders will rep resent the U.S. at the ISDE on nine three-rider club tea ms . They a r e Thomas Ebersole, ยท Ma r k Ruple, 'Jim Walker, Wi lliam Rush, Bob Bechtel, David Lykke, John Mood y, Chad Carlis le , Steve Travis, Curt Wilco x, Randy DuBo is, Jason Edie, Tom Ady, Robert Johnson, Dan Harte, Steve Silvestri, Josh Chandler, Jason Dahners, J eff Fredette, Pau l Krause, Kevin Bennell, Mark lambert, Ma rc G rossm an, Kerry Cla rk , David Crain, Doug Deaton and Ron Lawson. The EBC Brakes Pocono Cycle Jam on Sund ay, August 15 will be aired live on TNN 's RaceDay. The show's coverage of motorsports aro und the world will originate as a live remote from the WERA Pro Series road race meet a t the Pennsylvania race track, however, the majority of the program will be devoted to the Pocono Cycle Jam. RaceDay w ill air two di fferent shows from the track. The first show will come on at 11:30 a.m . Eastern time an d the second at 2:30 p .m. EST. In addition, note tha t the July 11 WERA Pro Series race a t Wi llo w S p r ing s Race w ay in southern California will air nationally on Prime Networ k on August 5. Tod Raffe rty, a former Cycle News ed itor whose new book - Harley- Davidson: The American Machine - will be available in Octobe r, is working on a catalog of mo to rcycle a rt tha t h e'll ca ll Th e Pe rm anent Co ll ection . The book will include pa intings, ill us trations, ph otographs and sculp tu re works. " I' m after a balance between racin g acti on, still portraiture, detail work, collage and any image that cap tures an essential eleme nt of moto rcycl ing, " Raffe rty said. "As the title suggests, this is a catalog of the finest work availa ble in each category. The qua lity sta ndards will be high ." Works pictured in the book will be for sale, and payment to the a rtists wi ll be negotiated in d ivi d ua lly . If inter es ted , yo u ca n ge t in to uch w ith Raffe rty a t MotorSports Med ia , Bo x 230, San ta -Ma rgarita, CA 93454; 805/461 -1103. Th e balloting has been compl eted for the team that will defend America's MX des Nations championship in Austria on September 12. The sq uad will consist of J eff Em ig (125cc cl ass), Je remy McGrath (250cc), and Mike Kiedrowski (500cc ). Emig was sched uled to serve as best man at Buddy An tunez' wedding the weekend of the eve nt, b ut he says he'll regretably s k ip th e wedding to com pete in Aus tria . The team will be attem pting an un p reced en ted 13th consecu tive win at the even t. The supercross-style format employed at th e Gle n He len Cycle Park 125/2 50cc , National in San Bernardi no, Ca lifornia, will be used exclusively next year at AMA National MX even ts, accord ing to AMA Pro Racing Director Roy Jans on. "The pro moters voted, and it was unanimous," Janson said . "The only difference w ill be that they won't p ay d ou ble points. We only d id that to make it (the Glen Helen round) the same as the othe r Nationals

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