Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Pirovano was fourth and Merkel fifth. The former World Champion is making his ambitions come through. At Misano, he claimed a top five position in the point standings was still a possibility, in spite of his disastrous start of the season. The Ducati-rider is now nin th, and even more good things seem to be coming his way. "Ducati seem to be very happy about my performances, an d from Ma laysia and Japan onward, they have promised to giv e me so me more help ," Merkel said . "It's still no t clea r wha t this will consist of, but we might be looking at a 926ccengine." . Bontempi w as sixth, in fr on t of Lindho lm, de Vries, Pr escuitti a nd Hoffmann. Actually, Nobles should have b een among these gu ys, but in the last couple of laps, he lost a sure place in the top 10. . ·"Too bad I ran out of brakes at the end," Nobles said.·"This was the race to have a great res ult, since so many top riders had fallen off. Apa rt from that, I couldn' t get off the turns; the difference of the Honda compared to the other four cylinders starts to get on my nerves. But still, this is a learn ing year . Maybe I'll be able to make good use of all this experience in 1994." (;\' Results QUALIFYING: 1. Carl Fo garty (2:06.18); 2. Sco tt Russe ll (2:06.89): 3 . Aaron Slight (2:07.38) ; 4. Fabri zio Pi rov ano (2:07. 55); 5 . Gian ca rlo Fal ap p a (2:07.69) ; 6. Mauro Lucchiari (2:07.90); 7. Ed win Weibel (2:08.39); 8. Terry Ry m er (2:0 8.4 2); 9. Fred M erkel (2:08 .54); 10. Pie rgio rgio Bontempi (2:08.65); 11 . Ste ph an e Merten s (2:08.72); 12. Balda ssare Mont i (2:09 .27) ; 13 . Karl Truch. es s (2:09.33); 14. Christer Lindholm (2:09.48); 15. s A ldeo Presci utti (2:09.71); 16. Andreas Ho ffma nn (2:09.82); 17. Jean -Man: Deletang (2:10.07); 18. Phi lippe Mouchet (2:10.09); 19. Emst Gsch wender (2:10.12); 20. Ma rcel Kellenberger (2:10.56); 21. Udo Mark (2:10.70); 22. Jeffry de Vries (2:10.86); 23. Tr ip p N obles (2:11.03); 24. . Fabrizio Furlan (2:1:;' .14); 25. Arpad Harmati (2:11.20); 26. Bernhard Schi ck (2:11.21); 27. C. Rebuttini (2:11.25); 28 . Thierry Rogier -(2:1 1. 4 0); 29. Mauro Ma st re lli (2 :11 .60) : 30 . Jacques Tra n ois (2 :11. 98) ; 31. P. Sa le (2 :12 .89); 32. Franz Pfefferkorn (2 :13 .20 ); 33 . Ped ro Baptista (2:14.41); 34. Roberto Bia gioli (2:14.67); 35 . M. Troli ga (2:16.64); 36. Peter Buhrer (2:16.70) RACE ONE: 1. Carl Fogarty (Du e); 2. Sco tt Rus sell (Kaw) ; 3 . Aa ro n Slight (Kaw); 4 . Fabrizio Pirovano (Yam ); 5. Giancarlo Falappa (Due); 6. Mauro Lucchiari (Due); 7. Piergi orgio Bontempi (Kaw ); 8. Edwin Weibel (Due); 9 . Terr y Rymer (Ya m) ; 10 . Stvph ane Mertens (Due); 11. Andre as Hoffmann (Ka w) ; 12. Baldassare Mo nti (Ya m) ; 13. A ld eo P resciutti (Du e); 14. Jeffry d e Vries (Yam); 15. Ernst Gschwend er (Kaw); 16. Bernhard Sc hic k (Due); 17. Fab riz io Furlan ( Ka w ); 18 . Thierry Rogi e r (Due); 19. Marcel Kell enber g er (Ka w) ; 20 . C. Rebuttini (Due); 21. Tripp N obles (H o n); 22. Maur o MastreUi (Yam) ; 23 . P. Sale (Due); 24. Pedro Bapti sta (Yam ); 25. Roberto Biagioli (Kaw ). Time:38 min ., 19.36 sec . Distance: 18 laps, 60.264 miles. Average speed: 94.247 mph. KTM~ defending National Hare Scrambles Champ outlasts the compeli1ion in the heat at Hookstown, PA. Wins second Nat'l Hare Scrambles event in 1993. Moves into Series Lead! STYLE Margin of victory:2 09 sec. Fas test Lop: Ca rl Foga rty, 2.06.44/ 95.217 mph. RACE TWO: 1. Scott Russell (Kaw) ; 2. Ca rl Fogarty (Du c); 3. Stsphane Mertens (Du e); 4. Fabrizio Pirova no (Yam); 5. Fred Me rkel (D ue ); 6. Piergi o rgi o Bontem pi (Kaw ); 7. Christer Lindholm (Yam); 8. Jeffry de Vries (Yam) 9. Aldeo Pre sciutti (Due); 10. Andreas Hoffmann ; (Kaw); 11. Bernha rd Sch ick (Due ); 12 . j ean-Marc Dele tan.g "(Yam); 13. Tr ip p N oble s (H o n); 14 . Erns t Gschwende r (Kaw); 15 . Marcel Kellenberger (Kaw ); 16. Fabrizio Furlan (Kaw) ; 17. C. Rebuttini (Due ); 18. P. Sale (Due); 19. Ped ro Bapt ista (Yam); 20. Roberto Biagioli (Kaw) ; 2 1. Peter Buhrer (Yam). Time: 38 min., 17.30 sec. Distance 18 laps, 60.264 miles . Ave rage speeds 93.331 mph. Margin of victory:7J17 sec. Fastes t Lop: Ca rl Fogarty, 2.06.49/94.560 m ph . WORLD C SHIP POINT ST A NDI NGS (Af te r 6 of 14 rounds): 1. Scott Rus.",JI (1675); 2. Carl Foga rty (146.5); 3 . Gia nca rlo Fala ppa (146); 4. Aaron Slight (131); 5 . Fabriz io Pirova no (111); 6. Step hane Mertens (80 ); 7. Pier gi orgio Bont empi (71.5); 8. Juan Ga rrig a (71); 9. Fred Me rkel (63 .5 ); 10 . Mauro Lu ceh iar i (62. 5) ; 11 . Ter ry Rymer (56); 12. Adrien Morillas (40); 13. Jeffry d e Vries (37.5); 14. Andreas Mekl au (27.5); 15. Christer Lindholm (23) 16. Bal dassa re M onti (23) ; 17 . (TIE) Si mo n Crafar/Emst Gsc hwender (22); 19. An d reas Hoffmann (20); 20. Edwin Weibel (17). 17