Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 08 04

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/ \\ORU) ('11\ \\P IO\SIIIPS / lap three, when Massimiliano Biaggi and the Kanemoto Rothmans Honda was in second and holding up the pursuit. Bu t he'd been caug ht first by Harad a and then by pole-sitter Reggiani , then he ran w id e into th e fi rst turn a nd was promp tly consigned to third by the end of lap seven. This trio were by now well clear of the pu rsuit, and it wa s H arada making the running, in front from lap seven to lap 13, but unable to ma ke any sort of a brea k, w ith Reggiani in second place clearly faster in a s traig h t line. Obviously some of those involved were biding their time, Cap irossi made his next move on the J4th lap, reclaiming the lead with a fine p iece of late braking. But again th e re was nothing there to let him get away. Then Harada started to lose ground . "With about five laps to go, my chance of victory went as my fron t tire started to deteriorate. I also seemed to lose a little power, so I decided to think of my champions hip p osit ion and settle for third." So it was down to the young pretender and the old de fend er, Loris versus Loris, precocious 20-year-old again st seaso ne d 33-year-old. Reggiani waited u ntil the bottom of the hill to dive inside at the r ig h t- h a nder, a nd when the y appeared aga in to cross the finish line he was half-a-second in front wit h one lap left. But the yo ungster rode a superblyjudged las t lap, quickly back o n th e Aprilia's tail, then perfec tly poised into the last tum to get a bet ter d rive out of it , th en p erform a cl assic draft-andcharge move that carried him through to victory by just over a ten th of a second . "I knew the Hond a was a little better in acceleration, 50 when I was able to catch up on the last bend I knew I could win ," he said. Reggiani had sat up in despair as he saw the red bike move inexorably past across the line, and was solemn and close to tears afterwards. "Yes terday I said I would be satisfied with a rostrum finish, but I am not. Until the last comer I thought I could win, and I tried very hard. When I saw Loris coming pa st I felt like crying. If I had a stone I would. have thrown it at him." The brawl behind had been delayed by Biaggi, who comp lained later tha t he'd made a bad tire choice (the results sugges t by goin g for Michelin instead of Dunlop). AIl the while, Ruggia had been coming through from a med iocre start, a nd he fin ally mov ed thr ou gh in to fourth on the 10th lap. Riding heroically, he tr ied to close a ya w ni ng g ulf o f almos t 10 se co nds . Th en as Ha rada started to slow his chances of a ros tru m br ightened some w ha t, a nd he kick ed again, breaking the lap record on his last lap, but failing to pass the Japanese rider by two-hundredths of a second. Bia g g i fi na lly p r ev ailed ove r Tadayuki Okada's Rothmans Honda for fift h, with He lmut Bradl's HB-H onda right with them, less than half-a-second covering the group after a bitter race. Eight se conds ba ck ca me the next trio, with Pier-Francesco Chili and the Telkor Valesi Yamaha eventually tr i' umphing over the Hondas of Nobuatsu Aoki and Alberto Puig, disappoin ted that a bad start had pr evented him from fightin g for hig her pos itions. Lucchi was a lonely IS seconds adrift, with Eskil Su ter just m anaging to hold off slow starter Simon Crafar on the Lucky Strike Su zuki, who h ad brou ght Alex Gra migni with him for the Gilera's first points th is yea r. . [o chen Schmid 's Yamaha was 15th taking the last point after bre aking free from a good bat tle that eventually saw Frederic Protat lea d Pa trick va n den / AN. MARINO / (Left to right) Championship lead er Kevin Schwantz, race w inner Michael Doohan and th ird-placed Wayne Rainey. Goo rbergh, Jea n-M ic h e l Ba yl e (all Aprilias) and Andy Bossha rd (Honda) across the line, separated by less than half a second . Capirossi took over second place in the cha mpionship from the still-inju red Romboni. Har ad a now has 151 po ints, Ca p irossi 106, w ith Romboni, Biaggi a n d Brad l a ll eq u a l on 96 , ahea d of Okad a on 88. 12Sec Grand Prix Any rider wou ld like to lead from the start and gradually pull away. Few can do it. Dirk Raudies is certainly one of them, and that's just what he did again . , almost 2.5 seconds clear after two laps, eight ahead after 10, and 11 at the end, whi le the other 125 rid ers wer e involved in a typical unseemly brawl behin d . By and large this was controlled by po le qualifier Kazu to Sakata, although Akira Saito nosed ahead once or twice, as d id Noboru Veda rather less often. In among the Hondas the Aprilias of Ralf Waldmann, Carlos Giro and Peter Oettl were joined by Jorge Martinez's Honda, with this huge group hardly ahead of the nex t one behind as they followed and slipstreamed round the rhythmical track. At the finish , Sakata remained in control in second, with four others still battling w ith him, all p ulli ng almost side by side at some points of the last lap. As they approached the last com ers, Saito was third with V eda seemi ng ly ready to go past on the ou tside. At that point, Saito's back w heel slid away, and d irectly in to V ed a's fro n t. It p rob abl y sa ved Saito from falling, but sent Veda wobbling wildly off to the ed ge of the track, wh ere he narrowly avoid ed crashing . Thus it was Sakata se co n d , then Saito, Wa ldmannn and Giro, in his first finish of the year on the factory Aprilia. One second covered all four, with Veda recovering to hold si xth, just tw o seconds adrift. Martinez had now dropped away by seven seconds, but retained seven th, w ith Peter Oettl's Aprilia two seconds b e h ind. So me way back Takeshi Tsujimu ra held off fellow Honda rid er . Faust o Gresini for nin th, with the last points going to Olive r Petrucciani, Luigi Ancona, Kinya Wad a, Stefan Prein an d Oliver Koch, all but the first-named on Hondas. The rac e was d esper a te even after tha t, with one hu ge grou p running from 15th place through to 22nd, all. covered by two seconds. Giro claimed the fastest lap; Raudies stretched his champion ship lead to 177 points over Sakata's 165, wi th Tsujirnura on 110,-Wa ld man n n on 92, and Saito moving ahead of Ve da on 85. c. Res ults 12Sc c QUA LI FYI NG : 1. Kaz uto Sa kata (2:02.584/95.5 mph); 2. Aki ra Saito (2:02.658); 3. Di rk Raud ies (2:02 .778); 4. Ca rl os Giro (2:03 .447); 5. Ral f W ald mannn (2:03.844); 6. Nobu ro Ueda (2:03.898); 7. Jorge Martine z (2:03.915); 8. Stefan Prein (2:03.977); 9. Peter Oetll (2:04.062); 10. Oliver Perrucciannl (2:04.100); 11. H em Torrcntegui (2:04.226); 12. Takeshi Tsujimura (2:04.353); 13. Oliver Koc h (2:04.402); 14. Ezio Cuppini (2:04.403); 15. Bruno Casanova (2:04 .478) ; 16. Fausto Gresini (2:04.486); 17. Kinya Wada (2:04.549); 18. Ezio Gian o la (2:04.578); 19. Ga ry McCoy (2:04.912); 20. Luigi Ancona (2:04.926); 21. Ha ru chika Aoki (2:04.986); 22. Ga b rie le Debbia (2,05 .197); 23. S. Sato (2:05.250); 24. Ste fan Ku rfis s (2:05.416) ; 25. Nei l Hodgson (2:05.492); 26 . Manu el Herna n dez (2:05. 66 1); 27. Hans Spaan (2:05.992); 28. Lu is Alvaro (2:06.418); 29. 1. Cremonini (2 :0 6.537); 30 . Ari Molenaar (2:06 .610) ; 3 1. Lucio Cecch inello (2:06.750); 3 2. D. To gnoJi (2:07.4 03); 33. Julia n Miralles (2:07 .5 74); 34 . Manfred Bauma nn (2:07.786); 35. Giovanni Pa lmieri (2:07.947). 2S0cc QUALIFYING: 1. Loris Reggt a ni (1:56.205 /97.354 m p h); 2. Tets uya Harada (1:56.339); 3. J.P. Ruggia (1:56.364); 4. Loris Capirossi (1:56.592); 5. P .F. Chili (1 :56 .84 9 ); 6 . Ma x Biaggi (1 :5 6.8 64 ); 7. Tadayuki O kada (1:57.006); 8. Helmut Bradl (1:57.117); 9. Mauro Lucchi (1:57.219); 10. Iochen Schmid (1:57.301); 11. N o b u a ts u Aoki (1:5 7.318 ); 12. A lb erto P u ig (1:57.720); 13. Alessa ndro Gra migni (1:58.034); 14. Wilco Zeel enberg (1:58.419); 15. Frederic Prot at (1:58.430); 16. Simon Crafar (1:58.4n); 17. Luis 0 'An tin (1:58555); 18. Eski l Suter (1:58.891); 19. Ad rien Bossh a rd (1:59.034); 20. Andy Pre in in g (1 :59 .309); 21. Jea n-Michel Ba y le (1,5 9.38 7); 22. Jorge Martin ez (1:59.628); 23. P.V.D . Goorberg (1,59 .667); 24. Bern d Kassner (1:59.751); 25. J.P. Jeand at (1:59.800); 26. Bemard Haen ggeh (2,00.045); 27 . J .V.D. Goorberg (2 :00.652 ); 28 . Luis Ma u rel (2:00 .972); 29 . Volke r Bah r (2:0 1.062); 3 0. C. Ch ec a (2,01.152) ; 3 1. Ma ss imo Pe nnacchioli (2:01.918); 32. C. Te rmini (2:04.515). 500« QUALIFYING: 1. Michael Doohan (1:53.650); 2. Alex Barros (1:54.038); 3. Kev in Schwantz (1:54.137); . 4. Shinichi 1toh (1:54.314); 5. Wayn e Rainey (1:54.060); 6. Alex Criville (1:55.256); 7. Doug Cha ndler (1:55.536); 8. Daryl Beattie (1:55.828); 9. Tsu tom u Uda gaw a (1:56.948); 10. Luca Ca dalora (1:57.016); 11. Mat Mladin (1:57.187); 12. Nia ll Mac kenzie (1:57 .236); 13. Ren z o Co lle o ni (1:57 .30 2); 14. Jua n- Lo pez M ell a (1:57.418); 15. John Reynolds (1:57.634); 16. Mich ael Rudroff (1:57.777); 17. Mar co Pa pa (1:57.882); 18. Lau ren t Navea u (1:58.078); 19. Sea n Em m e tt (1:58.10 0); 20. Jerem y McWilliam s (1:58 .30 4); 21. Be rn ard G arcia (1:58 .424) ; 22 . Lu igi P edercin i (1 :58.8 95) ; 23 . Jo se Kuhn ( 1:59 .0 20 ); 24. Andreas Mekl au (1:59 .184); 25 . Andrew Stroud (1:59.532); 26. Ser ge David (1:59.668); 27. Thierry Crine (2:00 .229 ); 28 . Bruno Bonhuil (2:01.206); 29. D erek Je fferi es (2:01.405); 30. Ceee Doorakkers (2:01.952); 31. Kevin Mit chell (2:01.956). 12Sec GP: 1. Dirk Raudies (Han); 2. Kazuto Sakata (H a n); 3. Akira Saito (Ho n); 4. Ralf Wa ldmannn (Ap r); 5. Ca rlos Giro (Apr); 6. Noburo Veda (H a n); 7. Jorge Martinez (H o n ); 8. Pe ter Oettl (Ap_r); 9. Takeshi Tsujimura (Hon); 10. Fausto Gresini (H an ); 11. Oliver Petruccianni (Apr); 12. Luig i Ancona (Ha n); 13. Kinya Wad a (Hon); 14. Ste fan Prein (Han); IS. Oli ve r Koch (Hon) ; 16. Gary McC oy (Apr); 17. S. Sa to (Han); 18. Stefan Kurfiss (Ap r); 19. Hans Spaan (Han); 20. Neil Hodgson (Ha n); 21. Arie Molenaar (Han); 22. Manuel He rnandez (Apr); 23. Ezio Gianola (Hon); 24. Gabriele Debb ia (Ho n); 25 . Lucio Cecch inello (Gaz) ; 26 . I. Cremonini (Apr); TJ. Luis Alvaro (Ho n); 28. O. Tognoli (Han ); 29 . Man fred Bauma nn (Han ); 30 . Herri Torrontegui (Apr); 31. Haru chika Aoki (Hon) ; 32. Ezio Cuppini (Han); 33. Julian Miralles (Ha n); 34. Giovanni Palmieri (Apr); 35. Bruno Casanova (Apr) . Time: 41 mm., 28.495 sec . Di stancer n/ a Ave rage Speed: n/a M.argin of Victo ry: 10.949 sec. Lap : Ca rlos Giro, 2.113.309/%.179 m ph. 2S0c c GP: 1. Loris Capiross i (H on) ; 2. Loris Reg giani (Apr); 3. Tetsuya Harada (Yam); 4. J.P. Ruggia (Ap r); 5. Max Bia!W (Hon); 6. Tadayuki Okada (Hon); 7. Helmut Bradl (Hon); 8. P.F. Chili (Yam); 9. Nobuatsu . Aoki (Hon); 10. Alberto Puig (Hon) ; 11. Mauro Lucchi (Apr); 12. EskiJ Suter (A pr); 13. Sim on Crafar (Suz ); 14. A Iessendro G ra migni (Gil ); 15. [ochen Schmid (Yam) ; 16. Frederic Protat (Apr); 17. P.V.D. Goorbe'll; (Apr); 18. Jea n-Michel Bayle (A pr); 19. Adrien Bosshard (H an ); 20. Bern d Kas sner (Ap r); 21. C. Checa (Hon); 22. Vo lke r Bahr (Hon); 23. Andy Preining (Apr); 24 . Massimo Pe nnacch ioli (Hon); 25. C. To nnin i (H on); 26. J.V.D. Goorberg (Apr); 27. Bernard Haenggeli (Ar ); 28. Luis Ma urel (Apr) ; 29. Jor ge Martinez (Hon ; 30 . Wilco Zeelenberg (Apr) ; 31. J.P. [eandat (Ap r). Time: 41 min., 5.271 sec. Distance- 21 laps, 68.289 miles. Ave rage Speed: 100.726 mph. Margin of Viclory: 0.118 sec . Lap: J.P. Ruggia, 1:56.224/100.726 SOOcc GP: 1. Mich ael Doohan (Hon); 2. Kev in Schwantz (Suz); 3. Wayne Rainey (Yam); 4. Shinichi Ito h (Hon); 5. Luea Cadalora (Yam ); 6. Daryl Beattie (Hon) ; 7. Alex Barros (Suz) ; 8. Niall Mackenzie (Yam); 9. Mat Mladin (Cag) ; 10. Jose Kuhn (Yam); 11. Bernard Garci a (Yam) ; 12. Renzo Colleoni (yam); 13 . Jeremy McWilliams (Yam) ; 14. Serge David (yam); 15. Lucio Pedercini (Yam ); 16. Andrew Stroud (yam); 17. Derek Jefferies (Ya m); 18. Alex Criville (Hon); 19. Sean Emmett (Yam ); 20 . Ts u to m u Udagawa (Yam); 21. And rea s Meklau (Ya m); 22. Juan-Lopez Mella (Yam); 23. Marco Papa (Yam); 24. Laurent "Nevea u (Yam); 25. Bruno Bonhuil (Ya m); 26. Michael Rudroff (Yam); 27. Kevin Mitchell (Yam) ; 28. Cees Doorakkers (Yam); 29. Jeremy Reynolds (Ya m). Ti me: 44 min., 2.712·sec. Dls te nce e23 laps, 74.793 miles. Ave rage Speed: 102.845 mph. Margin of Victory: 9.953 sec. Fastes t Lap : Michael Doohan, 1:53.829/102.845 mph. 125« WO RLD COSH POINT STANDINGS (After 9 IP of 13 rou nds): 1. Dirk Raud ies (177/6 w ins); 2. Kazuto Sa kata (1) ; 3 . Ta k eshi Ts uj im ura (110 /1 ); 4. Ra lf Waldm annn (92); 5. Aki ra Sai to (85); 6. Noburo Ved a (83/ 1); 7. H erri Torrontegui (62); 8. Oliver Petruccianni (45); 9. Jo rge Ma rtinez (44); 10. Ezio Gia no la (40); 11. Ma nfred Bau ma nn (36); 12. Fausto G resi ni (33); 13. (TIE) Peter OettJ/Oliver Koch (32); 15. Masafumi On o (26); 16. (TIE) H a ru chika Ao ki/Luigi Ancon a (22); 18. (TIE) Mai k Stief/Kinya Wad a (21); 20. Bruno Casanova (18). 250

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