Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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eEVENTS 85: 1. B.J. Leac h (Kaw); 2. Ju stin G ib son ( Ka w) ; 3 . Da n Kauffmetn (Kaw); 4. Brett Pankey (Kaw). 200: 1. Brya n Bigelow (Yam); 2. Mike Forro (Xaw) ; 3. Dan K.a uffma n (Kaw); 4. Rn Uoyd (lY.w); S. Brian Had f ..ld (Kaw ). 2SO: 1. Brya n Bige low (Y" m); 2. Scan Jensen (Su z); 3. M.1tt . Robinson (Han ). 400: 1. Sa m U oyd (Suz); 2. Glen O 'Soyle (Hon); 3. Bri an Hadfi eld (Hup;). 500: 1. Dean MoIyer (y a m); 2. Milc.e RobinMJn (Hon ); 3. Kirk Sutliff (Hon); 4. Pat Fitzgenld (Ya m); 5. 8ryon Bowmam (Hon) . OPEN: 1. Mike Ca rrit'!'t' (Hon); 2. P"t Ma y (Yam) ; 3. Tom Johnso n (Hon); 4. Mike Denno (Hon). TW: 1. Bill Wertz (Tri); 2. Skip Wertz (Tri). VET: 1. Mike Babka (Hon); 2. Dean Ma ~ (Yam); 3. Scott Jeneen (Suz); 4. Kirk Sutliff (Hon ); S. Tom John!on (Han) . SR: 1. Skip Wertz (Tn ); 2. BUI Wertz (Trl) ; 3. Glen crBoyle (Hon); 4. Pat May (y a m); S. BilllRach (Yam). ack Mayer (W-R); 3. PR().AM : 1. Doug O'80y l~ (Hon); 2. J Eric O'BoyI~ {Hon) ; 4. Dua ne Sta nic k (yam); S. Don Bannennan ~ (Rtx) . . CO MBO: 1. Jack Mol " (W-R); 2. De.. n Ma)'ft (Ya m); 3. Doug y O 'Boyle (Han); 4. Mi ke Babka (lion); S. Eric O'Boyle (lion). Vohland victorious atAlbany SX By Deanna Holbrook Doug O'Boyle (SZ) passed [ack.Mayer (91X) to win th e Mashue MemorialTI. and by midrace had a substantial lead on the pack. McGrath a nd Stark were busy with a battle for second and Honda- mounted Dave Kopels was a di stant fou rth. Walte rs grabbed the win by a hu g e margi n at th e c hecke red fl ag . McGrath, Stark, Kope ls and Ron Allen rounded out the top five pos itions. In the second moto, Yama ha Spo rts Centersp onsored Stark was hot, and roun ded tu m one wi th the lead, followed by Kopels, McG ra th, Walters, and Eric Du~ra y. Walters made a move on lap tw o to pass McGrath, a nd a few turns later Kopels was also passed by Walters ' charging Suzuki . Walters next close d the IQ-second adva ntage th e lead e r h ad e njoyed . Finally, Walters was on Stark's rear fender, and the duo engaged in battle on lap three . Walters mad e a dari ng move in the rou ghest section of the track, but Stark hun g in there and the battl e con tinued. Walters tried again on the do uble jump and thistime the pass wa s success ful. By th is point the leaders had pulled far away from the field . At midrace, Walter s held a lO-second lead over Sta rk. Stark wa sn't through racing however, an d used some ho t lines to na rrow the gap on occasion. Wal ters a nswered each challenge with a little more thr ottle a nd held his lead . The final laps saw a p itched battl e for th ird be tw een Kopels, McG ra th a nd DuCray, with Ron Allen and Randy Chapman joini ng the frey. McGrath captured th ird for good at the whi te flag and the top positions remained the sa me for the fina l circuit, w ith Walters in for the win at the checkered flag. Results MINI (12-13); 1. Wen Northrop (Suz); 1. 1 ungle" Krtcham (Suz) ; 3. ).). Cummin S' (Suz) . MOO (9-11): 1. Justin Scullen (I(.lw); 2. Lonny Fritch (K.iw ); 3- Kevin Brown (Yam ) MINI (9-16) BEG: 1. Mon ty Meni. thew (Suz ); 2. No T..tum (yam); ~ Adam H uffn (Suz.). 125 BEG: 1. Da n ~Nuu.o (Suz); 2. Schwa tu (Hon); 3. John LaFranch i (ya m). 125 JR: 1. CNrles Tracy (Suz ); 2. Ryan Dunbch (Suz); 3. Brian ' Hanson (Kaw). 125 PRO: 1. Spud Wa lk' n (Suz); 2. Scott McElroy (yam) ; 3. Eric DuCray (Suz ). 125 INT: 1. Tyee Jacbon (Hon ); 2. Ian Radic h (Suz) ; 3. Matt Gibb (Hon ). 2SOJR: 1. Scott Schu bert (Ncy); 2. Tod d Doll (Su z ); 3. Kirar (Suz ). 250 BEG: 1. Michael Johnson (Suz); 2. Rich Pringl~ (Suz ); 3. John Morgan (Ho n). 250 PRO: 1. Spud Walten (Suz ); 2. John Sta rk (ya m); 3. Tony McGrath (Suz). 250 INT: 1. Matt Gibb (Hon); 2. Leo Pol derv aa rt (Hon) ; 3. RusseU Lee(Kaw) . VET PRO: 1. And y Med in (Suz ). VET INT: 1. Creig hton Todh un te r (H on ); 2. Ga ry Dav is (Kaw);3. OanMobley. . VET JR: 1. Mike Gord a (K..Iw); 2. Jimmy Pilgrim (Oss ). OIT M5"m.: 1. Tim Ketcha m (K.1w); 2. TIm Co lvm (Kaw ); 3. Man ' ack Salr.en (Kaw) . O/TINT: 1. R.Sea ~{Yam); 2. Ervin Ritfonbe rg(KlM). 0TIi EX: 1. Mike Newman (Suz); 2. Steve lawrmct' (Yam). OTH 1NT: 1. ' ohn Anderson (Han); 2. Thomas Cummings (Hus ). OTH Jit 1. Ed Sims(Hon) ; 2. Mattht-w Longo (Yam); 3. Jarvis Gross (Han). yn OT H BEG : 1. "'Y .. e Mathe ry (Su z); 2. Wil lia m 8r own (Hon ); 3. Julie Anderson (Han) . Peter doubles at Cuba Trials By Don Allis 26 CUBA, NY, JUNE 26-27 Ray Peters won the Expert class in bo th da ys at the Cuba Observed Tria ls. On da y one, the closest contest was in the Intermediate class, w ith Matt Hug hso n edgi ng out Tom Manogue by a score of 43 to 45. Charlie Cam in wa s close in th ird , with a sco re of 48. Most o f th e sections t hat th ese rid ers w e re requ ir ed to rid e co nsi sted of se ve n to eight banks, muddy logs and a hillclimb. The Supe r Sen ior cla ss was once again a tou gh one, with John Knapp winn ing the di vision. The Novice sections werl.? muddy from the ra in storm the night before, bu t were ridea ble. Event orga nize r Mark Pe ttit commented that therider scores sh owed tha t the sections became easier as the da y p rogressed. Day tw o sa w sectio ns that wer e a bit mor e aggre ss ive th an day on e's secti ons. Th e top Expe rt rid er, Pet ers, dropped 46 tot al po ints. Man y of the sec tions we re tight a nd therefore requ ired the rid er to hop the motor cycle. Some of th e se ctions w ere mu d d y h lllclimbs th at required the right amo un t of power an d the correct weighting. Again, the Intermed iate class was close, .wi th Tom Manogu e edging out Steve Decubellis by a score of 53 to 54. This class of riders is very close and very competitive. Many of the sect ions contained downhi1l tu rns, and ther e were sev eral so uphills as well. The re was al one sect ion that contained a pile of short, loose logs. Many of the riders could not clean this section. Results 5 AlURDAY EX: 1. Ray; 2. J"§On KUl"ll"!lki; 3. ~ Brinkwart. I . ADV; 1. TN Kellogg; 2. ~rt KUUIe!Iki; 3. John Jelliff. INT: 1. Matt Hugh. lOn; 2. Tom Manogue; 3. Charlie Camin; 4. " Steven Decube llls; S. Roger Allis. SR: 1. Karl Moo inger . 2. Dave Ka~t; 3. Cui Petft'l; 4. Lavern Bowen; S. Bart Lucas. NOV : 1. Robert Drown; 2. Steve Jacbon; 3. Denn is Brown; 4. Larry E. lovell SR B: 1. Robert Schr ader; 2. Robert Lambke; 3. Don AIliIJ 4. ; Richard Thompson. St5R: 1. John Knapp; 2. Ton y ralumbo; 3. larry L Loven . RooK1E: 1. RusscUBrown. 2 SHOC K.: 1. R..y Na glio. VINT: 1. Ge rald Radde r. SUNDAY EX: 1. Ray r~rs; 2. Mib Komer; 3. John Senecal; 4. George Brinkwart . ADV: 1. Emmett Watk inS; 2. TNd Kellogg. INT : 1. Tom Manogue; 2. Steven Decubellls; 3 . Bart lucAs; 4. Matt Hughson; S. Craig Seely. SR A: 1. Dave Karst; 2. Ca rl Peten; 3. LaVftl1 Bowen; 4. Karl Med inger. S. Stl'J' ht'n Fftl.oru. SR B: 1. Dick CJ. rk; 2. Robert Schrad er; 3. Robert Lambke; 4. Ted Vandermark,;S. Richard Preee, S/SR: 1. Ron Bors; 2. John Krwpp ; 3. Larry L Lovell. ROOKIE: I. RUIlJeU Brown. VlNT: 1. Geral d Radder. Rodney Mashue Memorial IT to O'Boyle By Gra ce DiBenede tto Photos by Gordon DeVries MIDLAND, M jUtY11 I, Fitting ly, the clo uds par ted and the sun ca me ou t for the inaugur al Rodney Mash ue Memorial IT race held at the Polka Dots M.e. in Midland, and it was Doug O' Boyle who came out on top of the Pro-Am competition . Th e d ub was we ll represen ted in the first heat of the Pro-Am with jack Mayer lead ing the O'Boyle brothers, Eric and Doug. and an over· worked Dua ne Stan ick across the finish line. jack Mayer got the holeshot in the fln al with the O'Boyles and Stanick in hot p ursu it. On lap th ree Ma ye r roun d ed tu rn fou r a li ttl e wid e allow ing Doug O'Boyle to slip thr ough the hole without a second thou ght. Mayer spen t the next six laps trying to find a way past the smoo th and imm ovab le Doug O 'Boy le. Each tim e Ma yer wou ld get a foo t in the d,?"r he'd get it slammed on his big toe. Mayer made one last attempt at the line only to com e up sho rt at the checkered flag. Eric O'Boyle finished third. Pay-backs were at a premium in the Combo, as Mayer an d bro ther Dean Mayer went to the head of the class for a 1-2 fin ish, leav in g the O 'Boyle brothers with the loose change . Doug O'Boyle picked up third , while Eric O'Boyle finished fifth behind Mike Babka. Resul ts SO; 1. Tom Un k (Yam); 2. Logo1n Meyenl (Yam). 65; 1. Brett Pankey (Kaw); 2. Scott If'Nen (lGIw). ALBANY, OR, jUtY10.11 North County Yamaha's Tyso n Vohland landed four perfect moto wins at the inaugu ral Cycle Tr a x Apprecia tio n Da y s, hel d a t Al ba ny Supercross. Cycle Trax of Salem pu t up $5750, one of the lar gest one-day pu rses in the history of Oregon MX. Pros from all over came to take a sho t at the prize. Vohla n d bolted o u t of the gate with th e holeshot in moto one of the 250cc Pro class, followed by Rob y Leach, Don Boespflug, Ja son Norton and Terry Hamness . The top three heat ed up the race with a battle over the lead. but the real dicing was in the back of the pack.. Don Bisceglia, wh o had ga ted dead-last, was desperately trying to move thro ugh the ranks, moving into nin th on the first lap . On lap six Bisceglia ca u gh t thi rd - place Boespflug, then made hi s way by. Meanwhile, Vohland and Leach con tinued the grueling pace, with Leach giving his all to secu re the lead to no avail. Vohla nd scored the win with Leach secon d and Bisceglia third Ro und two saw Vohland secu re the lead . within the first lap, and once again ride to the w in. Bisceglia got a better sta rt and soon took ove r second, remaining there for the rest of the race. Leac h gated s ixth , and wa s wa sti ng no time in charging tow ard s the front. By the sixth lap, he sat in third , but could advance no furth er and had to se ttle for third . Vohl and scored the overall victory, with Bisceglia second and Leach third . The 125cc Pro class first moto started with J. Wh ipple in th e lead , w it h Vohla nd and Dan Ulven behi nd . Ulven went down wh ile challenging Vohland fo r second o n th e firs t la p , remounti ng in seventh p lace. Voh land whipped by Wh ipple for the lea d , wh ile Ulven set out after the lead ers. Ulven soon moved up to third, then passed Whipple a nd set his sights on the lead in g Vohla nd . He ca me up short, tho ug h, and Vohla nd sco red the win. Hamness jumped out in front in mo ta two; wi th VJven second and Voh lan d third. Vlven drove harder into a left-hand tu m and took over the lead from Hamness, wh o was forced to drop out with mechanical problems . Vohland he ld the throttle on d own a straigh t and took ove r the lea d from Vlven , then went on to his four th mota win of the day. Ulvcn was second overall. Results so5TK.: 1. Ryan Bames (yam); 2. Brandon Skinner (y am); 3. Kevin Dillion (1I 4. Lmny Hili (Yam); S. Randi Ho lbrook (Yam). j); SOMOD: 1. Ryan Sa me (y am); 2. Randl Holbroo k (yam ); 3. Krvln Dixon O~ ). 60 JR: 1. Rand y Peka~k (Kaw); 2. Rich Deeeven (Ka w ). 60 SR: 1. Dere k Wal1l.oskl (Ka w); 2. Ricky Menna (Kaw); 3. Adak Wood s (ya m); 4. Dillon Bilodea u (Hon) . MINI OPEN: 1. SeanRichardson (Hon); 2. Du.<;ty Len.aburg (Suz); 3. Mike Merina (lC&w); 4. Dusty Hill (; S. J.J. SperM:er (Kaw ). 80 BEG: 1. Dusty Hill (Kaw ); 2. J.J. Spc.-ncer (Kaw ); 3. Bri.l n Morris (Kaw); 4. levi Kul'" (Kaw) ; S. Kris Dixon (Hon~ 80 JR: 1. Mike Mer ina (Ka w); 2. Matt Willla ms (yam) ; 3. Ad am Jon n (Han); 4. Josh Ruebesa m (He n) ; S. Coy Wim be rly (Hon) . I 80 INT: 1. Se..n RichardllOn (Hon ); 2. Dusty Lena burg (Suz). 125 BEG; 1. Caleb WYl tt (Ka w ); 2. G1crm Prestholl (Suz); 3. Scott Nored (I(a;w). 4. Jf"n"ITiY Mann ing (K.a S. Erik Anderson w); (Suz) . ' 125 JR: 1. Brian Wort hin gton (Hon) ; 2. Jon Kauffman (H on ); 3. Jeremiah Kirkn (Hon ); 4. RichArd Ruebesam (Hon) ; S. Ru!lSot'lI Cree (Han). 125 1NT: 1. 5h.1wn Highland (Suz); 2. Brad BI'Ul\ka.I (Han ); 3. JUlJt:ln KlrkeB(Hon); 4. Eric Rogers (Hon ). 125 PRO: 1. Tyaon Vohla nd (Yam); 2. Dan Ulven (Ka w); 3. Ma rv in Waldo (Y.. m): 4. J. Wh ipple (Han); S. Dave Ge nnaln (Hon) . 250 BEG: 1. Dan Kaulfrrw\ (Hon); 2. Stne Skinner (lYw); 3. Justin Moa ts (K.1w ). 250 1. Brian Wo rthington (Hon) ; 2. Dennis Roth6twn (Suz) ; 3. Shane Selrborough (Hon); 4. Bret McCord (KTM). 250 (NT: 1. Ryan lRac h (Suz); 2. Sha wn Highla.nd (Hon); 3. Jrmny Harwood (Kaw); 4. 8randon Whit e (Suz). 250 PRO: 1. TflIO'1 Vohland (y am); 2. Don Bisc:rgli.a (Suz ); 3. Rotry If"ach (H on ); 4. Marv in Waldo (yam ); S. 'olson Norton (Yam). 500 BEG; 1. Glynn H iggins (KThI ~ SOlI)R; 1. J~ 5nU.h (IITM) ; 2. V "s" lkadbuny 500 INT; 1. Stev e Nebon (Hon ). SOC PRO: t . Don Bi~ lI .. (Suz); 2. Mike Ham ness (Hon); 2. Don Boespflug (Kaw); 3. Roby ~ach (Hon); 4. Kenny Olsen (Hus ). I. Frank M('Kuhn (Kaw ); 2. Rich Lund (Yam); 3. Greg Hannon (Hon ); 4. 8tet McCord (KTM). 8TH: 1. Mik e Ham ne5lJ (Hon); 2. Brand on Wh ite (Suz); 3. Jus tin Kirkn (Hon); 4. Ja*," Mathew. (Hon); S. Doug McKuhn (Kaw). 'R: urn: 30-4 0 ' R: t . Jim Morri lJ (y am); 2. Dan Kauffma n (Han); 3. John Kasper (Ka w) ; 3. Dan Mathis (Su z ); 4. Deanna Holbroo k (lion). 30-40 lNT: I. Dave Hu m a (Suz); 2. Rick Robms (Yam). JO.4O PRO: 1. Jim Andenon (Hon); 2. Rick Dault (Suz); 3. Ron Sun (Hon) ; 4. Tad DeVol (y am); 5. JantieClaas.'lelt(Kaw ). +50: 1. Jim Deneven (Suz) ; 2. Rand y Layne (KTM); 3. Cliff Kobemlk (Yam); 4. Jim English (Suz ). WMN : 1. Deanna Holbrook (Hon ); 2. Lisa.Garrison (Kaw); 3. Judi Argo (KTM); 4. Ca rLa DeWitt (Cag). O t T JR: 1. loren Bolste r (Kaw); 2. Bill Radcliffe (Kaw); 3, Paul Delos.-Reyes. (KTM) ; 4. Jim English (Suz). O rrINI': 1 .Jim ~en (5uz). orr EX: I. TerryHam ness 51'. (Kaw ). orr S: 1. Jack Cou lter (Hon) ; 2. Dave MerlrJin (Suz ); 3. Nick Ruslnovich (Kaw). Patterson pounds Wausau MX By David Norman WAUSAU, FL,jUtY II jessica Patterson di d n't let the m ud bother her as she took the w in in the Pee Wee Mod ified class at Wau sau MX Track.. The rain began to fall righ t after the riders ' mee tin g, turning the hot d ay cool. The we llgroomed t ra ck d ra ined as well as co u ld b e expec ted. Glenn Warren holeshot the first moto of the combined Vet BI C and 40+ class. Warren's roost made vision di fficult for the riders beh ind him, bu t he e ven tua lly slid bac k to th ird behin d a winning Byron Sheffield. Warren didn 't sta rt the secon d mo to, a nd Sh effield led every lap to score the overall victory. Results rr« MOO: 1. Jessica Patterson (Ka w ). p / W S1X: 1. Duck Ha rtzog (Suz); 2. Tyler Sloan (Hon ); 3. Michael Patterson (ya m); 4. Cole BotweD (y am) . 80: 1. Nldt Laubach (Kaw ). . 125: 1. Juon Pyles (Suz); 2. N ick Morris (Yam). 250: 1. Gary Allen (lGIw); 2. Jack Gill (Hon ); 3. Roge r Pra tt (lion ). OPEN: 1. Roger Prall (Hon ); 2. J(In::k Brock CKaw). OPEN 0: 1. Phillip WlIkimon, (Kaw); 2. John Mitche ll (Yam); 3. M" rk Web!ltn (Kaw ); • . DiU Gilbride (}ton) ; S. Steve Webs trr (K.Iw ). SnMN : 1. Steve Tom icich (Hon). VET C: 1. Byron Shef field (Kaw);-2. Rand y Bevis ~w); 3. Roy Dean (yam); 4. David Norman (Kaw) . 40... 1. Ch uck Sapp (Kaw ); 2. Lmy Brinltley (Kaw). : PRO: 1. K.!vin Knigh t (H on ); 2. Ricky Palmer (H on ); 3. Roger Pra tt (Hon); 4. Paul Zelinsky (~w). Kolenda bags 1-96 ST win .By Grace DiBenedetto LAKE ODESSA, Ml, jUtY10 Dave Kolenda sq ueezed his DK Tool and Diespo nsored Ha rley-Davidso n 750 between Rotax 600-mo un ted brothers Eric and Doug O'Boyle to take the win a t a ho tly contes ted 1-96 half mile. Steve Charles got the jump in heat one, wh ile Kolen da and Eric O' Boyle thr eaded their wa y through tra ffic to p ass Ch a rles on th e b ac k stretch on lap one. Eric O 'Boyle tri ed to pass Kolenda in the turns several times before d riftin g h igh in tu m one an d allow ing Kolenda to pull away for the win. Doug O'Boyle followed Mark Wyskiel out of the hole in heat two then swe pt by on the outside to take the ad vantage on the back stretch. As Do ug O ' Boy le crui s ed to th e w in w ith Wysk iel in tow , Mar k Davidso n and Jack Mayer battled for th e last direct tra nsfer position beh ind Kir k Wirick. Davidson wo u ld ge t the nod . Heat three saw Mike Dickerso n blow by Jim Bauerle, while Texan rider William Brock came a long way for nothi ng , as he head ed back to the pits with mechanical problems . Dickerson took the win . Th e O 'Boyle brothers sa n d w iche d Mark . Wyskiel right off the sta r tin g line, but Dou g O'Boyle disposed of Wyskiel and brother Eric to ta ke the lead in tum three. Kolend a was also on the move, and as they reached the front stretch he took up pos ition behind Eric O'Boyle. A couple of laps later Kolenda sepa ra ted the brothers and then began to battle w ith Doug O'Boyle for th e lead. Kolen d a's Har ley-David son had a horsepower edge which forced Doug O 'Boyle to try every trick in the book to ma ke up for his own lack of ccs. Mean while Eric O'Boyle chased down the lead d uo to make it a three rider ba ttle. It was Kolenda's tum to ge t caught in the O'Boyle s., nd wich on lap eight, but just before the wh ite flag fell Kolen da st uffe d his Harley betwee n the brothers to retake the lead . At abo ut the same time Doug O'Boyle's Rota x began to sou r allowing Kolenda to fur ther increase his lead at the checkered flag. Eric O'Boyie would finish second whi le bro ther Doug salvaged third place. Results 50: I.Cawy Errld~ (Yam);2. Tom Un k (Yam) . 65: 1. Bryan Smith (}(aw); 2. Bm t Pank ey (Kaw ); 3. Rocky Hitc:hcock (; 4. KC Knodel (Kaw); S. CaX)' Errid~ (t-Ion). 85: 1. Jod Ray me n l (Yam ); 2. KC Knod el (Kaw) ; To Brett Pankey (Kaw); 4. Fra nk Hi tchcock (K.a.w). 200: 1. Chris Huss (Hon); 2. Brian Hadfield (K..Iw 3. Mib ); Farro ()(aw); 4. Allen Coleman (Kaw). 2.50: I. Jeff IYindolph (Yam); 2. Joel Rayment (y am); 3. 141!'O11 KIncaid; 4. tub Ollv", (Hon) ; 5. Clad DaVtIJ (Suz) . VlNT : I .Dave Vali ket (B$A ); 2. Joh n Walker (Bu l); 3. Brian Hadfield (Yam); 4. Joe Sams (Yam);S. Ch uck Kidd (yam).