Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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thin gs go his way. Ellis had ju mped out to the
ea rly lead and tha t was all she wrote, as Ellis
went on to win the moto as well as the overall
n umber-one trophy. Boliva r settled for seco nd
Bolivar wasn't to be denied an overall victory on the da y, however, as he came back to win
the 125cc Intermediate contest, despi te finishing '
fo urth in the first moto. He wrapped up the
overall victory by execu tin g a last-tu m, inside
pass on Ellis and then holding on to the finish
for the win.
The 125cc No vice Modified class was full of
excitement as jimmer Hollow led the pack into
turn one in the firs t moto. Unfortunately for
Hollow; the Suz u ki rid e r s lid out a nd joh n
Du ffy took over th e reins. Duffy we n t on to
sco re the w in ahead of Josh Pre ma n and Rick
In the seco nd mote, Hollow again bla sted
in to the early lead only to get pas sed by Prem an
on the third lap . Preman took control from that
po int on to record the secon d -mo te win and,
with it. the overall victory. Hollow finished second and Dere n Stidman th ird .
Bryan McCavran earned a ha rd-fought win
in the j u n ior Cycle Stock (7-11 ) d ivis io n .
MeGavran made up for a third-place start in the
firs t mo to and we nt on to wi n. The race wen t
much easie r for McCavran in the second moto.
He ra n away from the pack in a wire-to-wi re
Resu lts
P!W 1ST TIME; 1. Icey RO!IC! (Yam); 2. Gio va nni Fil i~
(Yam); 3. Jeff Christy (Yam); 4. St~ hm Gartz: (Yam); 5. Phillip
BI"Wia'ILI. (Y.m).
P/ W STK (0-8): 1. JeuaCnillu (yam); 2 Scott Howe (Yam);
3. Dustin Good (Yam ); 4. C h ad GaumC'r (V. m) ; 5. Ry ..n Be..,
P! W SEMI MOO (0-8): 1. Cal l/' W. lloi("l/' (y.m); 2. Ryan 8lI' t
(yam) ; 3. Clinton Pierce (Ya m) ; • . David Me ye rs (Ya m) ; S. ROM' (Ya m) .
P/ W MOO (0-8 ): 1. C. I~ Wall.wcl/' (Ya m) ; 2. Mar k Pal me r
(Yam); 3. And rew Wagema.n (Yam); • . Jonathan Rose (Yam).
l R CYCLE S11C(0-8 ); 1. Jnus Casi llas (Kaw ); 2. Dusti n Good
(Ka w); 3. Chad Ga umer ( Ka w ); 4. Cole H umph us (Kaw); S.
Antt-ly 6nnn-:Ila (Kaw ).
lR CYCLE STK (7-11): l. Bryan Mc.Cavran (K.1ow); 2. Groff
bd" (~w); 3. }foslB Casill.s (; ... Dustin Watson (Kaw); S.
Ouis c.o--laar (K.1ow).
,. CYO.E MOO (7·11), I. Chris G~ (I(ow~ 2. Joy 0..
80 SIX (9-11): 1. 5Nn Hamblin (yam); 2. Geoff Rader (Suz); 3.
Billy LanincMch (Suz); 4. Dustin Watson (Suz); 5. Chris MeNan
80 NO V STK: 1. Oscar Valdez (Ya m ); 2. Colby Raymond
(Suz); 3. Matt Willi.uM (Yam).
80 INTSTX: 1. Scott Con ley (Suz).
80 EX: 1. And y H.n rington (Suz) .
80 BEG: I. B.l . s..ntos (Va m ); 2. Chad Sc hm idt (I(.aw); 3.
David Sa ntos (Vam); 4. Ti m Ras muSll/'n (Kaw); 5. Sammy
Fillipponr (Y.m).
S/MINl: 1. Dustin Nel50n (~w); 2. Andy H lfrin gton (Suz) ;
3. Scott ConIt"Y(Suz); 4. 'osh Tara ntino; 5. Se.ln Ha mblin (Y. m) .
80 INT / EX: I. Dustin Nelson (l<.Iw); 2. Scott Conley (Suz); 3.
Andy Ha rri ngton (Suz); 4.1os h
J25 BEG: 1.1a50n Abbott (V.m); 2. Nick Vargas (Yam) ; 3.
Bran d on Hutch in s (Suz); 4. Jl/'re m y Bull (Suz); 5. Josh Jurl/' l
J25 (12·15); I. TravUi Pres ton (Kaw) ; 2. lim Beatty (y am) ; 3.
Josh Wame r (Hon); 4. Daniel Nichol s (Suz); 5. Regina ld Mitchcll
(Suz) .
125 NOV SIX: 1. Wilson Nic ho ls (Suz); 2. Jason Berg (Kaw) ;
3. Josh Prt'II\.1 (Suz ); 4. Sha wn Irt"land (Suz ).
125 NO V MOD: 1. Aaro n rrema n (Suz) ; 2. Rick chak (y.m);
3. John Du ffy (yam); 4. ji mme r Hollow (Suz); 5. Kevi n Zrinzo
(Kaw) .
125 INT: 1. Gabe Bolivar (yam); 2. Sha wn Ellis (Suz); 3. Jeff
Tilton (Suz) ; 4. An g...lo Ingr. nd ...(Hon ); 5. Trn is Prrston (K.lw ).
J25 (l6-2J): 1. Sh.wn Ellis (Suz); 2. Gabe Bolivar (Y. m ); 3.
Jom Willi am s (5u7.); 4. 'on Ray m ond (5 uz); 5. Aaron Prel!Wln
(Suzl .
250 NOV : 1. Josh William.."(Hon ); 2. Danie l N ichols (Suz ); 3.
Rick Owk (Yam) .
250 t NT: J. lim 51auftonbtoil (Suz); 2. kif lilton (Suz ).
OLD rHA RTS: J. Stl/'Ve Lan ino vich (l<.Iw); 2. Greg Meye rs .
(ya m) ; 3. David Chunn (H on) ; 4. Don ConneUy (Y. m); 5. Jl/'SUS
CDill.u (Y. m).
Avera, Lundy double at
MX ofMarion County
By Kyle Myers
More than 155 riders turned o ut ror the 17th
round of the Florida MX Cl ub Series at MX or
Mario n County, and when it was all over, two
riders had recorded double-class victories. Sean
Avera scored w ins in the 15-24 a nd 125cc class,
while john Lun dy did the same in the 25+ and
30+ d ivisions.
In one of the mor e p opular classes, Avera
rounded the first tum in second pla ce in the 17
rider strong 15-24 class. Steve Dumond led the
way , but his advantage would only last until the
second lap when jeff Neilander, who had earlier
passed Avera , slipped by Dumond ror the numbe r· on e p os ition . Shortly thereafter, Avera
nipped Dumond ror second, the n Avera set arter
the leader, Neilander. Avera and Neilander battled for the lead until Avera passed Neilande r in
a comer. From that point on, the moto was all
Avera's, as he moved out to a four-second lead .
Neilande r he ld on ro r seco n d , while M ike
Decker finished third after slip p ing by Dumond.
Avera rocketed into the lead to start the second moto ahead of jacob Fogg. Doug Watson.
Dave Wincott and Decker. Fogg quickly shot by
Avera for the lead on the opening lap . Watson
and Wincott battled for third until Wincott went
d ow n ta ki ng Decke r w ith him. Th is moved
Jason Peres into fourth with Wincott remounting
in firth . Meanwhile, Fogg motored away from
the pack to take a seemingly easy win. but a 12th
pl ace finish in the first m oto relega ted him to
sevent h overall. Avera, who fini shed second,
scored the overall win ahead or Watson, Peres
and Wincott.
Later in the da y, Avera returned to the track
and wo n both 125cc motos.
Lundy was unt ouchable in the 25+ and 30+
classes. H e led almost every lap in all fou r
motos. Tom Dixon was the runner-up to Lund y
in the 25+ class, and j imbo Hayes followed
Lundy home in the 30+ division.
P/ W: 1. Justin HoIstrln (Ya m); 2. Barrett Sm ith (Yam ); 3. Mitt
4. Cody Roth (Yam); 5. Lundy (Ya m).
65: I. T~ (; 2. Josh F.uMino (Kaw ); 3. Troy
Ada ms (K.lW); 4..Ron Wilkn (IC.Iw); 5. fe'emy McDow (K.Iw).
8S (7-lJ): J. Kyle Famt.>ll(yam); 2. Tyson H. dsrll (Su7.) 3.
Ron Wilkn (l(aw ); 4. raul Reilly (Suz); 5. Jeremy McDo w (K.lw).
85 (12-13): I. J.5Ofl Thomas (Ka w); 2. Louis Uvely (Kaw ); 3~ Ad a ms (Kaw ).
S/ MINI: 1. Ja!lOR Thom.u (; 2. Kyle Peme tl (Va m); 3.
Lou is Uvnly (Kaw) .
16-24: 1. Sean AVl/'r. (Suz); 2. Jeff Ncila ndt'f (Suz ); 3. Dou g
Watson (H on); 4. Dave Wincou (Yam); 5. Steve Dumond (Suz).
125 /250 BEG : 1. Ste ve C h ris tia ns e n (H on); 2. Br andt
Frenchman (Hon); 3. Scott Tomasulo (Suz); 4. Rkh Basile (KTM) ;
.5. Jad y Allen (Hon).
J25 C: 1. Se.n Avera (Suz ); 2. Derrick Janusz yk (Han); 3.
' Trav is Willis (H on); 4. Hersehel AUlliet' (Hon); 5. Oint Pra n k
~kl/' (Yam);
125 8: t .
Jacob Fogg (; 2. DaVl/' Winrott (Yam); 3.!Caw) ; 4. Bobby Moriarty (Su.z) S. Rod Fume U (K.iw ).
250 C: 1. 'l/'ff Nrilande r (Suz) ; 2. Tom Db:on (Hon); 3. Lee
Ta tha n (Yam); 4. Brad Suggs (Hon) ; 5. Ro~rt Armstron g (Suz).
250 8: 1. 5f:t,tc Duis (Hon); 2. Rod. Fumell (K.w); 3. Stev e
Ryan Mauhili (018) overtook Jimmy Williamson (18) and Bren t Wyg al (17) at Carlsbad.
VET BEG: J. Bl.Jke Orgill (Suz ); 2. lUck Zeigkor(Sw:); 3. John
O'Gn dy (Yam); 4. Mikl/'Barber (1-100); 5. ~an Hesbitl (K.iw).
VETIR: 1. Eric: Smith (Hon ); 2. Jdf Grovom (Y. m ); 3. Chris
Jacbon (yam); 4. Prtl/' McCormick (Kaw ); 5. Willia m Pu.wara t
VET fNTA : 1. Ron lawson (Hon); 2. DR Oeml/'Ot (Su z); 3.
Huff HoiIdky (HaN); 4. Jdf Mason (Kaw ).
VET PID 1. Willy Ml15gravl/'(Hon) ; 2. Robm Weber (!-ion);
3. Jim Od ie (Hon); 4. Will....Amaradio (Yam) .
BOMB: J. RobertFalling (Hon); 2. Ron Stebe (Yam).
VlNT : I. Allen McKay (Hul); 2. Bue YbalTA (H-D) .
+35 INT : I. Ros s Maeda (Kaw); 2. Moi e Cf"O!Iby (Kaw); 3.
RoblI'rt Failing (Hon) ; 4. G.1ry Scou (Kaw) .
+40 JR: 1. Dennis R08l/'R~rg (HoN); 2. Bob Kolin (Hon); 4.
Ira MeibngeT(Vam); 5. Bruer Cornell (K.lw).
Dumond (Suz); 4. Tim Eggen (Suz); 5. Mi kr Dulfi l/'Id(K.a .
250 A: 1. Mark Bramer (Suz).
Buehl, Yezek winat Action
Sports Supercross
Mauhili motors to
Carlsbad Motocross win
By David L. Patton, Jr.
By Dave Burgess
Ryan Mauhili piloted his Kawasaki KXBO to the
second moto win to nab the overall win in the
80cc Beginner class a t round four or the Racing
Enterp rises AXO Sp ort Helmet Series, held at
Carlsbad R. ceway.
At the start of the first moto, Kitch DeCoster,
son of riv e- time World Cha mp ion Roger
DeCoster, sho t int o the lead aboa rd his Honda
CRBO. Mau hili was in spot num ber two, wi th
Sammy Filip pon e hot on his heels in th ird .
Filippone looked smooth on his Suzu ki and
muscled hi s w ay p a st Mauhi li fo r secon d .
DeCoster looked in con trol on his first ride a t
Ca rls ba d Racew a y, a n d b ega n to extend his
lead .
Filip po ne cha rged ha rd, tr yi n g to wh it tle
away at DeCoster 's lead , but it was to no avail
as DeCoster went u nch allen ged to the finish.
Filippo ne, Mauhili and Chri s Lottis rollowed.
Mauhili timed the gat e perfeCtly at the star t
o f mo lo two a nd led Fil ippone, Lo ttis a n d
DeCos ter int o tum on e. DeCos ter qu ickly shot
pas t Lottis, a nd at th e same time , Filippone
sq ueezed past Mauhili for the lead .
Mauhili kept Filipp on e hon es t ror the next
five laps un til he rorced his way past Filippo ne
ror the lead . Once in to the lead, Ma uhi li was
a b le to re nd orr t he repeated ch a r ge s of
Filoppone un til the checkered flag flew . At the
line, i t was Mauhili ove r Fili ppone a nd
DeCoster. After the race, there was ,some initial
confusion, as Mauh ili, Filiponne a nd DeCoster
sat in a three-way tie ror first ·overall. By virtue
of his win in moto two , Mauhili was awarded
t he £irst-place trophy over Filip pone and
Ross Maeda trounced the competition in the
+35 Intermedia te class aboard his Enzo
Racing / AXO Spo rt/DC Fabrication/Bell/Scott/
RS Taich i/SM Fab-sponsored Kawasaki KXI25.
Maeda roosted to both moto wins with relative
ease, leading runner-up Ma rc Crosby home in
both motos. Rob er t Fa iling and Gary Scott
swapped p os itions in each moto wi th Failing
coming out third ove rall, tha nks to his seco nd·
moto th ird -place finish.
80 BEG: I. Ryan Ma uhi li (Kaw ); 2. Sammy Fllipponl!' (Suz); 3.
Kilc h DeCoster (Han) ; 4. Ch ris Lottill (Ka w ); 5. Bnon t Wygal
(K.iw ).
125 BEG: 1. JoM Wra"" (Hon); 2. Glenn Cunni ngha m (lion);
3. Krvin Laird (Suz); 4. Ke vin Striwrda (; 5. Je~y Sm ith
(Ya m).
250 BEG: 1. Sieve StOIll/' (HoN); 2. Jay Clinger (y.m); 3. Da.n
C unni ng ha m (Hon); 4. lohn W.shbum (Suz ); 5. Greg Hull (ATIC)
125 JR: 1. Tod d Gr avi tt (; 2. TlI11 Mort on (Hon ); 3. De ron
Stid ma n (HoN ); 4. Colln Eberly (Hon ); 5. losh Amarildio (Ya m).
250 JR: 1. <:hm Alvarado (; 2. Du stin Northrop (Kaw); 3.
Ch ip Morton (Hon ); 4. David Minni ck (KTIIl); 5. OJ Cox (Hon) .
500 JR: 1. 10M Thomas (He n); 2. J
ohn Tookey (](a w); 3. Fred
Thiel (Han); 4. Km Apla nalp (Hon); 5. Joe Armstrong (Hon ).
125 INT: 1. Craig D.avis (Hon): 2. Denn is D.hln (Suz); 3. Ty
Kady (K.Iw); 4. TImmy Sl.1ufe:nbeil(Suz) ; 5. Kurt Rood (lCaw) .
250 INT: 1. Craig o.vis (Hon); 2. Denn is Dahlin (Suz); 3. Ty
J<.d. (IC.Iw); 4. 1onathan Knight (Kaw); 5. Ken Wihon (JCaw) .
SOO INT: 1. DafTl/'n Elliott (Hon); 2. Todd Browne (Hon) ; 3.
Morton (; 5. Robert Falling (HoN).
Ch ris Pl/' 'eZ(; 4.
rRQ J. Derec k Na tvig (Kaw ); 2. Brian Ma nky (K.lw).
... 5 BEG: 1. Scott LaRochl/' (Hon); 2. Grant Dunning (A11<); 3.
2 Ha rt (Hon ); 4. o.vid Spa rks (Yam ).
...25 JR: I. Mil.Ino Schaclfn (Hon); 2. Bill PaJ.iIwarat (HaN); 3Bill (Yam) .
Lancast er Sport Cycles /Pro-Circuit-backed
jeromy Buehl captured his second straight250cc
Pro cla ss overall wi n of the 1993 Budwei ser
Supercross Series. Buehl, from London, Ohi o
had to hold orf Pennsylvania 'sta rs like Mik e
Jon es and Dav ey Yezek to take the victory. In
the 12Scc Pro cla ss Da vey Yezek turned t he
tables on Buehl and jones and grabbed the top
spo t in onl y his second trip to the Action Sports
Cente r.
Many of Ohio's top amateur rid ers also put
on a sho w. Jeff Gibson contin ued his unbeaten
strea k winning both motos in the 6Scc and Mini
jr. class . Gibson has not lost a moto in the last
tw o yea rs a t the Action Sports Cen ter. Gibson's
two main competi tors are also ou tstanding riders. Brian Bartlett and Dav id Whitcrart finished
second and third, resp ectivel y, in both classes.
Heath Bennett, who is on the mend from
injuries, still ran away rrom the field in the 125
and 250cc Bclasses.
Chuck Reed timed the starting ga te perfec tly
a t th e start or th e first 125cc Pro moto. Mik e
jones passed Reed's Honda in the whoops a rter
th e £irst turn and immed ia tel y. ope ned up a
small lead. Back in fourth and flfth were Buehl
and Yezek. By the end of the first lap Buehl had
caug h t Reed with Yezek still right behind them .
jones took adva ntage of the battli ng beh ind him
to extend his lead to rour seco nds. Buehltried to
slip by Reed in the gra ndstan d sect ion bu t the
leaders held him off. Yezek was patien tly waiting for his chance to slip into second, and on the
seco nd lap , he sa w his open ing . In the double
ju mp section before the finis h line, Yezek cut
ins ide or both Reed and Buehl to take seco nd .
Yezek, who placed fou r th in the Eastern
Regional 125ccSupercross Series, then beg an his
assault on jones' lead . Buehl also round his way
pa st Reed and into third, and he tried to reel in
the leaders.
By the fo u rth lap Yezek's Team Green
Kawasaki was right on jones' rear whee l and the
crowd got to see a great race. Yezek tried to
force jones into an erro r but jo nes would n't bite.
With the close action ou t fro n t, Buehl slowly
closed on the leaders, and when the whi te flag
ca me ou t, he was wi thi n tw o seconds of the
leader. jones did n't hold back on the last lap and
he took th e ch eckered fla g tw o bik e lengths
ahead or Yezek. Buehl grabbed third and Reed
jones and Yezek got the jump on the pack in
the second mota, whil e Buehl was stuck back in
n inth. How ever, Buehl sliced his wa y thr ough
the field and by the end of the first lap he had
h is Yamaha up to third place. Jones mad e a
minor bobble on the second lap a n d Yezek
roared into the lead. "We put on a mud tire for
the second moto because the course was getting
sli ck, but it wasn ' t working too good: sa id
Yezek . '" we nt just a little wi de in a tum and
Davey went by."
On the fourth lap jon es came up short over
the finish line jum p and nearly crashed. Yeze k
pulled out a five-seco nd lead and the top three
places w ere se t. Reed, o nce aga in, fini shed
rourth wa y ahead of Mark Kiser. Yezek took the
overall win with jones, Buehl and Reed finishi ng
2-3-4, respectively.
P/W: J. Will y Browning (Vam); 2. ChriaIoPhn' Whitcraft
(Y. m); 3. Michael WiUud (Yam ); 4. joe PeDett (Yam) ; 5. Austin
65: t .ld f G ibson (Kaw); 2. Brian IlartieU (Ka w); 3. Davi d
Whitcraft (Kaw); 4. Chris Whitaaft (Kaw); 5. Willy Browning
()(.aw ).
JR.: 1. Jeff Gib so n
(Xaw); 2. Brl.n Bartl ett (Yam) ; 3.
O.vid Whitcraft (yam); 4. SNun Kuchll/'r (yam) ; 5. Eric Siylor
MINJ sa: 1. Charlie! Dunaway (Kaw) ; 2. Man RusSleIl (Kaw);
3. C h rl sl op h r r Berry (Han); 4. Robert Wl/'1ch (Kaw); 5. Ky.n
Laufnswdl" ( ).
SCHBV: 1. Charlie Dun.1w.y (K.lw); 2. Edd y Turner (Yam); 3.
Wl/'bry Boyd (Suz) ; 4. Christopher 8et'ry (Kaw ); 5. J08h Homer
l2S B: 1. Heath Btnnl/'tt (Yam); 2. ShaRI/' Peck (yam); 3. Scott
G&inet' (Kaw); 4. Wl/'SIey Boyd (Sw:) ; 5. Edd y Turner (y . m).
125 C: 1. Jamie Smith (Suz); 2. Robc1 Milyak (Hun); 3. Aaron
Ridgeway (K.&w); 4. ScottShafft' (Suz); 5. Chuck Kllkmny (Suz ).
250 B: 1. Hl/'ath 8ennrlt (Ya.m ); 2. Ryan Brickl e (Yam) ; 3.
' Kke Welm (yam); 4. Walt" Shanaha n (; 5. Scott M~b
250 C: J. Kirk Hinn (Xa w); 2. AJlron Ridgrway (K&
w); 3.
M i e Prifclyrd (Suz); 4. Wa yne B.a
ylul (Vam) ; 5. Roy Wharton
OPEN B: 1. Mark Sarr-:t (Y. m); 2. o.W' HE' (; 3.
Dennis Bridles (Hon); 4. en,; Hubbs (l-Iun).
25+: 1. 'o.W' Hand (Hen); 2. Mikto Morgan (yam); 3. Jackie
Wl/' ker (yam); 4..Scott Gainer (l