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Turn to Prime Network WOR LD CHAMPION SHIP 500« MX SERIES POINT STANDINGS (After 8 of 12 ro unmr. 1. jorgen Nilsson (302/3 wins); 2. Jacky Marte ns (299/3); 3. J""I Smets (269/1 ); 4. )ohan Bcc nen (215/1); 5. Marcus Ha nsson (209) ; 6. Darryll Kin g (179); 7. Ja red Sm ith (155); 8. Jeremy Wha dey (139); 9. Franco Rossi (118); 10. Gerald Delep ine (113); 11. )0 Martens (96); 12. Mervyn Ansti e (93); 13. Dirk Geu kens (81); 14. Pekka Vehkonen (79); 15. Karl Sulzer (78); 16. Rud i Van Leeuwen (76); 17. Carlo Hulsen (75); 18. Soren Mortensen (74); 19. Bria n Wheel er (72); 20. Attilio Pignctti (70). World Championship 125cc MX Series: Round 8 Demaria cruises to French GP win By Alex Hodgkin~on LAGUEPIE, FRANCE, JULY 18 renchm an Yves Demaria closed the gap on ch am p ionship r iv al Dutchman Pedro Tra g ter as he sto rme d to the overall victory in h is home GP at Laguep ie. With two rounds remaining in the series - in Brazil and Australi a - the riv al Suzuki riders are split by just 25 points. Da ve Strijbo s, the th ird title candidate before the French GP, is effectively out of the hunt after a first-race 13th and a second-race DNF. Tragter started the d ay in jittery form .as he struggled to qualify 13th, but there was no catching h im in the opening mo to as he raced to an ei gh t-seco nd win, with Chesterfield Suzuki teammate Joakim Karlsson acting as rear gunner to demote Demaria to third. It was Dema ria's tum to dominate in' race two, as he scored a win with a 12second cushion over fellow Frenchman Mikael Pichon, with the Italian duo of Andrea Bartolini and Alessio Chiodi pushing Tragter down to fifth. The third moto was a different story as Frederic Vialie, the Kawa saki rider who, like Pichon, prepared for the season by r iding sev eral rounds of the AMA Western Regiona l. 12Scc Supercross Series, scored the win from Strijbos after both had struggled earlier in the day. Demaria wrapped up the overall w ith a thi rd-place fin ish, and the Hondas of Pichon and Chi odi pushed Tra gter down to sixth, with Karlsson dutifully fo llow ing home h is tea m lead er by one place for the third time in the day. The titl e now a p pea rs to be a dogfight between Trag ter a nd Dema ri a, while Strijbos' third place is now endangered by Pich on and Ka rl s son, a nd Chiod i moved ahead of the absent Peter Beirer and is now just four behind sixthp laced Rem y Van Rees. Bart olin i also gained a p lace a t th e expen se of Holland 's John Van den Beck. C' F Results OIA , 1. Yves Dema ria (Suz); 2. Ped ro Tragt er (Suz); 3. Mika el Pichon (Ho n); 4. Joa kim Karlsson (Suz); 5. Aless io Ch iod i (Hon); 6. Frede ric Vialle (Kaw); 7. Andrea Bartoli n i (Hon); 8. Dave St r ijb o s (Han); 9. Thierry Bethys (Yam); 10. Petr Kucha r (Ka w); II. Ma=1 Van Drunen (Suz); 12. Re m y Van Ree s (Ka w) ; 13 . Mickael Masc hio (Suz ); 14. Leo n Giesbers (Suz); 15. Cyri l Porte (Ha n ); 16. Alessa ndro Barto lini (Hon); 17. Na tha n Shelto n (Ha n); 18. Fabrizio Bru n o (Han); 19. Philippe Dup asqu ier (Yam); 20. Nicolas Lebea u (Han); 21. Th ie rry Godfroi d (Ka w ); 22. John Van de n Berk (Ho n); 23. Roy Sncl lingen (5uz). MOTa 1: 1. Trag ter: 2. Ka rlsson; 3. De ma ria; 4. Bethys; 5. Pichon ; 6. Chiodi; 7. And rea Bartolini ; 8. Van Drunen; 9. Van Rees; 10. Ku char; 11. Sh el ton; 12. Masch io; 13.Strijbos ; 14. Van den Berk; 15. Vialle. M OTa 2: 1. Dema ria; 2. P ic hon ; 3. A ndrea Bartolini; 4. Chlodh 5. Tragter; 6. Karlsson; 7. Vialie; 8. Van Drumm; 9. Maschio, 10. C iesbers: 11. Kuchar; 12Porte; 13. Dupa5G~ier; 14. ~froi d; 15. Sne~lin~ M OTa 3: 1. Vtal1e; 2. Strijbcs: 3. Demana; 4. Pichon; 5. Chiodi; 6. Tragter; 7. Karlsson; 8. Kuchar; 9. Bethys; 10. Alessandro Bartolini; 11. Van Rees: 12. Bruno; 13. Porte; 14. Lebeau; 15. Giesbers. WO RLD CHAMPIONSH IP 12See MX SERIES POI NT STANDI N GS (Af ' er 9 o f 11), I. Tr agter (347); 2 . Demaria (322); 3. Strijbos (285) ; 4. Pichon (261); 5. Karlsson (254); 6. Van Rees (222); 7. Chiodi (218); 8. P _ Beirer (213); 9. Andrea Bartolini (185); 10. Van den Berk (180); 11. Via lle (97); 12. Giesbers (87); 13. Van Dnmen (87); 14. Kuchar (75); 15. Massimo Barto lini (58~ Where one good turn deserves another July 29 Aug.S Prime Sports Midwest Prime Sports Intermountain West Prime Sports Northwest Home Sports Entertainment SportSouth Prime Sports Upper Midwest Prime Sports Rocky Mountain KBL Sports Network Sunshine Network Madison Square Garden Home video versi ons available for $29;95 Corne ride with us. r:5...H. 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