Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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* 1993Malaysian Grand Prix * 1993Austraflan Grand Prix Order from the greatest selection of motorcycle - video tapes available * How To Buy a Motorcycle * Fundamentals of Off-RoadRiding * AdvancedRiding 01 Techniques ' ~:;;ii!;;'·~·;"i'r"'Off·Road * Praetlcal Tire Changing FREE SHIPPING! • M011ICROSS fl6SA) 1119' .......... del • • • _ Ameneans Stanton. Bradshaw. Irtd -- _tmghomo"" ""''''11'*1 _ 1or ""USA ~""doop_"''''' Va enswaard. Helland cin:::liL 6D mitIJtes maria, fit.» hdl: don, hi tDb Ids and ""'1I'II1_1OOd1o _ _ SCln liIme In porlproI. Iapo pockago) _ "-""'"' 2 haIn (2. C"82C} '92 AlIA NIt1 MX Season Revin 'thedefinitive video review 01 the 1992 NJA No_I 125. 250 & 500 MoIOCroSS Series. Narrated by Larry Maiers; 90 minutes from "-",,,",Vodoo. ("2) OlrtDev llo Roger DeCoster lisseds90mll or!he grea t· 1St MX ballles-Axi on '90 . /Cooptl' V . I KiI<>owsId; Bo.dd. Cn>ek "90 _ "Ward: Ml. Morris '91 . IStanlon VI Bradshaw: UiJlvill, '91 _/Bradshaw V . I Bayle; Washovgal '92 . /Swink ¥s . Emig. Additiona "Hot Shols' focuses on techl niqJes tor starts, passing mt some spectac. uIar_ _ by Lany _ 60 _ _ ___.Vodoo. _'or • SUPERCROSSGold (1325) Iho The . sloly of !he 1990 ••• s.oelttOSS Se"" ~ luI1 _. ~ IhoUSA ~ ~ llBayle. Je/fWIIllIlll Ilo (lil A) 'go Lagunl Sea US GI'ItId Prix Rainey and SchwanU race clear01 • crashrUl d field le.turlng Lawlon, Mamola. e Ganblr. 0liI1IIl MsgoI. 2SOcc Ildion.... _ 52nWsJIaInlmGPYIdIo. Priz NBCIESl'N - . In, S) 'I' 1.IgIlnISocI us Gmod O m..... Inlm !he this videoIndooes complete coverage & COlMlItItaly aI 500& 2SO dasses. sidecars bl. 52_ _ Gl'Vodoo. c:.~-:" GnndPriz 55___ GnndPriz,. Priz (198D) 'l3 111l1ys11n RRGnnd u.s. (19) 11325A) FlIgh1to IhoFi1lsII IleiIGrand PlIr _ racing lor "" _ QIoonpIonsNp _ ~ _ a ~ EddIe l.awIon and Fast r_ Ff- ...... , ~:"lz9NSeca.•• ._.•, FnlIll"-",,,", 45 _ . __ t he revie. 01 the 1991 AlIA Camel _ '.1Op ~ "" c.en ~ a-.go aSeries Ieo>mg 75_ _ 11pIa1o .....-.d 110 CSUlIry.racers dIase 110 • J1IUKIII6 & IIlIAII IlDIIG • • • (110) '190 Olll Horbgt HomocomJnv Capons 1 1 0 . - '" 110 _ '" Iho01ll 1lc101qClo~ _ .. Al9'" 1990~ Olio. 60_ eo.-... III OIl) 50Year> '" llsy1ono 400.000 .....-... dac8ndod on Davt>no lor !he 199 1SlIh ..-..ry '" BiU 1'1..... See "" ...... & _ "'" 1>iIlIIe .-d. 105 ........ from OW'boUSA. ~~~: ~ wealher. ahost of lap and race recordl and an ttl, besl Idion on and oft the track 111 capturedIn thiI lull length video revMJw of Tt92. 115 ...... _ OW Vodoo USA. (1761Rl iney'l V. . • The Inaldt Story (.1t eA) S~,gg ,: baneeS with lea With the '91 SbKgis Rally asbackdrop. "'Dances with UotorcycIe:s- explores the.. t rip. World ChamP::I:~e Rainey 1ICSti. "" cNJIongos. """""" and ctamas 01 his 1992 season. From preseason testing 10 relaxing al his new Cailomia home aller Ihe final race, this l video traces every SIaae ol hisdiffic:IJI year. 7S mutes Irom DuKe V'deo USA. Design (;apons SchwanIz'. tiullriliancIlNding ID til amvaI on IhaGP drcuili'l '881wu!he t 989 ....on. HIs legendary wins I I ci1a ting...... '" b'ou' YllU' ~ (1131 RIdIng - - - - - SIy\II ~~=:so,~ .= ~~~:e==O~~ lao .. 110111.60 _ _ - . . . ,. :=t:=and~=:uma: _60___ _ _ _ put!' .............. 2S _ b y Brown _ _ KWB (II76JClIsIl1mpad Q;so" ... . ocI mayl1l.. _ ,,,.ty • cI molorsports InclU ding superbik.., UX , """""""'. NASCAR. ..... bogs. """",If tructs. Indycar5. anCI power boats. 60 m. _lrlrn _ _ V_ ~m} Bike W~ 1ncIudi"; = u = ~i~ Isle01 Man, Hillclimb. 8laciwater. pro LlX andmora 60 minute. fromPoweraportl , _ I1ngGroup. (1144) 1161 8IPIl lXlO Thl2nd nnW1g '" "" now 1IgIndIryBajI Iaal. ~ ~ WI vans to ~ dis. FonlBronCoo 10 _ ~ . . ar;. :: UarIc8tino~ . Video. (1tC5) 1910AIeot 100lip n • DIRT TllACI( • • • (151) ScottPari.. " Champion t"rom the 13O-mptl dirt track baltlefields 10 "'. hot lub tilhind his _ .. Mi<:hlgsn. you'lllr8Yel with the ~ on ftIIU!e to his third Sb'aIgtt IlIIe, and get ID krJ:M the man behindthe Nu mber plale 60 minutes . from UoIovIdoo. holclllf " - end COYO IOIllracing; what you need, what to to gel started a11he amalu' 1e'tBl60 m- JR - . . . utes- • DIIA& IlACIIIli ••• (1I24)1'hI0 _ _ " ll;s "" ISS8IICOcI proflUlonll Hsrloy. - dlllllBCinll SelIlo_ .... ho& _ rac1ng. IIIl 1 1 0 _ .... .... _10 110 _ 60 _ ""'" dllC.d by P• • ICOm . fro Progrossi,. .. _""'Al RASeria. lJos91. ~.:.~ Sib ~ JllU _ _ 10 __ rrartydI chg tKi1(I we. cxmnerDy by ProStJdl NIIonIl ~ 0lI'II Sc:tdz. 60 _ lrlrn_ _ Vodoo . 1mIES (114) HIrtIy !lrIIllIon. " ThI_ _ ~ ••• • ... . U,.. lI'B.-.g~ 110 pal '*1lrf '" lllc/I1:ldI J-, • ir::ludlng ~ abouI the IegenCI aI AI_ _ = ~ ........ -=: =::: Join HoyI ..... & ..,. : : H-O vicIeo~ ~ ~=i:hmel~::~~ fundamI~=:.::::".r= ~,:' ;::'Gabymer&a~FUd.~~ Ra<:o Ing' - 10 1Nm." 23 minuI" _ Join T... llt>oolIfe's o....l1opoJas ""'" proWlo• of radng Iho. '9G2. . . - GSa

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