Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Schmit had overtaken McGrath in a hidden section of the track for the lead , and Albertyn had gotten by Kiedrowski for fourth, pnly to crash in a mudhole at the bottom of a hill and allow Kiedrowski to resecure his position. "Stefan (Everts) kicked up a rock on the start, and it hit my finger ; it may be broken," said Albertyn. "Then I fell in a soft spot after I passed Kiedrowski, and I hurt my back." Once in front, Everts go t on the gas, immediately extending his lead . By the fourth circuit of 13, he had put over six seconds on McGrath. Also on the go was Lakocco, who had completed the first lap ninth, but sat in sixth by lap four. Kiedrowski got by McGrath for second at the bottom of a downhill, bu t wasn't able to put much of a de nt in Evert's lead, which measured 10 seconds by lap six. In a battle that lasted the remainder of the moto, laRocco began to pressure Albertyn for fifth, and the duo moved closer to four th-place rider Schmit. Two laps from the finish , A lbertyn go t ' crossed up over an uphill double while attempting to la p Amer ican Bader Manneh, and laRocco seized the opportunity and fifth place. The top positions remained unchanged to the finish, wi th Everts cruising to the win ahead of Kiedrows ki, McGrath, Min nesota's Schmit, Lak occo and Albertyn. ."I got a good start, which helped me quite a bit," said Everts. "I was second and then Jeremy made a mistake on the first lap. 1 passed him, and after that , it was fairly easy." Alb ertyn headed th e p ack on the steep uph ill star t and through tum one in moto two, w ith Schm it second and Kied rowski third . LaRocco an d Puzar both displ aced Kied rowski on lap one, bu t Puzar slipped back and Kiedrowski held down four th by lap three. Everts co m pl ete d lap one in six th, with McGra th back in eighth. Lamson, 13th after a bad sta rt in mo to one, aga in gated poorly and was forced to d rop out on lap three, w hen his bike began to smoke badly. " I th ink the crank seal bl ew," explain ed Lamso n. "I felt reall y good, but my bike had no power at all after that." laRocco started narrowing the margin on Albertyn, and it appeared he would overtake the South African until he fell on lap seven. "I landed on a wet sp ot off a jum p, and my tires just slipped out from under me," said laRocco. "I got mud all over my hands and m y g rips, so I really couldn't charge after that." Kiedrowski, wh o had passed Schmit for third on lap fou r, took over for his teammate, setti ng o u t a fter Alb ertyn and initiating what wa s to be the best battle of the day. He closed to within a few bike lengths of th e lead er on lap , nine, and nearl y got by wh en Albertyn wa s slowed by a lapped rid er on the ninth circuit. Despite the support of the fans, who were ye lling and w av in g American flags, Kied rowski was n' t able to complete the pass. Kiedrowski was on Albertyn 's tail as the duo disappeared into the back section of the track, and the crowd let out a roar as they re-emerged - side by side ov er a steep fall-aw ay ju m p . Ag ai n, Albertyn held off Kied rowski, bu t two laps later the Californian got by wh en Albertyn failed to double a jump in the same back section. , "I should have held him off, but 1 got tired ," said Albertyn. "That's a p oo r excuse because I shouldn't get tired . I didn't want to make a mistake, though. The championship is on the line and Kiedrowski 's no t in the points." Kiedrowski held on for the win, with Mike Kiedrowski finished second in the first moto and won moto two, but a poor start in the final outing cost him the overall win. Alb ertyn second and Eve r ts p assing Schmit on lap five for third. La Rocco recovered in time to place fifth ahead of Puzar. McGrath finished where he started, in eighth. "I thought I coul d ge t him (Alber tyn)," said Kiedrowski. "I was riding strong and I got a charge when 1 heard the fans yelling." . "I didn't get such a good sta rt that time," said Everts. "I had to pass a lot of people at the beginning, and wh en I passed Schmit, I mad e a mis take and Kiedrowski pulled ahead . My a rm s pumped up and I decided to ride safe." Albertyn again pulled the holeshot in the fi rta l moto, with pursuit fro m Schmit, Lamson and Everts. Many of the Americans had poor starts in the moto; Kiedrowski was back around lOth, with McGrath approximately 15th and laRocco mired near the rear of the 40ride r field. Everts soon moved by Schmit for second, and began hunting down the leading Albertyn. The duo put time on the pack and Ever ts closed to within striking distan ce of the Honda on lap five, but fell a few circuits later and slipped back to third behind Schmit. Kiedrowski quickl y set about avenging his poor getaway, slashing his way up to fifth, but the pack was spread out and from that point on his progress was slower. Albertyn's pri mary challenge disa ppeared with Everts' crash, and the likable South African cruised to the moto win and third overall. Everts repassed Schmit for second in a turn at the bottom of a hill, and held the position to the finish, earning the win in his first-ever Ll.S, GP. Kiedrowski followed Everts by Schmit, scoring fourth in the moto and second overall. Lamson rode a consistent rnoto, finishing fifth, and Liles was sixth. McGrath worked up to 11th, one po sition ahead of LaRocco. " I think it was a good race," said Everts, who was cheered on the podium by a large contingent of Belgian fans. "My chances for a championship aren' t so good this year, so I would just like to hav e some good finishes." "I had a goo d time h ere (in th e U.S.)," said Alb er tyn . " It's a lo t like Sout h Africa. I'd ha ve prefered a win, but I had a good finish and I'm still in good shape for the championsh ip." 125cc Support Race Emig led at the beginning of the first 25-minute, plus two lap moto, but his bike began to sputter on the first lap and he pulled to the side of the track on a downhill. After fiddlin g with the carburetor, Emig fired hi s machine and rejoined the fray, but he was near the back of the 39-rider pack. 7

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