Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RESULTS ~ ~ ('f) 0\' 0\ ~ , 00 N >.. ~ ;::l ........ Motocross Huetter MX Park Coeur D'Alene, ID July 4 B ySue Lyle P/W CodyDelaw are JemxI Gondeiro ~HUnis K.1w Yam Yam NathonGretz Justin Gondeiro K.1w K.1w K.1w Troy PI"" MlattVernoy Crian Us,o;OO 80 9-11 OericklJrigp NathenGOetz Ia ad nM 801 2·16 Jimm LaMiastus y Marty Mladsen JasonR obertson S/M INI jimmy LaMastus Jason 0em .J:Y Hon K.1w Hon' ~~y Eppen Ma~M 125 EG David Hanson M ilrStorey TammO'ngral1im IlIN V jimmy LaMiastus =~ III 00 Eric W ,unch Oustin H'ikkinen Peter Mlares 125 PRO Jason M cConn iclc Chaun McAlisIer DanIl lven 250 BEG ScottE.1too JoeJavorsky RirkfU wes 250 NOV Kevin Hubbanl Ouu~Peery lim ad dlOck 25000 B Worz rent Robb Finth Peter Mlares 250 PRO LowellThompson Jason M cConnick ChaunM cAlister B1R B rentWurz p, lerRussell Robb F10th urn Ton~ Faux MIa 5Ir.>tton ~~ !.sOO Chris Coy lOOAM Chris Johnsoo Patrick Joyre ChrsY oung Kurt M cGrnth Steve H arris OPN AM Chris Wimpheirner Milr Lachar' Mlark Dube B"",,~icz John Bryand 125 EX Mike Treadwell JoIoI 125 OV UrIWiII~ms MIke McGono1gle Weo.won T!"l' lebourda ~ Chris Girooanl lOONOV Scott Miartin )imJOf'" Oanl.aclwn Y am K.1w K.1w SUI K.1w Hoc Yam Y ,m Hoc SUI Y am K.1w K.1w K.1w K.1w K.1w Ym , Y am H oo K.1w SUI K.1w Hoo K.1w Yam K.1w Y am Yam K.1w Y am K.1w Y am K.1w Hoo SUI Hen SUI SUI Yam K.1w SUI K.1w K.1w Hon SUI SUI K.1w Hen SUI K.1w K.1w Hoc Y, m SUI M G""')' ilr KevinPetit OPN NOV ScottM artin MIke G ""')' M ,rleMOIl!Of rankMcAlpine F Henl)'Dutton M 125 A MarkShea jimB rothers Ian Cole Aric Merrow Mla t Co~ lOO AM Patrirl< J Kurt ~th Dan Plourde ChrisY Charle~ OPNAM Chris Wun heimer Mike J,IfHome Scott Labnon wJ;,.n, r.~ikalson 125 WilliamDziela k Pat Barton Scott c. ter " MiIrTleildweil Jim Meenan 39,BEG Brian M cintosh David Aaskov John Colli" 3O+jR Mlarl< MacFarlane SIev eAudet Mlarlvinsky Johnnl DuPont John rfo PRO oASH Jeff Yen"" MiIr Byar rian B Marriott RandyRudisill SUI Hus B ul Send res u lts o f race s ASAP after th e event to : Results, C ycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498. Results s h o u ld be typ e w ritte n or p rinted legibly, ' a nd i ncl u d e th e typ e o f event, n ame of r a.e e track, city a nd state where located, date of event, name o f person submitting t h e materia l , the top five f in i shers i n eac h cl ass, and lhe brand of bike each f in ish e r rode . All Departments Open Technician & Service Rep: Needed imme diately. Larg e , fast gro wing multibrand dealer. Friendly & professional-needs two technicians, two service reps. Located north of Atlanta. Close to best mountain roads. Air-condl· tioned, be nefits. Roswe ll Fun Machines, fax resume (404) 442-8463. GA. (328-30) Mechanic Wanted Jet-ski, motorcycle mechanic wanted. Must have minimum 2 years experienc e with KawasakI. Commission on ly. App ly In xe rson: Kawa s a ki Rive rside , 1605 Un iversity ven ue , Rivers ide 92507. CA. (228-29) Accessory Manag er Immediate opening. Minimum three years experi· ence. Paid holidays, vacations, med ical , de nta l, profit sharing , Ughtsr.:,d computer. Up to $20,000+ ~ year_ Send con Ide ntJal res ume ASAP to Mike ki, MR Honda -Kawasaki-Yamaha-Sea-Doo, 996 Patton Ave. Asheville, NC 28806 . (704) 253-5646. NC. (228-29) Counter Person Sunny Fla. Aggress ive mu lit-Iine , Ho nd a Ya mah a Suzuki Kawasaki Sea-Doo Jet-Ski has pos ition open for experienced cou nter person. Top p~plUS comm ission. five day' work week, benefits. nd resume to 2353 N. Miht~ Tra il, West Palm Beach, FLorida 33409 or fax ( 7) 683-18n. FL (229-30) Help Wanted We need a person with a strong background In motorcycling, especially In tI1e tech niciaV mech a nical e nd of the bUS Iness. Also de s irable Is an interest and knowled ge of all forms of motorcycle com pe tition. Job duties will include tech assislance to custamers, produd development and racer support. We offer goodwas:s, benefits and an excelle working nt environment. nd resume to: Barnett Tool & Eng.. 9920 Freeman Ave ., SanlaFeSprings, CA 90670. CA. (229-32) Yamaha Mechanic Wanted Riva Yamaha, Nations largest watercraft dealer, located In Fort lauderd ale , Aorida need s ~Ua lified watercraft mecha nic. Professionals on y. Pay according to experience . Cali Robin or Mike. (3051 785-4820. FL. (329-32 Service Manager large Honda , Kawasa ki, Suzuki, Yamaha dea le r in Ohio needs experienced service manager. Benefits. Call (216) 454-6171 or FAX (216) 454-4260 or ma il 1 0 Harding's Pa rle Cycie, 4330 Kirby Avenue Nor1heas~ Canton, Ohio 44705_OH. (329-30) Come to the Great Northwest! We are looking for an enthus iastic parts and acces · sories person with extensive knowledge in Harley· Davidson. Someone who knows hard parts as well as accessories and custom applications. We are one of the largest stores In the nation, so this is a career ;r.portunity. We are a multi-line dealer selling Honda, awasaki, Arct Cat and are the first dealer in the ic nati n to offer the Russian Ural Motorcydes. If you are o qua li ied, please conlad Paul at (206) 774-3538. WA. f . (229-30) Top Pro Wrench Needed Are you neat. clean, organized, depe ndable and able to worle hard? Do you have min. 5 years veriliable dealership experience? Do t:(,u know MlCs, ATVs, watercraft, & snowmobiles? you have experience building racing engines? Are you friendly, a tea m player? ff

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