Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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third place. "I watched Evertett and Wilkins get good runs, so I ran behind them and it paid off," Pulver said. After a ll the 540cc cla ss riders ha d made their second and final attempts, Everett said, "I didn't think anyone could beat my time but Ted did . But leaving this event I'm nine points ahead in the point standings which is a very, very good lead in my opinion. If I can ride the second half of the season the same as the first half, I'll take it (the National Championship). Consistency is more important than winning the hillclimb. I'll take that (second place) any day of the week." Just as had occurred in the 540cc class, the quick times in the 800cccIass were all logged in the second round. Glendal Petty, who competes on a Triumph powered bike, broke up the string of Harleys in the top finishing positions by logging a 6.0130 run on his second run and tha t earned the Indiana ride r third place. Petty, who had tu rned in a 7.2533 run up the hill in the first round, said, "On our first climb we left the hole hard and got loose halfway up and over the jump and then hooked back up o n top. We came back and regeared for the second run . It hooked up ell the way up , a good ' straight run, but I bob bled a little over the jump ." Gerencer Sr. saw his first climb end at the 210-foot mark, but he displayed the horsepower of his self-tuned Harley during his second climb after getting a fast, hard launch that he described as being "fast enough to coast over the rough stuff without losing control." His 5.9422 climb .on the factory-backed machine earn ed him second place behind his son. Like his fath er, Gerencer Jr. failed to top the hill on his first attempt, but he came back with a powerful straight climb on his second attempt to trip the lights at a class winning 5.6198 seconds. "Jeff Yod er to ld me just to leave it wide open and I wouldn 't have any problems," Gerencer Jr. said, "and that's pretty much what I did ." The Red Team's assault on Greasy Ridge co ntinued . In his first attempt, Schreiber turned in what many said was the show of the 'day. After he blasted out of the box, Schreiber' rear tire uncovered a bould er just sho rt of the jump and it laun ched him head first up the hill as his b ik e ca r tw heel ed along with him . Schreiber flew some 30 feet up the hill and landed on his feet as the Harley crashed to a stop close behind him. In his second attempt, Schreiber blasted up the hill and tripped the lights at 6.1128,putting a fourth place finish in his pocket. "Willis and Steve, my pit crew, and other people pitched in to get the bike back together in time for the second round," Schreiber said. Fraz ier, who has parked his BSA to ride the Red Team's spare Harley, completed the team's success story by finishingfi~ . Event coordinator Drew Wolfe sa id, "It was a good day. We drew 3000 spectators and I think the heat kept the spectator numbers down. Next year we look forward to doing this again. " (l' Dub Richardson Ford-Isulu and Arrow Promotions Presents NATIONAL 1/2 MILE Harley VS. Honda at speeds of over 100 MPH SAT., JULY 31 IPM STATE FAIR GRANDSTAND DISCOUNT ROOMS AT RAMADA INN WEST (4 0 5) 942-0040 All Night Security AMATEUR RACES SUNDAY MX CREEK PARK DU N LO P S MIT H • . BOYES EN • • P EP SI • HONDA • PONTIAC AUG. 15 -1251500 NATIONAL ) G at e O pens at 7 A'" - Practice 9 AM R efr esh m ents a nd Vendors on the .G rou nd s Race a t 12:00 PM, Victory Circ le at 5 :00 PM Afmlsslon $1 5 .00, In Advance $ 12.00 Ages 5 & Under Fre e C all for Bus TIcket Prices Pro Practice - 1:00-3 :0 0 P.... Aug. 13th. Friday , Adm. $ 5.00 at $ 17.OOIWeekend, or CITY _ _ Make Checks Payable to: M.e. _ ADDRESS STATE I heart! about you r Amaleur Day and Pro Day fro m ZIP Hi-Winders _ Rt. 1, Box 32A Millville, MN 55957 card No. _ Exp. Date' _ ---:. _ Endose a sen- ad dressed stamped enve lope (No Stamp.•• No TIck ets) • Mail by August 6th - No Refund s HURRY & GET YOURS BEFORE SMITIY'S MOM BUYS THEM ALL! . Pink; grey and bla ck desig n printed on quality 100% cotton white T-Shirt. Available in s izes Medium , Large X-Large, and X X-Large for just . .. ........ 9 5 ...... 17. Gary Miller (H·D); 18. Randy Ga briel (H·D); 19. Rodney Sm (B5A); ith 20. Danny Halcomb (Tri). EACH INCLUDES SHIPP ING & HANDLING 540: 1. Ted Wilkins (Rlx); 2. Sco tt Everett (Tri); 3. 20. Steve Dresser (Suz); 21. • NAME Ramsey (Hon); 12. Donald Boggs (Hon); 13. Wallace Fow ler (Suz); 14. Richa rd G e o~g e (H· D); 15. Wad e His lo~ JBSA ); Off Highway 60 $3.00 OFF PER TICKET - ADVANCE TICKET APPLICATION Cas tledi ne (H- D); 10. Mark Sw en (BSAl; 11. Bruc e 19. John 9 Milts East of ZumbroFails on County Road 11 Send Me Advanc e TIckets Tim Frazier (H ·D); 6. G reg Will iam s (H on ); 7. Tom William Hislop(Hon) 22. Robert Alan (Tri). ; SCOTT (507) 753-2779 AMA --- Gate Ope ns at 7 A'" - Sign-up at 7 :30 - Practice at 8 :00 B&C Trophy Up T o T en Places P er 3 Riders 125, 2 5 0, Open A C la ss e s - 50% Payback Up to 5 Places Per 3 Riders R ider Enlry Fe e $20.00 W eek end Tlcket Sal . & Sun. $ 20, In Advance $ 17 AMA On ly Camping Fe e $5.00 per person , Fri. & Sat. Only 5 & Under Camp Fre e Frid ay & Saturday N ig ht Gate Closes at 10 P ... NO ALCOHOL OR NOISE AL LOWED AFTER 1 1 P'" Please Party Somewhere Ei se l Chatterton (H-D); 8. Rodney Williams(H-D); 9. Robert Michael Pulver (Kaw); 4. Scott McNee (Hon); 5. Paul ly Lowe (!Caw); 6. Don Pinsonnaul. (Hon); 7. Steve Pa trick (yam); 8., Paul Garrety (!Caw) 9. Roger McNeely (Yam); ; 10. Paul Pinsonnault (Hon); 11 Alan Hoskins (Hon); 12. Ralph Kreeger (Tri); 13. JoePinsonnaul. (!Caw); 14. Mi1

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