Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eHILLCLIMB AMA National Chameionshie_H_illc limb_S_en_' R _5 __ es_:_ou_nd _ .~ Lou Gerencer Jr. (shown) and his dad, Lou Gerencer Sr., finish ed 1-2 in the 800cc class at the Greasy Ridg e National. Despite thi s spectacular loop-out Tom Cha tterton finished sev en th in the 800cc class. Ted Wilkins (left>, winner of the 54'Occ class, and Gerencer Jr. celebrate. - For ob vious reasons, Mike Everett had a day he'd just as soon forget, Wilkins, Gerencer Jr. slick at Greasy Ridg_e By Ja y Herndon LOCAN, OH, JULY 11 ed by Lo u Gerencer Jr. , the Red Team sho wed their winning colors as four r iders aboa r d Ger encerbac ked, Ha rley-Dav idson-powered hillclimb machines finished in the top five of the 800cc class. Gerencer Jr. was the winner, Lou Gerencer Sr. finis hed seco nd, Harry Schreiber was fourth and 1993 540cc class Champ Tim Frazier was fifth aboard the team's reserve bike. Ted Wilkins, aboard a Rotax-powered climber, topped the 540cc class, his third National victory of the season and second in a row, at the hill known as Greasy Ridge . The event was t he se co nd Nationa l hos ted by Action Spo rts Promotion on the 25o-foot hill that features one jump at the ISO-foot mark. Many of the competitors were apprehensive about the hill that has a combination of surfaces - gra vel, clay and shale with rocks imbedded in it. The progressively steep hill is considered to be a dangerous one and Zeek Wenger, the even t referee, emphasized the co nditions w hen he requested that the riders stay off the hill once the event started. Like all events held in the East during the early July heat wave, the Log an L 30 Nationa l got un d erway with tempera tu res in the ni neties and humidit y to match. Only eight of the 22 540cc class riders made it to the timing lights in the first round and as things would tum out, the top finishing spots were secured by second round runs. Scott Everett and his Triu mph logged an 8.7417-second climb in the first round and prior to his second attempt, he said, "This is gonna be fast or I'm gonna crash big." Leav ing the starting box quickly, Everett ripped up the hill, tripping the timing lights at 6.1815 which temporarily established quick time for the day in the 540cc class. Wilkins, who had turned in a 7.3928second climb in the first round, followed Everett up the hill and just as quickly took over the top spot with a blistering climb of 5.8167seconds. Michael Pulver and his Kawasakipowered hillclimber followed Everett and Wilkins up the hill. Pulver had fallen at the 170-foot mark in the first round but he was determined to better that attempt Running the same groove as Everett and Wilkins, Pulver logged a 7.0323, good for

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