Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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minutes left in the race, Plessinge r said he came up on Smith who was trying to ki cks tart h is b ik e . According to Plessinger, Smith was extremely disoriented and unable to continue. At the same time Conner began suffering from heat exhaustion and pulled into the pits, calling it a da y. "I just hit the wall," said Conner. . These tum of events handed the win to Plessinger and sec o nd p lace to . Hrehor and moved Robert Bennett up to third. Bennett and La u th, tw o local favorites who were aboard 12Scc motorcycles, were havin g a tremendous racelong battle while wor king their way up through the pack. After ove r two and one-half hou rs of racing they came into the next-to- last tum, ap pro ximat ely 50 yards from the finish, and Sennett slid o u t, effectively handi ng the 200cc A class win to Lauth. With Smith an d Conner ou t of th e race, Plessinger cruised to victory on his KIM tha t featured a "conven tion al" fork - the non-inverted kind. "I was having some trouble with the up side do wn fork, so I thought I'd try these. This is the first race for them, but they seem to work well. I didn't have any real prob- . lems today except for the last lap when I hit tha t stump and lost a lot of time. I thought it was all over but then I saw that Rodney was out of the race." Hrehor finished about two and a half minutes b ehind Plessinger and was delighted to have done so well with his injured hand. "It's a good th ing th at they cu t the race from lOlaps to eight, or it wou ld have been ugly," said Hrehor while holding a bag of ice on his badly swollen hand. Vet A class winner Rick Kresic, who finished a full lap up on the rest of the class, was fifth overall. "I just decided to race this morning. I didn't even have my bike washed or anything," said Kresic, who was the only rid er in his class to finish on the same lap as the overall winner. Brian Keegan hol eshot the 2S0cc A class and was never headed. Jeff Murgel rode in second place for the entire race, whileJosh Lojak came from the back of the pack to finish third. John Vincen t won the Open A class by only IS.seconds over Richard Bryan. Robert Ca pli nger came all the way from St. Louis to win the Super Senior A class over Willard Root. ~ Results O/ A : 1. Scott Ples ai nger (KTM ); 2. Ja n Hrehor (Yam); 3. Jeff Lauth (Kaw ); 4. Robert Bennett (Kaw ); 5. Rick Kresic (yam); 6. Robert Patterson (Kaw) ; 7. Kevin Bra ndon (Kaw); 8. Brian Keega n (Ya m ); 9. Curtis Bardonner (Yam) ; 10. St eve Leivan (Ya m) ; 11. Leig h Letellier (KThI); 12. Jeff Murgel (Kaw ); 13. Michael Burk (Kaw); 14. Josh Lciak(Yam); 15. Rodney Sm ith (Suz); 16. Syd Lov eda y; 17. Ric k Lu ka es ko (Ya m); 18. Cli n t Bard onner (Yam ); 19. Mark Kendal (Ka w); 20. Brian Pepka (Kaw ). AA: 1. Scott Plessing er; 2. Jan Hrehor; 3. Robert Patterson; 4. Steve Leivan; 5. Leigh Letellier. 200 A: 1. Jeff Lau th; 2. RObert Bennett; ' 3. Kev in Brandon; 4. Curtin Bardonnen 5. Micha el Burk. ZSO A: 1. Brian Keegan; 2. Jeff Murgel; 3. Josh Lajale; 4. Eric Weiland; 5. Jason Moody. oPEN k 1. John Vincent ~ Richard Bryan; 3. Steve EzeU 4. John lssacs; 5. Jeff Schweider. ; VET A: 1. Richard Kres ic; 2. Russell Ch erry Jr.; 3. Daniel Ford; 4. John Gallagher; 5. Mike McCarren. S/SR A: 1. Robert Caplinger; 2. Willard Root; 3. Dave Coombs . 4-STRK A: 1. Do n 8ohn; 2. TonyVignaroli; 3. Kevin Boyle. 200 B: 1. Syd Loveday II; 2. Ryan Kain tz. 250 B: 1. Oint Bardonner; 2. Ma rk Ken da ll; 3. Brian Pep ka; 4. James Jennings; 5. Brian H an ey . OPEN B: 1. Rich ard Lukaesko; 2. Robert Reed; 3. Adam Karls;;; 4. James Sko lc. VET B: 1 . Jeff Lane; 2. Andrew Wel ls; 3. John Karcz; 4. Ken Mills; 5. Raymond Krohn. SR B: 1. Ron Pi ro; 2. S tev e Zdybicki; 3. Richard Scott . SlSR B: 1. David Sanders. 2. Ted Kilvington, 4-STRK B: J. Barry H awk; 2. Mark Ma rtin; 3. Jeff Lap pe; 4. Charles DaUey ; 5. Daryl Gaitan. C: 1. William Boa rdwin ; 2. Cory Mick ; 3. Greg Ferrence; 4. Ouis Ferguson; 5. Ron Mora . WMN : 1. H olly Trem aine. A MA N ATIO NA L CH AMP IONSHI P HA RE SCRAM BLES SERIES POI NT STANDINGS (After 5 of 9 rounds): 1. Rodney Smith (107/1 w in ); 2. Scott P le ssinger (106/2); 3. Jan Hrehor (91/1 ); 4. Scott Su m mers (89 /1); 5 . Robert Patterson (40 ); 6. Leigh Letellier (35); 7. Steve Leiva n (31); 8. (TIE) Dua ne Conner / Shad Ricketts (29); 10. Kevin Brandon (28). Turn to Prime Network Where one good .turn deserves another Prime Sports Midwest Prime Sports Intermountain West Prime Sports Northwest Home Sports Entertainment SportSouth Prime Sports Upper Midwest Prime Sports Rocky Mountain KBL Sports Network Sunshine Network Madison Square Garden Home video versions available for $29.95 ~HONDA. Come ride with us. Prime Ticket HomeTeam Sports Empire Sports Network New England Sports Network Pro Am Sports Systems Call 1-800-292-5551 YAMAHA LIMITED EDITION ORDER YOURS T O DA Y! Ce le brate 30 years of America's We ekly 30 Motorcy'cle News paper with your own YEARS t h e T - SH I R T . Cycle News " 30 Years ' T-Shirt. T his limite d edition shirt fea tu res a un ique d esign in purple, white and go ld printed front an d center on a high-quality 100% To order, use the eN Products order blank in the tiack of this issue Or CALL (310) 427-7433 co tton black T- Shirt. Makes a great gift for yoursel f o r a fr iend . • $11.95 In.hl" . . .... I~.. I... o n ol Ho " "",,, CA 1'1_-,"\ Mel 1"," h _ Tu CREDIT CARD ORDERS OK 29

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