Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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from a 600. My 01' teammate Ricky -l1e' s incredible, isn't he?" Results SATURDAY TI ME T R IALS: 1. Scott Parker (3 7.34 4 seconds/96.401 mph); 2. Kev in Atherton (37.597); 3. Davey Durelle (37.631); 4. Chris Carr (37.685); 5. Jay Springsteen (37.831); 6. Keith Day (37.909); 7. Mike Hale (37.911); 8. Ricky Graham (37.921) ; 9. Rusty Rogers (31.923); 10. Will Davis (38 .040); 11. Steve Beattie (38 .076) ; 12 . Jeff Dietz (38.088); 13 . BHly Herndon (38.091); 14. Steve Morehead (38.102); IS. Rex Fisher (38.103); 16. Terry Poovey (38.116); 17. Larry Pegram (38.217); 18. Rod ney Farris (38.239); 19. Dave CamHn (38.240); 20. Kris Kiser (38 .293); 21. Bryan VHlena (38.342); 22 . Ronnie Jones (38.358); 23 . Aa ron Hill (38.387); 24 .Les Washbon (38 .431); 25 . G re!> Si ms (38.453); 26. Bre tt Landes (38.487); 27. Harold lJorsey (38.514); 28. To mmy Colson (38 .539); 29. Don Estep (38.552); 30. Jason Pletcher (38.586); 31. Geo rge Roeder II (38.674); 32.Dev on Pritchard (38.681); 33. Dale jenneman Sr. (38.758); 34. M ich ae l Va rnes (38.771); 35. Chance DarHng (38 .787); 36. Scott Buchan (38 .787); 37. Sco tt Stump ( 38.797); 38. John Rosso m (38.820); 39. Georgie Price (38.896); 40. Craig Estelle (38.950). HEAT I : I. Sco tt Pa rk er (H-D); 2. Ricky G raham (Hon); 3. Te rry Poovey (Hon) ; 4. Rus ty Rog ers (H-D): 5. La rry Pegram (H·D) ; 6. G reg Si ms (H-D); 7. Les Washbo n (H-D); 8. Dale Jenneman Sr . (H- D); 9. M ike Scott (Hon) ; 10. Craig Estelle (H-D); I I. David U oyd (H-D); 12. Devo n Pritchard (H-D) . Ti me: 6 minutes 17326 seconds. HEAT 2: I. Kevin Atherton (H-D); 2. Mike Ha le (H0); 3. Rodney Farris (H·O); 4. AMon Hill (H- D); 5. Geo rge Roeder II (H-D); 6. Brett Land es (Hon): 7. Rex Fisher (H- D); 8. Mike Varnes (H-D); 9. Geo rgie Price (Han); 10. Darren Konechney (Hon); 11. Pat Bucha na n (H-D): 12. Will Davis (Hon). TIme: 6:16.793. . HEA T 3: 1. Davey D ure tte (H ,,:,O); 2. Steve Morehead (H ·D); 3. Ronnie Jones (Han); 4 . Davey Camii n (H· D); S. Jason Fletcher (1i-O); 5. Steve Beattie (H-D); 6. Keith Day (Ho n); 7. Harold Dorsey (Hon); 8. Raudy Texter (H-D) ; 9. Chance Darling (H-D); 10. John Rosso m (H-D); II. Scott Saunders (H-D) . Ti mr. 6:20.193 . HEAT 4: I. Chris Carr (H-D); 2. Jay Springsteen (H . D): 3. Don Estep ttl-D): 4. Kris Kiser (Hon); 5. To""!'y Colson (H-D); 6. Bmy Herndon (Hon); 7. Jeff Dietz (HD); 8. Scott Stump (H -D); 9. Jess Roeder (H-D ); 10. Bryan Villella (Hon); I I. Gordon Schopieray (H-D). Tame: 6~:1 8.2 1 . SEMI 1: 1.Rogers; 2. Davis; 3. Kiser; 4. Farris; 5. Fletcher: 6. Laudes; 7. Dorsey; 8. Washbon; 9. Dietz; 10. Price; 11. Estelle; 12. Villella . limr:: 5:04.98. SEM I 2: 1. Poovey; 2. Hill; 3. Co lson; 4. Hill ; 5. Schopieray; 6. Fisher; 7. Stump; 8. Darling; 9. Sims; 10. Scott; I I. Camlin. Ti me: 5:05.83. SE M I 3: 1. Jo nes; 2. Es tep; 3. Beattie : 4. George Roed er ; 5. Text er ; 6. [e nne man Sr .; 7. Lloy d; 8. Jess Roeder; 9. Varnes; 10. Saunders. runr: 5:06.13. 2S-LAP N ATIONAL: 1. Ricky Graha m (Hon); 2. Scott Parke r (H · D); 3. Chris Carr (H-O); 4. Ke v in Atherton (H ·D); 5. Steve Morehead (H -D); 6. Da ve y Durell e (H-D): 7. Ronni e Jones (Hon): 8. Don Estep (HD); 9. Jay Springst een (H-D); 10. Rusty Rogers (H-D); 11. WollDavis (Hon); 12. Aa ron Hill (H- D); 13. Terry Poovey (H-D): 14. Steve Beatti e (H-D); IS. Tommy Co lson (H-D); 16. Kris Kiser (Hon): 17. Mike Hal e (H-D). . Ti me: 1,5-.2757. Average speed: 97.029 mp h. 600 SUPPO RT: I . Scott Soh! (W-R): 2. Mike Hac ker (Rlx): 3. Jam es Hart (W-R); 4. L J. Schaid t (W-R);.5. Ma tt Wa;t (Rlx); 6. Mike Reid (W-R); 7. Duane Veed er (W-R); 8. Brent Armbrus ter (W-R); 9. Bryan G raybeal (W-R); 10. . Erick G ruber (W-R); 11. Ian Segedy (Rtx); 12. Eric Bostrom (W-R); 13. Michael Dillon (W-R); 14. Cha d Groescup (Hon); IS. Alan Eadie (Rlx). Tlm e; 9:44.34. Average s peed : 92.411 mp h. SUNDA Y T I M E T RIALS , 1. Ricky Graha m (37 .185 seconds/96.813 mph); 2. Scott Parker (37.333); 3. Kevin Atherton (37.366); 4. Chris Carr (37.441); 5. Terry Poovey (37.552); 6. Rusty Rogers (37.529); 7. Mike Ha le (37.569); 8. Larry Pegram (37.629); 9. Steve Morehead (37.720); 10. Rod ney Farris (37.821); II . Jay Springsteen (37.826): 12. Keith Day (37.833): 13. Tommy Colson . (3 7.846 ): 14 . Dave Camlin (37.866); IS. Will Davis (37.898) ; 16 . George Roeder II (37.953): 17 . Billy Herndon (37.968); 18. Aaron Hill (38.007.): 19. Randy Texter (38.036); 20. Steve Beattie (38.038 ); 21. Davey Durelle (38.102): 22. Brett Landes (38.135); 23. Ronnie Jones (38 .169); 24. Bryan Villella (38.207); 25 . Re x Fisher (38.217) ; 26. Jason Fletcher (38.258); 27. Mike Scott (38.289): 28. Los Washbon (38.326); 29. Don Estep (38.432); 30. Kevin Varnes (38.455); 31. Michael Varnes (38.460); 32 . ScOll Stump (3 8.4 65); 33. Jeff D ietz (38 .537); 34 . David Lloyd (38 .548); 35 . Greg Sims (38 .554) ; 36 . Devon Pritchard (38.604); 37. Chance Darling (38.6 19); 38. Ben Bostrom (38.629); 39. Chris Evans (38.670); 40. John Rosso. 111 (38.690). HEAT 1, I .Ricky Graham (Hon); 2. Steve Morehead (H-D ); 3. Larry Pegram (H-D): 4. 8i11y Herndon (Hon) ; 5. George Roeder U (H-D ); 6. Jeff Dietz (H-D); 7. B.,.an vmella (Hon); 8. Rex Fisher (H-D); 9. John Rosso, III (HD); 10. Gord oo Schopieray (H-D) ; 1I. Darren Konechney (Hon); 12. Scott Stump (Ii-D). Ti me: 6:15.83. HEAT 2: I . Mike Hale (H-D): 2. Scott Parker (H-D); 3. Will Davis (Hon); 4. Rod ney Farris (H-D); 5. Rodney Jones (Hon); 6. Aa ron Hill (H-D); 7. Jaso n Fletcher (HD); 8. Chris Evans (H-D); 9. Michael Varnes (H-D); 10. Da vid Lloyd (Hon) ; I I. G reg P rice (H -D); 12. Jess Roed er (H-D). T ime: 6:11.63. HEAT 3: 1. Kevin Atherton (H~ D); 2. Dave Camlin (H- D); 3. Brett Landes (Ho n); 4. Rus ty Rogers (H-D); 5. Jay Springsteen (II-D); 6. Greg Sims (H- D); 7. Harold Dorsey (Hon): 8. Mike Scott (H-D); 9. Rex Texter (H- D); 10. Ben Bostrom (H ~D) : 11. Kev in Va mes (H ·D) ; 12. Steven Marth (II -D). Ti me: 6:.10.64. HEAT 4: 1. C hri 5 Carr (A-D) ; 2. Te rry Poovey (Hon); 3. Da vey Durelle (H-D); 4. Steve Beattie (H-D); 5. Don Estep (H-D); 6. Keith Day (Hon): 7. Tommy CoOOn (H- D); 8. Dale Jennema n Sr . (H-D); 9. Chance Dar ling (H -D); 10. Los Washbon (H- D); II.Craig Estell e (H- D): 12. Devon Pritchard (H- D). Veteran Steve Morehead (42) fini shed fourth in both Nationals after heated ba ttles with numerous riders. Rus ty Rogers (57) was 10th. Runner-up Chris ~ (left) questio ned Referee Bruce Bobe r (right ) after Bober declared Graham the winner of Sunday's National. Ti me: 6:12.31. SEMI 1: 1. Farris; 2. Landes; 3. Beattie; 4. Fisher; 5. Sims; 6. Colson; 7. Lloyd; 8. Washbon; 9. Marth; 10. Texter, 11. Konechney; 12. Roeder II; 13. Fletcher. Ti me: 5:03.07. SEMI 2: 1. Hernd on; 2. Rogers; 3. Davis; 4. Hill; 5. Jennema n Sr.; 6 . Estep; 7. Vill ella ; 8 . Do rsey; 9 . Schopieray; 10: Estelle; 11. Va rnes; 12. Roeder; 13. Bostrom. Ti me: 5:02.67. SEM I 3: 1. Sp ri ngstee n; 2. D urel le, 3. Jo nes; 4. Pegram ; 5. Day; 6. Dietz; 7. Darling; 8. Scott; 9. Res.'lO.III; 10. Stump; II . Varnes; 12. Pritchard ; 13. Price; 14. Evans. T imr: 5:03.47. 25-LAP N ATION A(., I . Ricky Graham (H on); 2. Chris Carr (H -D) ; 3. Kevin A therton (H-D); 4. Scott Pa r ke r (H -D); 5. Steve Moreh ea d (H-D); 6. Rod ney Farris (H-D); 7. Billy Herndon (Hon); 8. Davey Du relle (H-D ); 9. Steve Beattie (H -D); 10. Brett Landes (Hon); 11. Mike Hale (H·[); 12. Will Davis (Hon); 13. Terry Poovey (Hon); 14. Dave Camlin (H ·D); 15. Ronnie Jones (Hon); 16. Jay Spri ngsteen; 17. Rusty Rogers (HD). Ti me: (No time d ue to res tart.) A MA GRAND N AT IONA L C H A M P IO NS IlI P SERIES POINT STANDINGS (after 11 o f 21 round"): 1. Ricky Gra ham (180 poi nts/ 6 wins); 2. Chris Carr (143/2); 3. Scott Parker (123/1); 4. Kev in At herto n (83/1): 5. Steve Morehead (83); 6. Rod ney Farris (75); 7. (TIE) Jay Spri ngsteen 1 Mike Hale (63); 9. Will Da vis (45); 10. Ronnie Jon es (43): 11. Terry Poovey (36); 12. George Roed er U (34); 13. Steve Beattie (33); 14. Rus ty Rogers (32); IS. Dan Ingram (29/1); 16. Don Estep (26); 17. Aaron Hill (22); 18. Dave Camlin (21); 19. Davey Durelle (20); 20. Rich King (19). Il83 NATIONA(., I . M;ke Wai~ 2. Ricky Graham; 3. Jay Springsteen; 4. Robert Crabbe; 5. Kenny Coolbeth; 6Jam es Hart; 7. Georgie Price; 8. Mike Reid ; 9. Sco tt Stump; 10. Geoff Clark; 11. Ben Bostrom; 12. Jason Fletche r. Ti me: 10:11.29. Average s peed: 88.339 mph. AMA HA RLEY-DAVID SO N 883 N AT I O N AL C HAMPIONSH IP S ERIES POINT STAND INGS (after 8 of 11 rou nd s): I . Ricky Gra ha m (121/4): 2. Jay Sp ringsteen (10211); 3. Jaso n Fletcher (75); 4. James Hart (67); 5. Mike Ha le (45); 6. Ma tt Wait (42/1); 7. Don Estep (39); 8. Robert Crabbe (37): 9. Greg Sims (30): 10. Scott Stu mp (28); 11. George Roed er II (26); 12. Garth Brow (20/1); 13. Geoff Clark (IS); 14. M ike Reid (14); IS. Stephen Champine (11); 16. (TIE) Kenny Coolbeth l Steve Aseltinel Rich King l Joe Winsto nl Ben Bostrom (10). . 19

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