Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ EVENTS ~ VINT: 1. Bemie Koh ler. Jr .; 2. William Cheny; 3 . Tracy Updyke; 4. Mike MdelJ,; 5. BiDlNcho. CO LLEGE80Y: 1. Tom ManeIHi; 2. ~k Stull; 3. }.mI!lI Knapp; 4. Robftt Tottc5. &ic DdMdts. SR NOV, 1. Rkh f.op (K.ow);2. Dovld Bibby Olon); 3. Alon Cava (Suz); '" Cary Andetw:Jn (; So Glenn Cribbs (Hon ). Whitaker wins Eagle Creek Hare Scrambles By Paul Michels DRY RIDGE. KY. JUNE 27 36 O/A: I. HArvey Whiuker (Hon); 2. raul Michell (An:); 3. A.J. s,,;a. (ATK) . 200 A: 1. Gene TbunrwIn (Yam); 2. DaYid l.arnbmh ( . %SO A:.1. o..le Ride (Y.un). orEN A:. 1. twvey Whitakrr (lion); 2. r.uI Michds (A l'k). VET A:. 1. A.I. Sp ittr (ATJC); 2. Carl Keith (suzl; 3. To m F......n (ATK); 4. Kalh """gon (ICIM); s. """,,em (Han~ 125B, I. /om! Smilh pc.wt 2. Brion HoII (Han) . 200 B:1. Bill Wel (A'1x); 2. Mark ~( ). 2SO B 1. ..... ....u.n.IUp (KlM); 2. 0>ri0 ' - (Yom). , OrEN' 8: 1. jOIP Etienne ('JYw ); 2. L.-nce WAde (Yam); 3. LoWe Fugate (Hon); 4. RonnWCox (H0f'I); S. David Hobdy (KTM) . "STIlI(; I . ,.....,- (Han) . L!W TIL: 1. Tom Bumpus (Suz) . HfW Tlt L:.1. Leonard ttarril (Mon ); 2. Bill Krnrwdy (Suz); 3RobertTerry (y am) . Carsten outlasts 'emat Broome-TIoga MX Oark Doug 125 NOV : 1. Erick V..Uejo (lC.Iw); 2. Cory DeMel' (s uz l; 3. JWl in Puu: (lI:..w); 4. Jno" Eckhoff (; 5. JeffSmith (Suz). t • 125 INT: 1. Kevin Windham (JC.I w ); 2. Billy Akers (Suz); 3. '''w); 4. Chris Wheeler (Yam) ; S. Oonme Fox Brad Woo lsey (1 Bou.y(K.owt se veral times until the third of fou r lap s w hen Whim ke r too k co mmand of the lead for good and wo n the race by onl y 30 seconds ahead of Michels. Other top riders included Gene Thurman in the 2lXkc A class ove r Dave Lambert. Both riders finis hed among the top 10 overall finishers. Dale Richie finished first in the 250cc A class, whi le Mar k Blankenship aced the 250cc B class jus t ahead of Ch ris Laos . Resu lts Harvey Whitaker and his Honda XR600 fourstroke bes ted the field in the second rou nd of the Kentucky Championship Hare Scrambles Series at Eagle Cree k MX Par k. Paul Michels and A.J. Spicer rounded ou t the top three. The race started on a slick course, bu t once in the woods, the leaders kept swapping positions By Paula Brown Photo by Bill Cooper BINGHAMTON. NY,JULY 5 An all night drive and 95 degree heat did no t s to p Barry Carsten from scoring th e overall 125cc Expert class win at the fourth round of the Tucker Rocky $100.000 Series at Broom e-Tioga. After making the n ine·hour dr ive fro m Michi gan Saturday night, Carsten, along w ith hundreds of other riders withstood the·extreme heat to compete for the abundance of contingencies, p laques and trophies p rovided by Tucker Rocky Series sponsors.· Gaylon Dickson made an ea rly stab a t the 125cc Pro/Exp ert win by taki ng the holeshot then leading the first five laps of the first moto. The top four rid ers , all on Suzukis, careened around the tra ck. each waiting for the gu y in fr on t to make a m istake. Dickson was finally dethroned by the hard chargin g Carsten. then bumped ba ck in to th ird b y Dami e n Plo lt s . Carsten tri ed pulling ou t in front of Plotts to ma ke some brea thing room. but Plotts never let him ge t out of spit ting range. "It's p ret ty on e lined out there,· said Carsten after taki ng the checkered flag in first. "Dickson got a good sta rt and I couldn't get around him. It wa s p retty hard to pa ss.· , Carsten solved the one line problem by grabbin g the holeshot in the final 125cc Pro Expert mo to, keeping a hair's breath a way from Plotts in the opening laps. Dickson h eld on to th ird until Keith Troccoli passed h im on the tri ple, moments after the halfway marker came out. Troccoli held on to finish th ird. Ca rsten and Plo tt s can thei r own race for th e to p spot, Carsten staying out in front. Plolts' bobble on the triple thai last time through cost him precious seconds, as Carsten pulled out a comfortable lead to the checkered flag. Carsten's overall win increased his lead in the 125cc Expert points sta n di ngs b y seven po ints. Trocco li's fou rth overall puts him in a tie with Plotts in the standings. *Pea t was in the air for a wee k and a hal fl said ann ouncer Erv Braun,.as Michael Peat land ed on the oth er sid e of a triple whil e ahead of the 250cc Pro / Expert class opener. Pea t's acroba tics kept him in first pla ce un til getting passed by Damien Plotts during the first lap . Carsten. H who ha d gotten off to a m id p ack start, was weaving his way up to the fro nt . As Carsten moved from fifth to third, Bruce Stralton put pressure on the first place Plotts . Plotts we n t wi re to w ire in the 2S0cc Pro final, leading Carsten around the track by mere seconds. Carsten searched in vain for a passing opportunity for eigh t laps, but wo und up finishing the mota in second . Peat fou ght his way up to third only 10 relinquish it to Bruce Strallon. Strallon tried his best 10 close the gap betwee n him and the top two ri ders b ut succeeded in hol di ng on to third pla ce d es p ite Eric Koch 's a tt empts to pass . Pea t s pen t t he closin g moments d oing battle with Keith Troccoli, earning fifth to Trocmli's sixth. Carsten's second overall added to his current lead in the 250cc Expert class point stand ings, Plotts' first overall ties hi m for second with Troceoli, The overall 125 and 250cc Expert di visio ns will receive a full racing outfit from MS Racing a nd AirTime Designs at the end of the series. In the 25+ Expert cla ss, Kenny Blackwell shot thro ug h the first tum of moto one wi th Gay lon Dickson, Mike Spear an d Jim Kap itan following closely behind. Blackwell managed to stay in th e lead for one lap, until Spear and Di ck s on b arrel ed ahead of him. Kapi tan bumped off Blackwell to take third just before the halfway sign came out. Dickson made his way to first while Kapitan pushed Spear back to th ird. With one lap remaining, Dickson and Kapitan were weaving their way through lapped riders. Kapitan had gained .some time but only enough to get through the checkered flag with in a bike length of mota w inner Dickson. Dickson took the holeshot in the 25+ Expert fina l, w ith Spear comi ng through in second. Spear's challenge for first ended as he went off the side of the triple in the first lap . Marc Tiesler was ready to ta k'"e over the seco n d sp o t; Blackwell and Steve Nessel followed . Kapitan was working his way to the front lines , a s Dickson was trying to put space between him and the second place Tiesler. During lap four , Jim Mcllvaine slid his way into second. leaving Ti es ler to s tr u ggle with Kap itan for th ird. Dickson charged on in first. In the fina l seconds, the top three riders had closed up ranlcs - Dickson was still out in front by several bi ke len gths; Mcil vaine was sa n dwich ed in to s econ d , w ith Kap itan in th ird. Dickson ended up scoring the moto and overall win. McIlvaine's second place finish eamed him third for Ihe day. Kapimn fini shed second for the day and earned enough points to bring him to the top of the point standings . Two significant even ts in the Tucker Rocky Ser ies a re the Bike Give-Away and Da sh for Ca sh held during each round. Tracy Updyke w on a brand new Kaw asaki KXI25 from TriCity Kawasaki, of Allentown. Pennsylvania. 11le Dash for Cash featured a $500 purse and Plotts took top prize of $300. Results 65: JR MIM: 1. I:krek Burlrw; 2. Ryan Mills; 3. Grrgg MYft'1' 4. 0uiI ~ar; ~. Chris 11emo. 80 JR MINI : 1.Chris Hunter; 2. Paul CArpenter; 3. Jeremy . Cook,;4. Aaron Die ter; 5. John Berthiaume. SR MINJ NOV: 1. larry Monbelardi; 2. Jason Cattart 3. Kyle Brad lry; 4. Aaron Stewa rt; 5. Justin CYDe... SO YOlJlH; l. . yon MilJs; 2. B.JSmllh; 3. ,..... Johnooo;.. MitcNU Dougherty; 5. Jacob Mormon. SR MINI; 1. John Schn eid er; 2. CaMy HiUins ; 3. Shawn eun.; 4. J-n ........ s. ......... Hughe. 200 NOV : 1. Ja re d Proper; 2. Casey H lni n.; 3. C~I McCulWxh; 4. }oIIhu.. Grlbrr; M~ Dardzinsld. OPEN NOV : 1. Leo n Kirdzitl; 2. Rich Egsft1.; 3. Mich&el ~ 4. Jelf Hol fmln; 5. Rou Ben.on. SCHBY: 1. Nd1 Woerner; 2. Jeff l..Inieu;3. Ron Da wson; 4Showneun.; s. 14.... lobgon. s. Walker roosts at Lake Sugar Tree MX By Barbara Williams Ph oto by Loren Williams AXTON. VA,jUL Y4 Flawless. ThaI's the best word to describe Kevin Walke r 's perfo rmance at t he July 4 th Extr avaga nza a t Lake Sugar Tree Motorsports Park, w hich se rved as rou n d 10 of th e Southeastern Reg io n a l M X Championship Mega Seri es. The Yama ha Cycle Cen ter-backed Walker won every mota en route to the 125 and 250cc A class w ins . An d wha t made the w ins even more sweeter for Walker, was the fact that this ro un d wa s a doub le points-paying event. and thus vaulted him into the series points lead in the 250cc A class and into second place in the 125cc A division. Mike Brown had his hands full with Walker from the start of the first 250cc A mota, as he found himself wa ldting Walker' s rear fender. Tbe battle for the lead was on. as Walker and Brown battled back and forth. At the halfway point, Brown took the less-used line on the outs ide of a tum. but Brown found out just why nobod y was using that line, as he sud den ly dropped into a monster ru t. The impact threw Brown into the handlebars and bent the crossbar with his chest. "After I got around Mike," said Walker. '1 kept looking back over my shoulder, because I knew he'd lIy somethin g. But then all of a sudden he wasn't there anymore." Walker blazed to the win , while Jim Chester and Billy Cox finished second and third, respectively. Chester nailed the holeshot in the second mota, but Walker swept past early in the race and camped out in front to score the win. Cox eventually squeaked by Chester to finish semnd; Chester third, . Brown. bruised chest and all , grabbed the early lead in the first 125cc A mota. He maintained the numbere()ne position until the second-to-last lap , when Walker took charge and passed the Honda rid er. Walker went on to score the win ahead of Brown. Chester, Cox and Shane Templeton. Bothered by his bruised chest , Brown decid ed to pack it in for the day and did not compete in the second moto. This left the door wide open for Walker who eas ily scored the second mota win and the overal l Chester finished second in the moto, jus t ahead of Cox. which gave second overall to Chester. Results o...w so SIX: 1. James M. Stewart Jr. (Y.un) ; 2. J. Roberb (Yom~ 3. SorpIwn Mo.... (Yomt 4. )dmy Fioldo (Yom); s: A.uon W1llis(Yom~ SO MOO: 1. Stephen Martin (ya m); 2. Jdfrey Fidds (Yam); 3Mob Min.. (Han t t . A.uon WWlo (Yom~ 65: 1. Jeff ~ ( ); :z. JoshuaSuntrN1 (Kaow); 3. Jame StewArt (XoI ); 4. Nathan Week.ley (; S. a...d .....mpton w (K.ow~ llt BEG: 1. John ~ (Han); 2. Travil YOUJ'lS: (ICAIw); 3. Hans Ned (Suz),;4. Neal HoIt2daw (K,aw ); 5. )ernny West. JR MINt 1. Tr avis (Suz); 2. Jeff Clnon. (XAw ); 3Jeffrey Ryan (Kaw); 4. }oIJ1ua Swney (K.Iwl; 5. Not.n WeeltlPy (Suz). SR MINI: I . O\arles Duna way (](a w); 2. Jake Morris (Yam); 3Oanen McElhattan (Hon); t . Juon Va nho rn (Hon) ; S. Ash ley """" (Suz). SCHBY I. J; (Suz); 2. """""" ,...... (Ii...); 3. Tra vis Dad'liell (K.Iw); 4. Jon Boruff (Suz); 5. Jimmy Briggs (lion). 125 A: 1. KevIn Walk« (Yam); 2. Jim Chester (y.Im); 3. Bill y Coli:(Suz); 4. R. Shlwn Prather (; S. SNne Templeton (Hon ). 125 B: 1. Robbi~ Suggs (K.. w) ; 2. Pul Currie (X.. w) ; 3. Shawn Schultz (Xaw ); 4. Jimmy Brigg s (Hon) ; S. Da v id Price (H...~ 125 C: 1. Jermty Wn t (Hon); 2. Sidney WUliams (Kaw); 3. RandAU Rowe (Suz:); 4. lama Smallwood (Suz ); S. John Ward (Suzl. 125 D: 1. Rod ney T.te (yam); 2. Scutt Ma w (Ka w); 3. Buddy TAylor (Han); 40. JIX' ~ (Suz); 5. Jeff HiD ( 2SO A: 1. Kevi n Wa lUr' (Yam); 2. Bill y Cox (Ya m); 3 . Jim Chester (Ya m); 4. M khHl Moore (yA m); ~ . StwM Templeton (Han~ 2SO B: 1. Robb l~ SuW (KAw); 2. PAul Curri e (X.a w); 3. Shawn Schultz ()(,sw); 4. David Pm (H on); S. Robbie Stuttdl (K.ow~

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