Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Foley foils competition at Manon County Motocross By Kyle Myers Photo by John Roach REDDICK. FI.. JUNE 20 Kevin Foley posted a I-I tally to top the +25 class at the Florida Motocross Club Series held at Motocross of Marion County with 200 riders turning out for a hot da y of racing. Foley led the 2(}.rider field into the first tu m with Tom Dixon. Ra y Stillings, Ma rk Beamer and John Lundy in lo w. Stillings ju m ped by Dixon on the opening lap, as Foley opened up a lead . David McWilliams made a surprise pass .. on Lund y for fifth, only to lose the position a lap later. Lund y th en m otor ed by Beamer whi le closing in on Dixon. Foley too k an easy firstmoto win over Stillin gs and Dixon. When the second moto got underway Lundy powe re d into the lead while Fo ley, Dixon , Beamer and Stillings dodged his roost. Stillings qu ickl y overtook Beamer a nd Dixon; while Fo ley h ound ed Lundy. Team Green/Fox/ Oakle y /Shoei/ Pe rform a nce Eng ineer -spon sored Foley slip ped by Lun dy in a tu m. Foley powered aw ay as Bea mer bobb led an d Dixon sho t by. Beamer foug ht back and passed Dixon two feel from the finish line. Foley hel d on for the moto w in and overa ll ah ead o f Lundy, Stillings, Beamer and Dixon. Tra v is Blackburn easily w on both 15-24 motos, leading every la p. Jeff N eilander and Mike Decker foll owed h im hom e. Blackburn also wo n bo th 250cc A class motos ove r Mark Beamer. Jason Thomas wo n the Super Mini and 80cc (12-13) classes. Resulls P/W: 1. T~ Mond fl l (ya m); 2. 'ldtln Holstein (ya m); 3Scnith (Ymt); "'. Ryan Nortfwy (y am); S. Robm Holsmn forte( (Y-~ 6S: 1. Scott Pnry (K.I w).; 2. Josh Fau stino (K. w ); 3. Tyson H-hdI (lC.w); '" MAtt .JohNon (K.1w ); S. Chaz N'tfthry (Kawl. 85 ('1 -11): t . B.ill.lrd (Suz.);2. Xpr F.mrU (Yam); 3. Andrri ....... (Suz~ 4. Oin'''''''y (Xow~5. T,.... ....... (Suz~ as (12·13): 1• .JuonThomas (lYw); 2. Louis Uvdy (K.I w); 3Mib Kushmidn (K,Iw); 4. Rich Butlr(YMn). (I "~ L r.ny (Iion~ 2. Sro """""' (Y~~ 2. J.B. (Suz ~ 3. Ky.. FanwIl (Y~~" Louio UwIy (Xow~ S. And 8o Jon; (Suz~ 125 8: 1. J«ob Foss (K.w); 2. Mi.k2 DecUr (; 3. Rod FumriI (KIw); 4. Mib' 8ormNJ1 (Hon); 5. Kyle M)'"'ll (Hon). 125 C: 1. Sun Aver .. (Su¢ 2. J,ucx\ Brown (y .. m l; 3. Doug (Han); " Tl'lln. Willis (Han).;5. Joey o.rk~). 125/250 BEC: 1. St-an EVaN (Suz ); 2. Tom Fon:wa (lion); 3Brian PendTolY CHon); 4. Stev e ChristunlW'n (H on ); S. Dnid '.11. as cx:. ); G_(Iion~ Z50k 1. Tl'lln. BlKkbum (Ka w); 2. M.rk BeaD'IeT (SuL). 2:50 B: 1. lUy Stillings (y.. m ); 2. John Lundy (y .. m ); 3. Rod fumeD (KoIw); 4. Strve Dumond (Suz); 5. Mlkr Du ffirkl (K.Iw ). 2SO C: 1. Uoe T..thoJn (Y.un); 2. Jeff Neil.Inde!" (Han); 3. Tom Dixon (Iion~" r... EW'" (Suz~ S. G",! ..y" (lion). OPEN NO V: 1. Mike A med eo (XoIw ); 2. lhvid McWlllioJms (Hon ); 3. Mitch Ho lsh"in (K. w ); 4. Steve Dumond (Hon); 5. $b!\oe Oyo (Hon ). 16-24: 1. TI'IIN m.ckbum (KIIw); 2. Jt'll Nidandf"f' (Hon) ; 3Mike Drck.rr (KoIw) ; 4. 1.« T..ttwn (Y&m); 5. Doug Wa~ (lion). +25 : 1. Kevin foley (X.nv); 2. lUy Stillings (; 3 . John Lundy (Yam); 4. Tom Dixon (Hon); 5. Ma rk 8eamn (Suz) . +30: 1. John Lundy (yam); 2. Tim Eggen (Suz) ; 3. Jombo Hayes (Hon); 4. Stnm Reida (yurt); 5. Glen Dwel~ (Hon ). +35: 1. Tom fog& (K.iw); 2. }or StndJ (Hon); 3. Rich Buile (KlM); 4. run Sutton (lim). ~ 1. Tom OraSi (Hon) ; 2. Tom Foz,s (H on ); 3. Clw'1n lzhing (H on ); 4. Ema nue l Aderho ld (Hon) ; S. Da vi d fruirr (Xow~ Joneses jam at Gray MX By Barbara Will iams Photo by Loren Will iams GRAY ,lN, JUNE 19 The Jones family was hot in the Gra y Motocross a t th e Appalach ian Fai rgro u nds, as brothe rs Chaseand Tanner Jones collected wins in the 50 and 60cc classes , respectively, while their uncle Kerry Jones topped the +25 and +30 A divisions. Kerry and brother Ron Jo nes p UI o n a demonstration in offensiv e/defensive racing in both Vet A classes, battling in both the hea ts and the ma ins. To add interest , Jay Hayes crashed the party in the +25 A class, battling Kerry side by s id e for the lead in th e heat and ge tti ng edged out in the last few turns. In the main, the class came thro ugh tum one in a sna rling pack. Much of the racing was two and three wid e on the tight, lechn ica1lrack. Joel Baker departed sudde nly from the melee when he crashed while making a move on Hay es. Ron Jones, Kerry Jones and Hayes s tayed in tha t order to the finish, bu t Baker was through for the even ing. Kerry Jones holeshot the +30 A main, with Ron Jones right behind. Ron skimmed the rockers to grab the lead, onl y for Kerry to answer bad. in the next tu m and reclaim the advantage . Pushing, b locki ng. d ivi ng und ern ea th in co rners, and handing the lead back and forth. they blasted around the Irack ev er faster, pu lling away from the field . In yet another move to take bac k the lead as they screamed along side by side, Ron took a small jump a little hotter tha n he meanl to. He nose d ived into the clay and dropped from the moto. Kerry Jones sto pped in concern for his brother. and after being waved on, continued on at a mu ch slower pace, slowing each lap to check on Ron, who had injured his rib s in the fa ll. Kerry cruised to the win, followed by Tim Jennings and Larry Harrison. Results 50: 1.0.- Jones (Y&m). 60: 1. T&NWr }onn (X.Iw); 2. Matt Olevins ( Kolw); 3. IC.Pith (lCaw); 4. WWy 8.lkrr (lU w); 5. Ja...,. Shelton (Ka w). ]R MJM, L H.ons N«I ~ 2. T_ _ )enos (Xow~ 3. Rob )enos (Suz~" .....l... (Iion~ s..... Hus .... (Suz~ SR MJM, 1. John Thom_ (lion); 2. J"'"'" Hony (Xow~ 3. Ja!KJll'l JOM'S(Yam) ; 4. Riclurd Gilbert (Su z) ; S. Brya n V.. ughn ~ 125 A; 1. ShanrTC"ITlplnon (lion). 125 C: 1. John W.ard. (Suz); 2. XC'lly Floyd (Hon); 3. JACkie Doyle (K,aw ); 4. M.rk Muncy (Sw:) ; 5. David Ow~ (Yam). 125 D: 1. Eric ~ (Hon); 2. TC'd Osbortw (Han); 3. Ridwd Stacy (Xaw); 4. D- rri n IWd (KMw); 5. JC'I)' B1.ank.enship(yam). 250 A: 1. SNne Tem pleton (Hon). 250 B: 1. Ch ris Shortrld~ (Hon ); 2. Jeff loIfWur (Hon); 3SIne M..... (leaw); 4. GIm ChaM (X.aiw). 250 C: 1. Robm Dale Wood y (Suz); 2. Willwm CMwv..ugh (Hon); 3. ..... Rrnho (lion); " Morty Ilillm.n (Y~); S. TImothy NC'Wton (yillm). Z50 D: 1. f.r'nnt Blankenship (](aw); 2. Keith Glltland (Hon); 3. GC'ffrey Lawton (Hon ); 4. Cha rles Bentl ey Jr. (; 5. Grq Bumgarner (Kaw). U/L: 1. Ja y Hayn ( Ho n); 2. J~ff La flr-ur (Ho n) ; 3. Mark Mun<)' (Suz~' . John Wanl (Suz ); S. Floyd (Hon). 25+ A: 1. Krny Jones (Suz); 2. Ron Jones (Hon) ; 3. Jay HoIyn (Hon) ; 4. Larry H.arri!lon (Suz) . 25+ B: 1. Chris Shortridge (Hon ); 2. Steve MAson (; 3. Sam King (lion). 2S+ C: 1. wun.m Cusavaugh (H on); :z. Robm Dale Woody (Su z ); 3. Marty Hillman (Ya m ); 4. Tommy Gourley (yam); 5. "'"y Albert McCoy scored a moto win in the 250cc 0 class at Hidden Acres MX. Eri k Vallejo (47) leads Chris Wheeler (58) and Billy Akers (144) at Lake Whitney. Tlmothy N-ton (Y&m). . 30+ A: 1. Krrry Jonrs (Suz); 2. r un Jennings (Xaw ); 3. 1MTy H.n;,.., (Suz~ JO+.. 1. Ke;" (Suz). 30+ C; I. John SlWnpock(Hon); 2. IUymond SIal< (Suz~ 3. Go.,. D.tvid Johnson (Hon); 4. Joh n 8f'Own (Hon ); 5. DavKl BuflWtw (Iion~ .Coy hammers Hidden Acres MX By Barba ra Will iams Photo by Loran Will iams KINGSPORT. IN. JUNE 27 Jutting Coy proved to himself and the rest of his competitors thai he is fully recovered from two broken wrists that he suffered earlier in the year by winning the 250cc C class at round six of the Tra nslate Series at Hidden Acres . "They feel grea t," Coy said of the wrists. "They're not bothering me at all today," Coy nai led the holeshot in both motos on his Suzuki RM250, a nd in spite of the chall en ges tu rned in by Freeb ie Laws and Raymond Terry, h eld on to w in both molos . Law s en ded up secu rin g second overall by pos ting 3-2 mo to finishes, whil e Terry settled for third via a 2-3 tally. Danny Lain and Cleats Greece rounded out the top five. The 125cc class wasn't as kind 1 Coy. Whi le 0 ru ~mi n g a mong the lea d ers in th e fi rs~ moto, Coy slid out and his bike wa s run over , res ulting in a b roken throttle. This left Coy sideli ned for the res t of the mot o. He came back to finish third in the seco nd mo ta. Suzuki RMI25 rid er Brian Terry reco rd ed the over all victo ry by handedly winning both motos. Wesley Coy finished second overall and Randa ll Rowe th ir d . Jackie Doy le an d Craig Butterbaugh finished fourth and fifth , respectively. Albert Coy, the uncle o f Ju tting and We s Coy. tr aded molos with Charles Bentley Jr. in the 250cc D class but came out on the short end of the slick, by losing the tie-brea king seco nd mo to to Bentley. Bentley ended up as the overall class w inner o ve r Albert Coy , wh ile Bo bb y Rus.o;e1I, Earnest Blankenship and Darren Laws rounded ou t the top five. Res ul ts 50: 1. o.w Robms (Ya rnt 2. ~ FiPlds (Yam). 60: 1. am. HNth (K,Aw); 2. }oahu.a H.iynes (X,Iw l; 3. Jacob Saylor (X.awl; 4. AII&n StridrJrr()::oJw); S. Man 8In'ms (Kaw). 80 BEG: 1. Kelly T.. ylor ( 2. Eur Roser 3. GonIon _ (lion); 4. av;, (Suz); S. .... Hush's (Suz~ SR MIM: 1. Ada m Vaughn (XAiw); 2. J-xt Ftnlry (Suz ); 3- He." ex... ); Brian H ....... (Iion~ 4.1d/ 1ld(lion). 125k I. No""" ......,. (Suz ~ 125 B; 1. TySer Cur (lion); 2. LrsliC'8dchrr (Su.z) ; 3. o.vid C....... 125 C: I. Brian Teny (Suz); 2. Wes5eyCay (Yam); 3. IW\dall Rowe (Sw:); 4. j.clde Doyle (X,Iw); 5. Butzbaugh (y.un). 125 D: 1. Ke1 8&rmt (Suz); 2. ~ TaykJor (Suz) ; 3. Marlr. th Vandyke (Suz); 4. o.rrifl Rftd (Kaw);5. Anthony Aumn (Hon ). 2SO k I . No"""......,. (Suz ~ 250 B; 1. Chris Shortridg... (Hon ); Z. Je fl 1.Al1 eur (Ho n ); 3. o.vid Culton Olon); 4. o.nny Uin (Han); 5. Oeats Gmn (Hon). 250 D: 1. Chull"! Bt-ntlry Jr. (Ka w ); 2. A lbert Coy (Yam) ; 3. Dobby RUNd1 CH ); 4. Ernest Blankenshi p (; S. D.uren Laws on (Ya m ). OPEN AMI' 1. Tony Smith (Hon); 2. David farris (KTM); 3. ~ c:n-(Hon~ U/ L: 1. Jay Hayes (Hon) ; 2. Tony Smith (Hon ); 3. Tyler Carr (Hon ); 4. Sh4ne C illitlp ie (Ka w ); 5. Johnny R. sar (Suz). ENDR/NON.aJR: 1. IU.ndy f arri s (KTM) ; 2. Jory SouthoJrd (Ho n) ; 3. Jrff Wan?n (Suz); t. Michael LoJu th (KIM); S. Tony Red dda (Xow~ 25+ A: 1. Jay Ihyn (Hon); 2. Gilbert J ohnson (Han); 3. Larry IWrioon (Suz) . 2S+ B: I . Chris Shortridgte (Hon) ;2. Stevr MaMJn (Kaw ). 2S+C: 1. Don Vm.tbiC'(Han); 2. Cluts ~ (Hon); 3. Jamn ~ (Hon ); 4. Ra ndy B~l"I' (y&m). 30+ k I. La ft"}' Ham.on (Suz~ 30.- 8: 1. Rona ld Ne hon (Hon); 2.JoI'vtny R.uar (Suz) . 30+ C: 1. D.n:t Zoort (y ..m); 2. SIn-C' Bolling (y&m); 3- nm ....nrod. ("""~" Laft"}' Trimnal (Suz~ 5. 0..... Johman (Iion~ 3S+ k I.!.any"""- (Suz) . 3S+ .. I. .....Id N

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