Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 07 28

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eEVENTS ~ r • .' Jeff Glass (51) pu lled the holeshot in th e firs t 250cc A class moto du ring the Volun teer State MX Cha mpi onshi p at Muddy Creek Racewa y, but Mike Brown (54) was the overall winner in both the 125 and 250cc divisions. piece of wood in the hole, then melted a nylon rope and goo ped it in there and duct ta pe d over th e to p. Th e melt ed nylon rope makes good goopy stuff - it saved my bacon," said Bottum. For those who cou ld hang around a fte r Saturday' s fin is h, there w as a ca tered barbecu e wi th chic ken, tri-tip an d beans, hours of bench racing. and a sho wing of " On An y Sund ay" on th e only big screen television an yon e had ever seen in a wilde rness campground. Despite the fest iv it ie s; th ere we re so me early n ights; 150 miles of riding had taken their toll and the promise of 140 more the following d ay d id the rest. Some of the riders we re also planning a crack-of-da wn s tart. "I left at 6:30 th is morning to avo id the dust, plus I like to ride in the morning whe n i t's s till coo l," sa id Ma rk Dunn, wh o completed Sunday' s circuit at 11.30 a.m, "A lot of p eople could n ' t m ake it becau se it was too soon after the July 4 weekend, but I'm going to keep the roll chart and try to ge t so me guys up here to play:' said Dunn, who almost didn't make it himself after he holed his side ca se . before noon on Sa turda y. Help from Suzu ki's support personnel, who were at the lunch s top bo th days, p u t Dunn and many others back on the trail. A Ho nda support tru ck and personn el provide d similar help at the start/finish line, as well. Day tw o's ride held as man y cha llenges as d a y one's. A sa nd y up hill caused problems in one of the difficult se ctions and BMW RIOOGS pil ot Don Kassner op ted out of the difficult sections because of the downhills. "I rode one difficult section yes terday and it wore me out because the bike is so heavy. I decided that if the difficult sec tions were go ing to be like that, I wasn' t going to last the day so I stuck to the easy stuff," said Kassner, who has racked up 13,000 miles riding his 1992 Beemer to, from and during d ual-sport events. . Veteran d ual sporter Jesse Goldberg gave both da ys a big thumbs up. . "I wo uld rate it a 10 on a scale of one to 10," said the Honda XR600R rider. And the younger set had a grea t time, too. Six-year-old Joshua William s, w ho co-piloted a Yamaha XT500 w ith h is father Rick Williams, found the cow trails and trees a far-cry from the duo's normal two-up rides at EI Mirage Dry Lake, bu t admitted he "liked the skinny roads." Doug Mcintyre, who teamed up on a H ond a XR250L, ha d to alter his riding sty le to suit his eigh t-year-old passenger, d au ghter Nicolette. "We did one hard way - the first one on Saturday, but it was a bit too hard for both o f us and she le t me kn ow she didn't ca re for th at ," said Mcin tyre. "And we came down th e pa vement a t the end of (Sund ay) because s he was getting tired." Ever y rider who finis hed had high praise for the route, the scenery and the accu racy of the Team Dual Dogs 's roll cha rt. The only thing they had a problem w ith was deciding which day they liked best. i:N AMA Southeastern Regional MX Championship Mega Series Team Green invades Muddy CreekMX By Ba rb a ra Williams Photo by Loren Williams BWUNTVILLE, 1N,)ULY 10-11 onda-mounted Mike Brown rained on Kawasaki's pa rad e at the 9th Annua l Kawasaki /Piz za Plus/ WQUT FM 101.5 Volunteer Stat e MX Champ ionship at Mudd y C r ee k Raceway, w inning both the 125 a nd 250cc A classes. Over 550 racers from 19 states braved scorching heat and smothering humidity to take their shots at the gua ranteed $5000 Pro-class purse, ama teur trophies, and sponsor awards from Scott, Motu l, Oury, Hammerhead Graphics, Race Tech, Sam Thomas Racing, Phillips 66 and Gear Racewear. Just to make things in te resting, Victory Sports promo ter Sam Ga m mo n ele cted to run the 1.3mile circu it backwards. Bro wn, the ack nowledged king of Mud dy Creek, put together 2-1 finishes in both classes to contin u e h is reign, pocketing $800 in purse money and $600 in Honda factory bu cks. Team Green's Jim Neese had only one mishap - a crash - in an oth erwise strong showing. win ning two of the four motes. Otherwise, H Neese had a good da y, notching a runner-up fmish to Brown in the 250cc class and a third overall in the 125cc division, and nett in g $720 in cash plus $350 in Kawasaki contingencies. Neese' s performance was all the more impressive considering he spent a few days in the hospital wi th strep throa t the p r ev iou s week. Cli n t La tha m ca rne from Austin , Texas to produce a good debu t run a t Brown in 125cc A, taking over for the downed N~ and hounding Brown for the entire firs t moto, The Team Green rider's second-outing sixth was good for fourth overall, matching his result in the 250cc A class. Th ree- time 125cc Nationa l MX Champion Mark Barnett a nd fo rmer Yamaha factory star Keith Bowen blew in to town to s ho w th e kid s that you n ev er really o u tg r o w mo toc ross . In 250cc A, Bowen bla sted to thir d overall , whi le Barnett w rapped up the fifth spot. In moto o ne of the 25+ A class. . Pennsylvania 's Jeff Glass pushed the Surf Honda out fron t, alo ng with Ron Jones. But during the first lap, Barnett, Bowen and Alan Andreu ganged up on Glass and Jones, dropping them unceremoniously to fourth and fifth , respectively. Jones also passed Glass and on the next lap, and in an attempt to regain th e position, Glass slid out in an offcamber tum. Whil e Bowen powered to the win, followed by Barnett, Andreu and Jones, Glass climbed back up from 10th to finish sixth . Michiga n's Kreg Bigelow claimed the seco nd -moto holeshot but, like Gla ss, was overtaken by Andreu and Bowen. Soon Bigelow was busy fighting off Jay Hayes and Tim Doh m, while And rew and Bowen steamed awa y to first and second, respect ively. Bigel ow, Hayes an d Dohm filled out the top five. Barnett and Jones had tangled on the start and were not a threat to the leaders. £N Results SO STK: 1. J. Chase Rob e rts (Yam); 2. Jeffrey A. Fie lds (Yam ); 3.Allen T u ttle (Ya m) ; 4. Adam Bake r (Yam); S.Michael Ridge (Yam). 50 MO O: 1. Jeffrey A. Fields (Yam); 2. Matt Miller (Hon ); 3. Adam Baker (Yam); 4. Michael Ridge (Yam). 65: 1. Aaron Lindsey (Kaw); 2. Jeff Gibson (!

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