Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 06 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• • :C'I:~I . • • • • • • • • • • • .'0CiiUSS ••• • • IIIUlll11 _ ... _ Americans SUinlon, Bradshaw, .nd KiodIowsloi bring _ .USA " V nt. _ m_. "'" "'"9< ooId deep sand oflht clrait 00"""" • _. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (1141)'11 USGPofMl _ _ Complolo _ of ... '91 Glen Holen usa P as Bayle, Jen Ward. and lhe lop American staB put on • great show on I demanding """'" . . . lht Eimlo " ... IinaI round of the series. 60 mioole$ lrom Order from the greatest selection of motorcycle video tapes available FREE SHIPPINGI -- tt-. AMA Motorcycle Heritage Museum in oI&9JS1111O n ~ 0fI0. 80 _ FItUous rIOI'lg (t1....)5Il v_ of 00yI0n0 ""'.ooc ........... _ on_ ..... IggllSOll ~ of 8b W .... Soo lho " IN' _. & _ ... IOggost . , SIrooI' 80Hol1rt .... ""'" pllldlad by-"""'~Qos91. ("5l11)'I2_Ml_ 48_"""'_VdlIo. (115'B)'I2 _ _ M l _ 48_"""'_VdlIo. t::J~ (.,548)·I2_Ml_ 48_"""'_Vldoo. (11558) '12 _ I I X - " " '8_"""'_VdlIo. =by ';'1' s;;.1i:" Wolh ... Roll" boduiop. "OoI111X NolI_ 48milwlos"""'_VdlIo. • ROAD IlACIIIG (11568) '12 Troy I I X _ la ....... """,_Vldoo. (',518)'I2_Ml_, 48_"""'_Vldoo. ("808) '12 - . CIwoIl M l _ 48rrinules"""'_VdlIo. (1112) 1110 _ Nol'lIlX _ _ Aaci'lg Iiitighls lrom ... 1990 ...... ""'" al13 0Uib:lr heX NdcI'IIIs on hi AMA cit- cUL9O_m_Vldoo. (111211)'11_"" I I X - ._ _ _lIX _ .. ~ollo... Ihe 13 SlOps on the 1991 AM... ....""""" """Guy~"""'p1a1o 250ct and SOOcc adian loIow ht~ """'-- 01 J.... Bayle over SI.nton. Ward. and _ ......... 2hoon(2-tII>eJ*Dgo) II182Cl '12 AU ••., Ml - . _ the dl*iIive YidIo ,.... aI .. 19!12 NAIl Na_ 125, 2SIl & 500 _ _ Sones. NanolOd by laITy IIaiors; 90 ........ ""'" _Viloo. (112) Dirt DrriII Roger DeCosilr dissects some of . . fiX ballles·Allon '90 ./Cooper 'IS. ~ Budd"s Creek '90 wlStanion 'IS. Ward; MI. Manis '91 -'SIarion VI 8radshn; Millville '91 _ Ba,I.; '92 _'Bradshaw VI._ _ ¥s. Enig. W~ 'HOI Sh>ls' """'"' on -.;quos lor...,., passing and some speclaCijI.r crashes. NarrallOfl by VdlIo. Maiers; 60 mfnulellrom LarTy _ • SlI'EIICIIOSS ••• (1325) ~ lor lho Gold the SIOry ollhe 1990 ~ series; racing IuU throttle. criss-etOS:llOg the USA Jet! Stonton. J. M. Boylo. Jolt Wold and ....... maIte 18 SlOpS on !he lOUt tor the Supel'CltlSl ••• (mA) 1181. GP Coml>IIoIIon Arwiew of h '89 Alii GP Aoed Raci'lg sea· son worldwide, as La.son leads (,lIow Americlns Rainey and Schwantz 10 SW'MJl 13 US .... in 15 f'lUlds. From Powerspotts Vldoo. (4788) RoInoy Doyo: 1110 GP_ ~_ W.yM ~" maroIllo Ihe 1iIIo. Irom Suzuka to Phillip Island in thiI 105minute bfoctbusler 01 In annual review. Probably the best Db GP Review evert From Mc*MdIo. =t:,=....v.o:-~o.z. his 2 n d _ WOlId Chom~. ~~W:-",· w_ (mD)'III2GP _ Roinoy _ ... &rsI _ sinco KIMy Roberti 10 win a U'Iird-<:onslCUM 500Ct GP WOfld Championship as he 1UUmI. the tilII Oil 'KIna Wayne' In this l1Mew of .. 1992 SOOCC GP Senes. 3 hoLn lrom IllU VdlIo USA. (",A) '10 Loguno Soco US Grond Prl. Rai'wy ani SchwarU race dear of a aashlilIed lietd lealuring Lawson, Mamol., _ . Oil ond Mogoo. 25Ilcc aclon also _52_"""'GPVdlIo. 1'" a) '11 ~ _ us Grond PIts blll.renl from the NBClESPN broadcasts, this video Includes complele covtrage & oommon~'Y 0/ 500 & 2SIl _ -... 100. 52 mn.rtes trorn GP Video. (19) u.s. Grond PIts 11188 ~eaJ Grand Prix road racing lor the World CIlompionshIp IIISl - "Jinsny _ ..boll!'" Steady Eddie Uwson . Fosl besl al uguna Seta. From Powel1ports 1iIIe.45_lromMo_. Vodeo. 1t325A) Right 10 lho FInIot1 the review 01 the 1991 AMA Camel (141)" ExpefIenC'e SupecIng. n • W1ilo UgillrIirg bIi1gs """'" '"'" _ •• hisloIy-maldnollr\llo ond • ...,. /\Ing new oulright lap record. lOS minutes ~, 01 lop ond ~ fIIt:lI..DA I holt ond bosloclon onlllSloll _ _ " " " .. IengIh video rt¥iew of TT't2. 115 rrWlul8s lrom IllU _ USA. (171) AoInoy'> V.· Tho _ II1t7)"1IlIIrgIo'." __ The SOUl Anntversary Blaci Hin, t.lotor Cla* _ _ 300.000 _110m .. 50 states & 38 kwetgn CtXIntnes. This 1& lhe ~ VdlIo" 01 ilo Roll ond ""'" I .... 75 minutes Pocatello Media Gl1Jo.l>, 110m . 'Qos91. (115381'12111. _ M l _ 48_"""'_VdlIo. II17IAI ..... W . . Thomost _ _ 01...,..., ""'" IllU Vldoo USA. (tI4C) 11112 . . of I&In n t~ _ Slory CIw1'I'on W_ RoolOy ...... ::"~912~'= losIing Io..,.;ng ld Ns _ _ ~ art. "" InII race. lhis video tJW:II IYl!Il'Y ~1':~ IN'. 75 ...... lnlm (1103) _ _ - ~ ~ Copllns Sdlwontz'. """ - . . -.g 10 his . - on ... GP dn:uIl " '88 IIvu ... 1989 s.ason. His I.gendary win. al IlonrgIon POll< ..... _ "oddlion b III tllCIusivI inIIMIw on iii _ 80 mn. uNomHoimor. ('1:17) 199t 00yI0n0 200 Enfo'I I race !hit lived up to Ita billing and PcIng hisloIy. 80 _ l r o m _ 1t137A)11ll12 DoylOftO 200 ~r;oy ;" dnltno .. SCoIl _ IIISl Doug Polen duel 10 I pholo-Ilnlsh In one 01 lhe masl udting Ooylonll _ _ " hisloIy. 00 miooleS 'rom MotovIdeo. (M03A) 1991 World SlIol USA Doug Poten and Scon Russell eslablished ollhe BcIng _ of the Hartey· _ Toa. -'OO I _ I Cnoh ond aum m the Itiitd In the aeries from Motovideo, leahl'ilg 30 - . . . 0 1 _ lrom SupemoIs. Enduro, and Motocross. ('147) MudW... One big video wllh highlights 01 the Blackwater 100 ClassIc featurin~ endles. crashes, mud balht, drown-oots, 1oop-OU1S, .ndos, and a casl of thousancIs • the Mud Floasl80 _ ""'" _ . II17&) Cnoh Impoct Oi...I", and mayhom Irom • "ri.1y 01 _ i'cllding _ _ MX. supor. ""'" NASCAA. l1'cIng-. II video by Keith n. _ _ ... of the California SupoIt;IoI Sd100l eoa. ••• \':t~~ract bcx* ill) 1( IIdionI b mike you visuIize wf1h Cry5taJ-dear IondtrstancIng the art of features Mike Hallwood on Iht 250 Honda and Iht Manx HOllon. ond IQOi'l " ... 1963 Sri>< "juld 5IlOh .-cydo.3O """'_ (1141) 11147 _a _ MoIOvldoo. (M2)C _ Join Telm Obsolete's bave Roper as they provide a ride(s-eye view of . their 1962 G5I! during ~. ~ Grord Prix.llII.'1d ... lsloolMonn<:in:lil3O .... uNo lrom IllU VdlIo USA. _toso Crosby.~. ond .... 1lIl ....... IIom_Vldoo ClIIroplonIIlip C1llssit:_ ........... b1g~ond ~~:hi~rm~r'mrn:~ee::o~ BK~ MIltIoIlingGl1Jo.l>. (1142)11147 HopoIown 500= _ _ the 2nd international MX held In Itle U.S. T1wl filSI .tail 10 ... U.S. by mony 0I1he lop EUfOIlOlII1S including T"""" Holimon. eMel1, Joel Robert, and Aooer DtCoIler, also Amoricons iIoI Eddie MI.ldor and Goty Corvld. Includes Udehaci racing. 45 m ules by Bruc. Brown Films, from KWB MIltIoIlingGl1Jo.l>. (1143) 1917 Hopelown 250cc Motocfoa 250CC Hopelawn acllon from 1967, also includes 'powder pulr women's eV$rl1. 25 minutes by Bruce Brown Films, from KW8 Ma!1I4>. Ill") 111881ll1jo 1000 Tho 2nd tuMng 01 ... now .....'Y Bijo technique. 107 minutes lrom (1111) "Tho _ VIdoo" FolloW "Tho Qidoon" Jo!I-' .. '" """""""'-9l NsI.lliqlto ..... 01 rIclngond t>cIng how you "'" ImprowI _ biIto liondilg_80_oI_lrom _':fi2 incIudinl! J.N. Aoborts. Goty Conrod. Oick ever sel b roosic an vtdeocassette. Greal entertainment lor III agesl From MoIovideo, 35n1ru1es. tno how 10 IMm.· 23 ITItnutel from Race lrom-. • VllTAGE IlleS lrom RAZ Vldoo. ovet-a.-edglI mishaps ,*,-.70_"""'_. -. ....... 2 _ t>cIng _llIl _ ...... .... 01'" lIojoM llosol1. Feobslng 800 'The Mt.wIc VldIoI" AlI'lIW MX aash &tun -go ... - . most 0UIlaQ00US Ili:t_..-._howlo~ "'''''''ofllXNswoy.m _ _ rolion 10 ~ Iroining ond ricIrtg _ · ~ WOOd meet In Tucsoo. Arizma meec lD race lor ... I.C.E. We • CRASHES ond Bum I • • • (166) _ _ Cnoh II1DOl RIdl_', _ _" • IIIIT TJW:I( ••• 1t5') ... , _... _ _ 10 ... "",," _ _ hoIlliI _ 110 _ "1oIidllgM. youl _ wlIh lho chomp on 10 Ns IIlnt _ ... ond got 10 Itnow _ lta)Cosllol--, 01-.,.:10_ lhii 3-IapeIvobne coIedor's set __ ile _ ~ oI.-cydo rodno lrom ill _ _ " Eu!opo 10 Iodoy; V'ollono 1: How nAl_& ... n: Vollono2:_01 lhe Grand Prix & Th. Japanese Arrival: V""",, 3: T1wl Olhor Qlompiono & _ . Moooy ond lho _10 Wn; 1oloI192 mi> _lrom IllU Vldoo USA. • EJIIIUIIO - (177) t . _ Tho 84'" _ ••• &Io , ......... "rad'. Soo II ... Iiitighls """''''W'J'l'ldond'''~ ........ i'ltis b.9lISI race of III S) ri'aIles.. From -- ""*'.- 111'0),110_,00 Tho _ "l!lodtwld&·ThoViloo".80mi> utes orthe 1990 World's Toughest Race; """'_. (1110A)lGG1_too ~rtlm Davis, WlI, II's America's Toughest _ . " ' _ ' 1 1 0 - ' For'" second 'fI8l' In a row MokJvidllo IIkas you to P_ (t177)Tho_1 . Tho..- ... dongoIousl nyou don' Itnow what you're up against, you're In trouble. "Tho RIdor """" you how 10 bo . . . on Ihe ' - 4 0 _ " " ' " JR (1178) _ _1 Doug Polen, Jamie James, Scott Russell, DonIId Jacks If1CI 0IhIr ~ ..., show you how 10 got 011'" _ond'" cii> 11lOd. llIC:i'lg;_you_.whoIlo_how get ImItIIur IMI. 60 I1Wl- to started II 1M! ....."""'JRP_ • DltA& IIA£IIG fl124)Tho _ _ ••• _-DoiidIon d duced by Panacom, from Progrtulvt Oosql. fl121) Orog 8101 _ _ ~vwryIt'q you I¥If WInI8d b know about .-cydo dcIng wilh ~ by Pro SIod< _ 8O_m _ _ _OO a - e- - . • .-s ••• = _......_"..._.rriy...... t 4l HorIoy-." II1lol9> ... ::-Wi:.1hs ""'*'J "" 01 ""*'VdO hisloIy AI posI <:onllry • indudlng "'ry\t"Ing obouIlht Io9IIISl of Hariey·Olvidson. Join Hoyt Axton & rune nzod 1Hl_. 73_"""'_. (1138) Eosy_ ... tlliI .... _ ... youth . . 01 longings 01 __ _ ond ... 1980'. John Bradley Entel1ainmenl. 78 nMutl6 a I about your lavorit. "Bad Boy: From you got,· he sneer, IS 8n angry yOtlng Marlon Brando scorches the SCf8In In this powerful '50s cu~ dassic. 79 minutes lrom PIoglesolYo DosIgn. ~~~&ATVspol> (11'08)'1112_'110 80""""""'_. .~ & TEClliIICAL ')RIdl_P!o\lloof.~ ~ MokMdeo. ,.13) RIdtng Motocroa· Gkww stylet $ix·tIme NationoIlIX Champ"'" you 10 his sectel tracks and shows you how to mater Ihe 011. 80 _ ""'" _ . ..... E _ ""'" VW VOI1S 10 _ _ 1t54)V-Twin _ des. Ford 8ronCos 10 _ buggios dri"'" by _ ""'" Indy 500 10 movte slari. (,aturing Pamellil Jones, ftow 10 IoIop !"'" E _ Halloy hlnllring IIISl toomg Ii

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