Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 05 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• • • • • • C'C~I '" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MOTOCIlOSS ••• (lI65Alll111 _ _ des - . . Am.nuns 51.ntol'l, B"'dshaw, and __ Order from the greatest seJection of motorcycle video tapes available FREE SHIPPING! ... AMA _lOyde Hen10ge _ ~ Augo.oI IllIO ~ C. "">b_,*_~~""" ..... with .. cI10mp route 10 '"' Iinf and know . . ~blir One from , ""'" ,Oesigl. ~ (f15G8)'12_IlX_ 48 ........ hom _ _ Vidoo. (II518)'82_IlX_ 48 ...... """' . 1::.:J::t:.= 11 (11548) 'i2 B _ I I X _ 48"""""'" _ _ VIdoo. ""*""'..- (143) TT T_ Feab.ring 5lXl Hondo" _Haitwood on Iha .. Mike I'll Bike _ wiIh G-.o Aaostiri on the fIN in the t067 Isle ol Man 11' - Cassie racing al Itl best 89 mlnulal hom Powelspor1s VIdoo. Yellowslone MtionaI pafb. n minute, by PQClI,II0 Medit Group, I,om Progressivt DesIgn. ('IS8B) '12 ~ I I X _ 48_""'" _ _ VIdoo. • ROAD RA£IIG (11518) '82 Del.... IlX _ _ 08 ...... hom _ _ Vidoo. 13 US wins ~ '5 - . From _ _ VIdoo. (mA) , . _ ReciIg~hom"'IlllO_""'" ""80_ hom _ _ Vidoo. al13 cddoor WX NaIionaIs on til NAA ci'- (1112B)1'_NIIl 1lX _ _ F:o&Iow l X _ ..... _ _ _ 1 the 13 Slops on the '901 AM" e- "".. willi Guy 11 pIoIo cloonmlce 2SOa: ond _ _ .,.,. . .. . honols; 01 J.M. Bayt. over Sianton. Ward. and _ . Appoo. 2 """ hom _ _ Vidoo. (2-Iope '**"") (I112Cl '82 _ _ IlX _ _ llw dIir6't wIIo nMew of .. 1992 NM _ 125. 250 & 5lXl ......... Serieo. _by _ _ VIdoo. Lany_,80_""'" (112) OIrUI.... Aogor DeCooIor _ ..... "' .. _ "I MX baWes·Axton '10 .!Cooper n. 1GIdrowsIli; Btars Cnlek '90 wt'StIrWJn 'IS. Wan!; ML _ 1 1 _ , , _ t.Mvllle '91 w/Bradshaw VI. S.ylt; WosIlougol 'll2 wIS_ VI. Emig. AddiIloneI 'HoI SMtl' _on ~ ""_ passing and lome ~cular crashes. _ by Lany MaioertIllIS Serieo: .... ing ~ throute, c:riss-aoWlg !he USA Jeff StanIon, J. M. ~. Jell Word .nd ... IllSI maIertIllIS title. 45 minutes rrom Motovideo. 11325A) flight to ... FlnI.. the review 01 Ihe 1991 AM" Camel SupoItroos _ ... CooIIlJghI ~ IS _"Iojl""", chase ... ~aI1lUnd'"""",try. 75 _Irom • T1IUIlING& ROADIlIIIIfCG ••• ('10) lRlAMAHetbgtHomacomlng Captures . . ._ "'''' . '" opIIW'Ig W_ ---"""'-'" hoi 2nd coo-..1MI Wotld ~. _Iislory '" . ""'" lis _ _ ~ Europe 10 lodIy;"'10km0 I: 75D0c_....._ ... 'IlllO_ "' .' -.-.y_.. . . rIview oIIefI the rnosa ~ arm _looI """" 10 _ I g e '" . . vigonluo _ ..". _lllU'4 From IOl'I DuaIli Ieed liIft:e_.~_ _IS: .. U.S: FI~ng Freel ....11lel Franco'. Raymond Rocho. Britain·. Rob UCEinu, llaiy's GJancarlo FaJ&ppa and Australia'i RoO PhHUI. eo minutes from _ _ VIdoo. lop a.i. 105 mi'UlllIDm GP VdIo. (1710) '9112 G P _ Weyro AoIney _ _ ..... rtdor .... I ""'"cOb "'" how 10 all .. _ ondlnlo """ IlII 1llOd· IOCirlg; what "'" need, what 10 .rtpICl, how to get staned Bllhlamaleuf level, 80 min- .... IromJR_ • DRAG RAClIIG ••• (1124) The A _ F_ tloo cloa.monlery _ . . """'" '" lIfO/esoiOllll HuleY'Oovl. (1126) o..g_ ......... EYefYII'ng "'" " " _ 10 know _ drog IOCirlg willi _ by Pro _ _ Sdo.IL n. 55 minut.. lrom liIlmal a...,a,1le'f 10""""""'-..., V"" . ==:::... • MIMES ••• t'lHolley- . -glrl> ....... .. pesl_"'Il1llIn:'I':il--, - '" an .nlire generalion. Two motorcyeltslS (Pe'" Fonda and Dennio Hopperl_ on a coasHo-eoUl odysstyill8an:h of the lUI America. 94 minutes frorp Prograulvt Oesogn. ('13l11 Tha WIld 0... WhIt, JaIlmy.-..g ogalr'ol? 'What...". YO~!018:"~~S~~~ ... !!.'.O 'Yn Yln°~~g Ma,,,,,, '....... --......- 8n -- .. ullS ~rtul_ '50s cu~ classic. 79 minutes from Pt'Ogr9SSiWI DesIgn. (1140) On Any Sundey IlNce Brown', - 1 971 film which coo- :",=,~~~'fo:r.; ... __lJeset1_Io"'~, lSOT 10 the Widowm.ker Hiticllmb: lh. _ Grand PTDt-90 minutes from KWB MalbIrQ Group. SoIl_Io" _ rQnk;FDnD(~OO-~-~~)-----------o;.--------~p~----------~;--~~--------~~----------~~i--~.--------~~----------~~-l I Name ' Address _ SlatB_Zip City _ PhoneL-) OCI:I 0 _ Order Date _ Card' _ SignallJre Exp. Date _ _ $end Check or Money Order payable to: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS P.O. Box 498, Long Beacl1, CA 90801-ll498 (Allow U weeks delivery) Prices subjecfto change • please use cul78l1t order blank All of these VHS tapes are available free of shipping and handling charges, from CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS Mail to: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 908OHl498 or call (310) 427"!433 during business hours Please rush the following tapes: Qty. Description Amount _lIS castrol HistOlY of MlC Racing 0 80.00 _119 U.S. RR Grand Prix'88 it 33.95 _'10'90 /lMA Heritage Homecoming it 39.95__ _"1 Rick Johnson ProfileO 39.95 _112 Dirt Devils 0 33.95 _'13 MX Glover Style 0 29.95 L. _'14 Harley Davidson: The Am. MC 034.95__ _'15 Mike Hailwood - Champion 0 3'4.95 _'16 Kenny Roberts· Champion 0 34.95 _120 Golden Mountain 032.95 _'41 Bike Experience 0 34.95 ~142 Classic Racer Experience 0 29.95 _I43TTTribute 0 34.95 _I45B'92 US Speedway Nan C'Ship 0 29.95__ _151 Scott Parker· ~ 0 39.95 _'54 V-Twin Maintenance 0 34.95 _I65A '91 MX des NationsO 34.95 _166 MX Crash & Bum II 029.95 _166A Crash & Bum III 0 29_95 _176 Rainey's Year • Inside StOlY 0 34.95 _'77 '89lnl1 6-Day Enduro 0 34.95 _178A'89 8ike GP ~ 0 39.95 _'788'90 GP Review 0 43.95 _Hac '91 GP ReviewO 43.95 _1780 '92 GP Review" 49.95 _'81 A'90 Laguna seca USGP 0 33.95 _'81 8 '91 Laguna seca USGP 0 33.95 _1948 '91 Isle of Man .. 42.95 _194C '92 Isle of Man 0 42.95 _1195 '89 Paris·Dakar 0 34.95 _'100 Motovallon by Rick Johnson 0 29.95 _1101 Mental Edge 0 41.95 _1102A Spdwy Ice World C'ships '91 0 29.95__ _'103 Bike Hero· Kevin SChwantz 0 44.95 _ _ _.t06ASO Years of Daytona 0 22.95 __ _"08 ATwist of the Wrist 0 43.95 _'110'90 Blackwatet' 100 0 34.95 _.11OA '91 Blackwater 100 0 34.95 _',1OB '92 Blackwater 100 0 38.95 _"11 Malazattaclc/l'm No Chiclcen 0 34.95 _1114 SuperslarShowdown 0 44.95 _"15 Rendezvous at the Ring 0 44.95 _'116 Racing lnloHistory 0 44.95 _'117 "Sturgis 1991T 50th Ann. 0 44.95 _1117ASIIJr~ '91: Official Video 0 39.95 _'118A SlIJrgis'91: Dances wlMC 0 39.95 ~1124 The Awesome Factor 0 22.95 _1126 Drag Bike Extravaganza 0 34.95 _'130 It's a Triumph 0 49.95 _'137 '91 Daytona 200 0 39.95 _.137A '92 Daytona 200 0 39.95 _'138 Easy Rider 0 37.95 _'139 The Wild One 0 37.95 _'140 On Any Sunday 0 44.95 _'141 '07 Hare & Hound C'Ship 0 34.95 _"42 '67 Hopetown 500 MX 0 34.95 _.,43 '67 Hopetown 250 MX .. 34.95 _'144 '88 Baja 1000 0 34.95 _1145 '70 Ascot 1OO-lap T.T... 34.95 _1147 Mud Wars 0 29.95 _1148 '91 500 USGP MX 0 29.95 _'1508 '92 Gainesville MX Nat'ls 0 33.95 _ _ _'1518'92 Sacramento MX Natls 0 33.95 _ _ _"538 '92 Mt. Morris MX Naris 0 33.95 _.,548'92 Buchanan MX Nal'ls 0 33.95 _"558 '92 Southwick MX Nat'ls 0 33.95 _'1568 '92 Troy MX Naris 0 33.95 _"578 '92 Washougal MX Nal'Is 0 33.95 _'1588 '92 Binghamton MX Nat'ls 0 33.95 _11598 '92 Delmont MX Nat'ls 0 33.95 '92 Budcfs Creek MX Nat'ls 033.95 _1162 '90 /lMA Nan MX Season Rev. 0 34.95 _11628 '91 /lMA Natl MX Review 0 42.95 _1162C '92 /lMA Nan MX Review 0 34.95 _'176 Crash Impact 0 33.95 _'177 The Ridel 0 24.95 .178 Wanna Race? 0 29.95 'I79A Bike Wars 0 29.95 _.180.1 and Proud of Itl 0 39.95 _'325 Throt1te for the Gold 0 39.95 _.325A Aighttothe FlIlishO 39.95 _.403A '91 World Superbike-USA 0 39.95 .410 '90 World 51 8 Season Review 0 34.95 -SUbtotal CA Residents add 71'/10 sales Tax LA County add 8""~ sales Tax (Outside !he continental Un~ed Slates add $10.00 per llIpe additional shipping costs) _"608 r U.S, Shipping' HnIIIng F,. Tol8/ I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-~ 9

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