Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 05 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Meet Champion Motorcycling Stars on aFabulous Norwegian Cruise Line, 7 Mexican Riviera Cruise! -day Join Us On The First Annual AIl4 STAR CRUISE ... 0\ rl ~ ctl ::;E 0000 POON . 2lime Workl SoperBike Chanpion November 7.14, 1993 You've reocJ about them... You've seen them on television... Now rome and loin Doug Polen, ScoIt Parker & Filice Jim loraweek of ~n one! sun. Race nps one! toles, Performance Seminars, Great Prizes and much more. ~ iNS SkmJ~ wil sail rwxhip from los ~ visiting !he por1s 01 Cr1xl Satlocas, ~ axl PLn YQ\m. SCOTT PARKER 4lime Grorxl Noticml Chan~on AH4 --- Prices Starting at $699. 00 Foc ~, cd Ie MIA Pro TIM Desk at 1·800·AMA·DESK »Hm Post NM 250 t>btionaI dmpion STOP! SAVE IT with a sleeve from 11·800·262·3375) f you plan 10 be at Laguna Seca, April 12-14, be sure 10 slop by our HospiIaIity Center in the PaddocIc: area. ~'I Regisiy.!lbm. Pod be inI ~ E.m. DON'T TRASH THAT WORN CHROME PLATED CYLINDER L.A. SLEEVE CO. los Angeles Sleeve Co. has sleeves for most popular makes and models of motorcycles and ATV's. We also stock piston kits, rebuilt cylinders and Big Bore kits. For more information CALENDAR Calendar listings are a free service for Cycle News readers and race promoters. All information is the responsibility of the promoter. Calendar listings cannot be accepted over the phone; we must have a complete written Calendar listing on file. Use listing blank in this section. Listings must be received by Wednesday for publication in the following week's issue. We strongly suggest racers/spectators call the promoter/track to confirm details before traveling to the event. CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS * wertd C'silip Road Race 5erIes - ~ 5/16 6113 6n6 714 7118 8/1 8/15 915 !lI12 100 • TenlaliYe ........ CataIu1ya, Spain MugoIo, Italy 00ningI00, ~ Bmo, ClechosIoYaIda Misano~ ~Seca,CA:U yaIami. South AIrica Wortd C'ship Superbike Road Race 5erIes Albacete. Spain Estonl, Portugal Misano, ItaJy ZeItwog, Austria Bmo. CzschosIooIaIda Anderslorp, Sweden Johor. Malaysia Sugo.Japan Assen, HoIard Monza, Italy 5130 6/13 6/27 7111 7118 &'8 8122 8129 !lI12 9126 100 10124 ~al1<,~ . City, Mexico wartd C'sIIip 125ee 1Il5erles Gdynia. Poland 5/16 5123 &'8 6/13 6120 7/18 8/1 &'8 8129 BerPm. NeIher1;nIs HoIice. Czec:hooIoyaIda GeBIBtten, Gem1any IlofVo Mag.. San loIatiRo ~.Fr.n:8 An~ar: ~,AuslJaIa WOItd C'sIIIp 250cc III 5erIes lJMbus-Esch., Germany 5123 6/13 FoocliI Part<, 6120 6/27 Vernon Ib.ri, Ireland 7/11 Maracay. Venezuela 7/18 Budds c..eI<. Maryland. USA 8/1 Nykoping,&'8 V-.FinIand &lzuka, Japan 8122 Inlo 61~1·2425 l.olm1eI.= Wortd C'ship 500cc 1Il5erles ~Sweden 5/16 5123 &'8 6120 7/4 7/18 8/1 &'8 8122 8129 •FIlIand Faenza.1taJy Kaposvar, HlIlgary Argani, Portugal 1.fiI1, Natherlands Nomur, BelgIum FoIkendange.l.ux8nblurg Svarepec, Czec:hooIoyaIda Geneva. Switz8rIand IIoIocaDlS des NaIIoIIS SchwaI..- . _ 9112 Int8maIIonaI SIx Days Enduro 10111·18 ........ HoIand WOItd C'sIIIp EndIi 8IICI ..... Race contact: LOS ANGELES SLEEVE CO., INC. 8311 Chetle Ave., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90660 (310) 945-7578 0 ....... c.n Of wrlt. tOf your froo cololog end docU. FAX (310) 698-7029 5erIes 5/22-23 6/19-20 7~ 7/25 9118-19 10117 10124 La Habra Su.1d Presents: MEET TEAM SUZUKI D..... HufbIan • PIIII Lawrence· Brian Swink • Jeff Matluevlc:II BOB HANNAH LARRY HUFFMAN CalallI1Y8o Spain AndersIrop, ~1leI(pn SuzUca. Japan PaU AicaId. FIlII1CII Johor. Malaysia P!iIip Island. AuslJaIa WuItd C'sItIp Obsened Trials 5erIes . 5123 &30 &'8 Gelreen, Gennany Nepomuk, ClechosIoYaIda 6I'ZI ,1taJy CoIontier-Ie-Y1OUX, France 7/4 7/18 7/25 915 9/12 9126 S~PoIand V.Spain Sl Julian, Andorra Vantaa, Finland Kinna, Sweden Pateley Bridge. ~ Trial des NatIons 1012 Friday, May 14 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. 40 La Habra Suzuki 1200 W. Whittier Blvd., La Habra, CA 90631 For More Info: (310) 691·3273 Klbroney, Ireland 7fJ 7110 7/17·18 7/31 &'8 8/11 ...=IlM W>lHM ~MIlHM SynIcuso, NY 101 0Idahama City. OK HM Peoria. IL IT ~SOHM IVll I .INM Minera1weIIs, W>I HM IVl8 915 SprilgfieId, IL 101 !lI18 CaslIe Rock. WA IT 1012 Sacramento. CA 101 Pomona, CA HM 1019 Info 81~1·2425 AlIA 600 lat'l C'.shIp DIrt Track 5erIes 5/22 Castle Rock. WA IT Peoria, IL IT 6/13 7124 • Oxford, ME ST !lIl1 Belingham, WA ST "'10 611891-2425 AMA 883 Nat'l C'shlp DIrt Track 5erIes &'5 M~W>lHM Dallas, 1J( HM 6/19 IVl8 Urna.OHHM 7/3 Lake Odessa. loll HM 7/10 HagelHM .......... WlRR EIchart. WI RR 6rll 6/13 6n6 I..ilIa.OHHM 8/11 fIaIlid City. SO HM 1019 Ponoma. CA HM 10124 Daytona Beach, FL RR Info 6141891·2425 &'8 915 Info 61~1·2425 5/22 -,OHHM 5123 Springlield. OH HM 5129 SprilgfieId, IL 101 Yorl<.PAHM !i'J1 6/12 Dayton, OH HM 6125 0nviI1e. OH HM 7/4 FIlldericI<.MDHM 8127 GteenvilIe, OH HM 9117 CaslIe Rock. WA IT Info 61~1-2425 AlIA camel SUpeI CI DIS series 5/15 &'5 6/12 Ink> 61~1·2425 Pasadena, CA Son Jose, CA Las Vegas. NV AlIA IIat'I C'ship 1251250 III 5erIes &30 'M!. Morris, PA 6120 Saaamento. CA 7/4 Buchanan, loll 7111 New Belin. NY 7/25 Troy,OH 8/1 San Ilemanlino, CA Info 61~F2425 AlIA 125150D lat'l C'sIIIp III 5erIes &'8 8/15 8129 915 InIo 61~1-2425 W~WA ,w.! ~NY PA AlIA IIat'I C'shlp ..... Race5erles 8112-13 6/19-20 7117·18 7/31-&'1 8/7-3 8128-29 1012-3 Info 61~1·2425 EIkhat1 Lake, WI Loudon,NH Braselton. GA BralneIl1, MN Lexington. OH Sonoma,CA AlIanta. GA AMA Nat'l C'sbip Hare SCrambles series 7111 7/25 9112 10124 11/7 Info 6141891-2425 HooII 1JwreIviIe, OH &merAidge,W>I EIcI1s. W>I EIzabeIII. W>I lit. Morris, PA ri16 IiIll 6120 8129 !lI19 100 1lW17 1001 1nIo~11~ AlIA lat'l C'sIIIp IIIIcIInIll 5erIes 5/16 MIdcIelxry, IN &'8 Jet1encn. PA 8113 F18emansbIrg. PA 6120 Ava:a. NY 7/11 Logan, OH 8/1 JeIlefSon. PA !lI12 F-.nsbIrg. PA MIdcIelxry, tI 9119 JetleI 7/1().11 Wolford HIs.• CA 8/1-7 CadiIllac. loll 8/14-15 Yamhill,OR 9111-12 Land Between Lakes, KY Bedcshire, NY !lIlII-19 CclOOlllus, IN !ll25-26 1012-3 McMI>Jr.OH 1019-10 PIymoulh, MA 1019-10 10123-24 11126-28 LA. to Barstow to Las Vegas Info 61~1-2425 ~~ AlIA 50uIIIeastem RegIonal III C'sIIIp Mega 5erIes 5/16 5/22·23 &'8 8113 7/4 7/1().11 7/25 &'1 IVl2 9112 10123-24 Info 6151323-5497 Wytheville. VA IlIoLr1MIIe, TN Kingsport. TN BtountviIIe. TN Axton. VA 1lIoII1tvIe. TN Wy1l1eYIe. VA I..ondon. KY _.TN 8IoelI 6/12·13 lIN GL GI 7/17-18 NE Loudon. NH 712(,25 lIN GL AHRMA IleIoi1. IL 7131-&'1 B

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