Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 05 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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season. Faria held onto second, with third to a sullen Odom and fourth to a very popular Ermolenko. Results SCRA1CH MAW, I. Roben Pftt llnnl O_~3._0xI0y(W·~"8om_(CM). HDCP MAIN; T. 8~ Oxley (W.); 2. Mike F.uiol Donny Odom (W..~ .. 80m _ (GM); 5. ~ CWn); J. 5m; ...... Millu/Dole Lada; .. Slode/Dw.Y"" ""'&- Berry bangs out Bridgehampton Motocross win By Jim and Carolyn Simpson BRIDGEHAMPTON, NY, APR. 17 Brian Berry cruised 10 a first malo win, but had to bang through the pack in the second malo 10 claim the overall win in the 125cc Amateur class at Bridgehampton MX. At the drop of the gate in mota one, Berry jumped into the 'lead ahead 01 Eric Suartwood and Peter Mastranglo. Berry, backed by AXO, Manchester Honda, Color Crazy, Scott, Spectra and WD40, increased his lead as Thomas Honzik moved inlo second and Eddie Hololob moved up to chase in third. The mota ended with Berry cruising his Honda 10 the win over Honzik and Hololob. Kevin Nowak wasted no time and grabbed the lead at the start of mota two. Dennis Robinson and Greg Katz chased Nowak out of the woods. Berry recovering from a poor start and moved up 10 second place at the end of lap one only to fall in the pit tum and drop back. Robinson and Honzik chased after Nowak. but Nowak started 10 pull away and kept increasing his lead. Suartwood and Honzik made it a battle for third as they swapped places bad and forth. Nowa k took the molo w in while Robinson nailed second. Suartwood scored third. Berry moved bad up to fourth which gave him the overall win. Kawasaki-mounted Thomas Honzik led the 250cc Amateur pack through the woods with Danny O'Keefe and Eddie Hololob playing chase. Honzils and O'Keefe made up the lead pair as Donald Murphy moved up to pressure Hololob. Honzik pulled away in the lead as O'Keefe, Murphy and Hololob formed the trio battling for second. Murphy wicked up his Honda to chase down Honzik on the final lap. Honzik narrowly won the moto with Murphy in a close second and Hololob in third. Hololob powered his Suzuki into the lead at the start of mota two, but Honzik, O'Keefe and Louis Sherry passed him in the woods. Honzik stayed on the gas to pull away while O'Keefe, Sherry and Hololob battled behind the leader. With two moto wins, Honzik claimed the over~ all. O'Keefe claimed second and Hololob finished the molo in third. Retults S/SR: 1. Bud FM: (Hus); 2.. John Stnuth (Hon); 3.1beodor'e Squirn CHon); •• lohn Fenrntino CHon); S. Arthur Anderson (Han~ P!W: 1. Brian Murphy (Yam); 2. Joe Merrill (IC.Iw);3. Edward Coldsborouch (Yam); •. 5mwn Droskosld (Y~m); 5. Joe om (Han~ MINI 7·11: 1. Matt Dill (k&w); 2. Joey Merrill pc.w); 3. 8ri.Iln Murphy (Yam); 4. Ian ffVlCO (KJlw). MlNl U-l3: 1. Tony Pedorw: (Yam); 2. James Donnellan (ICaw~ MINI 14-15: 1. Mark Wenofske (Suz); 2. Rich Steck pc.w); 3MktIaeI Cl&Jl'IO (IC.Iw). J2S NOV A: 1. Joe Fannd (Kllw); 2. BNn Caaey (Yam); 3. _ MaIIpn (l<.>w~ .. Brian ....... (Hant s. """""'y (Han). 125 NCN "". JeIf s;"p (Suzt 2. Konny ..... (ICaw~ 3. Scott _ ( Y....); .. ) - . _ ( S u z t S....... e.m.(ICaw~ 2SO NCN, L Ken Simona (Han); 2. john Gnham ( - t 3. Chris KilmdiI (Yam); 4. AJ.vt 01Irien (Yam); S. Mid\ael Youns ea...- (Han~ 125 AM; l.Bra..n 8lmy (Hon); 1. Krvin Nowak (lYw); 3. Thom.. Honzilt (Kaw); 4. Denni. Robinton (Hon); 5. Erk s-twood (Han). 2SO AM I. _ _ (Kawt 2. Donny 01Cftlt (Han~ .. Ed (Sua); .. Kenny PIaaa (l<.>w~ 5. ...... Rauad> (Suz). CLCBY, I. Johnny Laurino (Hon~ 2. Weloy Phillips (lCawt 3. J - Squ..... (Han~" ...... Simpoon (ICaw~ 25+, I.)amos "-'Pltan (Suz~ 2.1...... Mdlv.... (Hant 3. /o1uI CuMIn (Hon); 4. Robm Federico (Hon); S. Scott Nicbnon ~ Sweeten sweeps Trail-Way 8T By Len Breech Photo by Ben Breech HANOVER. PI.. APR. 17 After the first two outdoor short tracks were postponed due to blizzards and rain, Trail-Way Speedway finally launched its 1993 season on a damp. cold and breezy night Bob Sweeten made it a memorable night by winning the 600cc A, 2.5Occ A and Senior classes on his seJf...ponsored machines. Tom Majeslci took the 750cc A class. while Kevin Vames inherited the win in the 600cc Pro final when Harold Dorsey had victory in hand only to step off in the final tum. Majeski swapped the lead with Sweeten in the 600cc A and Senior heats and looked 10 do the same in the 600cc A final, but a bad start put him in fourth behind Sweeten, Phil Libhart and Jad Franklin. The field quickly spIead out with Sweeten pulling away to a comfortable margin. In the latter stages, pressured Franklin for third, but Franklin held on by a 1ength. Sweeten again jumped out front in the Senior class, with Majeski close behind with Richard Foard and Lowell Wherley discussing third. Unlike the heats where he led several laps, Majeski didn't have his Honda as dialed in for the slick conditions in the final as Sweeten did. At the conclusion of the second lap, Wherley took over third, but Foard retook it two laps later. Sweeten ran off and hid from the 2SOcc A class with Roy Miller and John Winsett Sr. battling over second most of the way with Miller taking the spot Dorsey battled with Varnes for the lead at the opening of the 600cc Pro final, with Georgie Price, Mike Klopp and Mike Hacker fighting over third. After a few laps, Dorsey had a couple of lengths margin on Varnes and looked on his way 10 a win. Looks can be deceiving, though, as Dorsey was just starting to come out of the fmaJ tum when his front wheel washed out. This caused him 10 "step" off, giving the win 10 Varnes with Price a few lengths bad in second. Majeski put the Jim Chapman...ponsored Triumph in front of the 750cc class and pulled away for an easy win. Joe Gately held second while Randy Shank and NICk Taylor battled over third. That battle took them up 10 Gately and about the fifth lap, Taylor closed too fast on Gately, tapping him, and causing Taylor to slide out Shank easily got by Gately once he got his Harley rolling for second. The closest of the Amateur finals was the 200cc final, as Mike McKee took advantage of one of his main competitors, 8Scc class winner Tom Skethway, starting on the penalty line. On the third and official start, McKee took the lead, but Skethway was in a close second by the end of the first lap with Tim Russell, Keith Fitzgerald and Nathan Davis trailing. Skethway stayed 01) his tail until they came upon some lapped traffic in the closing laps, when McKee managed to increase his margin. Results 600 A: 1. Bob Sweeten (R1x): 2. Phll Llbhart (RIx); 3. Jack ITanIWn (Rtx);" Tom MajKId (Han~5. Shone -.yman (IUx~ 600 PRO: 1. Kevin Vama ~b:); 2. GeorJia Price ~IX); 3. ...... 1Clopp (Rtx~ 4. "ik< Hock« (IUx~ 5. ...... V....... (Yam). 65: 1. Corey Homes (Kaw); 2. BID Stillwell (Kaw); 3. Rob ReynoIcb (K.w); f.·Scott Moni!on (lC&w). 2SO k I. Bob Sw_ (ICaw); 2."'" Mil.... (Cas); 3. John S<. (Yam~ ......... -.yman (Yam). _ John Wu-tt Jr. (Y....t 2. ~ 11110 (Suzt 3. .....,. Eves (Yam):f. Nick Arment (Yam);S. Mib McKee (Suz). 600 k I. Andy Don (IUx~ 2. Tod T"" (Han~")ooGarl>ooId 2SO '" I. (Han~ 5S: 1. o.nny GuiM'ppe (yam); 2. Rob Reynolds (Yam); 3. JlonjamJn CIIooco (Y....~ .. Dusty Iliom (Yam~ 5. Brian I'lUIlIpo (Yam~ SIt I. Bob ........ (IUx~ 2. Tom ....... (Hon~ 3. RidoanI Foanl (IUx~" '-til wtom.y (Rtxt5. Jim Qoapman (IUx~ " l k I. Tom MajKId (Tn); 2. Randy Shank (H-~ 3. )00 e-Iy (Trl); 4. 8UI Allen (Yam); 5. Nk:kTaylor (Yam). :zoo: 1. Mike ~ (1c.w).; 2. Tom Skdhway ('Hoft).; 3. Keith A~ (Y....t 4. Tun R _ (Suzt 5. Nathan 130"'" (Cag)es: 1. Tom SRlhwa, (Hon); 2. Iloniild Mullen {Yam).; J. Paul An- (lIon);")oo Zydinoky (Han~ 5. ....... Mcfai-' (l<.>w~ &5 1-11: 1. R.obm Fundi (Yam); 2. TrWI'" Laird (Hon); 3. Aa........... (ICaw~ 4. Ron W..... (ICaw~ 5. Ctint 9woJy (ICaw~ IS U-IJ, 1. J-- _ (ICaw); 2. LouIa U,,",y (lion); 3. Cory WUIoy (Hon). 5/M1N1; I. RDbm F_ (Yam); 2.)-. Thomu (Kaw~ 3. LouJo u...Jy (Han~" Tyler Lain! (Yam);5. Oin'SJ>oa1y (l<.>w~ %SO C: 1. Tom Dixon (Hon); 2. Lee Tathan (yam): 3. Joe CDwd>mo (l<.>w~" IC _ (Han); 5. (Kaw). 2SO B: 1. Ray Stillings (Yam); 2. Jon Grant (Hon); 3. Rod Dan""" PumoII (ICaw~ >SO k I. JeIf Friaz (Han); 2. John Collins (Yam~ 3. To (Suz); 4. JeIf Lampo (Suzt s. Todd Gml..... (lion). 16-24: 1. Jaeon Dodd (Hon): 2. Lonny 8lacholf (Suz); 3. Jon Grant (Hon); 4. S9n AVeR (Suz): 5. Todd Cardner (Hon). :ZSO/125 BEC: l. }df Junk (Hon); 2. JtObat Mauro (lion): 3. Roby Fomby (Han);" SoUl!> (l<.>w); 5. Cary KuIJd< (Sua). 125 C: 1. JIIIOI'I Dodd (Hon); 2. Jason Brown oc.w); 3. Oint Frank (Hon); 4. Dan Fortin (Suz); S. Ronnie Webb (KAIw). 125 B, I. Lampo (Suzt 2. Lonny BOchoff (Sua); 3. Rod Furnell (Kaw): 4. Curtis}ohNon (Yam); So Mike Decker (1c.w). I2S k 1. Guy SquUo (Suz); 2. Guy AIltd RIpple (Yam); 2. _ ConklIn (Yam~ 3. Zad Marahall (yam); 4. Brandon Bonine (yam); 5. Wllliam Hic:b (Yam). US C: 1. Mike Wheatley (Hoa); 2. am. Miller (Suz); 3- MonhaD1Onldo (Suz);" Ryan Caul (Yam~ 5. ...... CiIeo (Suz~ Olkr I.)w~ 85 U~1S: L N"1Cholu Wey (ICIIw). S/MINI: 1. Randy Valade (Yam); 2. Ben Gnvn (Suz); 3. Zadt Mcllill (Suz~ as 7-11; L ,...,.. Woown (l<.>wt 3. ~ Woods (Hon): f. RAndy WoodfinS (Hon); S. Nick Var'JO (l<.>w~ 85 C: 1. Ouis 0cIwt (JCaw); 2. Brian StrlckUn (Suz): 3. Dive Redmond {yaml. 125 A: 1. Jay Wapw:r (Hon); 2. Rod MarthaD (Suz); 3. Clinton Moore (Suz). 2SO k I. G"S Fetguoon (Yamt 2. ..... MaJcoy (Yam). 125 B: 1. Justin Blake (lCAw). ]25 fR: 1.1U5ttn Blab (KJIw); 2. NichoW: Wey (Kaw); 3. Juon II«ldngton (Suz~" Chrio Jleddnston (Suz). +25: 1. Lany Witmer (Su%): 2. Matt Maley {Yam); 3. Rod ....nhall (SuE). 14-24 B: 1. Mike Aldrich (K.Iw); 2. Crq Ferpon (Yam); 3. Bryan Ripple (Hon): 4. Rk.k Harklnl (Yam); S. Todd Devries (Han~ 2SO HEAVY B: 1. Grq; Weyenke (Hon); 2. Paul Fortuna (Suz); 3. C. Sutherland (Hon); 4. Steve Mom. (Yam); 5. Mike JenJoa (Suz~ +30: 1. Lany WilmeT (Suz). _I. Dmny FaJuoon (JCaw~ V._ +50: 1. Robert I).,.,de" (Yam); 2. Todd Hut (lion): 3. Mike AJdrich (ICaw);" IUd< Hotldnl (Yam); S. Ryan (Yam~ 2SO HEAVY C; Ll.onNe)ewoll (lCawt 2. Gtq - (Yamt 35

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