Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 05 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eEVENTS e 125 BEG: 1. Jason 5turdinn (Suz); 2. Dnid Lodenneier (Hon); 3. John Schwindt (KIIw); (. Joe M.c:hado (Kaw); 5. Tim lJushmon (Han). 125 fR: 1. Carl Baker (Kaw); 2. Ian R.dich (Suz); 3. Ryan OunbCh (Suz); .. Sa>tt Do,", (Kaw); 5. CIInI WUIlo (Yom). 125 INT, J. Justin n••...,. (Hen~ 2. JUe WIndhom (Suz~ 3. Pot'-' (Hon); .. Jw); 5. 80 Riddle (Han). J2S PRo. L SNne &poo;to (Hon); 2. MId-' ......... (Suz~ 3. Sa>tt ...,..,. (Kaw~ .. Chrio .., .... (Han); S. Spud WoJ.... (Suz). . UTH JJ" J. RDd 0unIvent (Y...); 2. T. HoImeo (Suz); 3. Mik< (yam);" Shoun P...... (Suz); S. John"1hamp (Suz). UTH INT, J. au;, Radzinold (Yom~ 2. Mik< Johnton (Suz~ 3. P.u1 Bums (Y...~ .. Uny Smith (Yom); 5. Mik< Wnghl (Hen). 2SO BEG: 1. 0I!nnilI Smith (yam); 2. Chris Davidian (\'&11'I); 3. OM ~ (; 4. Mark ~W1 (Hon); 5.Ceoff Ruthe:r:furd (Y...). 250 JJ" 1. Wlllio IIw); 2. ..... Rldwdo (Y...~ 3. KitIg Eddie Staub (Yam); S. Howard Mintz (Yam). 250 INT, 1. Justin (Hon); 2. 80 Rlddlo (Hen~ 3. jdf WiIIoh {K>w); .. JUe W1ndhom (Suz); So Jooy Schultz (Yom). 250 PRo. J. Sa>tt Moyen (Kaw~ 2. RIck Ryan (Hen); 3. Spud Walten(Suz);4. ~Coupe(lion);S.Treavor M9gher (Yam). 500 AM J. Cmy Cail (Kaw); 2. RDd (Han); 3. ~in Creen (leaw); 4.. 0iI~ Westfall (lion); 5. ~ H&m.pton (HWI). 500 Pro. L RIck Ryon (Hon); 2. 0 . - BIoomf"ld (Hen); 3. Rich lltorwaldson (Han); (. run Oyer (lion); 5. Brian Simpson DwU_ oc.w);" c..s r......,. DwU_, (Suz~ VET JJ" L BiD JGsh (Han~ 2. John Cumminp (Suz); 3. Roble Huntoon (Suz); '-Jim Dunn (Yam). VET INr, 1. Do.w Montpnew); 3. Kmn C..... {K>w);" Guy Mom. (Yom); 5. Ed< MetaIf (Zun). VET PRO: 1. Jim Holley (Yam); 2. Dave Coupe' (Hon); 3. "ndy (Suz); 4. Sluort VopJ (Han); 5. TUn Dye< (lion). err JIC 1. Bob _ s.. (Y ); 2. 1<>< Holley (Yom); 3. Mik< Munch{K>w);4.l.any B..-(Y );5.R....uSmJIh (ICIM). or lNT: 1. rtm Ketcham (Kaw); 2. OIyton Rots (Sur.); 3. Bob Fobel (Hon); ~ Allen ...y (ICIM); S. Art HefJin (Han). WMN: 1. Teri Hansen (Yam); 2. Stacy Palmer (Yam); 3. /....... StepheN (K>w) 0.."""" Lou Gerencer Sr. grabbed some air on his way to a win at the Iron Horseman Hillclimb. spills held Fincher to an eventual fourth overall while Stuckey claimed the win. The hotly contested 12Scc B Stock division saw moto winners Danny Haynes and Lonnie Br:own crash out of contention, leaving Shawn Sewell and Jason Metz to fight over the spoils. Sewell came out on top via his 2-3 tally. A first moto spill held Jason Grier to a 7-2 score and third overalL Results 50 AUTO: 1. Wood (Yam); 2. bc:h RutJedge (Yam); 3- J2S, J. _ Oppolo (Han~ 2. Jw). :zso, I. Williun Ashley (Yom~ 2. Jw~ 3. O. lJouhbIeoto;n (11-0). Edwards (YH\); 4. Bob WCJ(IIdm (Yam); 5. Adam. LaskowsId (Yam). 65: 1. Auon LindKy (Kaw); 2. Tyson Hadsell (1C&w); 3. R.oNild Wilkes (Kaw); 4. Q\ad Albritton (Kaw); S. JOIh Faustino (KIIw). 815 (7-11): 1., Aaron Lindsey (Kaw); 2. Matt Walker (Kaw); 3. H~I (Suz.); 4. Jessie aaJiard (Suz); 5. Jorgthan Rhode. Tyson (Han). 85 snc (12·J3~ I. RJdw); 2. Shoe .....ley (Kaw); 3. o.rrm McElhattan (Hon); 4. Bubbi Woodholm (Suz); S. Anthony D'Amico (Kaw). 8S STJ( (1 ....15): 1. Scott PiNon (Suz); 2. Christophe' Bailey (KoIw); 3. RicMrd Hiers (KoIw); 4. Chad Murphy (Suz); 5. Eric Elam(Kaw). 125 sn:: (12-15); 1. Kenneth Jones (Han); 2. Billy Hlebak (Suz); 3. Billy Joe Wood (5\Iz); 4. Chri$topher &i1ey (Kaw); 5. RicNrd W.UKe (Jc..w). 125 MOD (12-15): 1. Kenneth Jones (Hon); 2. Jason Brown (Yam); 3. Billy Jot Wood (Suz); 4. Geoff Hardy (Suz); 5. Adam Hump"",,, (Suz). 125 C STK: I. Michael. D'Amico (Suz); 2. Jeff Ciese (Suz); 3. Marcus York (Han); .. Douglas W",bon (Han); 5. Joe RoWwt (Suz). 250 C STK: 1. MArcus Unford (Suz); 2. Bryan Smith (; 3. Rusty Roberts (Yam); 4. Todd Ritchie (Hon); 5. Bobby Richards (KAw). 125 B STK: 1. SIlawn Sewell (Suz); 2. Jason Hea (Suz); 3. Juon Crier (Hon); 4. Juon Benton (K.1w); 5. Danny Haynn (Kaw). 250 B STK: 1. Rod Stuc:kry (Kaw); 2. Jaml!!S Crier (Hon); 3. Wa~ Fincher (Kaw); 5. Roger Adami DAVid HensJee (lion); 4. (K.1w). 12.5 A STK: 1. Andrew Pene (Hex\); 2. ew.yne Bone: (lion); 3. Jonathan Blain (K.w); 4. Joey Hargrove (Hon); 5. Cary Kellum (Hen). 250 A STI(, I. Emle MJI4n (Han); 2. Dw'yn<: Ilone (Han); 3. DI~ Wilson (yam). WMN: 1. Cynth1a Coie (Sux); 2. Kimberly Sybert (Kaw); 3. Laurie Fitzpatrick (SuJ:); '- Kimberly Hinton (Han); S. Patty MIllan (Hen). • S/MINI; J. Sho Bentley {K>w~ 2. Mc£Iha.... (Han); 3. Bubbo Wood"'" (Suz); 4. T..,. Powell (K>w~ s. Sa>tt ...... (Suz). BID J. Rk"',," Thomu (Han); 2. 1<>< Wrighl (Hen); 3. /w); So Jim """'""'"' (Hon). Iron Horseman Hillc1imb win to Gerencer By Larry Witmer MIDDLEBURY, IN, APR.. 25 Goshen Iron Horseman held its opening hillclimb of the 1993 racing season and 95 competitors came out ready to attack the 17(}-foot hill. Louie Gerencer, Sr. was the quickest today, rid- ing in the Pro Exhibition class. Gerencer, like many of today's Pro riders, was tuning up for the upcoming National. Harry Denham put in a great ride. He jumped the pit bn his first run, came up just a little short, but still held the quickest time all day in the Open class. "Boy, I came down hard on my leg," said Denham. "I hope that time holds up, because I'm not jumping the pit next run." Chad Falde captured the 500cc class win and recorded the fastest time in the Amateur ranks with a 4.l11-second run. "I felt everything was going great," said Falde. "I knew I had a good holeshot and cleared the pit resulting in such a quick time." Resul18 34 MINI: 1. Anthony 'OreKut (Han); 2. Mark KdIy (Yam); 3. o..t_{K>w). Meyers untouchable at Silver State Motocross By Joan Tiearney CARSON OTY, NY, APR. 25 CPE/O'Neal-backed Scott Meyers mastered the second round of the CMC North Spring Classic in the 250cc Pro class. Yamaha-mounted Rick Ryan grabbed the holeshot followed by Dave Coupe and Scott Meyers. Meyers quickly motored into the lead while avoiding a first-turn pileup involving Kenny Lash, Pat Gomrn and Chris Barker. The second lap freight train continued with the 18 Pro class riders, and it was clear that Meyers was aiming his Kawasaki for the win around this technical track. Close behind was Ryan, Coupe, Michael Brandes and Rusty Holland. Ryan chased Meyers lap after lap, but Meyers had all the lines and wasn't giving an inch to Ryan. Coupe settled in for third, while Spud Walters and Michael Brandes battled for fourth. Holland and Meagher were riding in fifth and sixth, respectively, by the midway point. Stamina would be the key. When the checkered flag carne out, it was Meyers on top. The runner-up was Ryan, while third place went to Walters. Coupe ended up fourth and Ho11and fifth. Moto two saw Meyers out front again with Coupe, Ryan and Walters in the hunt. On lap two, Ryan passed Coupe and then stalked Meyers for the next four laps, but it was to no avaiL Walters made a move on Coupe on. the sixth lap to take over sixth. Riding in fifth position was Treavor Meagher. Local favorite Chris Barker was down on his luck after being involved in a pileup in the first moto and having a midpack start in moto two. Barker moved his Honda into seventh. The I-I moto finishes turned in by Meyers gave him the overalL while Ryan finished second overall via a 2-2 tally. Walters' 3-3 earned him third overall, while Coupe's 4-4 gave him fourth. In the 12Scc Pro class, Honda rider Shane Esposito used a 1-2 score to take the overall vietory. Michael, who finished sixth in moto one won the second, claimed the runner· up honors. Results .50: 1. fmuny Hazel (yam); 2. Eric PUI'IOI"I (Yam). 60: 1. Dustin Mil'er (KAw): 2. Jimmy Hu.eI (Kaw); 3. 0uUeI Becker (Kaw); 4. Tommy Jones (Xaw); 5. Cory Kruel (leaw). 80 BEC: 1. Evan laughridge (Yam); 2. Monty Merrithew (Suz); 3. "'""" "'sW (Suz); 4. Kylo Cud.... (Kaw); S. Thomu C_(Hon). eo (9--11): 1. Justin ScuUen (leaw); 2. Nathan rllNlTleY (Hot\); 3jbNny)ones (Hon); 4. Tommy /a< M-._). Lane, Anders on top again at Lake Whibtey Cross Country By Mark Childre LAKE WHl1NEY, 1X, APR.. 18 KTM USA/MSR/DwaIube/Trick/KTM of Fort Worth-backed Dean Lane dominated the Pro class ranks, while Kawasaki·mounted Tracy Anders scored the Expert class overall victory by a small margin at the fifth round of the Texas Cross Country Series at Lake Whitney Cycle Park. It was the damp rocky bluffs overlooking the Lake Whitney MX track that provided most of the challenge. The left-hand sweeping starting area was utilized with over half the MX section being run backwards, which allowed riders to spread out before hitting the woods leading onto the rocky bluffs. The course incorporated two tricky, steep uphills for spectator and rider entertainment. At the end of the loop, riders reentered the MX track with a short tabletop and a fast left sweeper. As the pros charged to the first tum, it was Oay Hoenshell demonstrating his motocross prowess with a holeshot and a stylish pass through the MX section. This section was trivial for Hoenshell, who has motocrossed at Lake Whitoey many times, but that's where it ended, as Hoenshell had little-to-no practice on the rest of the track. Lane moved up from his fourthplace start to challenge Hoenshell early in the first lap and Steve Mack was right there for the show. "I thought, 'This is great, a front row seat' I never get to watch Dean and Clay race," Mack said. Mack stayed within striking distaoce, while Lane and Hoenshell battled. Hoenshell's unfa· miliarity with the track eventually cost him, and Lane took over the front position. Then a flat tire on lap four and the subsequent time-consuming wheel change put Hoenshell's race on hold. Mack kept Lane in sight for the first half of the seven-lap race, but Lane eventually began to pull away, finishing with a two-minute advantage. Mack maintained a three-minute advantage over his closest competitor, Scott Stidd, to take second. Hoenshell struggled to get back into fifth behind fourth place finisher Steve Reavis. Tracy Anders, competing in the 250cc Expert class, pulled the holeshot in his class, but trouble on the opening lap put him in the catch-up mode. "I was overcharging the track early on and over-ran a tum. Guess I just had a fade. That mistake put me near the back of the pack," said Anders. Erik Nielson and Adrian Jacobs pulled into the front two spots, while Anders struggled to move into third by completion of lap one. Anders made his move in lap two to regain the lead with Jacobs securing the number-two spot From that point, Anders built an insurmountable lead, finishing nearly two minutes ahead of Jacobs. While Anders margin of victory in the 250cc ranks was wide, only IS seconds adjusted time separated him from Over-30 Expert rider Danyl Smith for the overall win in the amateur ranks. Mark Childre finished third overall and second in the Over-30 class, some some 20 seconds behind Smith. Results PRo. 1. 0 - ...... (I(lM); 2. ..... Mod< (lfon); 3. Srow); .. Todd Cleo... (lCtM); So JoMny t..m.noe (Hen). 250 EJ(, 1. T _ Andt-rI (K>w); 2. Ad_ J""'" (Yom); 3. .....1 Show (Yom);" Jooy em.... (Yom); So Eric _ (Yom). 2llO EJ(, 1. Rondy SoW)'"' (Kaw); 2. Tom Roblnoon (K>w); 3. Mark Wan (Yam); '- Darryl Pritchett (Kaw); 5. Neil Oe¥uher (K>w). 125 EX: 1. Olive- 8I!!netiI (Hon); 2. Tod M)'I"I'S (Hon); 3. Glen BoydI(Y...~4./>1mle~(Han);5.>-phHousI30+ EX: 1. D.tnyl Smith (Yam); 2. M.rk Oilldre (K1M}; 3David Culpepper (Hon); •. Robert CaliesOl (lCAw); 5. G~ EdgeriDn (Han). 3B+ EJ(, J. ........... (Hon); 2. Skip W.... (KIM); 3. f.dd;o GilIlo (Han);" Don _ (Hon). S. RIck Ilillh>uoe (K>w). 45+ EX: I. Sonny Truitt (Yam); 2. Gene PUU1e.D (; 3. BiD FJeming. Sr. (Yam); 4. Loyd Morgan (Yam); S. Dive Burnap. 250 INT, L - ' y AhJmon (Suz~ 2. ....hen )ones (K>w); 3. Sa>tt Haq>w);2. Coylo (Yom);3. Bob IlolWd {K>w);" Kony ...... {K>w~So _ ~ (K>w). f-STRK: 1. David Culpepper (Hon); 2. Lorenz WI.1.kiMon (Kaw); 3. Brad Ohlemeier (Hon); 4. David Siano (Hua); 5. CDurtney Chriotlon (Hon). AM 0/A: 1. Frank Frazier (Yam); 2. Eddie Linn (I(Iw); 3. Kevin Virgil (IUIw); 4. Cal Burch (Hon); 5. Tobt Fiek (Sur.). OPEN AM 1. Cal B_ (Hoo); 2. Bmy Duelng« (Hon); 3. Paul Otto (KTM); ft. Donald Nlcho'-on (Hoo); 5. D.avid Mapla (I(lM). 250 AM: 1. Prank Frazier (Yam); 2. Kevin ViflU (Xaw); 3. David Knier (KAw); 4. Robert Andrew. (Kaw); 5. Blake SUva (Yam). 2llO AM 1. Eddle Linn (K>w); 2. WI1&w~ 125 AM: 1. Tobi FiB (Suz); 2. OwIr. Mayne (Kaw); 3. Ray w....... {K>w);" RkIwd Duz (Hon); 5. Cros Plpplno (Suz). 30+ AM: 1. Charlft Fulton (KTM); 2. Kkk Ha.1ey (yam); 3. Allen Forsythe (HuI); 4. Randy Laza (Hon); S. John Eulnaer (lion). 38+ AM: L Ray Cripp (Kaw); 2. James DeJam9tt (kaiw); 3. • Wayne WillIamI (lCaw); c. Mary Ballard (lCaw); 5. John [)ems (K>w). 4S+ AM: 1. Ted K.erico (Hon); 2. John Dlvenport (; 3RIck Longfonl (Y...~ .. Joe Bri..... (KIM); 5. Bud _ (Hen). MINI EX: 1. Robert Scherer (Kaw); 2. 80 e..ur (Kaw); 3. jbNny Smort (Kaw~ .. Mod W.... (Hen). WMN EX: 1. Serina OeJameatt (Yam); 2. Mandl DeJamatt (Yun); 3. Cynthia Wuks (K.&w); 4. Cayle Culpepper (Yam); S. LaW'a Hancodt (lCaw). MIN1 AM: 1. Br.nnon (; 2. Shane Cove (Kaw); 3) - . ChiI< W.. E..._ (Yom); So Eric IliIlhouoo (Kaw). WMN AM: I. Leslie F'UU'IepI\ (Han); 2. Shawna Ralls (leaw); 3.Kmti {K>w); .. BodtyV,"ghn(Hon~S.)o_ (Hen). BEQ 1 yden _ (KIM); 2. TUn F1Wop (Hon); 3.l'oul MiLu {K>w~ .. Bony _ (I(lM); 5. CMIin v_ (Hon). on Pfetzing flies at Costa Mesa Speedway ByM.Sober COSTA MESA, CA, APR. 23 Former British Speedway League regular Robert "Tj\e Gater" Pfetzing lived up to his nicknamt> by taking the Scratch main. But the Handicap main was another story as Brad Oxley, once again, took the top finishing position. The Sidecar main event went to the duo of Peter Lewis and Jamie Macy, while the Support class speedway main win went to Kelly Bennett. On a night when the crowd was being treated to a rare return to the States by America's premier world class speedway specialist "Sudden" Sam Ermolenko, it was Pfetzing who managed to pull off the night's finest ride in the evening's most prestigious race. Ermolenko, who appeared on the track nine times due to having to transfer to the regular program, as well as, appearing in multiple match races, drew the inside pole position in the main event but was out-gated by Pfetzing, who started in lane three, and Brant, who came out of two. Pfetzing's start was flawless and he set a pace that Brant, on the inside, nor Errnolenko, on the outside, could match. Oxley was the fourth participant in the run and was bringing up the rear until moving up to third as "Sudden Sam" suddenly hit the deck in tum four of the second lap. To his credit Ermolenko got up, remounted his bike and entertained the crowd of 4500 with spectacular whee1ies, as he finished out his laps in fourth place. Pfetzing held off the charges of Brant and won by four bike lengths. Oxley moved up to finish a close third. The Handicap main is soon going to have to be called the Brad Oxley Invitational. Oxley finished atop the night's busiest event for the second time in four events this season. Oxley started the race next to Bobby Schwartz and Mike Faria on the 50 yard line. In between 3O-yard sitters - Andy Northrup and Donnie Odom - were Charlie Venegas, ErmoJenko and Brant Odom was the first to run up front, closely followed by Venegas, Oxley and Faria, while Ermolenko spun on the outside. Odom looked flawless for six-plus laps, while Oxley displaced Venegas in the bridesmaid position. Faria remained a single bike length to the rear of Venegas in third, leading fourth place Errnolenko by a breath. The white flag lap saw Oxley make his move, as he passed Odom for the lead while being pressured by Faria. Oxley had but a turn to go and he had his second win of the young

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