Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 05 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"I got trapped behind a lapper and he passed me on the inside," said Shimp. "I was considering letting him win, but then I thought about the way he was riding and decided that he would do enough winning of his own in the future so I just pinned it over the last jump for the win," said Lewis. The second moto saw a repeat of the first, with Shimp out front for most of the moto, only to surrender the lead to Lewis as they worked through lapped traffic. Lewis scored the overall win while Shimp finished second and received a roar of praise from the crowd. CN Results SATURDAY • MINI STK: I.Garth Milan (Hon); 2. Brad White (Han); 3. Ryan Orr (Han); 4. Chris Scott (Han). MINI MOD AMA: I. Tony Alessi (Kaw); 2. Donnie Luce (Han); 3Shannon Hoole (Suz). MINI MOD, 1. Eric Taddeo (Han); 2. Bobby Langm (Kaw); 3. Tom Hoole (Hon); 4. Mike Hanley (Hon); 5. John Killian (Kaw). If-200 NOV, 1. Andy Kyler (Han); 2. Kirk Hoeppner (Han); 3. Jack Roten (Hon); 4. Chuck Burnett (Han); 5. Craig Ball (Han). If-200 INT, 1. Dirck Saver (Han); 2. John Killian (Kaw); 3. Chris Bergstrom (Han). 250 NOV: 1. Mike Seeley (Han); 2. Mark Kaiser (Han) 3. Kirk Hoeppner (Hon) 4. Robed Sch.oops (Han); 5. Shannon Hoole (Han). 250 INT: 1. Willy Galinato (Hon); 2. Dan Waller (Hon); 3. John Killian (Hon); 4. Tony Segals (Han). 250 EXP: 1. Brian Raleigh (Hon). 350 NOV: 1. Shawn McKenney (Hon); 2. Brian Roch.litzer (Han); 3. Kerry Bryann' (Suz); 4. Andrew Meyer (Suz). 350 INT, 1. Donald Lieb (Han); 2. GraigCook (Suz); 3. Jeff Atkins (Hon); 4. Scott Rayvon. 350 EXP: 1. Mike Bell (Yam.); 2. Daniel Sanchez (Hon); 3. Scott Bell (yam); 4. Mark Olson (Yam). 500 INT, 1. Scott McKey (ATK). +30 D1V ~ 1. David Sh.eets (Han); 2. Kirk Hoeppner (Han); 3. Robed Sch.oofs (Han); 4. Gary Zweifel (ATK); . 5. Mike Curtis (Han). +30 DIV H: 1. Marc Prince (Hus); 2. Mike Dougherty (ATK); 3. Dean Hopkins (Han); 4. Randy Lester (Yam), 5. Paul Ikeda (Hon). +30 INT: 1. Jonas Gaaf (ATK); 2. Keith Fearing (ATK); 3. Skip Cristy (ATK); 4. Tony Segale (Han); 5. Douglas Cave (ATK). +30 EXP: 1. Trary Hrach (Hon); 2. Bill Barlow (HD); 3. Michael Burgett (Hon).. +30 PRO: 1. Willy Musgrave (Ave); 2. Rockel Rex (Kaw); 3. Bob Rutten (Hon); 4. Mark Miller (Han); 5. Chuck Miller (Hon). +40 NOV: 1. Ron Griflo (Hon);2. Barry Mayer (Hon); 3. Ron Gomez (Han); 4. Guy Dickett (Han); 5. Oave Brosius (Hon). +40 INT: 1. Dewey Seaver (Hus); 2. San WaJler (Han); 3. JeU Larsen (Han); 4. Karl Scanlan (Han); 5. Mark Obert (Hon). +40 EXP, 1. Tom White (Hus); 2. Daniel Sanchez (Han); 3. Jack Roten (ATK); 4. Gary Davis (Han); 5. Chuck Koislta (ATK). OPN NOV: 1. Marc Prince (Hus); 2. David Boyd (Hon); 3. Dean Hopicins (Han); 4. Andy Kyler (Han); 5. Mike Dougherty (ATK). OPN tNT: 1. Eric Torkko (Hus); 2. Scott McKey (ATK); 3. David Glass (Hon); 4. Willy Galinato (Hon); 5. Dave Westfall (ATK). OPN EXP: 1. Charlie Morris (Han); 2. Brian Raleigh (Han). OPN PRO: 1. Willie Surrat (Hus); 2. Terry Pawlet (HUB); 3. Willy Musgrave (Ave); 4. Brett Bierek (ATK); 5. Don Greiwe (ATK). FLATTRACK NOV: I. Joseph Roberts (Yam); 2. Jerry Young (Rtx). INT: 1. Rick Schroeder (Yam); 2. Mickey Alzola (Tri); 3. David Leton; 4. John Dupree (yam); 5. James Judd (Yam). VINTAGE SINGLE: I. GaryDavis (BSA); 2. John Killian (Mai); 3. Mark Obert (Hon); 4. Ken Neal (H"'!) 5. Mike Ryan (Tri). TWN: J. Larlcin W;ght (Tri); 2. Tim Henry (Tri); 3. Myron Lapka (Tn); 4. Chris Coon (Tri). . +30 TWN, 1. Bill Barlow (H-D). DUAL SPORT 0-250 NOV, 1. Fred Nelson (Suz);2. Gary Obom . (Han). If-25O INT: 1. Dave Dahner (Han). 251-500 NOV,!. Bret Lee! (Han); 2. Brian Richard (Suz); 3. Mark Barlow (Yam); 4. Jay Dombrowski (Suz); 5. Jim Bacon. £: 251-500 INT: 1. Larry Larson (Yam); 2. Joe Meyer (Suz). 251-500 EXP: J. Tom White (Suz). SOt-OPN NOV: 1. Jeff Benda (Hon); 2. Loren Bjorkman (Yam); 3. Todd Behllngs (Kaw); 4. Jeff Jerzog (Kaw). S01-0PN INT, I. John KHilan (Han) 2. Tom Thomsen (Han); 3. Damon Powell (Han). SOt-OPN EXP: 1. Bob Rutten (Hon); 2. Michael Burgett; 3. Chuck Miller (Han); 4. Jimmy Lewis (yam). CONV NOV, 1. Gary Zweifel (ATK); 2. Andrew Horton (Hon); 3. Ron Griffin (Hon); 4. Rick Smith (Han); 5. Steve Mizrahi (ATK). CONV INT, 1, Sk;p Cristy (ATK); 2. Steve Brunelle (Han); 3. Mark Smith. (Han); 4. Dewey Seaver (Hus). CONV EXP, I. Tracy Hrach (Han); 2. Mike Bell (Yam); 3. Brock Suter (ATK); 4. Scott Bell (Yam); 5. MarJe. Olson (Yam). +40 INT: I. Larry Langley (Han); 2. Ron Gomez (Han); 3. Ken Neal (Hon). SUNDAY MINI STK: 1. Jimmy Lewis (Hon); 2. Jonathan Riders aboard dirt track machines showed up to race in the IT classes. Rick Schroeder (~) won the Intermediate class. Shimp (Hon); 3. Garth Milan (Hon); 4. Milc.le Odom (Hon); S. Jay Spratt (Suz). MINI MOD AMA: 1. Tony Alessi (KXR); 2. Tim Hoole (Han); 3. Gary Martini (Han); 4. Erick Fekkes (Hon); S. Jonathan Shimp (Hon). MINI MOD: 1. Eric Torkko (Hon); 2. Ray Groom (KXR); 3. Scott Murphy (Suz); 4. John IGlllan (KXR); 5. Bobby Langin (KH). If-200 NOV: I. Andy Kyler (Han); 2. Tim Hoole (Han); 3. Eric Alloy (Han); 4. Randy Lowen (Han); 5. Chuck llumett (Hon); 0-200 INT: 1. David Sarian (Hon); 2. Chris Bergstrom (Hon); 3. Eric Fekkes (Kaw). 250 NOV, I. Micky McGruder (Hon); 2. Mike Seeley (Han); 3. Nick Wukmir (Hon); 4. Joey So.. (Han) 5. Shannon Hoole (Hon). 250 INT, 1. Lex Malan (Kaw); 2. Troy Kalina (Hon); 3. Shannon Eunoce (Han); 4. Jeff Blackmore (Han); S. Ray Groom (Han). 250 EXP: 1. CharUe Flippen (Han). 350 NOV, 1. Scott Murphy (Hus); 2. Chris Alamangos (Suz); 3. Brenl Itzaina (Suz). 500 NOV, 1. Jimmy Roberts (Han); 2. Steve aark (HUB); 3. Pete Vetrano (HUB). 500 PRO: J. Buddy Antunez (Suz); 2. Jimmy Lewis (KTM). +30 NOV, 1. Mike Dougherty (ATK); 2. Karel Kramer (Kaw); 3. Randy Lester (Yam); 4. Craig Mitchell (Han); 5. Douie Delatorre (HUB). +30 tNT: 1. Mark Duval (Suz); 2. Ron Lawson (HUB); 3. Man: Prince (HUB); 4. R;ch.ard Arnold (Han); 5. Keith. Fearing (ATK). +30 PRO: J. Willy MUBgrave (Ave); 2. Robert Weber (Hus); 3. Rex Staten (Kaw); 4. Scot Harden (KTM); S. Bob Rutten (Hon); +40 NOV: 1. Rick Sowma (Han); 2. Mark Danies (Hon); 3. Vic Curti (Hon); 4. Ed Ellis (Hon); 5. Billy Jay Ydian

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