Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 05 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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lier in the race when he caught me," Biaggi said, putting the blame to the tires. "The tires, as I expected, after such a long race, started to go off towards the end of the race when the bike was sliding around quite a lot." . The difference between the Japanese and Italian machines, according to Ruggia, was out of the corners. "Acceleration, especially on the small curves in the back of the course," the 27year-old Frenchman said after finishing less than .2-of-a-second behind Biaggi. ''The Aprilia is better, but still not like the Honda. I said yesterday that we are closer to the top. What we need is just some more top speed and a!=celeration, but I'm very happy with my first podium with Aprilia and with the work we're doing to improve." After completing the first lap in 12th place, Lucky Strike Suzuki's John Kocinski knew he had his work cut out for him. Knowing that he had to pass on the brakes - the Suzuki is well down on top end speed to the rest of the field Kocinski forged his way into fourth on the 11th lap, but couldn't cut the deficit to Ruggia, despite riding on the ragged edge. "I rode as hard as I could and kept the pressure on. I've seen a lot of guys make a lot of mistakes and that was what I was hoping for. I didn't have enough motor to do otherwise," Kocinski said. After struggling to qualify 10th, Kocinski had his crew fit the front fork from the 1992 machine which gave him much better feel But they had to guess on settings and he knew it would be an uphill battle from the third row. "There was no time to test the settings. We didn't know anything about which race tires to use, which fork set- tings, which suspension. It was just a big guess," he said. The guess paid off and he was about 11 seconds in front of HB Honda's Helmut Bradl at the end. Bradl had been in a scrap with teammate Doriano Romboni, and Exact Software-IX Sports Wilco Zeelenberg early on, before pulling well clear to finish fifth. Both he and Romboni were trailing Loris Reggiani on the second lap when Reggiani fell and their evasive maneuvers caused them to lose touch with the front-runners. "When Reggiani crashed, I had to avoid a part of his fairing and later another rider's tear-off visor got caught between my right hand and the brake lever," Bradl said. Zellenberg took sixth, Okada moving up to seventh with three laps to go after getting pushed off the track by another rider on the first lap. "I tried to stop when the bike went off line, but I failed and simply went onto the grass. I had a lot of work to do, but it was not so difficult overtaking so many riders," Okada said. CN Results 12See QUALIFYING: 1. Dirk Raudies (1:51574); 2. Kazuto Sakata (1:51.593); 3. Ralf Waldmann (1:52.025); 4. Bruno Casanova (1 :52.566); 5. Takeshi Tsujimura (1 :52.643); 6. Fausto GresinJ (1 :52.684); ? Masafumi 000 (1:52.765); 8. Carlos Giro (1:52.809); 9. jorge Martinez (1:52.959); 10. Oliver Koch (1:5:1.998); 11. Noboru Ueda (1:53.051); 12. Hem Torranteglll (1:53.069); 13. Oliver Petruccianni (1:53.125); 14. Giovanni Palmieri (1:53.206); 15. Akira Saito (1:53.259); 16. Ezio Gianola (1:53.296); 17. Peter 0ettI (1:53.429); 18. Haruchika Aoki (1:53.577); 19. Loek Bodelier (1:53.745); 20. Mail< Stief (1:53.746); 21. j. Robadan (1:53.747); 22. Kinya Wada (1:53.860); 23. Luigi Ancona (1:53.997); 24. Stefan Kurfiss (1:54.017); 25. Julian MiraLles (1:54.083); 26. Manfred Baumann (1:54.155); 27. E. Cuppini (1:54.418); 28. Arie Molenaar (1:54.476); 29. N';I Hodgoon (1:54.519); 31J. Hans Spaan (1:55.119); 31. Stefan Prein (1:55.324); 32. J. Cardoso (1:55.377); 33. Manuel Hernandez (1:55.571); 34. Lucio CeccJUneilo (1:55.670); 35. Stefano Caracchi (1:59.231). 2SOcc QUALIFYlNG, 1. Tetsuya Harada (1:45.762); 2. Jean Phillippe Ruggia (1:4~.099); 3. Musimiliano Kevin Schwantz won his 21st career GP and moved to within four points of Rainey. B;aggi (1:46.278); 4. Loris Capirossi (1:46.289); 5. Loris ReggianJ (1:46.322); 6. Doriano Romboni (1:46.438); 7. Pierfrancesco Chili (1:46.608); 8. Tadayuld Okada (1:46.947); 9. Helmut Bradl (1:46.968); 10. john Kocinski (1:47.167); 11. Wilco Zeelenberg (1:47.220); 12. Alberto Puig (1:47.257); 13. jochen Schmid (1:47.378); 14. Luis D'Antin (1:48.164); 15. Nobuatsu Aoki (1:48.327); 16. Adrian Bosshard (1:48.391); 17. jurgen VD Goorbergh (1:48.433); 18. Paolo Casali (1:48.501); 19. Eskil Suter (1:48.638); 20. Andy Preining (1:48.1l36); 21. jean Michel Bayle (1:48.9~); 22. Frederic Protal. (1:49.041); 23. Gabnele Debb.. (1:49.165); 24.juan Bof)ll (1:49.175); 25. Carlos Cardus (1:49.245); 26. Bernard Haenggeli (1:49.374); 27. jurgen YO Goorbergh (1:49.392); 28. Luis Carlos Maurel (1:49.849); 29. Bernd Kassner (1:50.199); 30. Alessandro Gramigni (1:50.213); 31. Noboyuki Wakai (1:50.684); 32. Volker Bahr (1:51.374); 33. A. Sirera (1:51.510); 34. Maaaimo Pennacchioli (1:52.852); 35. Jean Pierre jeandat (1 :54.344). 500cc QUALIFYlNG: 1. Kevin Schwantz (1:44.459); 2. AI.. Barros (1:44.974); 3. Wayne Rainey (1:45.192); 4. Luca CadaJora (1 :45.666); 5. Dou8 Chandler (1:45.676); 6. Alex Criville (1:45.753); 7. Mick Doohan (1:45.805); 8. N;all MacKenzie (1:46.911); 9. Shinichi ltoh (1:46.962); 10. juan Lopez Mena (1:47.136); 11. Daryl Beattie (1:47.213); 12. Mathew Mladin (1:47.5n); 13. john Reynolds (1:48.006); 14. Renzo ColleonJ (1:48.034); 15. Tsutomu Udagawa (1:48.047); 16. Laurent Naveau (1:48.268); 17. jeremy McWilliams (1:48.496); 18. Lucio Pedercini (1:48.641); 19. Thieny Crine (1:48.818); 20. Sean Emmett (1:48.936); 21. Michael Rudroff (1:49.096); 22. j. D'Orgeix (1:49.239); 23. jose Kuhn (1:49.319); 24Carlos Catalano (1:49.366); 25. Serge David (1:49.594); 26. Kevin Mitchell (1:49.642); 27. Andreas Meklau (1:50220); 28. S. CrMar (1:50.485); 29. C... Ooorakkers (1,50.843); 30. jean-Luc Romaneans (1:51.813); 31. Bernard Gancia (1 :51.975); 32. Alann Scott (1 :52.426). USee GRAND P1UX: 1. Kazuto Sakata (Hon); 2. Rolf Waldmann (Apr); 3. Takeshi Tsujimura (Hon); 4. Herri Torrontegui (Apr); 5. Noburo Veda (Hon); 6. Oliver Petrucciani (Apr); 7. Jorge M:artlnez (Hon); 8. Oliver Koch (Hon); 9. Luis Ancona (Han); 10. PeterOetll (Apr); 11. Stefan Kurfiss (Apr); 12. Neil Hodgson (Hon); 13. Julian Miralles (Hon); 14. Kinya Wada (Hon): 15. Stefan Prein (Hon); 16. Manuel Hernandez (Apr); 17. Hans Sr.aan (Rum); 18. Lucio CecchineUo (Gaz); 19. Haruchika Aoki (Hon). TIme: 43 min., 17.138 sec. mstaner. 23 laps, 63.07 miles. Average SJ'"Od' 67.426 mph. Margin of Vic:lot'J" 0.602 sec. Fastest up' Ralf Waldmann. 1:51.989/88.152 mph. 250cc GRAND plU)(, 1. Tetsuya Harada (Yam): 2. Max B;aggi (Hon); 3. jean-Philippe Ruggia (Apr); 4. John Kocinski (5=); 5. Helmut Bradl (Hon); 6. Wilco belenberg (Apr); 7. Tadayuki Okada (Hon); 8. Doriano Romboni (Hon); 9. Jochen Schm;d (Yam); 10. Loris Capiross.i (Hon); 11. Luis 0' Antin (Hon); 12. PierFrancesco Chili (Yam); 13. Adrien Bosshard (Hon); 14. jean-Michel Bayle (Ar); 15. Andy Preining (Apr); 16. Frederic Protat (Apr; 17. Juan Borja (Hon); 18. Eric Suter (Apr); 19. Bernard Haenggeli (Apr); 20. Gabriele Debbia (Hon); 21. Luis Maurel (Apr); 22. Volker Bahr (Hon); 23. j.V.D. Goorbergh (Apr); 24. A. Sirera (yam). TIme: 48 min., 22.519 sec. m.loner. 26 laps. 71.298 miles. Average Speed' 92.245 mph. Musin of Victory: 4.717 sec. Fastest Lap: Tetsuya Harada 1:46.303/92.867 mph. SOOcc GRAND PRIX: 1. Kevin Schwantz (Sux); 2. Wayne Rainey (Yam); 3. Alex Criville (Hon); 4. Michael Ooohan (Hon); 5. Luca Cadalora (Yam); 6, Daryl Beatlie (Hon); 7. NlaJl Mackenzie (Yam); 8. Iuan--Lopez Mella (Yam); 9. Sean Emmett (Yam); 10. Tsutomu Udagawa (Yam); 11. Carlos CataJano (Yam); 12. Luigi Pederctni (Yarn): 13. Renzo ColleonJ (Yam); 14. Jooe Kuhn (Yam); 15. 5erJle David (yam); 16. Cees Ooorakkers (Yarn); 17. Kevin Mitchell (Yam); 18. Andreas Meklau (Yarn); 19. j.D Orgeix (Yam); 20. Bruno Bonhuil (Yam). Tlme: (7 min., YJ.627 sec. ' Distance: 27 laps, 74.04 miles. Averase Speed: 932]0 mph. Margin of Vic:lot'J" 1.864 sec. F..tesl up' Alex Barros 1:44.659/94.326 mph. 12See WORLD CSHIP POINT STANDINGS (After 4 0114 rounds): 1. Kazu\O Sakata (85); 2. Dirk Roudies (75); 3. Takeshi Tsujimura (55); 4. Noburo Ueda (43); 5. (TTE) Ralf Waldmann/Herd Torrontegui (41); 7. Masafumi 000 (26); 8. (TIE) Akira SaitolJorge Martinez (22); 10. Oliver PetruccianJ (20): 11. Fausto Gresini (19); 12. Oliver Koch (17); 13. Haruchika Aoki (16); 14. Luis Ancona (14); 15. Kinya Wada (U). 2SOcc WORLD CSHIP POINT STANDINGS (After 4 of 14 rounds): 1. Tetsuya Harada (95) ; 2. Tadayuki Okada (55); 3. (TIE) john Kocinski/Nobuatsu Aoki (49); 5. Max Biaggi (47); 6. Doriano RombonJ (43); 7. (TIE) Hel~ut .BradllJean-Ph~l~ppe Ruggia (36); 9. Loris CaPU'OSSI (28); 10. P.F. Chili (23); 11. Carlos Cardus (18); 12. Wilco belenberg (15); 13. jochen Schmid (13); 14. Luis 0' Antin (11); 15. Alberto Puig(9). 500cc WORLD CSHIP POINT STANDINGS (After 4 of 14 rounds), 1. Wayne Rainey (90); 2. Kevin Schwantz (86); 3. Daryl Beattie (59); 4. Alex Cnville (48); 5. Michael Ooohan (35); 6. 5hinichi !loh (32); 7. Alex Barros (3IJ); 8. Doug Chandler (28); 9. Niall Mackenzie (26); 10. Luca Cadalora (19); 11. Mat Mladin (13); 12. juan Lopez Mella (11); 13. (TIE) Sean Emmett/T. Udagawa/Laurent Naveau (to) 17

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