Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 03 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1991 KTM 125 EXC, bought n_ Nov. 1992, less new, hurt knee at tennla, all lights, papers, aCC8ll8Ories, fast. Sacrifice $2,300. Might deliver. (2m 442-6078, (217) 442-4113. CA. (110) !han S houts, like Trade CR For XR Will trade '87 CR500 for a XR600. So. Cal. (909) 678-1821. CA. (110) WANTED: KNIGHT ROTAX frame or complete Knight Rotax 600. (317) 435-2626. IN. (110-11) 1977 YAMAHA RD400 parts, all kinds of parts. (110-11) (909) 681·2383. CA. 1990 HONDA CRSoo, excellent condition, rode about 7 limes, been in garage, Nohlln SIJSp8IlSlon, $3,000'000. (909) 681·2383. CA. (110-11) 1977 YAMAHA RD400, show or race condition, has TZ engine, super fast, $2,5001000. (909) 681·2383. (110-11) CA. Motoliner Frame Bench Swedish built frame straightening system: repair most frames. Save totals, increase service depart· (110) ment profits. Eves, (206) 486-8392. WA. RESULTS Arenacross WNC Agricultural Center Asheville, NC Jan.n·23 By Barbara & Loren Williams FRIDAY SO jeffrey JioIds == TOlIlIll{Gibson 657·1 Allen McLauglilin J.R. Car1er OuisIq>her Heath O. Srott Smith ~JioIds Paul Justus )effrey Ryan ~Ba"", Martin Pence ~~McElrath jason V,nhorn 48 WilliES P.U. customized, too much to ust, sell $9,000 or trade for bike of equal value (over $16,000 invested). A real eye catcher (707) 7620674. CA. (1101P) Liquidation! Factory parts and accessories, huge discounts at Burbank Yamaha, 1801 West Burbank Blvd, Burbank, CA 91506. (818) 845-8738. CA. (210) For Sale: Leathers Dalnese 1piece, great shapel $3S0; Fox 1piece $100; will ship anywhere in U.S.A.; will fit person 8'0', 1851bs. (608) 524~81. CI. (310-11) 1986 KX60 $600. 1984 KX60 $400. Both have hand savers. Tonica, Illinois. (815) 667-4784. IL .(310) Mugen Parts Mugen kit for CR125. Mugsn shock for CR250. Call (310-11) Jason (909) 873-2042. CAN. WANT TO RACE CHEAP? This is it. Honda CBR6oo, widen Kosman rims, oil cooler, ex1ra frame, extra fairing, too many lIems & extras to list Very fast & dependable, $2,3001000. Call for details. (310) Will ship. (310) 947-9628. CA. '93 ATK 605 EFt Factory MX Ty Davis factory racebike-$S,9oo. (801) 292-nS1. (310) UT. 1993 RS125's Includes spares. Other models available. Also TZ2S0's, RS2S0's and exotic parts. Call World (110-12) Cycles. (408) 475-8588. CA. Japanese 250 Exotics 1991 Suzuki RGV250. 1991 Honda NSR250R. Both in excellent condo Sarious Inquiries only. (408) 423(110-12) 5463. CA. Brad Edwanls Trent Bowung John Thompson Eric Barnes SCHBY Timmy Briggl Michid PlOt Michael Lambert Karl Hall )ason fllliey I2SA MiJce Brown elon J(evin W lima-. Todd Ileu1idc J2SB =~ Priiz David M'1d1aeI1lri3alI1 J(evin !impson 125C )am!s Smallwood Tyler Carr DaooCullon MarltMuncy Shane Foo< 12SD ~Meodlod: flJlUllYjole XaroasSmitt !lonilld LanIord Jr. 2SOA Shal~ Templelon MiIceBrown fun a-. J(evin Walker Todd Ileu1idc 2SOB John SIlarpe Bobby Liridsa Rodney Srott y Oavid Cauthen Jared Oecamps l50C DavidCultan Kirk Grar:,an BiIlyT" T""l' ker ~5mith EupNorton TlIIlOlhyOark 1992 KTM 500SX Srott Oavis Excellent condition. Some extras. $3,200. (80S) 87Hl779. CA. (010) WiUiamHowerton Bobby Davis 2S+ RockWood ICerry jones Slher Heath J.R.CWr o.nid EdwanIs jmnVanhom Qlad EdwanIs JeIIHebeI SCHBY ~~ J-FinIey Jell Hebel CDrdell i:lBrown MiJce Shane T ""pleton Todd8oMick Kevin Walker William Wilson IlSB Jimm~rill&' John rpe Chris Guinn TenyWare Shane JenIcins IlSC Craig Bultrrbaugh Shane Fox ~Can J Ward David Cullon 1250 Slq>hen Mayo fonmyJones =~ Manley Iliadshaw 2SOA Shane Templeton fon Cl>tosbi Todd Bennid< J(evin Walker MiJce Brown 2SOB $a John9latpe David Caillhm 2SOC =wanb 1lIyan Smith Furman Par10n JellTomJinson 2SOD JeIIVeoIq james Smallwood Euga1e Norton TanyR!lode Srott Davis lStA KenyJoros James HaY" ~Lamb RiClmnT_ IS CIO'_ 1:t..... "'floodRllq 13 =_CIO ---,p;;j, g:.=,.. 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Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801 24 HR FAX or order line (charge orders only please) (310) 427-6685 Name Address State City Payment methocI: Zip 0 Check or 0 Money Order, (so~, no CODs) Charge my 0 VISA 0 Mastercar (SS.oQ minimum for charge orders) Cardholder's Name Kaw Kaw Han Credit Card Number Yam Kaw Kaw Fine Art Prints _ _Supercross at $99.00 _ _Isle of Man at $99.00 _ _Daytona 200 at $99.00 Hon Hon Yam Kaw Miscellaneous _ _CN 2"x4" Patch at $1.50 _ _MX Cat Comic Book at .75_ _ _ _Team Smitty Comic Book at $2.95 _ _ _Cycle News Stickers Exp. Date Hats _ _Cycle News at $9.95' . 250 PRO Crai~Smith . ~~ '*-"* oa._ _ TOll' PanlIrId CIIt Phone ( _ ) 500 PRO OPEN John Flores "'RIlq llI'opTOo Yam Kaw Yam 5uz JI» IC TTl'" Bell --_ -. _ ~ 657·11 ADVERTISERS INDEX e Send results of races ASAP after the event to : Results, Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498. Results should be ~ewrilten or printed legibly, and include e type of event, name of race track, city and state where located, date o·f event, name of person sUbmitti~ the material, the lop five finishers in ea class, and the brand of bike each finisherrode. at 2 for $1.00 T-Shirts _ _Cycle News at $11.95 (Size: M _ L _ XL_ XXL _ ) _ _Team Smitty at $11.95 (Size: M _ L _ XL_ XXL _ ) Total CA res. add 71/4% sales tax LA County add 81/4% sales tax Shipping and Handling included _ _ Foreign orders add $15 Shipping/Handling L ___________________________ ~ ~ Order Total 75

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