Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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'91 GSXR 7/11 Guik Shop Expert SUspension Service 20 years experience in both front and rear suspension tuning Beginner to Pro Level • SHOWA • OHLINS • White Power • KYB Large selection of vintage Husqvarna parts. Dealer Inquiries Welcome Buy the Original M,S, Racing. ·ISDE Pro· Gortex Jackets all sizes - redlblue limited quantities CBIlNow[ ONLY $159,95 •••• THE COMPANY For Change ••• (Perfonnance Change) ~lon 91-92 750 crankshaft $120, clutch $85, cylinders $IZ0, alternalor $60, slarter $35, fool control assemblies $45 each, front master cylinder $85, Instrument assembly $175, calipers $45 each, electnes, controls. -88-89 750 swingarm, carbs, brakes, controls, triple clamps. '91-92 1100 stock exhaust, conttols and master cylinders, carbs, etc, Call Dave (914) 623-5446. NY. (310) J All Major Credit Cards Accepted Riverside. CA 92504 • 90 FZRl000 & 91 FZR600 PARTS. FZR1000 motor $1.200. Rear wheel assembly $220, clutch mlc, fool control, swlnllarm, hand conlrols, carbs. 91 seat subframe, cylinders, seat. 'FZR600. Wheels $120 each, front rotors $75 each, swlngarm $150, forks $90 each, 4 piston calipars $50 each, generator, carbs, electrics, controls, engine covers. CaU Dave (914) 623-5446. NY, (310) GSXR 750 & 1100 Parts UPS Daily! 1st and 2nd Day Air Available Malcolm Smith Motorcycles. 7563 Indl~na Ave WMe & blue, 39mm Kethins, staJnlees brake ""-, poiished frame, cabie clutch, sportmax GP'., Kevlar pads & clutch, stainless duplex Yosh plpa with car, bon fiber canister, race wired many extras, never raced, $8,200 firm, (201) 684-5044. N.J. (310-13) (909) 687-1300 TIres & Chains $5 to $101000, ,....".k:....... -Sat. 9 a m - 6 P m PST Chain sizes: 525, 420 and 428, 90 to 11 0 links. Hres: knobby 19' and 17", trail tires 19', street tires, 17", 18", and 19". Over 100 tires and 1000 chains. Must sell entire inventory. Brent (818) 280-3977, home (818) 335-7774. CA. . (310) We STOCK the COMPLETE line of VM(round), TM(flat), TM)«('D' flat), RS, and "rMS cams. All carbs can be PREJETTED for Easy installation. Moto Martin CBX 1982 Very rare, 6 cylinder, Honda powered. European exotic. 4,800 pampered miles. Featured Motorcyclist magazine 'Powers of the Poconos' and CBX club cover bike. Best of show winner. $12,500, (401) 334-7733. RI. (310-13) Don't get caught short f Simple tunirlQ changes can lead to significant povver increases! W"e stock a /argB selection of JETS, NEEDLES. SLIDES. and PARTS for all MIKUNI ancJ KEIHIN Carbs. '91 YZ 250 18' wheel, skid plate, Ig tank, Noleens suspanslon, well malnt., sparky, $I,950/obo. (805) 269-5044. -erJ:::;:~/o..:;::"::r"c::',':::;'I:nTV CARELIRETOR p~W~ ~~~~ W-LL v ~ v~. r.:2 7~'> sc. 0f-I44'12S .5.:2'-'- 7 .5~~ DeeIer. '... ~ ~~ FOR SALE 1990 KX500 KAWASAKI, excellent condition, desert·tank. Moose flywheel, FMF pipe. SA Pro silencer, skid plales, and guards. $2,250. (707) 253-8502. CA. (310-11) Wanted: Flattrack Bikes Complete or rollers. Prefer champ., redline, trackmaster, Yamaha YS750 twin but consider all. Also wan I 250cc f1attracker. Will trade 1989 Margay enduro racing kart, best parts, worth $2,600 and 1991 Cannondale Mountain bike, brand new, worth $1.200 for flattrack. Also consider BMW trades, Iers deal. No junk, Jeff. (219) 486-3293. IN. (310) InvIaecI 1991 Honda CR250 ~~~~~~O~Send~ Peak bike, blue/white, aluminum tank, 19' rear wheel, pipe, suspension, bars. etc. Very fast, $2,250. (310) 31EH:i580. CA. (310-11) C.""?511501_ 180 CBX Sport Kits $350 ~~r''IV~~~~ Fay Myers Honda. Denver, CO. (303) 74-HONDA (744-6632). CO. (210-12) SS.oo. A_/....-yl99J. Q Send c.tolIloz; 115 Street 116 color ~~""".- ....uct is d1edt fOr $3.00. iket. tndo5ed fo< H"Ieys" vcil#bk AoiIrrdl J 993 Q Send c.QI~'14 W.tera.. ft 36 '89 Yamaha FJ-1200 Low, low miles, Impeccable, $4,5OOIobo. (818) 2257785. CA. (310-12) Brand New RZ350 ~J:~y.~p~~. EncIoRd Is dwck (or $1.00. Eoch c."!!>g IncI..... SS.OO Discount COUpon Against Next 1985 Yamaha, can ship, '001847, $4,000. Sieve (510) 798-2580. CAo (210-12) Order. Wanted: Honda Four-Trax 70 (714) 692'3404 White BrM., 24845 Corbtt Pl., YorbillInda, CA 92687 Runaround lNith' a fast Any year, will pay cash. For desparale little boy. Call my Dad. Daytime (310) 942-3030, night (310) 493-6198 (Craig). CA. (510ItFN) BOULDER YAMAHA Parts • Accessories • Service Tolal Eng;n. Se~ FZR Parts in Stock I ; Visa. Mastercard t • Discover· American Express • 800 788-8393 F~ 303 440-0059 , ' Ford Box Van Graman box, new 460 rebuilt C~. water tank. compressor, generator, work bench. everything new or rebuilt. $10,000. Dana or Jim Wiggins. (909) 792(01M') 7873. CAo 1991 KAWASAKI ZXl1 NINJA, 4,000 miles, like new, senior ridden, garage kept, $6,600. Ask for Eddy (502) 443-7352. KY. (310-11) FZR400 Exhaust Pipe Yoshimura, used 1mos.. like new, $100. Call after Sp.m_ (518) 561-8613. NY. (310) 2 '92 Kawasaki 125 Dirt Bikes •• RA(IN~ &.FUEl:-== #1 in the Baja 1000 Av.i1.bleat: DZUS 1/4 Tum Fasteners SpecTape Premium Duct Tapes 708-437-0671 74 Arizona (602) 680-0012 Baldwin Park, CA (818) 962·2451 Honolulu, HI (808) 373-2322 Visalia, CA (209) 625-2900 Inglewood, CA (310) 678-6811 san Bernardino, CA (909) 883-8891 san Pedro, CA (310) 548-6874 Ventura, CA (805) 648-2000 Van Nuya, CA (818) 786-8180 san Fernando Valley (818) 289-8521 Norwalk, CA (310) 864-1741 $2,300 and $2,400 or both for $4,300 (805) 3999337. CA. (310-11) New and Used Bargains Riding gear, panls, bools, helmeL leathers, goggles, etc. Tires, tubes, pipas, chains, etc. $5 and up. Call Bob (714) 979-3137. CA. (310-11) '87 QUAD YAMAHA 100 MOTO 4, excellent condi· tlon, $750. (805) 485·2964. CA, (310-11) Honda CX500 Turbo New wheels, two gas tanks, complete bike, 3,150 miles. Needs work. $750 firm. San Francisco. (4151 863-5573. CA. (310-11 1976 Suzuki RE-5 Mint Only 2,021 miles, purchased from original owner, must sell, $2,1931obo. (206) 265-2919. WA.(310-11) '83_'84 KTM 4-Stroke Frames, tanks, seats, and related parts. Call Bob (714) 979-3137. CA. (310-11)